Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 105 Anti-enemy

After a while, Hou Lan trotted into the hall.

Liu Hong couldn't help but look at what Hou Lan was holding in his hand.

"Your Majesty" came to the hall and raised the gift with both hands. At this time, a eunuch came to take the gift and gave it to Liu Hong.

"Is this the gift that Li Zhong gave me?" Liu Hong looked at the gift in his hand and asked, "Yes," Hou Lan replied.

"Okay, okay," Liu Hong looked at the gift in his hand and was so happy that he couldn't put it down. "Come on, put it on me quickly." The two little eunuchs next to him quickly came to Liu Hong and respectfully put it on Liu Hong.

"What do you think?" Liu Hong turned around and looked at the people in the hall and asked, "It's like it's tailored for your majesty," Hou Lan said flatteringly.

"Hahahaha", Liu Hong couldn't help laughing, "Father, what do you think?" Liu Hong looked at Zhang Rang and asked, "Weichen thinks it's very suitable for Your Majesty." Zhang Rang replied with a smile.

Well, Liu Hong nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Hou Lan and said, "Father, you have done a good job. I like this gift very much. In addition, send someone to tell Li Zhong that he said that I like the tiger coat he gave me very much."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Hou Lan said happily.

Well, Liu Hong nodded and then said, "Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can leave first." "Yes, Weichen left." Hou Lan Zhang asked the two to salute Liu Hong and then retreated.

Liu Hong went to the harem happily in the tiger fur coat given by Li Zhong.

"Hou Lan", outside the palace, Zhang Rang shouted, "Brother, what's the matter?" Hou Lan replied with a blank face. Seeing Hou Lan like this, Zhang Rang couldn't help frowning and then said, "This trip to Youzhou must have gained a lot." His tone implied sarcasm.

I don't know whether Hou Lan didn't hear it or didn't care. He replied, "Each other, who doesn't know why Li Zhong is completely hand-handed by the eldest brother today." Hou Lan turned against Zhang Rang Yijun.

"You..." Zhang Rang was so angry that he didn't know what to say, so he stared at Hou Lan, then snorted coldly, turned around and walked away.

A servant beside Hou Lan saw that Hou Lan dared to fight against Zhang Rang today. In addition to being shocked, he was more afraid. In the past, Zhang Rang's methods and skills were obvious to all, so he reminded him, "Your excellency have offended Marquis Zhang today. If he will be in the future I'm afraid to wear small shoes for adults in front of your majesty. "What are you afraid of? I'm not a vegetarian," Hou Lan said carelessly.

"But..." The servant wanted to say something, but Hou Lan waved his hand and said, "Well, you don't need to worry, I have my own opinion." Hou Lan said impatiently, "Okay, go back." Hou Lan looked at Zhang Rang's back thoughtfully and then left.

When Zhang Rang returned to the mansion, someone suddenly appeared in front of him.

"What you said is true," Zhang Rang looked at him and said seriously, "Don't worry, the marquis, this matter is seen by the villain with his own eyes, and he dares not deceive the marquis." The man is as humble as a dog.

"Well, well, you have done a good job. Now go back and continue to monitor him for me. After that, I will report to you immediately. At that time, the marquis will definitely protect you in front of your majesty." Looking at this man, Zhang Rang said with a smile, "Thank you for your cultivation. First of all, I would like to go through fire and water for the marquis," the man bowed to Zhang with an excited face.

"Ye, you go first," Zhang Rang helped him up and said. Yes, marquis, the villain left first. The man bowed to Zhang and then retreated respectfully.

"Hou Lan, Hou Lan, this is called self-inflicted. Haha, I told you to fight with the sprinkler's family. Humph, let's see how you die then." Zhang Rang looked out of the window and said with a ferocious face.

The next day, the Jinluan Hall of Luoyang Palace.

The ministers first bowed for a while.

"Zhongqing, a few days ago, I received a good news." Liu Honggao sat on the dragon chair and looked down at the ministers in the hall. He felt that it was a kind of enjoyment, a kind of mastering the world and mastering everyone's life and death. That kind of pleasure simply made him extremely happy.

"Your Majesty, I don't know where the good news is." I thought that the old man with white temples came out. This person is Taifu Yuanhuai.

Looking at everyone's nod coincidentally, obviously they also want to know. Liu Hong said slowly, "A few days ago, Li Zhong, the herdsman of Youzhou, defeated the Wuwan clan in the north. Wuwan Shanyu Qiu Liju has begged for surrender to me and sent his two sons to Luoyang."

"Boom", when they heard the news, everyone talked about it as if they had smashed the pot.

"Quiet, quiet", Zhang Rang, who stood beside Liu Hong, frowned and quickly scolded him. Then everyone stopped talking and looked at Liu Hong one after another.

"Your Majesty, I don't know if this matter is true," Lieutenant Qiao Xuan asked. Liu Hong nodded and then said, "I have sent Hou Lan to inspect for me. According to Hou Lan, it is the same as what Li Zhong reported."

"Your Majesty, if this matter is true, then Lord Li will make great contributions, and Your Majesty should reward it," Sikong Yang Biao said.

"Don't worry, my lord, I have sent Hou Lan to reward Li Zhong," Liu Hong looked at Yang Biao with a smile. Your Majesty is wise, but the old minister is worried too much," Yang Biao said with some emotion.

"I don't know how your majesty rewarded Li Zhong," Situ Wangyun said, "I have made Li Zhong a former general and a marquis of Xixiang," Liu Hong said slowly.

"This..." Wang Yun said with some surprise, "Your Majesty, as far as I know, Li Zhong is still crowned (adult), isn't it too heavy to be rewarded?"

Qiao Xuan, who was beside him, quit and retorted: "Wang Situ's words don't agree with me." "I don't know what Captain Qiao has." Wang Yun asked with a mocking face. Qiao Xuan said with a blank face, "Since Gao Zu, my great Han Dynasty must be rewarded for his merit. Li Zhong made contributions to Sheji, forcing Wuwan to surrender and spare me from me. The people of Youyan have been looted all year round, which also makes my big man lose an enemy. Isn't this a great achievement?

Well, Liu Hong nodded secretly, but did not say anything, but watched his courtiers arguing below with great interest.

"You, you are being unreasonable," Wang Yun said, but still roared with lack of confidence: "Your Majesty, please make the decision." Seeing that Qiao Xuan could not be argued, Wang Yun said to Liu Hong.

Everyone, the update will resume from today. I hope you can continue to support Huangfu. Thank you!!