Reborn Farmer's Field

88. Why don't you divorce

"Mom, how are you feeling? If you are not feeling well, go to the shore and wait for us."

Zhang Lan was a little worried that the old lady's health could not stand it. As soon as she got up, she began to rush to the sea. Don't get sick.

"Mom is fine. I feel good. Besides, it can cool down and feel better here. Tomorrow, you can leave Qianqian for me and let your daughter accompany your mother for two days. When someone passes by, I'll ask someone to bring it to you."

Since my mother cares about her children, Zhang Lan didn't stop her, "All right, mom, let Qianqian spend more time with you here, and your grandparents and grandchildren can still be companions at home."

When everyone filled the basket and the crabs were almost caught, Zhang Weiguo also picked up some seafood from the reef for Zhang Lan to bring back tomorrow.

On the way back, even without a flashlight, the family returned with full harvest and took advantage of the moonlight.

In order to be afraid that the crabs would run away, the old lady poured them all into the basin and found a broken fishing net to cover it.

At night, the mother slept in Zhang Weiguo's mosquito net. The old couple slept in the big mosquito net with their son. After being tired for a long time, the mother and daughter soon fell asleep.

The next day, Zhang Lan went back with something early in the morning, leaving her little daughter still sleeping there.

"Jianqian, get up for dinner."

Wang Qian rarely slept in for a lazy night's sleep. When Geng Lianhua called her to get up for dinner, she was already on the sun.

After washing, she began to eat. She found that she hadn't seen it all night. The blisters around her grandma's mouth had begun to disappear. The old lady's spirit was completely different from yesterday's. Looking at her grandma, who has regained her former glory now, Wang Qian also felt gratified, "Opa, what do you

The old lady said with a smile, "After that, grandma will take you to the seaside to catch something, pinch some crab sauce for your mother, and you can eat it when you come back."

In her previous life, Wang Qian saw that there were crab sauce sellers in supermarkets and streets, but she really didn't know how to do it. This time she could learn from her grandma.

The grandparents and grandchildren packed up and began to go to the sea. Today, they mainly catch small crabs. The locals call them Shi Lengzi, which are hidden under the reef, so it doesn't take much effort to catch that thing. Wang Qian also picked up a lot of soft skins, which are the crabs that have just changed their shells. It's not small, but it's soft all over, a bit like a soft-shelled egg. This time, they packed it with a poke. When it was almost full, the old lady picked up some seafood and went home to feed chickens, ducks and geese. Wang Qian picked up a lot of snails and spicy snails at the reef. When she met kelp and wakame, she also picked up some and planned to dry them so that she could take them home to eat.

As for the sea cucumber, of course, she won't let it go, and she expects it to nourish Zhang Lan's body. But now is not the time to eat. When winter comes, her mother can take supplements.

"Grandma, if you meet sea cucumbers in the future, you can pick up more and go home to dry them, so that you can keep them for my mother's health. You and grandpa should also eat more. This is much better than eating good food. You must remember it."

For fear that the old lady would not understand, she had to move out what Hongmei's mother said. I told Geng Lianhua.

This is the first time the old lady has heard this sea cucumber so magical. "Cianqian, today is also the first time that grandma has heard that sea cucumbers have such a great effect. In the future, I will ask your grandpa and uncle to pick up more. Your mother has a grandma there. You can go around and have a look. Pick up more, and grandma will dry them for your mother when she goes back.

When the old lady knew that this was good for her health, she paid attention to it. They didn't have much of this thing at the seaside, and everyone didn't like to eat it, so she secretly made up her mind to come and pick it up every day, so that she wouldn't have to take medicine in the future

However, only Geng Lianhua believes in the little granddaughter. If this is left on someone else, who will believe what a seven-year-old child said?

Wang Qian searched a lot in the distance and picked it up a lot. If she couldn't put it down, she received it in the space. He planned to go back to wash it in the sun. The weather is so good that it is estimated that it can be dried in a day.

The grandparents and grandchildren went back to get the sea cucumbers and basked in the sun, then took out the steamed soybeans from the pot, loaded the small crabs and soybeans on the trolley, took a clean bucket and a cooking broom alone, and took Wang Qian to the place with a millstone.

The place to put the grinding disc is in an open-air place, which is not far from her grandma's house. There is no one there today.

Geng Lianhua took a bucket of water from the neighbor's house next to her, cleaned the grinding disc, then poured the soybeans and small crabs on it, and let Wang Qian watch. She came to push the mill.

Only when there were crabs running down, Qianqian took the broom and swept it back. She followed Geng Lianhua. After the roller was crushed, when the soup was about to flow down, Wang Qian took the broom and swept it in. Those were all crushed juices of crabs and soybeans, which were good things.

When everything was crushed into paste, the old lady swept everything into the bucket with a broom. "Okay, go home and put less salt and wait for it to be distributed. Is Qianqian tired?"

Wang Qian didn't feel anything, but when she saw that the old lady was so tired that she was covered with sweat, she shook her head and said sadly, "M grandma, take a break first. We'll leave later. You can see that it's all sweat."

Take the handkerchief she brought over to wipe the sweat on her grandma's face. The old lady is still very considerate to her little grandson.

"Oh, in-laws, what are you doing?"

A little old lady came from the distance, but Wang Qian knew who she was by looking at her appearance. She looked so similar to her aunt, and she all looked like a thin face.

Although Geng Lianhua was dissatisfied with this in-laws, she still said, "I don't have some crab sauce. What are you doing?"

"Alas, what can I do? Your grandson is greedy for snacks. I'm going to the supply and marketing agency to buy it for him. This little girl won't be Zhang Lan's daughter, right? Look at the beautiful and make you like it."

Since Wang Qian knows who the other party is, it is not easy to pretend to be mute, so she can only ask others to "hm grandma". *Remember the fastest and latest text version update of the school*

The little old lady smiled and said to Geng Lianhua, "This child is good. He can distinguish the generation. It's good."

However, although Wang Qian heard the old lady praise her, she always felt that there was no feeling in her eyes. Although the other party was laughing, it was just a pile of skin on her face. It was not the kind of smile from the heart. Such a person could not be made a judgment to the old lady in her heart.

Seeing away the smiling in-laws, Geng Lianhua also smiled helplessly. If her son hadn't taken a fancy to his daughter, she wouldn't have married such a person in her life.

The old lady's wry smile Wang Qian naturally saw it in her eyes, "Grandma, don't pay attention to her. The more you get used to such a person, the more you have. Let her go. No matter how close your grandson and my uncle is with him, his surname is still Zhang. If she has the Uncle looks like that, hehe, I guess his son will become like him in the future. You can live a good life. Don't you have a little uncle at home? Comrade Zhang Weiguo won't let you down.

Geng Lianhua was still a little disappointed in his heart, but he was relieved by being teased by his granddaughter. Yes, the child can see it clearly. Why is he still suffering here? He can't find himself uncomfortable.

Geng Lianhua figured this out and couldn't help pinching her granddaughter's tender little face with a smile. "Little girl, who knows everything? Who teaches it? Even adults can't understand it."

Wang Qian can't say that she is already an adult, and she looks at other people's faces growing up. She can only smile and act cute. "Dad, isn't she smart? Smart people can see through at a glance, so I can understand."

Geng Lianhua was completely amused by her. "Well, our Qianqian is a smart child, and she will be more careful in the future. Don't let your family bully you again." Speaking of the Wang family, Geng Lianhua sighed heavily, "What do you want me to say about your milk? It's outrageous when I'm young, and it's getting more and more excessive when I'm old."

She still didn't know that her daughter almost died at their hands. Everyone had been hiding it from her, so Wang Qian didn't make a fuss, but she was very interested in the nonsense of her family.

"M grandma, what did I do when I was young?"

The old lady is also full of resentment when talking about this in-laws. "It's just your milk, I don't tell her, but also a grandson. Why doesn't she bring you? You don't know that your eldest brother hasn't brought her milk for a day since he was born. Alas, it's piti We have to bring our own food. Your milk is really poisonous. When your mother went to work, it was your uncle who went to help him. When your brother was separated from the milk, we would take him over to take him. However, when your uncle went to help your brother, he was often bullied by your uncle. Even I wanted to beat him. He was raised by poor people, so he became like that.

When the old lady said that her son was bullied, she hated his teeth. Wang Qian didn't know that there was such a thing at the beginning. "Madam, why didn't you let my mother divorce my father at that time, so that my mother wouldn't be bullied in front of my milk."

Wang Qian is no longer the original Wang Qian, so there is no burden to say this, and it is also a matter of fact.

Geng Lianhua touched her granddaughter's little head. It seems that the child is still young. "Silly girl, you think the marriage is so easy to divorce. Not to mention that your mother and your father still have feelings, it is difficult to find a young man after divorce. It's not so easy for this woman to enter a family and It's involved in the middle. You can't let the child have no father. Let's take a step back. In addition to listening to you and their words, your father is generally a good person. Just treat your father to us well. I can't let them divorce. Otherwise, where will grandma go to find such a well-behaved granddaughter

I saw the news about the Ya'an earthquake today, shed tears, and pray for those who have passed away and are still alive!