Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 135 Ambush (,)

"Lord", a messenger came to Li Zhong and said respectfully.

Li Zhong smiled at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Lord, the scout came to report that there were still about 5,000 Gaogu Li cavalry 20 miles away from us," the official said.

Li Zhong thought for a moment and then said, "Don't you see other Goguryeo troops?"

The messenger shook his head.

Li Zhong continued to ask, "Is there any news from General Wenchou?" "Not yet."

"Immediately send an order to Wen Chou to rush to the camp immediately. I always have a bad feeling," Li Zhong ordered.

"Yes, my lord."

"Lord, what about this group of Goguryeo people? Shall we fight or not?" Guan Hai asked with some anticipation.

Li Zhong smiled and asked, "Do you think we should fight or not?" He looked at Guan Hai with a smile.

"Of course," Guan Hai almost blurted out. As soon as he saw Li Zhong's expression, he knew that Li Zhong was taking him off again.

Guan Hai's eyes turned and quickly said, "The lord said he would fight, and the lord said he wouldn't fight if he didn't fight."

Li Zhong looked at him and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that Bo Yong would become smart." Guan Hai smiled carelessly.

"Order the whole army to be ready and not to let a person go," Li Zhong said to Guan Hai seriously. Guan Hai nodded excitedly. Perhaps the greatest happiness for him is to slash people with a big knife.

Wang Yue led 1,000 iron guards to closely surround Li Zhong, and Li Zhong had no choice but to "give in".

"General, let's be careful," an officer shouted to Torre, "You know, this is a good time for me to make contributions." Torre smiled carelessly, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"General, General Cui Yong, General Han Hu and General Gao Ming have been defeated by this group of Han people. Generals must not underestimate the enemy," the general advised painstakingly.

Torre stared at him and said unhappily, "Don't talk nonsense. Han people are all cowardly. How can they resist my Goguryeo army? It's just Cui Yong's incompetence."

"General", the general wanted to persuade again, but was stared at Torre, "Sut up, I have my own plan", and the general had no choice but to hold his fist and respond.

The group went to Cui Yong's side. What they don't know now is that Cui Yong has been killed, and 20,000 Goguryeo army died and fled.

"Jinda", "General", "How far is it from the Han camp?" Jin Feng looked at him and asked.

Jinda hurriedly said, "General, as long as you cross the mountain, you will arrive." Jinda pointed to a small mountain road in front of him.

Jin Feng nodded and then said, "Order the army to move forward" and "Yes."

"Lord, the Goguli cavalry is coming," Guan Hai came to Li Zhong and said in a hurry.

Li Zhong stared at the militant and said, "Give me the order, first with a tripping horse, and then the crossbowman fired ten thousand arrows, and not allowed to let one person go, otherwise I will ask you?" "Yes, lord," Guan Hai shrank his neck, and Weng Sheng answered.

"General, let the brothers have a rest, or we will have no strength when we arrive," the department suggested in front of Torre.

This time, Torre did not object and pointed to the front and said, "When the forest comes, it will rest for half an hour." The general was happy and hurried down to send the order.

He didn't notice the birds hovering in the sky.

"Lord, here we are," said a deputy general.

"Send the signal and get ready to act", Li Zhong couldn't take his eyes off the Goguryeo cavalry running from a distance.

The vice general answered, and then turned around and left the order.

"Driving", the whip kept beating the horse on the back. Torre looked anxious, and I don't know if he was in a hurry to be reincarnated.

Suddenly, a trip horse in the middle of the road blocked the middle of the road under the pull of two soldiers on both sides. The drag of too late to react was thrown to the ground, and the cavalry behind should also fall to the ground for inertia. Before Torre on the ground could react, the Goguryeo cavalry fell down one by one. He was With a few donkeys rolling, he quickly rolled to one side, otherwise most of them would be pressed into meat cakes.

He quickly got up and patted the dirt on the armor. Torre shouted, "Get up quickly before you are dead." The angry look was scary.

Several unlucky Goguryeo soldiers were trampled into mud by their companions' horses, which was simply unbearable.

The frightened Goguryeo soldiers quickly got up and pulled out their knives and looked around warily.

And Torre muttered to himself.

"General, let's go quickly," Torre asked puzzledly.

The general really wanted to smash his head and see what was in it, so he quickly explained, "General, I guess these are all done by the hateful Han people. We are probably surrounded."

After listening to the general's words, Torre realized that it was really difficult for him. With such an IQ, he can also achieve the position of general. "Haha, it's just right that it takes no time to break the iron shoes without any place to find," Torre said with a nervous smile.

The general couldn't help but be stunned, and then smiled bitterly: "General, we are surrounded by the enemy and need to retreat quickly to fight with General Cui Yong." He looked like his parents were dead.

"Bullshit, I finally found them. How can I let them go and pass the order? Everyone disoed me off and went to the forest to find out the Han people for me," Torre said fearlessly, and even had a little expectation, as if he were the ambush.

"General, this" "Why don't you go and give orders," Torre stared and roared angrily.

"General", "Get out".

The department had no choice but to go down and pass the order.

After cleaning up the Han people and talking to you, Torre calmed down a little and muttered viciously. The poor general had no good intentions, but there was no good reward, hey!

"Arrows", Guan Hai in the woods saw that he did not escape. He was overjoyed and quickly ordered.

In an instant, tens of thousands of arrows rushed to the Goguryeo soldiers. A moment later, the Goguryeo soldiers were killed and injured. The panicked Goguryeo soldiers rushed around with their heads and rats. With a Goguryeo officer shouting, the Goguryeo soldiers seemed to have found the backbone, with only more than 100 cavalry shields left. His hand immediately put the shield on his chest and looked at the depths of the jungle warily.

However, what was waiting for them was another rain of arrows. The arrows flying all over the sky rushed to the Goguryeo soldiers with a brave momentum of the soldiers of the Youzhou Army. Suddenly, their flesh and blood flew over, and the screams were endless. They were even more frightened.

"General, it's not a way to go on like this," the general said anxiously to Torre, eager to kill him.

Torre was also suppressed, so he turned his head and asked, "What can you do?" At this moment, if you can't recognize the situation of the enemy and us, you are really a fool.

The general was silent for a moment, and then said, "General, the only way to leave here to join General Cui Yong. General Cui Yong still has 20,000 troops in his hands. At that time, we will come back to deal with this group of Han people."

Torre nodded and said, "Go and give an order." "Yes, general." The general said, and then left quickly.

The unwilling Torre looked fiercely at the depths of the jungle, then turned his head and jumped on the horse.

"The general has an order, and the whole army retreats," the general shouted at the top of his voice.

The Goguryeo soldier who received the order ran south like an arrow from the string. He really wanted his parents to give him two legs and run forward desperately.

Some soldiers who only want to run for their lives don't even have time to take care of their horses, as if they were participating in a marathon.

"The whole army attacked and ordered Guan Hai to stop the fleeing Goguryeo soldiers for me." Li Zhong stood up, looked at the chaotic Goguryeo soldiers outside the jungle, and sneered at the messengers around him.

"Yes, lord," the messenger answered and then left.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look," Wang Yue shouted.

"Don't worry, now the enemy is in chaos, let alone you are by my side," Li Zhong said with a smile, and then walked out regardless of Wang Yue's objection.

30,000 Youzhou soldiers shouted and rushed out, as if a tiger went down the mountain.