Reborn Farmer's Field

213+214. Two in one

What kind of virtue are his two sisters? Of course, Wang Zhenhe understands it. He sat down with his daughter in his arms. "Jianqian, don't treat them as human beings. You can do whatever the rest of the love is. Dad is watching it now."

Since her father was open-minded, Wang Qian naturally had nothing to let go. The two of them went to the processing workshop to grind corn and wheat into flour and soybeans into soybean oil. This morning, the whole processing workshop was serving them. They thought it was a production team that came to process it.

After doing everything, the father and daughter quickly found someone to sell these things. Seeing a thick pile of money in his hand, Wang Zhenhe finally knew that his family was also rich. Today's tense and exciting business made him see hope again.

"Qianqian, this business is better than making money from work. If we are free in the future, we will run a few more times, and your tuition fees will come out soon."

Wang Zhenhe tasted the benefits for the first time. No wonder his daughter-in-law used to come here often, and they have to continue to do this in the future. It's not a fool not to make money if they have money.

"Dad, it's up to you to run over in the future. Let my mother rest at home. When we save more money, we will do other business. There are more places to make money in the future. This little money is nothing. As long as you have the courage to do it, there are plenty of opportunities to make money in the future. Let's hurry to buy a clock and don't delay the afternoon car.

It's getting late. The father and daughter quickly bought the most important clock at home. Wang Zhenhe took his daughter to the restaurant to buy a few steamed buns and hurried back.

I bought a clock at home. It was a big item. Zhang Lan saw her husband coming back with a very delicate clock, and she was so happy that it was almost the Spring Festival.

"It's good this time. There is a clock at home, so we can also have a look. It's inconvenient to let my aunt and the old man always check the time."

When Hao Lianchun heard Zhang Lan say this, he said with a smile, "Silly daughter, it's not troublesome. We are all a family, but it's a good thing to add things to the family. This shows that we have a good life, and it's convenient for the children to see the time in the future.

Wang Zhenhe tasted the sweetness this time. When he went into the space to work at night, he was so excited to catch up with the children when talking about the daytime.

"Daughter-in-law, we save all the money we earn for the children's future study. We can't spend it unless we have to, and we can't delay the salary in the production team. Together, hehe, in a few years, our family will also be rich in the village."

Ma Fenqing gave birth to a child and Zhang Lan didn't go to deliver things. The reason was not only that she was at peace with Wang Zhenguo and the people in the old courtyard, but also that Ma Fenqing didn't treat their family as a dish. So today, Wang Zhenguo's children held a full moon wine. Wang Zhenhe and his

As a sister-in-law, Wang Juan had to go to help, but when she saw that many of the guests who came were second-rate in the eyes of the locals and did not work, she began to mutter in her heart.

Wang Zhenhai and his wife have the same idea. How can they have anything to do with these people? They pulled Wang Zhenguo to say, "Lao Si, what's wrong with you? The child is drinking. How can you invite these people to come here? You are not afraid that others will laugh at you. What can you get from them?"

Wang Zhenguo was a little dissatisfied when he heard this, "Big brother, those are my friends. One more friend has one more way. Besides, they don't have anything to do with you. What do you care so much? They take money to eat wine. I can't just kick people out and give gifts without laughing. Face, I know it in my heart.

The owner doesn't care about it. Wang Zhenhai also feels that he is nosy. What do you like? Although it's a buddy's brother's, it's separate family. He just persuades if he can persuades him. If he really doesn't care, he will treat him talkative today.

Wang Desheng was also dissatisfied with the arrival of these people, but when he saw the old woman greeting these people with a happy face, he also wanted to talk to his eldest son quietly.

In Zhu Qiyu's opinion, his son can play with these people, and who will bully their old son in the future? These people don't seem to have anything serious to do, but fighting is not a problem. So many people are afraid of leaving everyone. Let's see who dares to provoke their family in the future.

Contrary to Zhu Qiyu's idea, Ma Fenqing's parents and brother and sister-in-law all live nearby. They have more or less heard of these individuals. The child's one-month wine Wang Zhenguo also found them. The mother's family is a little dissatisfied.

He grabbed Ma Fenqing and began to say, "Daughter, what's wrong with your son-in-law? Why do you just hang out with a second-rate man? This is not a serious thing to do. Why don't you tell him? Do you think it's all the best to find a job for him in the supply and marketing You don't think about your father's retirement in two years. Besides, Wang Zhenguo hasn't turned around yet. You're not afraid that others will delay his future.

Ma Fenqing also looked helpless. "Mom, why didn't I say that? He promised to be good at the beginning. I didn't expect these people to come over. I'll talk to him when I have time."

Ma Fenkai has always been very dissatisfied with this brother-in-law. Looking at the current situation, his dissatisfaction in his heart is even greater.

"Sister, don't take this matter seriously when your mother tells you. If those people are doing sports, it's enough to criticize. If your Wang Zhenguo wants to be criticized, I think he is not far from this. I can tell you that you have to pay attention to this matter. Don't wait to cry, it will be too

Ma Fenkai works in the Revolutionary Committee and has always been very ** about the political situation. Ma Fenqing may not be able to listen to other words, but her eldest brother's words can't help but attract her attention.

"Brother, don't worry, I'll tell him tonight, and Dad, you should also keep a close eye on it. You can arrange him to do all the work. Don't run out until you get off work. In this way, we'd better be more close to the unconscious."

Ma Bentang just nodded with a gloomy face, and he already had arrangements for Wang Zhenguo in his heart.

The people in the room were eating, but there was a noise outside, which scared the sleeping child to cry.

Ma Fenkai and Ma Bentang went out with some dissatisfaction to see what had happened. The two drunken second-rates in the yard didn't know why their words were inappropriate to fight. The people who came to eat wine in the village stood aside to watch the bustle, and none of them went up.

Wang Juan had almost eaten. Seeing the situation in the yard, she quickly pulled Wang Zhenhai to hide out.

Wang Zhenjiang didn't find his eldest brother, so he had to fight with Wang Zhenguo and several other friends.

But it's not so easy for drunken people to persuade them. They don't say anything and don't listen to people's advice. They look like I'm reasonable and look everywhere for guys to have a good fight with each other.

"Please stop it. Do you still have the king's law? You are still making trouble here. Why don't you have to let the Red Guards take you to the Revolutionary Committee?"

Ma Fenkai reprimanded the people who made trouble in the yard with his hands behind his backs. As soon as they heard the word Red Guards, the two people who pretended to be crazy immediately stood obediently and dared not move the place.

"Son of a bitch, you should have less contact with these people in the future, or I don't think you will do this job. It's better to go home and farm more honestly. And if you people interact with Wang Zhenguo in the future, be careful that I will send someone to catch you to the Revolutionary Committee for tea. I'll leave

Ma Fenkai turned around and went back to the house. Zhu Qiyu saw that the situation in the yard was something was wrong, and quickly pulled his mother-in-law to apologize.

No one's family was very angry. Ma Fenqing's mother, Hong Shufen, was very reluctant to open fire at her.

"In-laws, it's not our choice. Look at what your family is doing. Our daughter got married and didn't go well. When we get married, you can give us a horse. Why do you still want to lose face today? If you are not satisfied with my daughter giving you a grandson, tell us earlier. There is no shortage of the child's food. If your family doesn't want to raise me, I will take it back. In the future, the child will have the same surname as our Ma family.

This sentence scared Zhu Qiyu to death. That's her precious golden grandson. How can the Ma family take her away and change her surname? That's not to kill her.

Few smiling faces are full of old folds. "Mom, calm down. Don't take this matter to heart. Our Wang family is not a conscienceless family. How much credit is your daughter for opening branches and leaves for our old Wang family. How can I take your face? This is not a villager coming to drive someone. It's hard for us to get out. Who would have thought of such a thing?

Don't worry, my son, I will definitely discipline him well. I won't associate with these people in the future. Come on, I'll drink with you as I'll make amends to you.

Zhu Qiyu dragged the Ma family into the house with an old face and began to drink and make amends.

Wang Zhenhai and his wife saw that there was nothing wrong in the yard. Those dichotoms left with the help of their companions, and the couple came back slowly.

When Wang Zhenjiang saw the boss coming back, he was full of unwillingness to complain, "Brother, where have you gone? Why are you gone at the critical moment? Fortunately, I'm here or I have to die today."

Wang Juan glanced at her brother-in-law with a big head and thought that she didn't know what happened just now. She couldn't help sneering in her heart, "Little brother-in-law, we didn't go to the thatched house. Why did something happen in a blink of an eye? But fortunately, it's good to have you. It's good that nothing happened. By the way, where is your daughter-in-law? Come and help me clean it up. I have to go to work in the afternoon. If I delay my money, no one will make up for it for it.

Wang Juan wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. She pulled Han Cui to clean up the kitchen quickly. She didn't care about the rest and took Wang Zhenhai out.

"Honey, isn't it a little bit like that when we leave like this? The woman's parents haven't left yet. If we leave like this, they won't be picky, will they?"

"Challenging? If you want to choose, they also choose you **. What does it have to do with us? Did I not do it or did I say anything? What do you care about them? Hurry up to go to work. It has been delayed for a long time. Your mother and your brother won't pay you to make up for the work. Look at your mother's flatter Let's go."

Zhang Lan also heard Wang Juan's talk about the Wang family later to know that there was such a thing. She couldn't help laughing and said, "Sister-in-law, this time I let you pick up a lively one. Where can I find such a good thing? It's still the kind that doesn't cost money."

"Well, there's nothing good about their fights. They are not serious people one by one. I'm so embarrassed to be with them. You don't look at his attentiveness. You are more enthusiastic than greeting her son. I think she is old and confused, and some of them are not so easy to occupy."

Both sisters-in-law are sensible people. As long as the old lady thinks about it with her head, she can understand what's going on. "Sister-in-law, some people are born with that fate. You can't get it by robbing it. It's probably empty to calculate it in the end."

Zhang Lan just listened to Wang Juan muttering there with a smile, "Sister-in-law, you see, it's the beginning of spring and it hasn't rained yet. It's time to rain, so that it's time for the rain, otherwise the seedlings of the crops will not come out."

Wang Juan looked at some dry land and sighed, "But it's not good. There are so many light snows in winter, which is not very useful. Hurry up and rain, otherwise our rations will be difficult to protect, and the whole family will still point to this place to eat."

I'm worried that this is not just the two concubines. The members who have been farming all year round are talking about this matter. The old captain Liu Changlin looked around the field with his hands behind his back worriedly.

"Captain, hurry up and find a way first. There is no way to plant this place like this."

Liu Changlin nodded in front of everyone's expectant eyes, "Comrades, let's choose underwater planting from tomorrow, otherwise we won't be able to plant after a few more days."

It's time-bound to grow crops. Everyone present knows this. If you plant late and can't catch up with the harvest, the weather will become cold, and the crops can't grow at all. If you plant early, the temperature of the ground will not rise, and the seeds will rot in the ground, and there will be no seedlings at all

There is no way to carry water and farm. If you delay like this, you really can't plant it.

The next day, everyone and everything in the production team moved. Everyone carried water, the carriage pulled water, and the hand-held tractor was also useful. The rear bucket was equipped with a large water tank to transport water to the mountain. The people in the field were plowing while ploughing seeds, and there were people behind special watering. At this time, no But it is related to a year's harvest. Everyone can rely on the harvest in this field to eat this year. At this time, whoever dares to be lazy is to be scolded.

Wang Qian went to pull pig grass with her brother and cousin Wang Li after school in the afternoon. The adults were busy on the mountain, and the pig grass at home could only be done by the children.

Wang Qian looked at the dry soil, and it was even a little difficult to pull weeds. She couldn't help frowning. The weather this year was a little bad.

Mingyuan's end is also very difficult, but luck is that his strength is greater than Wang Qian's, and he has saved a handful of bundles of grass in his hand.

Wang Qian looked at the river. Fortunately, the stream has not decreased. It should be that the end of the reservoir has begun to release water. "Brother, you do the grass first. I'll get some fish for our ducks to eat."

The weather is not good, so she has to quickly water the land in the space, otherwise the crops without water is also a problem.

When she came to the river, she took out her baby ring and collected water into it. It was not until she poured the ground inside thoroughly that she took out the small fish. This time, she really collected a lot of fish. The big and small fish in the river were willing to run in it. I guess they also knew that it was a treasure inside.

Wang Qian happily put on the fish thrown on the ground with grass one by one, but there are still a lot left in the tank of space, so she will keep the geese at home next time. She has caught a lot today.

"Brother, have you recovered? I have caught a lot of small fish here."

Wang Li was a little envious when she saw the fish in her cousin's hand. "Cianqian, can you give me some of the fish? I'll take it home to make soup."

She can't say how much she likes this cousin, but it doesn't matter if she wants some fish. Anyway, she still has a lot in her hand. "Ok, second sister, come and pick some and take them back."

Wang Li was really rude this time. She almost picked out all the big fish in Wang Qian's hand. "Jianqian, if you can catch the fish in the future, remember to leave a copy for the second sister."

When Mingyuan saw that the fish that his sister had worked hard to catch was taken away by his cousin, he felt a little uncomfortable for his sister. He stared fiercely at Wang Li's leaving figure, "Sister, don't be distressed. I'll catch more for you later."

Although Wang Qian felt a little disdainful for this kind of behavior, it was not to the extent of sadness. Some people still followed it and took advantage of their sisters. But it's just for a while. I want to take things from her so easily in the future. Let's wait.

"Brother, it's okay. Isn't it just some fish? Fortunately, I didn't catch crabs, otherwise I would have been found by her. Let's get some delicious food for my eldest brother. During this period, he has to prepare for the exam, and we have to keep up with his nutrition."

Mingyuan was also secretly glad that they didn't tell this cousin about the place where they caught crabs, otherwise there would be anything left to say.

Mingyuan caught crabs in the water, and Wang Qian put them in an empty schoolbag on the shore. Her books were together with Mingyuan's, and it was more convenient to pour out a schoolbag to pack them.

When Hao Lianchun saw the two brothers and sisters getting wet, he knew that they were going to the river. "Grandma Zuo, you quickly pour out my schoolbag. We caught crabs today. I have to brush my schoolbag quickly. I have to use it tomorrow."

The old lady touched the heads of the brother and sister with a kind face, "Well, our Mingyuan and Qianqian are really capable. Grandma will get crabs for you."

The schoolbag was brushed by Wang Qian himself. Hao Lianchun was still busy cooking. Mingyuan helped chop the pig grass he brought back and put it into the pig bucket. He also took the chicken feeding basin and stirred the chopped grass and small fish with bran skin and rice noodles to feed these living things.

"Sister, we're back." Mingcheng walked into the yard with Wang Xuan with his schoolbag on his back.

"Brother, you get off school a little early today. What's wrong with your teacher today? Is it so kind to let you go?"

The middle school entrance examination is coming soon, and the teachers in the third year of junior high school are also tight. Everyone hopes that the students they teach can get good grades. Rural children have no other way out. Only good study may still have a glimmer of life. Therefore, they are also attentive to some of Mingcheng's relatively good students and teachers. I Being admitted to high school, although it is more difficult to take the high school entrance examination than the modern college entrance examination at this time, as a teacher, I still want to do my part and help them.

According to Wang Qian's point of view, the teacher at this time is extremely loyal to his own career, and he is also sincere to the students. He can't wait to stuff everything he knows into the minds of these children. This is better than some modern teachers who finish classes and usually leave half of it in their own paid classes. Double it.

"Sister, we will have a sports meeting tomorrow and will arrange the playground, so we will leave school on time. Ha ha, I also have a project tomorrow."

Speaking of the sports meeting, Wang Xuan's face is also excited. Wang Qian and Ming Yuan are a little envious. Tomorrow is Saturday, they have to go to class. Alas, when can they have a sports meeting?

"Brother, I'm so envious of you. When can we have a sports meeting in elementary school? Sister, if we finish school early tomorrow, let's go to see the big brothers."

Mingyuan pinned his hopes on the early after school. During this period, this often happens. The teacher goes to study politics in the afternoon, and these students have to leave school early. Wang Qian has no choice but to do anything about this. Fortunately, there is a teacher in their home, otherwise she is really worried that it will delay him. The future of several brothers and sisters in our family.

"Brother, don't count on us to have a sports meeting, but if the eldest brother wants to participate in the project, we have to make him a good meal. I'm going to go fishing for the eldest brother. Will you go?"

Xuanxuan waved her hand and said no. She still had to help Grandma Zuo cook. Mingcheng saw that the work at home was over, so she accompanied her little sister with Mingyuan.

With the smell of fish made by himself, the brother and sister set out. When they arrived at the edge of the reservoir, they saw that their parents were busy watering the ground in the vegetable garden. Mingyuan and his brother ran to help again. The ground was not big. The grandfathers worked together and soon finished their work. Zhang Lan came to help her little daughter There was a quarrel.

Wang Qian looked up at the situation in the distance, "Mom, isn't Ma Fenqing quarreling with the old lady?"

Zhang Lan doesn't know what's going on. Their location is a little far from the old courtyard, and their voices can't be heard clearly. "No way, the old lady has paid for all the work at home. What else is Ma Fenqing not satisfied with? She doesn't do anything except work all day long. She is more than the

Zhang Lan doesn't believe that such treatment can make Ma Fenqing dissatisfied, but Wang Qian doesn't think so. Her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are a difficult problem to solve. If you are not good to others, you will definitely be recognized.

Didn't her mother treat everyone in the family well at the beginning, and she didn't get a good word.

Wang Zhenhe heard the wrong voice of the old courtyard in the vegetable garden. He didn't want to take care of it, but listening to the loud voice in the yard made him feel upset.

"Mingyuan, go and see what's going on. Come back and talk to Dad."

Ming Yuan, who got the order, spread his calves and ran out of the gate of the Wang family. Many people on the street stood curiously at their door to listen to the hustle and bustle.

In the yard, Wang Zhi, who went to work in the city, came back. He was wearing a green military uniform and was quarreling with Ma Fenqing with a red face and a thick neck.

"Sister-in-law, do you have any evidence that I stole the cake from your room? I just came back. Who knows that there is still a cake hidden in your room. Besides, even if there is a cake, you don't give it to the old man. Do you think it's appropriate to eat it secretly? This is not what your It's really not very authentic."

bow to thank the cunning mouse and two friends, mnancy, for the pink of 99, and thank the two old friends, Qingquan 0901182318 and lizzie110, for the gift to 99.

Yesterday, everyone cast a lot of pink votes for 99. In return, two of them were sent together. Today is also Sunday. It is estimated that everyone is off, so upload it earlier, and you can see it earlier. RS