Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 211 The Dog of the Guard

Liu Bei raised an army against Wu and avenged Guan Yu. On the one hand, the main purpose was to retake the Xiangnan region and complete the purpose of marching to the Central Plains.

At this time, the Wei army only needed to occupy Xiangyang and it was fine. As a result, Liu Bei almost lost his old capital and Sun Quan also lost his vitality. For Xiangyang, the Three Kingdoms did not hesitate to spare their blood.

Before the Red Cliff War, Xiangyang's strategic value was not very high, but after Cao, Liu and Sun separated from Jingzhou, Xiangyang became the common front line of the three parties, thus becoming the focus of competition.

After Sun Quan became emperor, he also had several plans to attack Xiangyang, but they all ended in failure.

However, because the Wei army has not been strong, it is difficult to go south from Xiangyang, so the value of Xiangyang was not obvious in the early Three Kingdoms, at least not to the extent that of losing Xiangyang and destroying the country in the Southern Song Dynasty.

This shows the importance of Xiangyang, and Xiangyang is a traffic fortress, rich, rich in products, dangerous terrain, and a place where mountains and rivers can be used as barriers. In ancient times, it has been a must for soldiers.

"Tell Xu Huang to wait for us in Zhonglu first," Li Zhong turned his head and said to Xu Chu.

Xu Chu answered with a promise.

"Let's go in." This is basically the purpose of Li Zhong's desire to go south. He wants to find a peerless general who can fight against Lv Bu.

The brigade Ma went to Xiangyang Dongcheng.

"Who are you?" Li Zhong was intercepted at the gate.

"I was invited by Liu Jingzhou to come to Xiangyang, please accommodate me," Li Zhong said with a smile.

In fact, this is also one of his purposes. It is a strategy to make friends from afar and attack closely.

The Jingzhou army officer looked at Li Zhong doubtlessly and said, "What's your name? I'm going to inform you."

"Li Zhong from Youzhou".

"Wait," the officer muttered to the soldiers around him and then rushed to the city.

"What, Li Zhong", Jingzhou Pastoral Office, one or two white temples, but quite energetic old man was a little surprised.

"Yes, lord, he claimed to be Li Zhong of Youzhou, saying that the lord invited him," the officer just whispered.

Walking back and forth, the old man thought for a moment and said, "Please come here immediately. Remember, please."

"Yes," the officer retreated respectfully.

"Why did he come to me," the old man muttered.

"Someone comes"


"Go and invite Mr. Hedu and others to come here to discuss matters"


"Son, please." The officer obviously did not know the identity of Li Zhong. Seeing that he was handsome and young, he called him prince.

Li Zhong smiled and said, "I'm sorry."

The officer is submissive.

Jia Xu and Guo Jia have been following Li Zhong, and they are also very clear about Li Zhong's thoughts. Although their strength is strong, they have to act carefully. As the saying goes, be careful to sail for thousands of years.

"Lord, the prince is here," the officer came to the old man and said respectfully.

Li Zhong only took Jia Xu, Guo Jia and Xu Chuchen to accompany the dead, and Wen Ping stayed in the state pastoral mansion with an iron guard to protect the safety of Li Zhong's two wives.

At this moment, there are also many famous Jingzhou officials on the lobby, which seems to be quite prosperous.

When he came to the old man, Li Zhong bowed and hugged his fist and said, "I have seen Lord Zhou Mu". It turned out that this person was Jingzhou Mu Liu Biao. Although he was less than 50 years old, he was like a 60-year-old man.

In fact, after Liu Biao was the king of Han Lugong, Li Zhong also wanted to call him uncle according to his generation, but he met for the first time. If he didn't know it, he thought you were getting along with him and was afraid of his flattery.

Liu Biao smiled and said to Li Zhong, "You don't have to be polite, please sit down."

Li Zhong didn't expect Liu Biao to call him that. Although he was a little confused, he thanked Liu Biao and sat in the first position on the left. Although Li Zhong is the youngest here, his identity is worse than Liu Biao.

Liu Biao (142-208), a native of Gaoping, Shanyang County (now Weishan, Shandong). After Liu Yu, the king of Han Lugong, he was a famous scholar at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and one of the heroes at the end of the Han Dynasty.

He is more than eight feet long, warm and magnificent. He was well-known in the world when he was young, and is known as one of the "Eight Jun" (Zhang Fan Han Ji said: Zhang Yin, Xue Yu, Wang Wen, Xuan Jing, Gong Chu [Xu] Gong, Liu Zhi and Tian Lin are eight friends, or Ba Gu.

The Record of Famous Scholars at the end of the Han Dynasty: Table and Runan Chen Xiang's character Zhonglin, Fan Fang's character Meng Bo, Lu Guo Kong Yu's character Shiyuan, Bo Haiyuan Kang's character Zhongzhen, Shanyang Tanfu character Wenyou, Zhang Jian's character festival, Nanyang Cen Qian's character Gongxiao as eight friends.

The Book of Later Han also states that Liu Biao and Zhang Jian of the same county are called "Ba Gu", and it also refers to Zhang Jian, Cen Yang, Chen Xiang, Kong Yu, Yuan Kang, Tan Fu, Zhai Chao and others are called "Ba Ji".

Romance of the Three Kingdoms took the latter), and was criticized by Zhang Jian and others in the same county during the second party's disaster and was forced to flee.

In 184 AD (the seventh year of Guanghe), * After the release of Liu Biao was appointed as a subordinate by General He Jinzheng and recommended him to enter the dynasty again and serve as a member of the Northern Army.

In 190 (the first year of Chuping), Wang Yi, the assassin of Jingzhou, was killed by Sun Jian, and Dong Zhuo sent Liu Biao to succeed him.

Because the thieves in the south of the Yangtze River were very prosperous at that time, Yuan Shutun was in Luyang and had all the people of Nanyang. Su Dai of Wu was the governor of Changsha, and Bei Yu was the county magistrate of Huarong, and each dominated the local militia.

As a result, Liu Biao could not go directly to office, so he went to Jingzhou anonymously before he took office.

Liu Biao went to Jingzhou, and Danma entered Yicheng to seek a general strategy with Kailiang, Kaiyue, Xiangyang and Cai Wei from Yanzhong Lu County.

Liu Biao asked, "There are a lot of thieves here, and the masses do not agree, so Yuan Shu made a mess, and the disaster has come now! I hope to recruit here, but I'm afraid they can't gather. What's the solution?

Kailiang said, "The reason why the masses are not attached is due to the lack of benevolence, and the reason why the masses are dependent and cannot govern is due to the lack of righteousness. If the way of benevolence and righteousness can be done, the people will return to the water. Why should they worry about the comings not ask about the strategy of rejuvenating soldiers?"

Liu Biao asked again, and said, "Those who govern peace put benevolence and righteousness first, and those who govern chaos put power first. There are not many soldiers, but they can win others.

Yuan Shu is brave and unbroken. Su Dai and Bei Yu are brave warriors, so there is no concern. The leader of the thieves was greedy and worried about his subordinates.

There are some people under me who are usually cultivated. If they are sent to show their benefits, the leader of the thief will definitely come with the crowd. The king will kill those who are incompetent, and then use them.

People in such a state are happy to stay in this state. When they learn that the emperor is virtuous, they will definitely help the old and bring the weak. Then the soldiers gathered and attached them to Jiangling in the south, Xiangyang in the north, and the eight counties of Jingzhou.

Although Yuan Shu and others have arrived, there is nothing they can do.

Liu Biao sighed: "The words of Zirou (the character Kua Liang) can be said to be the theory of Yongji. The plan of strangeness (Kui Yue) can be said to be a plot to commit a false crime.

Then he asked the Yue people to lure 55 thieves (15 people in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty) to go to the banquet, kill them all, and attack their followers.

Only Jiangxia thieves Zhang Hu and Chen Sheng supported the people to guard Xiangyang, and Liu Biao made Kai Yue and Pang Ji ride alone to surrender them.

When the county magistrate of Jingzhou heard about Liu Biao's reputation, most of them took off the seal and fled. So far, Liu Biao controlled the seven counties of Jingzhou except Nanyang County and sent troops to Xiangyang to see the changes of the times.

At that time, Guandong County raised troops to fight against Dong, but Liu Biao did not join the coalition to fight against Dong. Liu Biao also recommended Yuan Shu to be the governor of Nanyang and temporarily showed his goodwill to him.

In 191 (the second year of Chuping), Yuan Shu sent Sun Jian to attack Liu Biao, and Liu Biao sent Huang Zu, the governor of Jiangxia, to fight in Fancheng and Deng counties.

Sun Jian defeated Huang Zu and besieged Xiangyang. Liu Biao sent Huang Zu out of the city at night to mobilize the troops of various counties. When Huang Zu led the army to return to Xiangyang, Sun Jian met him, and Huang Zu retreated and fled to Mount Hssan.

Sun Jian took advantage of the victory and chased him overnight. Huang Zu's part lurked in the bamboo trees and shot Sun Jian to death with a dark arrow.

Since then, Yuan Shu can no longer defeat Liu Biao.

After Sun Jian's death, Liu Biao cut off Yuan Shu's grain, making it impossible for him to be in Nanyang, forcing him to leave in the direction of Yanyu, which indirectly contributed to the later battle between Yuan Shu and Cao Cao Cao.

This move not only completely removed Yuan Shu's ambition to covee Jingzhou, but also used the power of Cao Cao's army to weaken Yuan Shu's power, make it farther away from Jingzhou, reduce the threat to Jingzhou, and consolidate its ruling power in Jingzhou.

In the same year, Liu Yan, the pastor of Yizhou, made more than a thousand cars. Liu Biao then spoke to the court, saying that Liu Yan seemed to have signs of Zixia discussing saint theory in the West River.