Reborn Farmer's Field

124. Zhongzi Dance

In winter, there is basically nothing to do in the production team, even if there is work, just find a few people to do it. The members had nothing to do, and the team began to organize various production teams to start the loyalty dance.

As soon as the loudspeaker on the mountain rang, the members of each production team were gathered in the courtyard of the production team to dance the loyal word dance together.

When Zhang Lan received this notice, Wang Qian was also around. Two days ago, she went to the city to sell everything in the space. She had nothing to sell for the time being, so she had to stay at home honestly. Besides, it was too cold outside, and she didn't want to go out of the house at all.

I heard that she is really interested in picking the loyal character dance. I don't know how this dance is danced, because she is very strange to hear this word.

After lunch, Zhang Lan led her curious little daughter to the production team. Wang Qian is now fully armed. The adults can dance and move outside. The children are different, and they have to freeze when standing outside.

With groups of three or five people on the road, Wang Juan's voice came from the distance. Her mother turned around and it was really her. Wang Juan and Wang Zhenhai rushed up from behind.

Seeing the little niece beside Zhang Lan, he asked with some surprise, "Sister-in-law, why do you let your child come out on such a cold day? What if it freezes out?"

Zhang Lan also knew that her sister-in-law was right, but she couldn't stand her daughter's soft and hard bubbles. She said helplessly, "Sister-in-law, you have to ask Qianqian about this. The little girl has to come and have a look. You said she is not afraid of the cold weather."

"Uncle, I just want to see how you dance. After watching it, I'll go back. I can't freeze."

Wang Juan looked at her niece's little nose red with cold, and she didn't know why the child loved dancing so much. Since the child likes to watch it, take it.

When it came to the production team, a lot of people had come to the courtyard. The loudspeaker on the top of the mountain had begun to play songs. Everyone began to take the initiative to consciously occupy a row, and then took out the small red book from the pocket and began to dance. Everyone kept waving the red treasure book in their hands.

On the radio, it is "The heaven and the earth are not as good as the party's kindness". A group of men and women danced with the music, but Wang Qian was given to Raymond by their dancing movements. This is not dancing. It's a bit like gymnastics. If it's good-looking, she thinks that the movements are quite powerful, In the same way, they are all faces of class struggle, coupled with such stiff movements, how can they look awkward? What's more, a group of young people are even more terrible, dancing and shouting slogans, ** innocent, rebellion is reasonable..."

However, the young man danced very energetically, but the old man and the old lady danced like that, so that Wang Qian couldn't tell how she felt.

Although there is a sense of solemnity and pilgrimage, it lacks beauty. No matter how you look at it, it is awkward and funny.

After the broadcast on the radio, the movement of the people immediately changed to the song "The Sea Voyage by the Helmsman" has also changed, but listening to the music to see that everyone's movements are not dancing. The scene is quite spectacular, but she is no longer interested in watching it. She waved to her mother to go back alone. I went home alone.

Seeing the trench on the road, she accelerated her pace again and hurried back home. Hao Lianchun was cleaning up with a Broom in the yard. Seeing the little girl in a hurry, she thought something big had happened.

"Jianqian, didn't you go to see the dance? What happened when you came back in such a hurry?"

Only then did Wang Qian realize that her behavior caused the old lady's anxiety. "Grandma Zuo, it's okay. I just think that the dance has nothing to see. I don't come back quickly. I'm going to take the basket to pick up the waste. When I sell the money, I'll buy you delicious food."

She had already run out of the yard with the basket without waiting for the old lady to say something.

Hao Lianchun shook his head at her back, "This child, why are you in such a hurry?"

Wang Qian began to search along the trenches on both sides of the road. Not to mention that there were a lot of glass trem in it, it is estimated that few people come to pick up things in the trenches here, so Wang Qian picked up more and more. Nowadays, people only know how to sew rags, sell iron and wine bottles for money. Everyone doesn't have the consciousness to pick up glass to sell. Today, it's also cheap for her. You can pick up money from the road.

Picked up along a trench until she was close to the door of the supply and marketing agency. The inner basket in her hand was already full, and it was very difficult for her to carry it. Fortunately, the supply and marketing agency was right in front of her. She moved a basket of waste into the house step by step.

Liu Bing was packing up in the room. He saw the little girl coming in with a heavy basket last time and quickly came to help.

"Uncle Bing, give me a weighing, how much can this be sold for?"

Liu Bing sent the heavy basket to the weighing, and said, " Qianqian, why did you come alone? What about your mother? How did you take such a heavy thing?"

Even Liu Bing thought it was incredible that such a small child knew that he would come to sell waste. How did Wang Sange's family teach him?

Wang Qian wiped the sweat on her forehead and said, "Uncle Bing, I picked it up slowly. It's not too heavy. I'm very motivated to sell money."

Liu Bing was amused by this funny little girl, "Qianqian, your basket is a total of 15 catties. If you remove the skin, there are still thirteen and a half catties left, and one catty is two and five cents,--" Liu Bing is taking the abacus and pulling there. Wang Qian has already figured out in her heart

Liu Bing just calculated the price said by Wang Qian. He looked at the little girl in front of him in surprise, "Cianqian, you are really awesome. You can figure this out. Well, you are right."

Wang Qian had nothing to hide from this arithmetic. She smiled and said, "It's all taught by my brother, otherwise I wouldn't do it either."

Liu Bing handed the calculated price to the children in front of him that he admired a little. They all lived in the same village. He was also clear about the matter of the Wang family. Unexpectedly, Wang Zhenhe and his wife had raised such a good child. I really didn't see it.

Wang Qian collected the money and said to Liu Bing, "Uncle Bing, I'll go first. Maybe I can send you a basket later. Don't bother me."

Liu Bing waved his hand quickly, "It's okay. You can make money. Uncle is happy for you. Besides, uncle did this job. How can I bother you? I'm happy to see you coming over."

Liu Bing's father is Mr. Liu. His parents have a good relationship with Zhang Lan. The children of the Wang family can make money. He is also happy for Wang Zhenhe and his wife. The little child has begun to find money. It seems that the life of the Wang family is really the same as the rumor, and he can Several children sighed.

She earned more than 30 cents for the first time. Wang Qian felt very excited. This is different from going to the city to sell things. She was a little excited to find money in front of her home. In the future, when she has nothing to do at home, she can pick up things and sell them.

She continued to pick up the basket along the trench. She found that it was far away from home. Looking ahead, there was still a long time left to pick up. In this trench, she picked up several pieces of iron. Although it was not big, it was always a good start.

The things in the basket are getting heavier and heavier. She has no strength to take it. She simply receives the space and then goes forward. The more the amount of scrap iron in front of her, the more she looks around. She doesn't know what's going on, but an eye-catching plaque gives her an answer.

The doubts in the heart of "Hongqi Commune Steel Pipe Factory" have been answered, and she is also thinking about it secretly. Let's go back and ask her mother about this matter.

The trench in front of the steel pipe factory can be said to be that there is too much scrap iron. A lot of garbage and scrap iron are mixed together. Wang Qian's eyes are like seeing a treasure house. In her eyes, these are not garbage, but money.

A small figure nestled in the trench and began to pull. As long as it was an iron thing, it basically made her receive the space.

It's better not to let people see these things. She can come here to earn more money in the future.

It was not until it was getting dark that she pulled less than one-third of it. Looking at the treasure house in front of her, she could only sigh and come back tomorrow.

When Zhang Lan returned home, she learned that her little daughter had gone to pick up rags. At first, she didn't care about it, because last time she saw her daughter inquire about the type and price of the waste acquisition, but it was almost dark and the child had not come back. She began to be a little anxious. She told Hao Lianchun and

Last time her daughter stared at the trench, Zhang Lanyin felt that the child must have the idea here. Besides, with her daughter's thinking, she would definitely not be on the mountain at this time. It is estimated that the child must have gone a little further before he came back.

Go east along the road, and there is a small figure in front of her with a big basket. Isn't it her child?

"Jianqian" Wang Qian was on her way with her head down. Hearing the voice calling her in the distance, she quickly replied, "Mom, I'm back."

Zhang Lan felt a little tired when she heard her daughter's voice. Generally speaking, the child would not have such a voice. She quickly ran over and held her daughter in her arms, but the basket was empty.

" Qianqian, are you tired? Mom will take you back." Zhang Lan can feel the chill from her daughter. On a cold day, her little daughter has been outside for so long. Although she wears thick clothes, it is still very cold.

Wang Qian is really tired at this time. There has been a lot of scrap iron and glass in the space. She has been outside all afternoon. She is really tired and hungry. "Mom, I made money again today. I'll give it to you when I get back. I'm a little sleepy."

How can Zhang Lan let her child sleep at this time? If she falls asleep and gets sick on a cold day, it will be bad. She quickly patted her daughter in her arms. "Qianqian, let's not sleep first. Let's go home and go to bed after dinner. Tell your mother what they have been picked

While walking, he lured his daughter in his arms to talk to her, so that the child could not fall asleep. Speaking of making money, Wang Qian became energetic again.

"Mom, I made 34 cents by selling glass crackers today. There are still a lot of iron and glass cracks in the space that haven't come to sell urgently. I'm going to pick it up tomorrow. There are a lot of scrap iron there. I didn't know where I could find money before."

bow and thank lizzie110, Liiesalotter for the gift to 99. It's really tiring to help my father move today, but I feel very gratified to see that everyone still supports 99 so much. Thank you for your encouragement. 99 will try his best to write a good story and dedicate it to everyone. RS