Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 129 Hua Tuo 2(,)

There is a very beautiful girl who has passed the age of marriage, but she has not yet married, because her right knee has had a sore and kept flowing thick water.

After seeing it, her father asked her daughter's condition. Hua Tuo said, "Sent someone to ride a horse and lead a chestnut dog for 30 miles. After coming back, he cut off the dog's right foot when his body was hot and put it on the sore." After a while, a red snake came out of the sore and entered the dog's foot, and the girl was cured. From "The Unique Romance")

At the end of the Later Han Dynasty, there was a lump in the abdomen, which was extremely painful day and night. When he was dying, he said to his son, "After I die, I can take it out by caesarean section and see what it is."

His son couldn't bear to disobey his father's order, so he had a caesarean section and took out a copper gun head, about one-third of a liter. After hearing this, Hua Tuo went to learn about it. After reading it, Hua Tuo took the medicine from the small box and put it on the head of the gun, and the head of the gun immediately turned into wine. From "Zhiqi")

Hua Tuo has many disciples in his life, among which Fan A of Pengcheng, Wu Pu of Guangling and Li Dangzhi of Xi'an are all famous in the world.

Wu Pu wrote Wu Pu's Herbs, Li Dangzhi wrote Li Dangzhi's Medicine Record, and Fan Axi's acupuncture. These three disciples later became famous doctors.

In order to pass on medical experience to future generations, Hua Tuo carefully wrote medical books in his later years, including the Blue Capsule Sutra, the Pillow Moxibustion Sutra and many other works, but unfortunately they were lost.

Wu Pu followed Hua Tuo's medical treatment, and many people were cured and saved. Hua Tuo said to Wu Pu, "The human body should be exercised, but it should not be excessive.

After exercise, the qi of the valley can be digested, the blood circulation will be smooth, and the disease will not occur. For example, the rotating door shaft will not decay.

Therefore, in the past, people who practice immortality and Taoism often did exercises such as "qigong". They imitated bears climbing branches and eagles turning their necks and looking forward to stretch their waists and stretching their bodies, and moving their joints to achieve longevity.

Fan A is proficient in acupuncture therapy. All doctors said that needles should not be randomly inserted between the back and chest viscera, and even if the needle can not exceed four minutes deep, while Fan's acupuncture points are one or two inches deep in the back and five or six inches in the giant hole of the chest, and the disease is often cured.

Fan A asked Hua Tuo for prescriptions that could be taken and good for the human body, and Hua Tuo taught him "Qi Yeqing Sticky San".

The prescription uses a liter of lacquer leaf crumbs and 14 taels of green sticky crumbs. According to this ratio, it is said that long-term use of this medicine can kill three parasites, which is beneficial to the five organs, makes the body light, and makes people's hair not white. Fan A followed his words and lived to be more than 100 years old.

In Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there is a description of Hua Tuo scraping Guan Yu's bones and treating poison, which is about Guan Yu's right arm being hit by a poison arrow by the Wei army during the Battle of Xiangyang.

Later, the wound gradually swelled and was very painful and could not move. Hua Tuo cut his arm and scraped the bone for Guan Yu to remove the poison on the bone, while Guan Yu's expression remained unchanged and was still playing chess with people.

This story originally praised Guan Yu's bravery, perseverance and patience, and also illustrates the master medical skills of the magic doctor Hua Tuo. It won people's praise and admiration. He is the originator of our surgeon.

This is a fictional story recorded in Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Hubei Xiangyang Fuzhi and widely circulated among the people. Although Guan Yu had a bone scraping to heal his wounds, Hua Tuo had already died a few years ago.

Hua Tuo's medical skills have improved rapidly due to his medical skills, and his fame is far and near. Just as Hua Tuo was enthusiastic about dedicating his exquisite medical skills to the people, Cao Cao, who rose in the turmoil in the Central Plains, heard of it and summoned him.

It turned out that Cao Cao had a wind disease in his early years, and after middle age, it became more and more serious. Every time, I feel dizzy and have an unbearable headache. The treatment by doctors has little effect. After Hua Tuo was called to see him, he put an injection in the Yu point of Cao Cao's thoracic spine. For a moment, his brain was clear and his eyes were clear and the pain stopped immediately.

Cao Cao was very happy. However, Hua Tuo told the truth: "Your disease is a brain disease, which is difficult to eradicate in the near future. It must be treated for a long time and gradually alleviated in order to prolong life."

After hearing this, Cao Cao thought that Hua Tuo was mysterious, so he was unhappy, but he was not in color. He not only stayed in the house, but also allowed him to treat the people. [

After decades of medical practice, Hua Tuo has mastered the treatment methods such as health care, prescriptions, acupuncture and surgery. He is proficient in internal and external, gynecological and pediatrics. He is known as a "divine doctor" with accurate diagnosis, simple methods and rapid curative effect.

In this regard, there is a similar comment in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Book of Later Han.

He said that he is good at health maintenance ("the art of nourishing nature, people think that he is 100 years old and has a good-looking appearance"), and uses medicine essence ("also refined medicine, its treatment of diseases, there are only a few kinds of soups, cardiac dispensation agents, no longer weigh, cook and drink it, talk about its diet, and give up healing").

Acupuncture is simple ("If it is a needle, it is only one or two places, and the needle says, 'when it comes, if it comes, the person', the patient says 'it has arrived', 'the needle should be pulled out, and the disease is also bad'"), the operation is magical ("cave the back, extracting and accumulating" and "broken intestine drip washing").

There are 16 medical cases in the Records of the Three Kingdoms, five in the Biography of Hua Tuo, and five in other documents, a total of 26 in the pre-Qin and Han doctors.

From the scope of treatment, internal diseases include fever, visceral diseases, mental illness, obesity, parasitic diseases, and external, pediatric and gynecological diseases include trauma, intestinal carburs, tumors, fractures, needle errors, milk taboo, stillbirths, infantile dysentery, etc.

He invented Boil powder, which set a precedent for the world's anesthetic drugs. The record of general anesthesia surgery in Europe and the United States began in the early 18th century, more than 1,600 years later than Hua Tuo. The History of World Pharmacy points out that the use of anesthetics by Arabs may have been transmitted from China, because "the famous Chinese doctor Hua Tuo is the best at this technique".

"Sui Shu · Jing Ji Ji" has a volume of "Hua Tuo's Pillow Moxibustion Sutra", which has been written. The "Hua Tuo Acupuncture and Moxibustion Sutra" quoted by "Medical Heart Prescription" may be an ausph of the book, and "Taiping Shenghui Fang" quoted the article "Hua Tuo Mingtang". Judging from the existing Yiwen, the name and positioning of the acupuncture points contained in the Hua Tuo Acupuncture Sutra are quite different from the Huangdi Mingtang Sutra.

Hua Tuo was the first to perform surgery with general anesthesia and was respected as the "surgery ancestor" by later generations. He is not only proficient in prescriptions, but also has excellent acupuncture and moxibustion.

Hua Tuo visited many doctors and collected some anesthetic drugs. After many different formulations, he finally tried the anesthetics. He also prepared the anesthetics and hot wine to make the patient take and lose consciousness, then cut open the abdominal cavity, remove the ulcers, wash the filth, sew with mulberry thread, and apply it. Divine ointment, four or five days to remove pain, and recover in a month.

Therefore, Hua Tuo gave it a name - Ma Bo.

If you need moxibustion treatment, it is only one or two acupuncture points, and the pain will be eliminated.

If the patient gathers and accumulates depression in the body, and the curative effect of pricking needles and taking medicine does not work. If it is necessary to dissect and remove it, he should drink the "boiling powder" prepared by him. After a while, the patient is as if he was drunk to death and unconscious, so he took a surgery to remove the affected area and remove the accumulations.

If the patient is in the intestine, remove the intestinal lesion, wash the wound and the infectious part, then sew the abdominal knife and apply it with ointment. After four or five days, the disease will be cured and no longer painful. During the operation, the patient did not feel pain himself, and within a month, the wound healed and recovered. [

The boiling powder he used is the earliest anesthetic in the history of the world. Hua Tuo used wine to perform abdominal surgery, setting a precedent for general anesthesia surgery. This kind of general anesthesia surgery is unprecedented in the history of Chinese medicine and a rare innovation in the history of world medicine.

Hua Tuo has also made important contributions to medical sports. Hua Tuo has created an exercise method called "five birds play", one is called tiger play, two is called deer play, three is called bear play, four is called ape play, and five is called bird play.

can be used to prevent diseases, and at the same time, it can make the legs and feet light and convenient, which can be used as "qigong".

When you are not feeling well, get up and do one of the plays. After sweating and soaking your clothes, and then rubing talcum powder on it, your body feels relaxed and convenient, and you want to eat in your stomach.

His student Wu Pu carried out this kind of exercise. When he lived in his 90s, his hearing and vision were very good, and his teeth were complete and strong.

Five Bird Opera is a set of medical gymnastics that stretches the muscles and joints of the whole body. Hua Tuo believes that "the human body wants to work,... the blood circulation, and the disease cannot be born, such as Hushu, which is immortal."