Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 262 Dong Zhongying 4

In February 190 (the first year of Chuping), the Qiang soldiers of Dong Zhuo's subordinates were gathering in Yangcheng * villagers. The soldiers killed all the men, brutally cut off their heads, and lined up side by side in blood, which was shocking.

In addition, they also took the opportunity to take away a large number of women and a large amount of property. After returning to Luoyang, his general gathered their heads and burned them, and gave women and property to the soldiers, but declared to others that it was the gain of defeating the enemy.

Once, many officials in the court were invited to a banquet by Dong Zhuo. Officials are puzzled and don't know what kind of medicine is in Dong Zhuo's gourd.

At the banquet, Dong Zhuo was very interested and greeted everyone not to worry about drinking. After three rounds of drinking, Dong Zhuo suddenly got up and mysteriously said to the people present, "In order to help everyone enjoy the wine, I will present a wonderful program for you. Please enjoy it!"

After saying that, he took a high-five and laughed wildly. Suddenly, the whole banquet turned into a place of execution.

Dong Zhuo escorted hundreds of northern rebels who lured the prisoners to the center of the venue, first ordered the soldiers to cut off their tongues, and then some were cut off their hands and feet, and some were dug their eyes. The cruelty of his methods made all the officials and soldiers present miserable, and the chopsticks in the hands of many guests were scared to the ground. Dong Zhuo still drank freely as if nothing had happened, and his face still showed a proud look.

Another time, Dong Zhuo first wrapped hundreds of captured insurgent soldiers with cloth, stood upside down, then poured ointment, lit a fire and burned them to death, which was extremely cruel.

When the capital was moved to Chang'an, in order to prevent officials and people from fleeing back to the old capital Luoyang, Dong Zhuo burned down the whole Luoyang City and a large number of buildings such as palaces, temples and treasurys within 200 miles nearby. Luoyang City, which used to be prosperous, instantly turned into ruins, and the desolate scene made people suddenly regret it.

In order to obtain wealth, Dong Zhuo also sent Lv Bu to loot the royal tomb and the tomb of Gongqing to collect treasures.

The whole Luoyang City is in a mess. Under Dong Zhuo's wanton trampling and destruction, it is full of holes and devastation. Cao Cao was very sad and angry about this. He wrote a poem "The Dew" and ridiculed it:

The thief held the handle of the country and killed the master Yujing. Overturned the emperor's foundation, and the temple was burnt. Broadcast Yuexi migration, sobbing and OK. Zhanpiluo City Guo, Weizi is sad.

After Dong Zhuo came to power, the state system changed day and became capricious, which seriously hindered the normal operation of the entire state power machine.

Among them, the laws and punishments he promulgated are particularly chaotic and unconform: they often impose harsh and cruel laws on ordinary people, while those of cronies are not prosecuted. Everything depends on Dong Zhuo's personal will.

. Wei Shu records that Dong Zhuo specially appointed Liu Qi, the lieutenant of Sili, to register the so-called "unfilial son, unfaithful to the minister, unclear to the official, and unobedient to his brother". Anyone who is famous in the book should be executed and his property should be confiscated. Soon, the whole society was filled with grievances and prisons were everywhere.

In order to gather a huge amount of wealth, Dong Zhuo destroyed a large amount of five baht, and also ordered all copper men, copper bells and copper horses to be broken and recast into small money.

The crude small money is not only lighter than five baht, but also has no coat of arms, and the edge of the money has no outline, which is not resistant to wear and tear.

The circulation of small money directly leads to serious inflation: currency depreciation and soaring prices. According to historical records, it cost tens of thousands of yuan to buy a stone valley at that time. The people are suffering unspeakably, and their lives are in extreme pain. Dong Zhuo used the money he searched to sing and dance all day long, looking for fun, and his life was desolate.

Dong Zhuo's rebellious behavior finally aroused the anger and resistance of the majority of the people. Many aspiring people have fought unyieldingly with Dong Zhuo for a long time out of consideration of the country's crisis, which has largely hit and shaken Dong Zhuo's status and foundation.

At first, Yilang Gaixun and General Zuo Huangfu Song secretly discussed and prepared to fight against Dong Zhuo together. Later, because Huangfu Song was recruited and Yang Xun was weak, so he gave up.

In 190 (the first year of Chuping), more than 10 people, including Han Fu, the assassin of Jizhou, Liu Dai, the assassin of Yanzhou, Kong Yu, Zhang Zi, the governor of Nanyang, and Yuan Shao, rose up against Dong Zhuo. From then on, they began to set off a wave of large-scale continuous struggle against Dong Zhuo.

Soon, Sun Jian, the governor of Changsha, led the armies of Yuzhou counties to conquer Dong Zhuo. He was defeated by Xu Rong, the general of Dong Zhuo in Liangdi (now southwest of Liang County, Ruzhou), and Li Min, the governor of Yingzhou, who cooperated with Sun Jian against Dong Zhuo, was also captured alive.

Then, Wang Kuang, the governor of Hanoi, stationed the river Yangjin (now the Yellow River ferry in the west of Meng County, Henan Province) to prepare to attack Dong Zhuo. Unexpectedly, Dong Zhuo, who was very resourceful, first sent suspects to challenge Wang Kuang, but secretly sent elite troops from Xiaopingjin to Hebei and took a detour to attack Wang Kuang's troops. Wang Kuang was defeated and almost the whole army was destroyed.

191 AD (the second year of Chuping). Sun Jian reconvered his scattered subordinates and stationed in Liang County, preparing to fight against Dong Zhuo again. Dong Zhuo sent Hu Zhu and Lv Bu to welcome Sun Jian. Because Hu and Lu had a grudge and couldn't get along with each other, the soldiers fled laxly before fighting.

Sun Jian took the opportunity to attack, and Hu Jian and Lv Bu were defeated and fled. Seeing that the situation was not good, Dong Zhuo had to send his general Li Wei to ask Sun Jian for peace. Sun Jian ignored and continued to attack the valley only 90 miles away from Luoyang.

Dong Zhuo was forced to lead the army to fight, was defeated by Sun Jian and retreated to Mianchi. Sun Jian took advantage of the victory to pursue and met Lv Bu. After defeating Lv Bu, he sent troops to Hanguguan and divided his troops into two directions to take Xin'an and Mianchi.

At this time, the heroes of Shandong also rose up one after another to denounce Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo, who was forced to go by many rebels, decided to move his capital to Chang'an to avoid the edge. In the meeting with all officials, Dong Zhuo raised this matter. Situ Yang Biao was worried about the livelihood of the people and resolutely opposed it. Lieutenant Huang Wan also proposed Yang Biao. Dong Zhu was furious.

After Sikong Xunshuang's mediation, his anger was eliminated, and Dong Zhuo finally decided to move the capital. However, the struggle against Dong Zhuo was not relaxed at all due to the relocation of the capital Chang'an, but more stormy. At this time, Dong Zhuo had become the target of public criticism.

Wu Fu, a rider lieutenant, hated Dong Zhuo's rebellion and vowed to kill Dong Zhuo with his own hands. One day, Wu Fu hid his knife and came to visit Dong Zhuo.

After the conversation, Wu Fu left. Dong Zhu got up and went out to see him off, gently patted Wu Fu on the back with his hand, showing an extremely kind look.

Wu Fu looked at the opportunity and suddenly pulled out his knife and stabbed Dong Zhuo. Because of his eagerness to kill, he tried too hard and didn't hit the key point. Dong Zhuo was shocked, hurriedly fought back, and urgently called on the guards to rescue him, so he was out of danger.

Wu Fu was stabbed to death by a random sword in the process of fighting with the guards. After that, Dong Zhuo scolded Wu Fu for hiding evil intentions and not being benevolent.

At that time, in order to express their hatred for Dong Zhuo, the people all over the world sang the ballad of "Thousands of Grass" everywhere, hoping that he would die as soon as possible.

Thousands of Grass: Thousand Miles Grass, He Qingqing! Ten-day divination, no birth!

In April 192 (the third year of Chuping), Situ Wangyun, Sun Rui, a servant of Shangshu, and Lv Bu, Dong Zhuo's cronies, conspired to kill Dong Zhuo. Previously, Wang Yun had discussed the killing of Dong Zhuo many times with Lieutenant Huang Wan, Shangshu Zheng Gongye, Zhijin Wushi Sun Rui and others.

Wang Yun, Shi Sun Rui and Yang Zan once again secretly discussed the abolition of Dong Zhuo in the name of worshipping God on the stage.

Shi Sunrui said: "Since the end of last year, the sun has not shined and ** has been raining for more than 60 days. We should let this period that is detrimental to the country and the people end as soon as possible. Now, it's a good time. We can take the initiative to take measures to eliminate the culprit when the world is boiling!"

Shisun Ruiyi is to remind Wang Yun to take the opportunity to get rid of Dong Zhuo. Wang Yun agreed with Shi Sun Rui, but considering that Dong Zhuo was usually heavily guarded and his own superior force, he was afraid it would not be easy to get it if he did not take careful measures. Therefore, Wang Yun looked for Lv Bu, Dong Zhuo's cronin, as an internal response.

Lv Bu is young and brave, with superior force. At first, Dong Zhuo loved and trusted him deeply, accepted him as his adopted son, and promoted him as a cavalry captain. Later, Dong Zhuo moved Lv Bu to be a general and made him the Marquis of Duting.

Dong Zhuo regards Lv Bu as his personal bodyguard. No matter where Dong Zhuo goes, Lv Bu is always inseparable and responsible for protecting Dong Zhuo's life.

Once, Lv Bu accidentally offended Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo was furious and casually pulled out a knife halberd and toss it to Lv Bu. Fortunately, Lv Bu was spared. ( Lv Bu and Diao Chan met in Dong Zhuo's house and were bumped into by Dong Zhuo)

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