Reborn Mermaid

Chapter 44 Escape and Chase

Just after swimming less than five meters, Metzlo suddenly jumped straight up!

It attacks the sea in a horizontal posture. It opens its mouth, and its upper jaw is lined with dozens of sharp teeth. This offensive strategy is almost a hundred times, which may be fatal for any creature leaping on the sea

Unfortunately, the flower demons are not on the sea.

"Look! That big shark!" The flower demon screamed excitedly.

Look at his teeth, I heard that thousands of teeth will be lost and replaced in his life. The old one will fall off, and the new one will be born immediately!"

"Ji Jie--it was finally attracted!"

"It seems that its sense of smell has failed!"

Looking at the great white shark, rampaging on the sea, the flower demon tree demon was about to jump up happily.

"Ji Jie--" The flower demon laughed and said, "That's a good idea. Let's go back and report to the tree king!"

"No! The tree demon said coldly, "It's too cheap for him. I'll kill it myself!"

"The tree king told him that as long as he lost his sense of smell, he did not ask us to kill it!" The flower demon is a little depressed.

"But now, it's a good opportunity to kill it, isn't it?" The tree demon stared motionless at the sea.

The great white shark is not all white. The tree demon's eyes have not missed any jump from beginning to end. He saw clearly that the great white shark's abdomen was gray and its back was dark gray.

This can help them hide themselves effectively. From above, the dark color of their backs is easy to integrate with the dark sea, and from below, their gray-white abdomen matches the bright water surface.

"Hmm! What if you hide it again? Show me the original shape today!" The tree demon's hands trembled with excitement.

"Look, look at that great white shark!" This is the second time that the flower demon called so. The first time it was a surprise call, but this time it was frightening.

In fact, without him shouting, the tree demon also saw it. The great white shark, who had just attacked randomly on the sea, seemed to have regained its sense of smell, because he continued to swim to the bottom of the sea.

"She--" Mezlow obviously felt physical discomfort, but he was Mezlo, the king of white sharks. After a short period of panic, he began to use the side of his body, which was covered with nerve strips. Mezlo immediately used these ** sensory organs to detect the odor structure and use this smell curl. To locate the location of the East China Sea.

"You can't let him run away so easily!" The tree demon's face changed greatly.

"What the hell are you going to do?" Seeing that the tree demon urgently floated buckets at the seaside and threw them into the sea, the flower demon couldn't help exclaiming. These buckets are made by seaside fishermen fishing for sea fish.

"Don't worry about it!" Countless sea buckets were connected into pontoon bridges and slowly extending into the sea. The tree demon stepped on the pontoon bridge, holding the harpoon in his hand, and quickly approached the great white shark.

Oh, my God, this tree demon wants to kill this great white shark with his own hands!

Sharks usually attack underwater. The tree demon knew this that dared to be so bold, but he did not know that the white shark was the only shark that could stand upright on the surface of the water.

Seeing the tree demon stepping on a floating bucket, Metzlow immediately stood his head straight on the surface of the water. Although his vision was far worse than his sense of smell, as a shark, he was born to see the movement of objects quickly and could also distinguish between light and shadow. It goes without saying that this was an attack posture.

The tree demon was not afraid. He stepped on the floating bucket and ran all the way. The fish suddenly came out and shot straight into the eyes of the dead fish like a doll on the right side of the great white shark. He shot out.

With a low roar, Metzlow suddenly arched his back and his pectoral fins down and swam to the bottom of the sea. There is no elegant S-shaped figure at all when it flows.

It underestimated the ability of this tree demon. It turned out that his arm could be extended infinitely. 60 meters away, he actually shot himself, and Metzlo swam to the bottom of the sea in pain. It swims very fast, and its whole body is almost a line, and it escapes without a trace in a blink of an eye.

The laughter of the flower demon was so sharp that it almost cut through the sunlight in the sky. They succeeded in hurting the great white shark.

"Let him blindly flood their caves, and from then on, it has been a one-eyed dragon!" The tree demon gritted his teeth, lost his sense of smell, and lost one eye of the great white shark. The hope of living was almost very small, and the two demons were very happy.

"I don't know if Mezlo has returned to the East China Sea?" The sinking fish moved forward alone in the ocean. Without Mezlo, her progress obviously slowed down. After all, the mermaid's physical strength is not as good as the white shark's. The sinking fish sighed, "Alas, I don't know when I will arrive at the Nebula Kingdom!"

At this time, Mezlo was indeed on the way back to the East China Sea, but he had no sense of smell in a posture of escape. Although he could rely on the side, after all, he was not as sensitive as before, losing an eye, which made the arrogant great white shark full of depression.

At this time, it is not suitable to fall in love with war. It should quickly return to the East China Sea.

Mezlo's awkward and fleeing posture obviously made the tree demons proud. They hit it and did not return to the cave to recover. They have been chasing the great white shark for a day.

In the sea, the great white shark sometimes floated out of the sea and sometimes dived to the bottom of the sea, while the flower demons and tree demons chased along the seaside.

Mezlow waded across the ocean, and the tree demons crossed the mountains.

Whenever the tree demons think they are going to lose it, the great white shark can't help but float out of the sea to breathe. Like hide-and-seek, you chase me, and the East China Sea is finally approaching. Mezlo's body and heart are facing collapse, and the patience of the tree demons will also be exhausted.

East China Sea, Mermaid Island, Mezlo shouts in his heart.

Even if you are exhausted, you will die in the East China Sea. He used his last bit of strength and rushed into the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea despite the screams of the mermaids.

"Mezlo?!" Noa'er screamed, and she was studying her weapons in the sea. I hope this seaweed in my hand will grow stronger. She didn't care about anything else and ran forward and asked repeatedly, "Why did you come back?" Where's the sinking fish?

Mezlo opened his eyes with difficulty, opened his huge mouth, and finally closed weakly.

"Mezlo, you, you, your eyes!" This once frightening sea king, the fierce great white shark, and the huge black eye on his right eye disappeared!: Noir lost her voice and screamed, "Who, who hurt you?"

The mermaids who fled because they were frightened heard Noir's scream and gathered around again.

"Call Queen B of the King of the East China Sea to come over--" Nuo Aier saw that Mezlo was speechless and said urgently, "Quick!"