Reborn Farmer's Field

87. Persuasion

Entering the room, Geng Lianhua was lying on the kang, her mouth was full of bubbles, her face was sallow, and her eyes were long gone.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Lan was shocked when she saw her mother's first face, and she was so thin.

Zhang Weiguo, who came back from carrying water, sighed and said, "Sister, mom is inflamed. A few days ago, my mother went to my fourth aunt's house to deliver some seafood. Our fourth aunt is really rich. Her family is rich. Why are you showing off in front of our mother? This time, I'm so stunned

After Zhang Lan's careful inspection, it turned out that her fourth aunt saw that her mother had gone and showed Geng Lianhua what she had saved. The cloth alone is a box, socks, gloves, autumn clothes and trousers, and the food and cloth tickets are not old or young. Geng Lianhua thought that his sister could give her half of the pieces, but she didn't expect that she would pack it up and didn't even see the hair. If she didn't come back, she became angry, and it became

Zhang Lan saw that her mother was like this, and she was also distressed. "Mom, can you get angry with her? If you don't give it, you won't give it to her. We haven't survived the poor life. Don't get angry. When your daughter is rich in the future, I'll buy it for you.

Geng Lianhua struggled to sit up from the kang and said, "Alan'er, my mother is not angry about how many things there are, but angry with your aunt.

You said that she also knows the situation of our family. If you don't give me half of it, your mother won't make any choice, but she knows that our situation is still showing off in front of my eyes. Do you think I can't get angry? We are still sisters. She is cruel enough. Alas, it's better to have

Wang Qian understood that her grandma was angry with her aunt, and it was also true that in such a situation, her grandma would not be her grandma if she was not angry.

"M grandma, those pieces of cloth are nothing. When I grow up, I'll buy them for you. But the premise is that you have to take good care of yourself. When the time comes, we will see that our aunt doesn't like it. Let's take the money to smash her this time. I will specially change it into five cents for you. If you take five cents to smash the old lady, we can also relieve our anger. Don' Our good days are yet to come. You wait for your granddaughter to earn money for you and buy you delicious food in the future. If we have nothing to do, we will take the delicious food to the street and glamp with those old men and old ladies.

After saying that, he also touched Geng Lianhua's real sallow face with his little hand. Grandma, you have lost weight. What a pity.

A little doll coaxed an old lady. Zhang Lan looked so strange, but maybe Wang Qian's words moved the old lady. Maybe she saw her daughter and spit out what was in her heart, and she was not depressed. Anyway, at this time, Geng Lianhua felt comfortable, and even her stomach, which had not eaten much for several days, began to protest.

"Daughter, let's cook. Mom is hungry."

The old lady knows that it's a good thing to be hungry. Zhang Lan came down to cook happily, Zhang Weiguo helped to burn the fire, and Wang Qian sat on the kang with the old lady.

Talk to the old man. Wang Qian is the best. She used to talk to her with her, "Grandma. Today we came here with tender bran rice. You can try it later. I went to the river to catch crabs today. I'll cook it for you in the evening.

Wang Qian chattered there, and the old lady listened with a smile on her face.

Zhang Weiguo felt funny when he listened to his little nephew's nagging on the kang in the kitchen. When you talk about such a bigger person, he said everything he said and picked up the adult's words, but looking at my mother's happy appearance, his depressed mood for a few days finally improved.

"Sister, if only you had come earlier. Look at Qianqian. You just told our mother. Tut, my little niece is not simple. I don't have that ability."

Zhang Lan said with a smile on her face, "Little brother, I didn't know that your nephew could speak so well. You can't stop your mouth until now, but our mother is better than anything else. Let her say it. I guess I'll be tired later."

Wang Qian on the kang said that her mouth was dry, " Grandma, I'll bring you something good to eat."

After saying that, I climbed down the kang and touched the basket they brought for a long time. In fact, I took a few cucumbers and a few tomatoes from the space. Without washing it, I wiped them directly and handed it to the old lady. "M grandma, it's delicious. I'm sure you like it."

Geng Lianhua looked at the cucumbers and tomatoes in her granddaughter's hand. She reached out and took a tomato. She couldn't let it go with a bite. "Um, it's delicious, sweet but not sour. It's good. It's really delicious. Is this your family?"

Wang Qian nodded and continued to eat cucumbers, otherwise her throat would almost touch. When a cucumber fell into her stomach, she felt much better. The old lady also gnawed tomatoes fiercely. The more she ate, the more delicious it became. "Jianqian, you live with grandma's house for two days, and let your mother go back by yourself tomorrow

The old lady only found out today that she was happy with her little granddaughter. What the child said seemed to be inadvertent, but it made sense to think about it carefully.

Wang Qian also has this intention. If she stays here for two days, she can sell more things, which can also dispel the old lady.

The unique fragrance of fresh corn has come from the kitchen. "Sister, I'm greedy for this smell." Zhang Weiguo couldn't help drooling.

Zhang Lan looked at the first glance with a smile, "Wei Guo, you can eat this rice today. We have taken a lot, which is enough for us to eat. Alas, when it comes to gnawing rice, I remember my childhood. Mom, do you remember how did the scar on my chin come from?

Zhang Lan asked in the inner room in the kitchen, how could Geng Lianhua not remember?

sighed in the room, "Mom, why don't you remember? You didn't eat that year. You cried because you were hungry. Mom can't take you to the bracts to eat the bracts. Seeing the green people coming. You fell to the top of the root in fear. Alas, now think about it at that time

Wang Qian listened to her grandma's words and thought it should be three years of natural disasters.

"Major, look at whether our life is getting better than before, so our future life can only be better than now. Don't ruin your body for that worthless fabric and socks. In the future, we should wear better clothes. We don't hesitate to wear those floral cloths, and we can't catch my aunt. It has been rotten to the bottom of the box for a long time.

Wang Qian gloated at this time. After ten or eight years, that thing was really worthless, and no one wore it, which made her grandma sick.

Geng Lianhua knows that the child is comforting her. In fact, now she also understands that she is the best. If she is poor, she is poor. It's not a shame. Why do you have trouble with yourself? Even the people at home get angry.

"Jianqian, grandma figured it out that with you people, my happy life is still in the future. We don't care about them. There is a sea in the evening. Grandma will take you to the sea.

In addition to the bubble in her mouth, the old lady's heart is so bright that she can go down when she is full.

Zhang Wan had to rush home when he got off the boat, and his wife fell ill. He was afraid that his son could not stand it at home alone, but when he arrived in the yard, he smelled the familiar fragrance, and there was a child's voice in the room. Well, this is the daughter's return. I can't help sighing that it's still her daughter's filial piety. She must have rushed back with her child when she knew that her mother was sick.

When Zhang Lan saw the old man coming in with his back, she quickly stood up and said, "Dad, I'm waiting for you to have dinner. Weiguo, let's cook."

The sister and brother brought the food up, and Zhang Lan cooked a large pot of river crabs. I stewed a plate of carp, mixed a small cucumber, and picked up the bracts. The staple food is bread.

Zhang Weiguo went to the inner room and brought wine to his father. The old man had no other hobbies, so he liked to drink a sip of wine at night. That can also relieve fatigue.

"It's so rich. It's better than other people's food. I have a good drink today."

The master opened a river crab. It was a male, but it was very fat and the meat was fragrant. "It's delicious. You can also try it, my wife. It tastes really delicious."

The old man personally took a big crab for the old man, and Zhang Weiguo ate the rice first. He used to eat it, but he didn't care enough. Today, he must have eaten enough.

Wang Qian has a small appetite. It's almost enough to eat some vegetables after eating half a spike. Now although she doesn't deliberately control the amount of food, she still doesn't want to grow up and become a big fat man.

Geng Lianhua ate a lot at night, and the cold dish basically made her wrap it alone. She gnawed a scoop of corn, ate a piece of cake, and added some crabs and fish. At this time, her stomach was full, and she was full of energy. Several people looked at the old lady's amount of food. Everyone knew I'm afraid it's withdrawn.

The old man took a sip of a little wine and said, "Daughter, if you come back early, your mother doesn't have to suffer these sins. Alas, old lady, why can't you see us at this age? Well, don't go in the future. Your fourth sister is the same virtue. If you go less,

The old man also dared to say this today. They didn't dare to mention this in the days when the old lady was ill, for fear of getting angry again and getting worse. What should they do if the illness gets worse?

Geng Lianhua put down her chopsticks and looked at Zhang Wanyou with a smile. "Old man, I want to open it. In the afternoon, my granddaughter advised me. She also said that when I have money in the future, I will change it to a five-point steel rafter to smash my fourth sister. Ha ha, The nose is crooked, Qianqian, let's throw it together then.

Several people laughed and said, "Qianqian, you can come up with this idea. I guess your aunt would rather smash her nose crooked than you smash her with steel. That's money. It's not old or young."

The people here will never think that steel 㤤〓 is no longer useful in the future, but at this time, steel 㤤〓 can still buy a lot of things, at least a good piece of sugar for a penny.

Zhang Weiguo gnawed the five ears of rice and finally couldn't eat it anymore. "Oh, the rice is really delicious, but it's a pity that I can't eat it anymore."

The old lady looked at her son and said, "Stupid boy has never seen you eat rice like this. Be careful not to hold on. Go out for a walk later."

Geng Lianhua is still reluctant to let his old son suffer. He is hungry, but it's not good to eat too much. "Mom, I'll go to the sea with my sisters later, and I'll go to prepare something."

The old man's meal is also full of wine and food. "Old lady, you should also go out for a walk. It should be uncomfortable to lie down all the time. Let's go. Let's go slowly first, and the child can be kicked out later."

Zhang Wan had no reluctance to let his wife get sick. When he saw that he was in good spirits, he simply took her out for a walk. Most of his asthma was gone.

Zhang Lan quickly packed up the table. Zhang Weiguo took the only electrical flashlight at home. The sister and brother fell in love with the basket. Wang Qian carried a small basket and followed the two of them. Many people had finished dinner and came to the gate to enjoy the cool. The elderly man still held a banana fan in his hand and faned the wind to drive .

Seeing that Lao Zhang's family has been dispatched collectively, everyone is also greeting one after another. It is close to the seaside, so it is also convenient to catch the sea. Few people will rush to the tide at night. It's too late to see clearly. Besides, there will be tide tomorrow morning, and it's not too late tomorrow morning.

In Wang Qian's opinion, people are in a good state of mind now. That kind of contentment and happiness is the most vivid performance of this generation of people. Therefore, even if there is a shortage of doctors and medicine, people rarely have those strange diseases. First of all, it has something to do with the pollution of the environment. What's more important is people's mentality, peace of mind, and all diseases will naturally not invade.

Several people were not in a hurry. They just walked like this. Geng Lianhua came out to breathe and felt refreshed. "Old man, I've worried you two in the past two in the past two days. Why am I in a dead end?"

Zhang Wanyou knows that his wife should be strong and straightforward, but as the old saying goes, "Old lady, it's good to think about it. What can she do if she has money? She won't spend it for us. What do you want in front of her? Let's live ours, and she's hers. That's it. Don't go to that uncomfortable anymore. It's serious to keep us and live a good life.

When they arrived at the seaside, the tide was just about to regress, and the reef had not been fully exposed, so they could only walk slowly along the beach.

Wang Qian was the first time to go to the sea at night, so she was a little excited and a little mysterious. She pulled her mother to slowly start walking along the beach. The slow sea breeze blew head-on, which also took away the heat of the day and the heat of her heart. At this time, the mother and daughter stepped on the soft beach with The weather is warmed by the sun. The seaside is quiet, and no other sound can be heard except the sound of the waves hitting the reef.

"Sister, the tide is ebbed" Zhang Weiguo shouted at the mother and daughter in the distance, and the two quickly gathered together to the old couple. Although it was very late, the moon was very bright. Zhang Weiguo had turned on the flashlight, and the soft light shone on the sea.

Wang Qian heard the rustling sound from the beach, "Mom, what kind of sound is this?" Her skin feels like goose bumps. It sounds a bit like the sound of silkworm gnawing leaves, which makes people feel numb.

Zhang Lan estimated that her daughter was a little scared and said with a smile, "Silly daughter, look at the light. Isn't that the sound of crabs walking? Hurry up and put some in your jar, and when you go back, your mother will go out to sell with you."

Knowing what the sound was, Wang Qian also became bold. Saying that there were so many people next to her, everyone began to pick up the crabs that crawled towards the light into the basket.

She directly collected it in a tank full of seawater. While no one paid attention to it at night, she collected it in the space. According to her grandma's words, the people at the seaside are not very rare about this thing, and the food of every family is not enough. At most, eating this is to eat fresh food, and it can't be used People prefer it.

Thank you for the pink cast by suky107 children's shoes. Today, I will add a thousand words. Thank you for your support for 99.

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