Reborn Farmer's Field

215. Skipping class and fighting

Mingyuan hasn't seen Wang Zhi for many days. I didn't expect Shibie to look at him with new eyes for three days. Wang Zhi's mouth is sharp.

Seeing what was going on, Mingyuan ran back quickly to report the enemy to Wang Zhenhe.

Hearing what his son learned, Wang Zhenhe couldn't help smiling bitterly. Where is this? It's really the best couple to quarrel about such a small thing.

"Dad, you still want to take care of their family's affairs. I think you'd better forget it. Don't be so shameful."

Mingcheng knows those people too well and strongly does not advocate Wang Zhenhe to interfere in this matter. "Ha ha, son, let them quarrel. If you are not afraid of other people's jokes, continue to quarrel, which is not good for anyone."

As soon as the two brothers heard this, they also understood the key. Ma Fenqing and Wang Zhi have to be famous. I'm afraid it's not their original intention to quarrel for this little thing. Ma Fenqing needs a good reputation to gain a foothold in this village, and Wang Zhi also needs a good reputation to marry in the future.

It didn't take long for the yard to move, as if nothing had happened just now. Wang Qian couldn't help laughing when she saw this. The people of the Wang family were so funny that they died so quickly.

After pouring the ground with Wang Zhenhe and his two sons, he quickly took his daughter-in-law and children home. It's getting late. Don't let everyone wait for them for too long.

When Hao Lianchun saw the fish in Zhang Lan's hand, he quickly took it over and said, "You go and wash your hands first. I'll be done right away. Mingcheng will start the sports meeting tomorrow. I have to make up for my grandson tonight and run to get the first place tomorrow."

Mingcheng smiled and said, "Grandma Zuo, it's hard to say whether you can get the ranking. Don't expect too much."

Zhang Lan just rubbed her son's short hair gently, "Mingcheng, come on tomorrow."

The next morning, Zhang Lan gave her son and daughter one yuan and four taels of food stamps, and told them to buy some food if they had gone to sell food, so that they could supplement their face.

Mingyuan didn't have to go to class in the afternoon as he wanted today. On the way back at noon, he began to wrinkle his little face. Wang Qian looked at her brother's unhappy face and was a little distressed.

"Brother, don't worry. Let's find a way to see if we can ask the teacher for a leave to have a look."

Mingyuan looked at her with a very disappointed look, "Sister, because this teacher who asked for leave will not give leave. Let's not think about it."

Wang Qian herself actually wants to see it. What is the school's sports meeting at this time? Besides, she and Mingyuan are all clear about the current classes, just inconspicuously in the primary school.

"Brother, I'll figure it out then, and you can cooperate with me."

Mingyuan didn't know what his sister was thinking, so he could only nod.

In the afternoon class, Wang Qian began to shout that she had a stomachache. Xu Mingda didn't know what was going on with the child. She planned to escort her home in person, but she was stopped by Wang Qian. How could the teacher send them back to the sports meeting in person?

"Teacher, my brother is in the fourth grade. Why don't you ask him to send me back? The people in this room are still waiting for you to class. Don't delay everyone's study. Just let my brother send me back."

Xu Mingda thought it was the same. He went out and found Mingyuan's head teacher to talk about his situation. Mingyuan, who was still in class, was led out by the teacher to escort his sister home.

"Sister, how are you doing? Does your stomach still hurt?"

Mingyuan didn't know it. He thought Wang Qian was really sick, so he carefully helped her walk slowly.

"Hehe, brother, I lied to the teacher. Don't you want to go to the sports meeting? Let's go and have a look."

Mingyuan, who seized the opportunity, ran to Wang Qian's school without saying a word, but he didn't know that because they skipped class today, they both escaped a disaster.

In the afternoon, the two sides of the big river leading to the school were full of crowds. Everyone held guys in their hands. The weather was dry and there was no water in the field. This river is the only source that can flood the paddy fields. Whoever seizes the opportunity will not be hungry this year. People on both sides of the river can't Solve it by fighting.

At the beginning of the fight here, the school over there was also over. The primary school students who went home were scared by the armed fighting scene. The older and sensible hid far away, but it was too late for the adults who wanted to avoid it. The younger children were inevitably implicated by innocent people. Some were knocked down and trampled .

For a moment, there was a loud cry on the shore. There were children crying and adults screaming. Everyone had blood on their faces, and they didn't know who hurt whom.

When Zhang Lan, who was rushing to plant seeds on the mountain, heard the news that a student was injured, his leg became weak. When he was dead, he ran to Dahe. The parents who had children at home were not in the mood to work at this time. They threw down the tools in their hands and ran in the same direction.

Wang Zhenhe and others saw someone running this way and threw down the bucket to follow. Something must have happened here, otherwise so many people would not have come this way desperately.

Zuo Zhanshan and Wu Changyong have only recently received a task of training female militiamen. The two of them are practicing in the open space around the dam hill. Seeing the people on the mountain running eastward one after another, Zuo Zhanshan, who has always been comparing **, is wrong.

"Lao Wu, bring someone to follow me. There is something wrong in the east. I hope it's not those children after school."

Wu Changyong's eyes turned red when he heard that it might be those children. "Hurry up and run to the east."

The two old men went east with a row of female militiamen with guns on their backs, but when they arrived at the scene of the incident, even the two old men who had killed people on the battlefield couldn't help but feel sad. The children were covered with blood and cried on the ground one by one. The parents held their children and cried heartbreakingly and The injured man lay on the ground, and there were still a few good members who came to look for their children.

"Now don't worry about anything. Send the children and the injured to the hospital, and take care of the rest of the people involved in the fight."

Mr. Wu quickly gave the order to let the female soldiers take care of those who were okay, and took everyone to send the wounded away with their backs. If there were children at home, the parents would take them away and send them to the health center.

After tidying up the scene, Zhang Lan and Wang Zhenhe did not find the figure of their two children, and the nervous heart was slightly relieved.

Zhang Lan's legs were soft and she sat on the ground. Looking around, she didn't find the shadow of her child.

"Daughter-in-law, what's wrong with you? Get up quickly and be careful of your body when the ground is cold."

Wang Zhenhe helped to deal with the scene and saw his wife sitting on the ground. He quickly helped her up, "Zhanhe, you didn't see Mingyuan and the two of them, did you?"

Zhang Lan was not sure about her eyes, so she asked.

"No, there are no children in our family there. Don't worry, just the appearance of Qianqian and the two ghosts. They don't hide far away from such a thing. Even if it's dangerous, she won't let Mingyuan get hurt."

Zhang Lan was in a hurry to forget that her daughter still had such a magic weapon. She was determined, so she took a long breath and said, "Oh, my God, I forgot this word when I was in a hurry. Well, as long as the child is fine. Let's talk about the rest when I get home."

The brother and sister who ran to Mingcheng's school didn't expect that such a thing would happen on the way home from school.

Mingcheng's middle school playground is very large. All the classrooms are located in low tile houses on the south side of the playground. To the north side of the playground is the avenue, and there is also a row of low factories in the west, which should be water rooms, kitchens and warehouses.

The playground is neatly arranged around the playground, and the runways are neatly drawn with white lime powder.

Mingcheng said that he only had a project in the afternoon. Mingyuan took his sister to look for it from class to class, and finally found the location of the eldest sister and the eldest brother.

However, Wang Xuan was still shocked when she saw these two people appear, "Mingyuan, why did you bring your sister here? You don't have class today?"

The sudden appearance of the younger brother and sister was a little beyond Wang Xuan's expectation, and she didn't hear that they were coming to watch the fun.

Wang Xuan's classmates were curious about these two primary school students who suddenly appeared. They stretched out their heads and listened to the conversation between sister and brother one by one.

Mingyuan didn't know how to say that they skipped class. She could only touch her head and look at her sister. Wang Qian knew that the child didn't know what the child was talking about.

pulled Wang Xuan and said, "Sister, let's come and see you two. As for how you got here, I'll tell you after school. By the way, you don't sell food here?"

It's so easy for the eldest brother and sister to have a sports meeting. Wang Qian still wants to buy some food for them. She has a New Year's money on her back and hasn't spent it yet.

When Wang Xuan saw that the two of them didn't say anything, she also estimated that they were hiding something, but the person had come over, so she couldn't be kicked out. It's better to stay here and don't have anything else.

"There is something for sale. The supply and marketing agency has a cart to sell. What do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you. I haven't spent the money my mother gave me yet."

The students watching the bustle next to him knew that this was Wang Xuan's younger brother and sister, and they were even more curious about these two good-looking primary school students.

"Wang Xuan, this is your brother and sister. I haven't seen it before. It's so beautiful. Let them come in and do it quickly. Don't stand outside. The teacher of Discipline will see it."

How can Wang Qian let her sister pay for it? She can't say that she is rich now. She is also an invisible little rich woman. She hasn't spent a penny on the New Year's money in the past two years. "Sister, you and my little brother are sitting here. I'll buy something for you to eat. I'

Before Wang Xuan could speak, she had already gone to the place where she was selling things. The supply and marketing agency had not brought enough things this time. Wang Qian bought some bread for Mingyuan and Mingcheng, plus a few bottles of soda, and some melon seeds in bags. It was rare to come here. First, bribe your sister's classmates and let them not be difficult for their eldest sister in the future. After all, Wang Xuan is younger than them.

Thank you to Liu Meihui, Midian, Citonghua mm, fcyf, freeseas_7, caijiyang, Guangnan 1998000082 and other new and old friends for the pink ticket to 99. Thank you for the milk tea doll and the gift given to 99 by two friends, hehe, thank you. Everyone's support! RS