Reborn Mermaid

Chapter 45 Ex-husband-in-law

Mezlo was injured and returned to the East China Sea, and the sinking fish went to the nebula country alone.

At this time, Xing Sa and the national teacher are on their way back to the nebula country. In the Nebula King's Palace, the atmosphere was very tense. The queen was seriously ill, but the prince had not returned for a long time. The king was very angry.

"Report!" A bodyguard hurried to the hall and reported, "I still haven't found the prince's whereabouts!"

"Damn it!" The king toss the white jade teacup in his hand to the ground fiercely, and his face turned pale: "Where is the national master? Where is the national teacher?!"

"This--this----" The bodyguard pondered for a moment, looked at the king, gritted his teeth, knelt down with a "bang" and answered with his fists in his hands, "Please calm down, the king, I haven't find it either!"

The bodyguard has been risking himself. It has been nearly a month since the prince and the national master went out. So far, there has been no news. The queen is anxious and can't afford to get sick. Everyone in the whole palace is in danger.

"Bun bastard!" The king shouted angrily, "Find it again!"

"Yes!" The chief bodyguard secretly wiped his sweat and ran out of the hall.

The king of nebula is the only one. A month ago, Prince Xing Sa asked to go out for a walk with the national teacher. Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, there was no news, which was really worrying. When the sunken fish came to the nebula country. He saw countless people in Xingyun Kingdom talking in front of the notice. The sinking fish approached and looked for the prince and the national teacher, looking for the famous doctor to treat the queen. The sinking fish's eyes stopped at the end of the two notices.

If the queen's illness can be cured, a reward of 10,000 taels of gold will be offered. You can find the prince of Xing Sa and the national teacher and offer a reward of 30,000 taels of gold.

"Well, it seems that the prince's worth is not bad." There was a cold smile on the corners of his mouth, and Chen Yu secretly muttered in his heart, "Has Xing Sa come back yet?"

It seems that she can only stay here and wait for the rabbit, and her right hand reaches out to the wall without hesitation.

"chi----" sinking fish exposed the notice.

"Wow--someone has unveiled the list."

"Wow---two or two!"

"It's actually a little girl!"

Everyone cheered, and at the same time, the guards who were secretly guarding aside had already rushed over and surrounded the sinking fish. After they saw the people who unveiled the list clearly, they were stunned. The little girl in front of her is only twelve or three years old, with a beautiful face and staring at them.

"Go to the palace!" Although the guards were puzzled and didn't believe it, they didn't care so much. This notice has been posted for nearly three days, and no one has unveiled the list. Now, no matter who she is, she is sent to the palace, and finally has an confession to the king.

At this moment, the guards brought the sinking fish into the hall of the Nebula Palace.

"I heard that the list has been unveiled?" The king of Nebula looked coldly at the little girl of His Highness, "And both of them have been uncovered?! Do you know that this is not a joke?!"

"I know, of course the little girl knows." Chen Yu did not look up and said lightly, "If you treat the queen well, if you find the prince, you will be ten thousand taels of gold!"

"Hmm! You must also know," when the king patted the dragon case, these guards really dared to fool him and send him to the palace. He shouted angrily, "If the doctor is not good and can't find it, it will be a head landed!"

"Know--" The sinking fish still sounded faintly, and there was no tension at all under the king's gaze. In this physical memory, he saved him a few years ago, and the king of Nebula was very grateful for this. It was for this reason that he took the initiative to make this marriage with his son and her.

However, people are not as good as God's calculation. Good wishes often go against their wishes. More than a month ago, Prince Xing Sa went to the East China Sea and withdrew his father's marriage.

Although Chen Yu did not devote herself to emotion, and although she did not have that kind of heartbreaking pain, the shame of being humiliated made her mouth full of bitterness, but there was no way to start. Therefore, answering the king's words has always been deliberately light.

"Do you know? Do you know that you dare to reveal the list?!" The king was even more angry, "You little girl, how many times have you seen the world? How can you know the whereabouts of the prince? How young and how many medical skills can you know?"

"King--" Shen Yu finally looked up impatiently, "Don't you know that there are countless unknowns in the world that are beyond our expectation?! And we just need to treat it calmly and accept it quietly!"

The king stared at the little girl of His Highness in surprise. She was so calm and stood quietly in the middle of the hall, and her eyes looked at her so firmly. These eyes were a little familiar, as if she had seen them somewhere?

The king's thoughts involuntarily returned to the sea three years ago. The little mermaid who saved her also seemed to have such eyes that he could be so calm at a young age. At that time, he couldn't help but make her the future queen of the Nebula Kingdom.

And in front of him, the little girl's short words could make him full of anger and calm down in an instant.

"Unknown accident!" The king repeated this sentence gently, "Treat it calmly!" Maybe she can really change all this bad things.

After quietly watching the sinking fish for three seconds, the king of Nebula finally nodded and asked, "How did you know the whereabouts of the prince?"

"King, I want to see the queen first." Chen Yu was neither humble nor arrogant. At this time, she didn't want to mention that person, but she wanted to see the queen's illness, although she didn't know any medical skills.

"In that case!" The king of Nebula waved his hand: "Take her to the Queen's bedroom!"

In the queen's bedroom, Yunding sandalwood is the beam, the crystal jade is the lamp, the pearl is the curtain, and Fan Jin is the pillar. The huge incense wood is hung beside the broad bed, and the tent is embroidered with beads and silver threads and begonias, and the wind is like falling into the sea of clouds. The couch is equipped with green jade pillows, covered with soft silkworm ice, and folded with jade belts. The queen is lying quietly in it.

The sinking fish entered the room and glanced up and down.

"You all go down." The sinking fish waved to the guards of his entourage.

"This?" Everyone looked at each other. This little girl was too arrogant. How dare you order them to retreat.

"Go down!" After the overlapping curtains, the queen raised her body and ordered the guards. She faintly saw clearly that there was actually a little girl in the room.

"Yes!" The guards responded and retreated. Chen Yu looked at the room. Except for her and the queen, there was only one fourteen or fifteen-year-old woman left in the whole room.

This woman is dressed in rose-red clothes, with a bright face, and her whole body is as delicate as a flower in spring. She had golden beads on her head, and green beads fell on her ears. Her head moved gently, and the beads moved like beads rolling on the lotus leaves. She will never be a simple maid.

Seeing that Chen Yu's eyes were motionless, the queen waved to the woman standing by the bed and said, "Danny, you can go down too."