Reborn Farmer's Field

125. Sharp acid

My daughter talked about picking up waste in her arms. Zhang Lan didn't understand where the scrap iron came from, but the little girl in her arms asked again before she understood.

"Mom, where do you think the waste dregs of that steel pipe factory have gone?"

What she saw in the trench today is only a small part. She raised a large factory that should not only have these waste residues, there should be more, but she doesn't know where they have thrown them.

If you want to ask something else, Zhang Lan may not know, but she really knows about this waste. Wang Zhenhe told her before that the steel pipe factory dumped the waste into the woods, which was quite a hindrance.

He hugged the child in his arms and said, "Silly girl, even if you pick up scrap iron, you can't pick it up for so long. What should you do if it's frozen? Mom knows that place, and my mother will pick it up with you tomorrow." Since she can sell money, of course, Zhang Lan can't let her daughter go alone. Anyway, she has nothing to do at home.

The mother and daughter returned home, and the family was waiting for them to eat. Wang Qian said to the old men with some embarrassment, "Grandpas, I'm really sorry. I'm addicted to picking up rags in a few days. I forgot to check the time, which makes you worry."

Wu Changyong joked with a smile, "Qianqian, have you gained anything today? Have you sold it for money?"

Wang Qian stretched out her little hand to compare three and four, and took out the money sold today from her pocket to show everyone. Wu Changyong and other old men were also shocked when they saw the few cents on the kang. Although the money was not much in their eyes, a seven-year-old child already knew that he had begun to plan for this family It shocked several people who were still in a period of hesitation.

"Lao Wu, we will go to pick up waste with Qianqian during the holiday tomorrow to save money for the New Year at home." With a wave of Zuo Zhanshan's hand, it was settled.

"Mom, you can save this money first, and I'll buy you candy when I sell it tomorrow." Wang Qian said to the old lady and her brother and sister.

As soon as Mingyuan heard that he could sell money, his eyes were lighted. "Sister, we have a holiday tomorrow, and we will also go to pick it up."

Zhang Lan packed up the food and served it. Wang Qian was also really hungry. She ate a bowl of corn porridge with salted radish strips, not to mention how delicious it was. Zhang Lan looked at the child sadly, "Cianqian, eat slowly. There are still some in the pot."

Hao Lianchun added a chopstick pickled cabbage to her, "Don't worry, Qianqian, be careful to choke."

After drinking a bowl of porridge, there was food in her stomach. Wang Qian ate slowly. "Grandma Zuo, you don't know. I'm happy to see those scrap iron. It's all money. I just picked it up. I didn't expect that I had no strength later. Only then did I know that it was late."

"Sister Qianqian, if you are hungry, you can go home quickly. The iron can't run there. It's very uncomfortable to be hungry." Zuo He put down the bowl and said seriously.

"Oh, I know Zuo Hege. Next time it won't be like this. I can't make all the money. My body is the most important thing."

Several adults on the table couldn't help laughing when listening to the dialogue between the two children. These two people spoke well enough.

Although it's a child, they can see through, and even consider protecting the body.

Early the next morning, Zhang Lan and others ran to the pile of scrap iron in the woods after dinner, and Wang Qian led Zuo He and the others to pick up the pile of scrap iron in the trench in front of the steel pipe factory.

Although the brothers and sisters are small, they are very handy and full of baskets. Wang Qian and Mingcheng are responsible for selling, and the rest of them continue to pick up there.

By noon, they had sold it for several yuan. Wang Qian promised to buy sugar for a few people last night, so she took Zuo He and the others to the food area to buy the unpackaged candy with two sharp ends. Although there was no packaging, the taste was not bad. It was sweet everywhere, and she could buy a large bag for 20 cents What?

With the candy wrapped in paper, everyone ate one, and the rest was given to her elder sister Wang Xuan for safekeeping. Whoever eats it can go to her place to get it.

The five brothers and sisters ate sweet sugar cubes, and Mingcheng had a satisfied smile on their faces.

"Brother, it's okay after school in the future. We can also go and pick it up. They often pour waste residue there. There must be a lot of iron in it."

Mingyuan has tasted the sweetness. If they sell money, they can have sugar. As they walked on the road, they heard the horn on the top of the mountain.

After saying a lot, Wang Qian didn't understand in the front, but in the latter sentence, she understood "Dig a deep hole, accumulate grain widely, and do not seek hegemony".

Zuo He frowned and began to frown, "Dig a hole, isn't it going to work again?"

Wang Qian didn't expect the little guy to understand, "Brother Zuo He, this job is probably done by men, and we don't have that strength."

Zuo He shook his head, "I mean, will grandpa and others go to dig a hole? I'm afraid grandpa can't stand that physical work."

Zuo He's mind made Wang Qian feel ashamed. Why didn't she think of this?

"Zuo He, it's okay. I don't think your grandfather and other teams will let them go. Think about it, your grandfather and others have to write materials for political classes every day. How can they have time to do that job? Besides, they are old and don't have much strength. The production team is afraid that they will eat more, In the stomach."

Mingcheng explained Zuo He as he walked. In fact, he didn't know it himself, but he didn't want those old men to go there. They had to have classes every day. If he went out to work, he didn't have the strength to give them a lecture.

Wang Qian was very glad that her father was not at home at this time, otherwise he would have to dig a hole, and the five of them would come home with their own thoughts.

Zhang Lan has prepared lunch and is waiting for them. In the morning, several adults found a lot of scrap iron in the pile of waste slag and sold it for more than ten yuan. Mingcheng handed over all the money they sold today and talked about buying sugar by the way.

Zhang Lan took out five pieces and two cents, and each person sent one, "This is reserved for you as pocket money."

This is the first time that the children of the Wang family have pocket money in their hands, and they all solemnly put it in their underwear pockets.

Zuo He excitedly showed his pocket money to Hao Lianchun. When he saw the children dancing happily because of their pocket money, Zhang Lan and others were also happy, but at the same time, everyone's heart also surged with a faint sourness.

Wang Xuan divided the sugar cubes she brought back for each adult. Those people have never eaten any good things before, but today the sugar is particularly sweet of the little apprentice's filial piety, and it has always been sweet to her heart.

After lunch, the production team began to count the list of diggers from door to door. What made the children excited was that the old man was not within the scope of the statistics.

Zuo He's tense little face finally smiled at noon. Only Zhang Lan was left at home in the Wang family, which was not included in their statistics. The brothers and sisters were finally relieved, so they were happy to develop their money-making career.

Zhang Lan had to dance in the afternoon, which was a task that had to be completed, so the matter of picking up scrap iron could only be handed over to several old men.

It is still in the yard of the production team, and it is also those ordinary members. Everyone still dances when they hear the music, but today these women pay more attention to Han Cui, Zhang Lan's second sister-in-law. Today, Han Cui wears a new peach-pink sweater inside, and the high collar stretches out the cotton-padded jacket You can see it at a glance from the outside.

During the break, women love to gossip and show off. Han Cui is in the limelight today. As a woman, her vanity has been greatly satisfied. Wang Juan doesn't like her arrogant appearance. Isn't she just wearing a sweater?

Wang Juan said leisurely, "Why did I hear that someone also bought wool for my sister-in-law?"

As soon as Han Cui heard that her sister-in-law had wool, although she didn't know whether it was true or not, she always felt uncomfortable and looked a little contemptuous, but there were still some things that others could not understand. "Can she afford to wear it in her family?"

This sentence was heard by Zhang Lan, who was standing aside and resting. To be honest, she was really a little awkward when she heard this sentence. Although the second sister-in-law is usually very sharp, she obviously looked down on their family. Isn't their family poor? She doesn't want others to give her wool. This person is still his second sister-in-law, but Zhang Lan didn't say anything. Although she was not very happy, she still thought she didn't hear it.

It's okay to know some things in your mind, and it's not enough to be angry with such people.

Wang Juan accidentally saw the third sister-in-law in the crowd. She quietly came over and carefully asked, "Did you hear what the sister-in-law just said?" Don't worry about it. She is just that kind of person, and you don't know it in a day or two.

Zhang Lan knew that Wang Juan was advising herself, and said with a wry smile on her face, "It's okay, sister-in-law, I'll take a gust of wind in my ear."

The words were so light that no one could see what Zhang Lan was thinking. It was not until she jumped home that she took a heavy breath.

The children came back a little later than her. Seeing that the five children were made of dust, Zhang Lan and Hao Lianchun quickly boiled water and bathed the little guys. Later, the old men who came back were not much better. They were all disgraced. Hao Lianchun quickly patted the dirt on his body with the broom one by one.

"Why do you guys seem to have climbed out of the pile of refugees? You are about to catch up with the unearthed cultural relics. Go to take a shower and eat later."

Wu Changyong frowned at Zuo Zhanshan and said, "Lao Zuo, I found that it's good that my wife is not around. I miss a nagging person all day long. Hao Lianchun, you didn't do this before. How come the older you get, the more you can nag?" After saying this, he ran into the bathroom.

Other people laughed when they heard him. Hao Lianchun said angrily and funnyly to Wu Changyong's back, "You old martial arts head, let you speak ill of me. If you have guts today, don't go out of this bathhouse. Let's see how I treat you.

After saying that, he quickly went into the house to find clothes for the old man to change. Zuo Zhanshan also helped Lao Wu take in the clothes. RS