Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 263 Dong Zhongying 5

At that time, Lv Bu did not directly contradict Dong Zhuo, but immediately apologized to him. Dong Zhuo stopped pursuing it and did not pay attention to this matter at all in the future.

However, Lv Bu had a selfish hatred from then on, and Lv Bu had an affair with Dong Zhuo's maidservant, and he was very uneasy. Wang Yun told Lv Bu about his plan to kill Dong Zhuo and asked him to act as an insideer.

At first, Lv Bu disagreed. He said, "Bless (me and he) are like father and son!" Wang Yunkai said, "Your surname is Lu, his surname is Dong, and he is not a flesh-and-law relationship. Besides, Dong Zhuo is now a national thief who is killed by everyone. Do you still recognize him as his father? Does he treat you as his son when he throwing a knife at you? At Wang Yun's urging, Lv Bu finally agreed.

Everything was ready, just in time for the emperor's serious recovery, and the Chinese martial arts ministers gathered in the Weiyang Hall to congratulate the emperor on his recovery. Lv Bu took this opportunity to arrange in advance to lead more than a dozen soldiers with the same county cavalry captain Li Su and others to change into the guards' costumes and hide on both sides of the side door of the palace.

As soon as Dong Zhuo arrived at the side door, he was raided by Li Su and others. Dong Zhuo was terr astonished and hurriedly called for help to Lv Bu. Lv Bu sat upright and shouted, "We are an edict to kill the traitors. You deserve to die!" Although Dong Zhuo in despair resisted, it was useless. He was killed on the spot and killed by the three clans.

After Dong Zhuo was killed, the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu and all the soldiers shouted long live! The people of Chang'an were so happy that they sang and danced in the streets and alleys to celebrate the death of the national thief.

It is said that after Dong Zhuo's death, he was corpseed in Dongshi. The body guard inserted the lit twist into Dong Zhuo's navel and lit the skylight. Because Dong Zhuo is fat and fat, "the bright dawn is like the accumulation of days." After Dong Zhuo's death, the rest of the Liangzhou army was led by Li Wei, Guo Yan and others. A month later, Chang'an was defeated by the Liangzhou army.

Dong Zhuo was rough all his life, full of selfishness and ambition. From his fortune in Longxi to leading his army into Beijing to manipulate the central government, he has always considered and calculated how to satisfy his selfish desires and ambitions. In order to achieve his goal, Dong Zhuo played with power by any means, trampled on the law, destroyed the economy, and harmed the people. His various retrograde actions caused extreme chaos of the regime at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and brought great damage to the stability of the country and society. Although the declining and eventually overthrow of the Eastern Han regime was caused by many complex factors, Dong Zhuo undoubtedly accelerated and promoted the decline of the Eastern Han regime.

Chen Shou once commented: "Dong Zhuo is violent and unkind. Since the book has come, it is unprecedented."

Li Ru, a figure of the Three Kingdoms, whose birth and death are unknown, also known as Li Xiaoru.

Doctor at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. In 190, Li Ru was the order of the Young Emperor of Han.

Li Ru's experience is not very detailed, but there are some places that show his wisdom.

One, King of Beijing

Li Ru, a counselor of Zhuo's son-in-law, said: "Although there is an edict now, there is much darkness in the middle. Why don't you go to the table? It's just right, and it's a big deal. Zhuo was overjoyed, so he went up to the table. He said slightly: "Those who have heard of the chaos in the world are all insulting the sky by Zhang Rang, a regular servant of the Yellow Gate. When I hear that Yang soup stops boiling, it's better to get paid; although the ulcer is painful, it is better than nourishing poison. If you dare to ring the bell and drum into Luoyang, please give in and wait. I'm very lucky! The world is very lucky!"

2, take the emperor to order the princes

Li Ru said: "Today, there is no master in the court. If you don't act at this time, it will change later. In the future, in Wenming Garden, hundreds of officials will be gathered and appointed to abolish them; if there are those who do not obey, the power will be executed today.

Three, use celebrities to receive people's expectations

Li Ru advised Zhuo to use celebrities to receive people's expectations, because he recommended Cai Yong's talent.

has achieved great results.

Four, see through Cao Cao

"Bou said to Zhuo, "At the right time, Cao Cao seemed to have been stabbed and was drunk, so he offered a knife." Zhuo said, "I also doubt it." While talking, Li Ruzhi told him about it. Confucian said, "I have no wife in Beijing and only live alone in an apartment. If someone is summoned now, if he will undoubtedly come, he will offer a knife; if he can't push it, he must be assassinated, and he can be captured and asked.

V, show weakness and retreat

Li Yu hugged his head and went back to see Dong Zhuo, saying that Sun Jian was so rude. Zhuo was angry and asked Li Ru. Confucian said, "Wenhou is newly defeated, and the soldiers have no fighting spirit. It's not like to lead troops back to Luoyang and move the emperor to Chang'an to respond to nursery rhymes. Recently, the street nursery rhyme said: a Han in the west and a Han in the east. It is not difficult for the deer to enter Chang'an. Thinking of this, "the first Han in the west" is that Gao Zuwang in Chang'an, the western capital, and handed down the twelve emperors; "the first Han in the east" is Yingguang Wuwang in Luoyang, the eastern capital, and now it is also handed down to the twelve emperors. Heaven is back together. Only when the Prime Minister moves back to Chang'an can he be in no way.

6, design Cao Cao

Let's say that Dong Zhuo went to Xingyang, and the imperial guard Xu Rong went out to pick him up. Li Ru said, "The Prime Minister newly abandoned Luoyang to prevent the pursuers. You can teach Xu Rong to ambush army next to the mountain dock outside Xingyang City. If a soldier chases him, he can let it go; when I am defeated here, and then intercept and cover it. It makes the latecomers dare not pursue again.

As a result, Cao Cao really led the army to chase him and was defeated by Lv Bu and others. Lv Bu laughed and said, "It's not as Li Ru expected!"

7, see through the serial plan

Lv Bu returned with anger and hatred. He met Li Ru on the road and told him the reason. Confucianism rushed to see Zhuo and said, "The master wants to take the world, why do you blame Wen Hou with a small deede? If his heart changes, the big thing will go." Zhuo said, "What can I do?" Confucian said, "Come to the court and call in, give gold and silk, comfort it with kind words, and naturally nothing happens." Zhuo Yiyan.

Confucian said, "The kindness is different. In the past, the meeting of the king of Chuzhuang did not play Jiang Xiong, who loved Ji. Later, he was trapped by Qin soldiers and was saved by his death. Today, Diao Chan is just a woman, and Lv Bu is a fierce general in the heart of the master. If the master takes this opportunity to give cloth with cicadas and feel great kindness, he will repay the master with death. Master, please think twice." Zhuo Shenyin said for a long time, "What you said is the same, I should think about it."


It is expected to be defeated

The next day, Li Ru entered and said, "Today's good day, you can send Diao Chan to Lv Bu." Zhuo said, "There is a father and son between cloth and me, and it is not convenient to give it to me. I just won't investigate the crime. You can pass on my wishes and comfort them with good words. Confucianism said, "The teacher should not be confused by women."

Zhuo changed color and said, "Will your wife and Lv Bu? Don't say too much about Diao Chan's matter; words will be cut off!" Li Ru came out and looked up to the sky and sighed, "We all died at the hands of women!"

Nine, the defeat has been decided for the rest of my life

Zhuo is happy and has no doubt. Outside the city, all the officials came out to welcome him. Only Li Ru is sick at home and can't go out to welcome him. At this time, Li Ru already knew Dong Zhuo's defeat. Otherwise, he, the closest confidest, didn't appear on such an occasion.

However, he said that Lv Bu shouted: "Help Zhuo as abusers are all Li Ru! Who can capture it?" Li Su was willing to go. Suddenly, I heard a shout out of the door, and people reported that Li Confucian slaves had tied Li Ru to offer.

After seizing power, Li Yu, Guo Yan, Zhang Ji and Fan Chou reacted that none of Dong Zhuo's generals bought Lv Bu and did not surrender to Lv Bu. Aren't the people who are usually around Dong Zhuo and Li Ru their cronies?

It would be so easy to tie up Li Ru. In that era, he hated this kind of traitor and glory villain. The vast majority of people who could enter Li Ru's daily life would certainly not be such a person. Even if there are one or two, they don't have the ability to tie Li Ru out.

And he served Dong Zhuo with all his heart and created the era of Dong Zhuo.

Although it has only been two or three years, he has exerted his own talents. It is really regrettable that if Dong Zhuo can listen to his advice, at least he will not cause the disaster of extermination.

The next morning, Hua Xiong, the general of Dong Zhuojun, led 10,000 cavalry and deployed 10,000 cavalry to the west of Luoyang to guard against the yellow scarf army in Hongnong in the west. In addition, he divided three troops to occupy the Hu Prison Pass, the Water Pass and the Three Pass of Wuguan Pass.

After everything was arranged, suddenly there was a burst of fire in Luoyang City. Dong Zhuo and Li Ru, who were discussing things in the big camp, looked at each other and then walked out of the big account together.

"Order the whole army to gather," Dong Zhuo said to a general around him.

"Yes, lord," a burly man replied in a low voice.

Then nearly 50,000 troops were ordered to assemble urgently, but they were not ordered by Dong Zhuo and had to wait aside.

"Wen You, do you think you can succeed?" Dong Zhuo turned his head and looked at Li Ru standing beside him and asked with a sad face.

Li Ru smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry, the lord. It will be known in less than an hour. In addition, the lord should also have confidence in General Li Wei."

Dong Zhuo saw that Li Ru was light and confident, and he didn't say anything more. Although he was a little worried, isn't this his wish since he was a child? Now it is almost realized, and now it is beginning to worry about gains and losses.

After calming down, Dong Zhuo looked at Luoyang City in the distance. His eyes were shining and he became firm. He opened his bow without looking back. Since he took the first step, he could never regret it and did not allow him to regret it.