Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 212 The Dog of the Guard

192 AD (the third year of Chuping), Dong Zhuo was killed, and the rest of Li Wei and Guo Yan entered Chang'an.

In October, Liu Biao sent envoys to pay tribute. Li Wei sent Zhong Yao, the servant of the Yellow Sect, to worship Liu Biao as the general of Zhennan and the herdsmen of Jingzhou, and was awarded the title of Marquis of Wu. He was allowed to set up a long history, Sima and engaged in Zhonglang. He had the power to open the government to summon his subordinates. The etiquette was like the three princes.

also sent Zuo Zhonglang to grant Zhu Dan a holiday and supervise the military affairs of the three states. In this way, Liu Biao was connected as his foreign aid.

Liu Biao has created a relatively safe separatist force in the eight counties of Jingzhou.

Many scholars fled the Central Plains at that time and chose to take refuge in Jingzhou, among which Zhuge Liang was more famous.

In 194 (the first year of Xingping), Liu Yan died of illness, and his son Liu Zhang was immediately taken to the throne.

Liu Biao took this opportunity to drive Liu He against Liu Zhang's generals Shen Mi, Lou Fa and Gan Ning, but they were all defeated and entered Jingzhou.

In terms of Yizhou, Zhao Kui was also appointed as the general of Zhengdong Zhonglang, and the army was stationed in Badong County to prevent Liu Biao.

In 196 (the first year of Jian'an), Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty moved east to Luyang, and Zhang Yang sent General Dong Cheng to repair the palace.

The servant Zhao Qi helped Dong Cheng persuade Liu Biao. Liu Biao sent troops to Luyang, and military resources continued to arrive.

In the same year, Cao Cao welcomed the emperor and moved his capital to Xuchang. Although Liu Biao sent an envoy to pay tribute, he married Yuan Shao in the north.

Deng Xi advised Liu Biao, but Liu Biao did not listen and replied, "Inside, I am not responsible for the tribute; externally, I have not violated the alliance leader, which is the way to achieve righteousness in today's world. Why are you the only one who always blames me?"

Deng Xi was dissatisfied, so he resigned and retired. In the end, Liu Biao did not serve him.

At that time, Zhang Ji, a cavalry general, left Nanyang from Guanzhong and attacked the city of Nanyang County because he ran out of grain, but died in the middle of the arrow. His nephew Zhang Xiu withdrew from the city.

Jingzhou officials congratulated Liu Biao after knowing it. Liu Biao said, "Zhang Ji came because of the end of the road, but I was so rude as a master. This is not my intention, so I only receive condolences without congratulations."

After that, Liu Biao sent someone to lure Zhang Ji's rest of the department. His members were overjoyed to hear the news and obeyed Liu Biao. Under Jia Xu's persuasion, Zhang Xiutun joined forces with Liu Biao to become Liu Biao's vassal power in the north to resist Cao Cao for him.

In 197 A.D. (the second year of Jian'an), Cao Cao marched south, and the troops arrived in Luoshui, and Zhang Xiu led the crowd to surrender. However, because Cao accepted Zhang Ji's widow, Mrs. Zou, Zhang Xiu hated Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was ready to kill Zhang Xiu again, but the plan leaked and Zhang Xiu defeated Cao.

Zhang Xiu retreated from the city after chasing the defeat and allied with Liu Biao again.

Many counties in Nanyang and Zhangling returned to Zhangxiu. Cao Cao sent Cao Hong to deal with it, but Cao Hong fought unfavorably and was attacked by the allied forces of Zhang and Liu many times.

In November of the same year, Cao Cao personally conquered the two counties of Nanyang, Huyang and Wuyin, and captured Liu Biao and Deng Ji alive.

In March 198 (the third year of Jian'an), Cao Cao marched south to Zhangxiu and surrounded the city guarded by Zhang Xiu.

Soon, Cao Cao immediately retreated from the city when he heard that Yuan Shao wanted to take advantage of the false attack to take Xudu.

Zhang Xiu led his troops to follow, and Liu Biao also sent Jingzhou troops to occupy Anzhong, cut off Cao's retreat, and attempted to attack Cao's army with Zhang Xiu. Cao's surprise defeat of Zhang and Liu's allied forces. After Cao's victory, he quickly retreated north.

Zhang Xiu personally led his troops to pursue, but Jia Xu dissuaded him. Zhang Xiu did not listen and forcibly pursued him. He was defeated by Cao Cao himself.

At this time, Jia Xu advised Zhang Xiu to chase again, but Liu Biao did not listen. Zhang Xiu collected scattered soldiers and then pursued them to defeat Cao Cao's guard troops.

In the same year, Zhang Xian, the governor of Changsha, led the three counties of Lingling and Guiyang to rebel against Liu Biao. Liu Biao sent troops to besiege him for years.

Later, Zhang Xian died of illness, and Changsha people established his son Zhang Yi as the main one, so Liu Biao captured Zhang Yi, opened the land widely, and collected Lingling and Guiyang in the south, and Hanchuan in the north, with thousands of miles of territory, with more than 100,000 armored soldiers.

At first, the land of Jingzhou was disturbing, and the surrounding areas were shocked by the war, and the thieves incited trouble with each other, which made Jingzhou boil and turbulence everywhere.

and Liu Biao, as a herdsman in Jingzhou, can be seduced, powerful and harmonious, so that the thieves in the territory can also be useful.

Since then, Jingzhou has been purged for thousands of miles, and the people have been happy. On the other hand, there are thousands of scholars from Kansai, Yanzhou and Yuzhou who have come to Jingzhou. Liu Biao can appease them, and the scholars are funded and protected.

Because the bandits in Jingzhou have been eliminated, Liu Biao opened a scholar, asked for Confucian scholars, and ordered Qi Wuyu, Song Zhong and other scholars to write the Five Classics and Sentences, which was called post-determined.

During his tenure, Liu Biao loved the people and raised his people and took care of himself calmly.

The grand event is as recorded in the Official Records of Jingzhou Literature (see Volume 38 of the Art and Literature Gathering): "It is ordered to engage in Song Zhong's new literature, and Yan Peng's disciples... In five years, Taoism has been great.

There are more than 300 people who have come from afar.

Tang Changru said in the "South Migration of the Academic Center and Jingzhou School at the End of the Han Dynasty": "The scale and system of Jingzhou School are far beyond the scope of county Sinology. It can be said that it is the southward migration of Luoyang Taixue."

After the pact of Jingnan, there was a feud between Liu Biao and Zhang Jin, the pastor of Jiaozhou.

In the four to eight years of Jian'an (199-203), Zhang Jin used troops against Liu Biao for years. However, Jiaozhou has few soldiers, so it is still futile to fight with Liu Biao for years.

Until the eighth year of Jian'an (203), Zhang Jin was killed by his subordinates. Liu Biao immediately sent his subordinate Lai Gong as the governor of Jiaozhou, hoping to occupy Jiaozhou before the appointment of officials by the court.

At the same time, he appointed Wu Ju, a subordinate, as the governor of Cangwu to replace Shi Zhuan, who had just died of illness.

On the other hand, Hanting, headed by Cao, worshipped the governor of Jiaozhi as the "Zuinan Zhonglang general, Dong Du (Jiaozhou) seven counties, leading the Jiaojiao Taishou as before", aiming to compete with Liu Biao's power in Jiaozhou.

In 200 AD (the fifth year of Jian'an), Liu Biao and Zhang Xiu jointly attacked Cao Cao, and the two sides won and lost each other.

After that, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao held each other in Guandu. According to Zhang Xiu, who guarded Nanyang, accepted the advice of the counselor Jia Xu and asked Cao Cao to surrender. From then on, Liu Biao lost his influence in Nanyang County.

Then, Yuan Shao sent people to help Liu Biao. Liu Biao always promised, but he did not officially send troops to help Cao Cao, and refused to help Cao. He only hoped to protect himself between the (Chang) River and Han (Water) to watch the changes in the world.

Han Song, who is engaged in Zhonglang, said to Liu Xian: "The heroes compete with each other, and the two heroes hold each other. The most important thing in the world is only to the general. If the general wants to make a difference in troubled times, he should take advantage of the chaos in the world.

If not, you should choose a person who can lead the world. The general now has 100,000 people, but just sit and watch.

The so-called see the virtuous but can't help (referring to Cao Cao), please make peace but can't get it (referring to Yuan Shao). In this way, the two families will definitely blame the general, and it is impossible for the general to continue to be self-reliant.

With Cao Gong's wisdom, the world's virtuous and handsome people are bound to return to him. He is bound to destroy Yuan Shao, and then he will definitely lead troops south to attack Jiang Han. I'm afraid that the general will not be able to resist his army.

So I calculated for the general. It's better to rely on Cao Gong, and Cao Gong will certainly treat the general again; in this way, he can enjoy happiness and his descendants Yanran. This is the real perfect strategy.

Kui Yue also used this to persuade Liu Biao, but Liu Biao was suspicious and sent Han Song to see Cao Cao to see the truth.

After returning from Xudu, Han Song pointed out that Cao's Wei and virtue stood side by side and were the real Ming Lord, so he advised Liu Biao to send his son hostage.

Liu Biao therefore suspected that Han Song was working for Cao Cao and was very angry and wanted to kill Han Song. However, when asked about Han Song's entourage, he learned that Han Song only said his heartfelt words and had no other intention. He did not kill Han Song, but still imprisoned him.

This incident can reflect that although Liu Biao is elegant in appearance, he is quite suspicious.

In 201 (the sixth year of Jian'an), Liu Biao sent 10,000 people to attack western Hubei. Du Xi's county magistrate summoned more than 50 officials and people responsible for defending the city to defend the city. In the end, Liu Biao's army was outnumbered West Hubei.

In the same year, Liu Bei came from Yuan Shao to Jingzhou. Liu Biao treated each other, but did not reuse Liu Bei. He only arranged for him to be stationed in Xinye and become his own northern vassal.

In 207 (the 12th year of Jian'an), when Cao Cao's expedition to Liucheng, Liu Bei persuaded Liu Biao to attack Xudu, but Liu Biao did not accept his words.

As far as Cao returned to the Central Plains, Liu Biao said to Liu Bei, "I didn't take your advice before, and now I have lost such a good opportunity."