Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 134 Jin Feng's Strategy (,)

"General Wenchou," Li Dian shouted excitedly.

It turns out that this person is not someone else, but Wen Chou, the leader of Wuwan Iron Horse under Li Zhong's command.

Wen Chou smiled at Li Dian and then said, "Go and have a rest first." Li Dian nodded, and then rode the horse away from the regiment.

Wen Chou looked at Cui Yong. A Zhu Bajie saw the beautiful woman, licked his fat lips with his tongue and said, "You are very good, but I must cut off your dog's head today."

Cui Yong was actually suppressed by Wen Chou. His full blow was easily stopped by Wen Chou. How could he not shock him?

With a cold hum, Cui Yong did not say anything and looked at Wen Chou solemnly.

Wen Chou also smiled carelessly and said, "Take your life." As soon as the words fell, Wen Chou rushed out.

Seeing that Wenchou's momentum was not inferior to Deng Zhan just now, Cui Yong shouted bitterly in his heart, but there was no choice but to fight hard. Thinking of this, Cui Yong also took courage, endured the pain in his left shoulder and rushed out.

"Ah", Cui Yong shouted, and the mace in his hand followed. Wen Chou sneered, and the big knife also split it without hesitation. With a sound of "Dang", the two rushed forward more than a dozen steps and turned their heads and rushed out here.

This time, the two fought together, and the sound of "Dangbang" was endless, and the knives came and went, and no one was allowed to let anyone.

And the 10,000 cavalry brought by Wenchou also immediately joined the battle group to rescue the besieged robes, roared and rushed to the Goguryeo people. Suddenly, the flesh and blood flew over, and screams were endless. The battle situation suddenly tilted towards the side of the Youzhou army.

The sudden rise of the Youzhou army reinforcements plunged the Goguryeo soldiers into panic. After half an hour of bloody battle, the Goguryeo soldiers finally broke the defense line of the Youzhou soldiers who protected the grain and grass. Excited that they returned to the grain and grass with torches. Suddenly, the fire burst into the sky. The Youzhou soldiers were stunned first, and then they Angry, he rushed to the Goguryeo soldier more desperately, and a Goguryeo officer came to a carriage, looked at the grain on it, couldn't help smiling, and then said to the soldiers beside him, "Open it and have a look."

Then the soldier stabbed him with a knife. What disappointed the officer was that what was left was not white grain, but a grain of soil. The officer was stunned, and then shouted at Cui Yong, who was fighting Wen Chou: "General, general, we have been tricked. The car is not food and fodder at all, but soil. We The traitor of the Han people."

When Cui Yong heard this, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood, while Wen Chou laughed, and the fierce offensive became sharper.

As soon as the surrounding Goguryeo soldiers were hit by the trick, they were panicked and completely lost their confidence. Then the soldiers of the whole Goguryeo camp began to collapse and began to escape in a panic.

Li Dian beside him is half happy and half sad, with an indescribable feeling.

Deng Zhan was entangled by hundreds of Goguryeo soldiers and couldn't get away at all.

Suddenly, Wen Chou shouted, and Cui Yong, who had no intention of fighting, was shocked, and then a big head rose to the sky.

Gaoguryeo general Cui Yong died under Wen Chou's knife. Wen Chou picked up Cui Yong's head with a knife and hung it on the horse. Without even looking at Cui Yong, he rode the horse to kill the Gaoguryeo soldiers beside him.

The defeated Goguryeo soldiers were shocked to see Cui Yong being killed, and the only trace of resistance in their hearts collapsed in an instant. Except for a few who escaped, the rest of the soldiers left their weapons as prisoners.

Wen Chou found a deputy general, "Duan Mazi, you are responsible for cleaning the battlefield, and Li Tie reported the situation here to the lord." "Yes, general." The two were ordered to leave.

At this time, Deng Zhan and Li Dian also came over, and Wen Chou took a letter and handed it to Li Dian, "Li Dian, the lord asked me to give it to you."

Li Dian took over, and a moment later felt a trace of guilt in his heart. Then he said to Wen Chou, "General Wen Chou, please clean up the battlefield." Wen Chou said carelessly, "Don't worry."

"In addition, the lord asked you to give me 5,000 rides," Li Dian said.

Wen Chou replied, "Well, I know", "Vice General Xu", "General", "Go and transfer the second battalion", "Yes, General", Vice General Xu nodded and then went down to pass the order.

"Thank you, General", Li Dian held a boxing.

Wen Chou waved his hand and said, "Thank you, we are all brothers. Besides, this is the Lord's order." Li Dian nodded gratefully.

"General Deng, the lord wants you to go with me." "What are you going to do?" Deng Zhan tilted his neck and asked, "| Go to Dandong to escort the grain and fodder," Li Dian replied indifferently.

Deng Zhan muttered a few words in a low voice, and then nodded unwillingly.

"General Wen, then let's say goodbye first," Li Dian said.

Wen Chou nodded.

"Hurry up for me." After the two left, Wen Chou roared. Everyone rolled their eyes and didn't hear it.

In a hilly area northeast of Dandong, Li Zhongzheng ambushed here with Guan Hai and 30,000 Youzhou soldiers.

Golden Wind Camp in Goguryeo.

"The general is not good," a messenger hurried to Jin Feng and worshipped with one knee.

Jin Feng frowned and shouted, "What's the matter with such a panic?" The messenger was obedient.

After a while, Jin Feng asked, "What's the matter?" General, General Cui Yong sent people to report that they were besieged by the Han army and asked the general to send troops to rescue them, and the messenger said urgently.

Jin Feng frowned and meditated carefully. Several Gao Ju Li generals in the tent shouted, "General, I'm willing to lead the army."

Seeing that Jin Feng didn't say anything, everyone was anxious and quickly shouted, "General, I'll wait to go."

Suddenly, the whole tent quarreled, as if it were a teahouse hotel.

With a "pop", Jin Feng slapped the case and roared, "Shut up, what does it look like to be so noisy?" Everyone Weiwei is Nuo.

"Tore", Jin Feng shouted, "General", the general named Torre answered, and the excitement in his tone was all written on his face.

"I'll give you 5,000 elite soldiers to rescue Cui Yong. Remember, don't fall in love with war," Jin Feng told him.

"General, don't worry, the last general knows how to do it," Torre replied. Jinfeng nodded, and then said, "Okay, you go now." Torre nodded violently and left the account.

Suddenly, a Goguryeo general came out and asked, "General, Cui Yong has 20,000 elite soldiers, but they have been beaten by the enemy to ask for help from the general. Now the general has only sent Torre to lead 5,000 people, and the last general has the courage to ask the general to take back his life."

Jin Feng looked up at him, with a trace of appreciation in his eyes, so he explained, "What General Gao Ming said is indeed reasonable, but this general's free and wonderful plan" and "but the general" turned out that this person was smart and the former snake guard general.

"Okay, I've decided," Jin Feng waved his hand and then stopped Gao Ming.

Gao Ming had no choice but to salute Jin Feng and then push him into the list.

The Goguryeo general named Torre just now is also one of the ten warriors of Goguryeo, ranking ninth and can also be regarded as a general.

"Jinda" and "General", a thin general came out of the road. His name is Jinda, who is the end of the ten warriors of Goguryeo. He is vicious and cruel, but he is very loyal to Goguryeo.

"Can I do what I told you to do?" Jin Feng's tone was quite a little hopeful.

Jinda nodded and then said, "The last general has inquired about the Han people's camp and is 5 miles west of Beiwu County." "How many Han people are there?" Jin Feng asked.

Jinda thought for a moment and then said, "About 100,000 people."

Jin Feng nodded and then said, "Now that the Han people have been entangled by General Cui Yong, I have decided to attack the Han army camp and break through the Han people who invaded my Goguryeo."

Hearing this, Gao Ming suddenly understood Jin Feng's intention and admired him very much. He threw a look of worship to Jin Feng.

"Gao Ming" and "General", Gao Ming replied.

"I'll give you 15,000 people, and you must guard the camp," Jin Feng said seriously.

Gao Ming nodded solemnly and then said, "Please rest assured, the general will definitely guard the camp."

"The rest of the generals will follow me to lead the army to step on the Han people's camp," Jin Feng said to the generals.

The generals said excitedly, "Yes, general."