Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 104 Liu Hong's Joy

Three days went away quietly like a white horse passing through a gap.

In these three days, Hou Lan was intoxicated and a little happy. Of course, Li Zhong's thoughts were indispensable.

I just read the imperial edict at the beginning, and appointed Li Zhong as the former general and the Marquis of Xixiang. The rest of the time, I basically didn't drink, or lie on the bed and slept, and forgot the instructions of the emperor and Zhang Rang.

"Husshou, walk slowly," Li Zhong said respectfully to Hou Lan in front of him outside Ji County.

Well, Hou Lan looked at Li Zhong with satisfaction, "Lord Li, let's go back to Beijing first." After saying that, he left without looking back.

"Let's go." Seeing that Hou Lan and his party had gone far away, Li Zhong said to Wang Yue and Deng Zhan behind him. The two nodded and followed Li Zhong into the city.

Hou Lan sitting on the carriage is now proud of spring breeze. His days in Ji County made him feel like an emperor. He could wake up with a smile when he fell asleep. Looking at the carriage behind him, Hou Lan smiled proudly again.

Whoever gets the benefits of 5,000 gold will not be very calm. Of course, except for Li Zhong, because this 5,000 gold is his "filial piety" to Hou Lan, who is the Marquis of the Han Dynasty, and the other 2,000 gold is for him to bring to Zhang Rang Zhang.

"Your Excellency, what Marquis Zhang told you?" When Hou Lan was dreaming, a bodyguard who made him feel like a fly asked.

Humph, Hou Lan opened his eyes and looked at him. The bodyguard's heart was flin. Hou Lan said, "You are the guardian of the marquis. How dare you be restless in this matter?" "Yes, the marquis is angry." The bodyguard Vivi is Nuo.

Hum, Hou Lan snorted coldly again, and then turned his head and continued to dream with his eyes closed.

The bodyguard looked at Hou Lan with resentment, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his heart. Humph, since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being righteous, the bodyguard thought in his heart.

Unfortunately, Hou Lan didn't notice it, so he didn't know what was going on until he died. This is not to mention later.

"Lord, the last general really can't figure out why he sent so much money to the eunuch." On the way back, Deng Zhan, who was straight- intestine, couldn't help it, so he asked.

Li Zhong looked at him mysteriously and said, "You will know later." Deng Zhan was puzzled and wanted to ask again. Under Wang Yue's look, he suddenly closed his mouth that wanted to open his mouth.

After more than half a month, Hou Lan and his party finally returned to Luoyang.

"Your Majesty, Hou Lan is back." Zhang Rang, who was serving Liu Hong in the palace, heard the report from the eunuch in the palace and quickly ran to Liu Hong and whispered.

"Oh, let your father come in quickly," Liu Hong's eyes flashed with a trace of joy and said to Zhang Rang beside him, "Yes, Your Majesty," Zhang Rang said respectfully, and then turned around and walked out.

"Your Majesty", after a while, Hou Lan and Zhang Rang came to the hall together, but Hou Lan was half behind Zhang Rang.

"Father, you are back," Liu Hong said eagerly. Seeing Liu Hong like this, Hou Lan couldn't help but feel a little proud, but he did not forget and replied respectfully, "Thank you for your concern."

"Oh", as soon as he heard that there were gifts, Liu Hong couldn't help but feel a little higher about Li Zhong. After all, he didn't need to pay out of his pocket, and Li Zhong's gift that dared to bring to him must not be bad, so he quickly said, "Take it over and have a look."

Yes, Hou Lan answered, and then turned around and walked out.