Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 261 Dong Zhongying 3

It is extremely important to control the central regime and control the military power of the Luoyang Weiwu army. Dong Zhuo made specific arrangements and sent his confidant general Lv Bu to kill Zhi Jinwu and receive all the defense forces in the capital.

Since then, Dong Zhuo has not only controlled a large number of conventional troops, but also controlled Luoyang's direct troops, fully equipped with the military foundation for influencing the government. This adds considerable leverage to the further expansion of his ambitions.

At that time, Bao Xin had a clear awareness and understanding of the expansion of Dong Zhuo's military power. He once said to Yuan Shao: "Dong Zhuo has strong soldiers and has ambitions. If he does not find a way to get rid of him now, he will be restrained by him in the future. Nowadays, Dong Zhuo's military personnel are mixed, the military is unstable, and the organization is not strict. It can be eliminated as soon as possible. However, Yuan Shao was afraid of Dong Zhuo and did not take action.

With a strong military backing, Dong Zhuo has no fear and does whatever he wants. First of all, he forced the court to remove Sikong Liu Hong from his position and replace him. Then, in order to further monopolize the central government, Dong Zhuo decided to convene civil and military officials to discuss the abolition of the young emperor and establish a new emperor.

At a meeting, Dong Zhuo said unscrupulously, "The young emperor is stupid and cowardly, can't respect the temple, and is not qualified to be the monarch of the world. For the sake of the country and the Han Dynasty, I want to follow the story of Yi Yin Fang Taijia and Huo Guang's abolition of Changyi, abolish the Young Emperor, and appoint Liu Xie, the king of Chen Liu, as the son of heaven!"

Most of the officials present were deterred by Dong Zhuo's **wei and dared not say anything about his arbitrary and arbitrary behavior. Only Shangshu and Luzhi raised objections face to face, believing that the young emperor was only young, and his behavior could not be compared with Taijia and the king of Changyi at all.

Dong Zhuo was furious. He didn't expect Lu Zhi to be so disrespectful that he dared to oppose him in public, so he immediately ordered the soldiers to push him out and behead him. Fortunately, Cai Yong, the waiter, tried his best to dissuade Lu Zhi from death.

After that, Dong Zhuo abolished the Young Emperor and demoted him to King Hongnong; another Liu Xie, the king of Chen Liu, was appointed as Emperor Xian of Han.

After the abolition of the emperor, Dong Zhuo looked down on the Empress Dowager He and thought that she was hindering her freedom to move and establish prestige in the court.

Therefore, Dong Zhuo also held a meeting with the ministers and recounted the so-called crimes of the empress dowager to the ministers, saying how she forced her mother-in-law, the empress dowager Yongle (the mother of Lingdi Liu Hong), so that the empress dowager died worried and died.

This kind of teaching method that violates the common sense of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and does not practice filial piety should be severely punished. After that, Dong Zhuo ordered the Empress Dowager He to move to Yong'an Palace. Soon, Dong Zhuo killed the young emperor Liu Wei and poisoned the Empress Dowager He.

Through the replacement and disposal of the personnel of the highest level of the central government, the entire Eastern Han government was almost completely subject to Dong Zhuo: the abolition of the emperor, the appointment and removal of courtiers, and the formulation of major policies were all determined by Dong Zhuo. At this time, Dong Zhuo, who was extremely ambitious, had already looked blank.

After the reform of Emperor Xian, Dong Zhuo promoted himself to a lieutenant and became one of the three princes, in charge of the national military and former general affairs. Later, he proclaimed himself a county marquis, worshipped the prime minister, jumped to the head of the three princes and the prime minister.

Although Dong Zhuo is called the prime minister of the country "under one person, above ten thousand people", he actually far surpasses the emperor and enjoys the privileges of "praise unknown, enter the dynasty, and go to the palace with sword".

One person gets the way, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. After he became a member of the throne, Dong Zhuo also took advantage of his privileges to make a member of the Dong family. He first named his mother Chi Yangjun, and Yueli was equipped with family orders and ministers, with the same status as the royal princess.

At the same time, Dong Zhuo also worshipped his younger brother Dong Min as General Zuo, Feng Hou, and also named his young granddaughter Yang Jun. What's more, "Zhuo's concubine holds the middle son in her arms, and they are all marquised with gold and purple."

In order to control the emperor more effectively, Dong Zhuo coerced Emperor Xian to move the capital from Luoyang to Chang'an despite the opposition of the courtiers.

Dong Zhuo also ignored the etiquette and imperial prestige, and built a dock fort on the scale of Chang'an City Wall in his fiefdom, which was seven feet high, and blatantly named it "Hang Live Dock" and stipulated that any official must disarge and respectfully salute him when passing through his fief.

When he first arrived in Luoyang, although Dong Zhuo's subordinates also gathered a group of confidants, it was far from enough to rely on these people alone to dominate the huge central bureaucratic system.

Moreover, many bureaucrats with certain power and influence in the court at that time did not accept Dong Zhuo at all. In this regard, in the process of playing power, Dong Zhuo secretly cultivated his minions, widely accepted Luo's cronies, and used pulling, **, crowding out and other means to attack and frame all forces and groups that were unfavorable to him.

After the title of marquis, Dong Zhuo tried his best to attract Situ Huang Wan, Sikong Yang Biao, and raised and supported Chen Fan, Dou Wu and others who had been degraded.

Dong Zhuo not only restored the previous titles of Chen Pan and others, but also promoted their descendants for their own use for generations. But in fact, almost no one was bought by Dong Zhuo.

According to historical records, Dong Zhuo took advantage of his privileges to re-improve and appoint a large number of party members, such as Zhou Ying, Shizhong Wu Qiong, Shangshu Zheng Gongye, Changshi He Hao, Sikong Wu Chushi, etc.

Not only that, as long as they are party members related to the above personnel, Dong Zhuo has promoted them as Lieqing. For a while, "there are many people who are sluggish." Cai Yong, a great writer, was also recruited and recruited by Dong Zhuo.

At the beginning, Cai Yong was exiled because he bluntly wrote to the emperor, and later returned to the countryside after being pardoned. Wang Zhi, a local official, had a personal grudge against Cai Yong, so he impeached Cai Yong for slandering the government. Cai Yong was forced to run away from home and wandered around the world for 12 years.

Dong Zhuo had heard about Cai Yong's reputation and talent for a long time, so he specially recruited him to serve as an official in Beijing. Cai Yong did not want to be involved in politics and politely refused. Dong Zhuo threatened Cai Yong: "If you don't obey, I will kill your whole family."

Cai Yong was afraid and had to return to Luoyang. Dong Zhuo was overjoyed and appointed him as a sacrificial wine. He respected Cai Yong very much, and later continued to promote his official position. According to the historical book, Cai Yong went through the "three platforms" within three days, and the officials went to the court entourage.

In addition to arranging his own forces in various ministries of the central government, Dong Zhuo also installed local minions by appointing imperial guards, assassins and other means. In this way, Dong Zhuo has basically controlled the main political forces of the central and local governments through layers of placement. As long as the officials who are dissatisfied with his slight action, he will completely eradicate them, kill chickens and monkeys, and deter the government and the opposition.

Dong Zhuo observed that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, who held real power, were unfavorable to themselves and must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Long before the abolition of the emperor, Dong Zhuo wanted to use Yuan Shao to support him, but Yuan Shao strongly opposed it.

Once, Yuan Shao said, "The end of the Eastern and Western Han dynasties are all over the world, supported by the people, and the country is safe. Although the emperor is young, he has not spread evil deeds all over the world. If you want to depose the emperor and establish a new emperor, I'm afraid no one will agree with you.

After hearing this, Dong Zhuo showed his fierce appearance and scolded Yuan Shao angrily with a sword: "I intended to value you. I didn't expect you to be so ignorant. If I don't kill you today, it will always be a disaster in the future!"

Yuan Shao also pressed the hilt of the sword and tit-for-tat. Dong Zhuo did not dare to act rashly. That night, Yuan Shao fled to Bohai County for refuge. Because Yuan Shao is a family, Dong Zhuo does not dare to pursue it.

When Dong Zhuojun entered Luoyang, Cao Cao was also in the capital and had certain military power in his hands. Dong Zhuo also wanted to eat Cao Cao by tempting him in the process of expanding his troops and collecting military power. However, Cao Cao saw through Dong Zhuo's conspiracy, refused to cooperate with him, and left without saying goodbye and fled Luoyang.

Zhang Wen, a former lieutenant, has always been extremely dissatisfied with Dong Zhuofei's domineering, barbaric and cruel behavior. Dong Zhuo also regarded Zhang Wen as an eyesore. In order to get rid of this big trouble, Dong Zhuo spread rumors in the court and slandered Zhang Wen and Yuan Shu for their long-term collusion against the court. Soon, he killed Zhang Wen on the charge of "unwarranted".

Under Dong Zhuo's ** coercion and conspiracy, his competitors and many loyal ministers in the court were either forced to flee or eradicated. Dong Zhuo played with power and killed innocent people indiscriminately, which aroused strong indignation and opposition from the majority of officials and people.

Dong Zhuo "be cruel and unkind, so he cooperates with the public with strict punishment, and the gap between the eyes must be pulled, and people do not protect themselves." When he led the army into Luoyang for the first time, he saw that the city was full of rich aristocratic mansions, rich families, and countless gold and silk properties, so he indulged his soldiers and carried out the so-called "consolidation" movement.

These soldiers killed and set fire everywhere, * women, plundered supplies, making the whole Luoyang City uneasy and complaining.

After controlling the central government, Dong Zhuo's cruel and unkind viciousness expanded, and he often sent his soldiers everywhere to plunder and brutalise the people.