Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 128 Hua Tuo 1

According to the Records of the Three Kingdoms, Hua Tuo roamed the Xuzhou area to study in his early years and was familiar with several scriptures.

Chen Kui, Minister of Pei, recommended him as Xiaolian, and Lieutenant Huang Wan recruited him to serve, but he did not take office.

Hua Tuo is also proficient in medical prescription drugs. When treating the disease, he only used a few flavors of medicine to prepare soup medicine. He grasped the amount and proportion of the medicine in his heart. He did not need to weigh it any more. He boiled the medicine and let the patient drink it. At the same time, he told the taboos or precautions of taking the medicine. When Hua Tuo left, the patient would be fine.

Hua Tuo only wants to be an ordinary folk doctor and relieve the pain of patients with his own medical skills, which shows that he is less than fame and fortune. He was willing to get close to the masses. In his early years, he traveled to Henan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Anhui and other places.

In Hua Tuo's many years of medical practice, he is very good at distinguishing different diseases and viscera lesions and treating them. One day, two military officials had a fever and headache, and the symptoms were the same, but Hua Tuo's prescription was very different. They felt strange when they used sweat medicine and diarrhea medicine, but they both recovered after taking the medicine. It turned out that after Hua Tuo's diagnosis, it was known that one was a proof, which could be solved by sweating; the other was a fever syndrome, which was difficult to treat without diarrhea.

Mr. Hua's government official Ni Xun has a headache and fever, so he does it with his external reality. If you treat Li Yan's headache and body heat, you will sweat, which is also true.

cover the secrets of external taboos and internal taboos. According to the inside, it will rush up with wet fire, and the ground is still depressed, and it is waiting to disperse. In fact, the dirt is still accumulated, and the mountains and idle water is waiting to go down. He suffers from headaches and warms up the body, and those who treat different laws, although they have obtained the secret of immortality, it is also the way of heaven and earth. I have tried it again and again, and it has been effective again and again.

There is also a governor Youdun who felt that his illness had recovered after going to the hospital, but Hua Tuo's meridian vein warned: "Although you have recovered, your vitality has not recovered. You should rest for full recovery. Don't **, otherwise, you will be worried about your life." In fact, the governor was an official position at that time, not a person's name)

At that time, the wife heard that her husband had recovered, so she came to visit him from a hundred miles away. That night, Dun failed to be cautious** and died after three days of illness.

Another patient, Xu, was in bed due to illness. Hua Tuo went to visit him. Xu said, "Since yesterday, I have been coughing and can't sleep peacefully.

After the diagnosis, Hua Tuo said, "It's wrong. The acupuncture has not reached the stomach tube, and it has been mistakenly hit the liver. If the diet becomes less and less in the future, I'm afraid it will be unexpected in five days." The consequences are as said.

A county guard suffered from difficult diseases, and hundreds of doctors were ineffective. His son came to ask Hua Tuo to state his condition and ask for treatment. Hua Tuo came to the patient's room. During the interrogation, he spoke lightly and arrogantly. He asked for a huge reward, but he left without treatment and left a book to abuse.

The county guard has endured again and again, and has been furious. He sent people to chase and kill him, but there is no trace of him. Under anger, he vomited several times of black blood and healed. It turns out that this is a kind of psychotherapy used by Hua Tuo, which uses emotional activities such as joy, anger, excellence and thinking to regulate the body and cure its disease.

Hua Tuo once treated Chen Deng, the governor of Guangling. At that time, Chen Deng's face was red and he was irritable. Some subordinates said that Hua Tuo was in this place. Later, he ordered someone to invite Hua Tuo to treat him.

Hua Tuo first asked him to prepare more than a dozen washbasins, and then diagnosed and treated him. As a result, Chen Deng spit out dozens of red-headed bugs and prescribed medicine for him, saying that Chen Deng was a fish-eating disease, telling him that the disease would recur in three years, and then ask him for this medicine, and the disease can be cured.

And before leaving, he was told the address of (Hua Tuo's family). Chen Deng was 36 years old. As a result, Chen Deng relapsed from his old illness three years later and sent someone to search according to the address. However, Hua Tuo's medicine boy told Chen Deng's messenger that Hua Tuo had not come back from the mountain to collect medicine and did not know when he could When he came back, Chen Deng died of this disease at the age of 39.

In fact, Hua Tuo's medical skills are very good, but the Guangling Taishu was unlucky and couldn't wait for him to collect medicine back, which is the only exception for all the patients treated by Hua Tuo. ( According to the "Records of the Three Kingdoms · Biography of Chen Deng").

When Zhou Tai was seriously injured, Hua Tuo treated him, so later when someone recommended Hua Tuo to Cao, he said, "Jiangdong doctor Zhou Taizhe?"

Hua Tuo was originally a scholar and a scholar. Several times, he declined to be recommended as an official, preferring to hold the golden hoop bell and run around the suffering people. In the medical tour, countless people have come back to life.

He is not confused by the symptoms when he sees a doctor. He uses drugs and is well simpler in physical and mental interaction. He does not abuse drugs. He attaches importance to preventive health care, "treating people without illness", observes the natural ecology, and teaches people to regulate life harmony. However, for patients who are terminally ill, they will not be given injections and will be frankly informed.

Hua Tuo attaches great importance to folk treatment experience and often absorbs it and refines it to treat some common diseases.

At that time, jaundice was widespread. He spent three years repeatedly testing the medicinal effect of wormwood and decided to treat many patients with the young leaves of wormwood in spring and March.

As a result, there is a folk song: "March Yin Chen April wormwood, which will be remembered in later generations. March Yin Chen can cure diseases and burn firewood in May and June."

Hua Tuo also uses warm soup to treat scorpion sting pain, and uses moss to refine ointment to treat swelling and pain after horse bee sting; uses garlic mu to treat insect disease; uses perilla to treat fish and crab poisoning; uses white pretreatment; and uses yellow essence to tonify deficiency. And so on, it is not only simple and easy to do, but also effective quickly.

Officials Ni Xun and Li Yan came to see the doctor at the same time. They all had headaches and fever, and the symptoms of the pain were exactly the same. Hua Tuo said, "Nii Xun should discharge the disease, and Li Yan should sweat to expel the disease."

Some people have raised questions about these two different therapies. Hua Tuo replied, "Nixun is an external real disease and Li Yan is an internal real disease, so different methods should be used to treat them." After saying that, he immediately gave the two medicine separately and waited for them to get well together the next morning.

Hua Tuo's stunts are like these. However, he was originally a scholar, but he took medicine as his career and often felt regretful (doctors in Chinese feudal society belonged to "fang skills" and were regarded as "poority").

. Later, Cao Cao personally dealt with state affairs and became seriously ill, so Hua Tuo was specially treated for him. Hua Tuo said, "This disease is difficult to cure in the short term. Even long-term treatment can only prolong life."

Hua Tuo wanted to go back because he had been away from home for too long, so he said, "I received a letter from home and went back temporarily."

After arriving home, he said that his wife was ill and repeatedly asked to extend the holiday without returning. After that, Cao Cao wrote letters repeatedly to ask Hua Tuo to come back, and then ordered the county to be expropriated and sent away. Hua Tuo had his own talents and hated being a servant for food, and still did not go on the road.

Cao Cao was very angry and sent someone to check; if his wife was really sick, he would give Xiaodou 4,000 liters and relax the holiday period; if he cheated, he would be arrested and escorted. As a result, Hua Tuo lied and used a car to deport Hua Tuo to Xuchang Prison. After interrogation, Hua Tuo confessed his guilt (Han Law: 1. The crime of bullying the king; 2. Do not commit a crime).

Xun Yu pleaded with Cao Cao: "Hua Tuo's medical skills are really smart and related to human life. He should be tolerated."

Cao Cao said, "Don't worry, is there no such incompetent rat generation in the world?" Finally, Hua Tuo was tortured to death in prison.

Before Hua Tuo died, he took out a medical book and gave it to the prison officer, saying, "This book can be used to save people." The prison official was afraid of breaking the law and did not dare to accept it, so Hua Tuo had to endure the pain and ask for fire to burn the book.

After Hua Tuo's death, Cao Cao's headache did not get better. Cao Cao said, "Hua Tuo can cure this disease. This boy intends to keep my illness without cure, and wants to use this method to make himself important.

But if I don't kill this boy, he won't cut off the root of the disease for me after all. Later, when his beloved son Cao Chong was critically ill, Cao Cao sighed, "I regret killing Hua Tuo and making this son die alive."

Hua Tuo is good at using psychotherapy to treat diseases. There is a county guard who is seriously ill, and Hua Tuo went to see him.

The county guard asked Hua Tuo to treat him. Hua Tuo said to the county guard's son, "Your father's illness is different from ordinary disease. There is a blood in his abdomen. You should provoke him to spit out the blood, so that he can cure his illness, otherwise he will die.

Can you tell me all the mistakes your father usually did? I sent a message to scold him."

The son of the county guard said, "If you can cure your father's illness, what can't you say?" Therefore, he told Hua Tuo all the unreasonable things his father had done for a long time. Hua Tuo wrote a letter denounced the county guard and left it. After reading the letter, the county guard was furious and sent a arrester to arrest Hua Tuo. He didn't catch it. The county guard was furious and spit out more than a liter of black blood, and his illness was cured.