Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 387 Situation

Li Zhong smiled and said, "You", paused and said, "If I were Cao Cao, I would definitely wait for the opportunity, or create the opportunity to seek the opportunity to annihilate our army all the way. As long as it is achieved, the initiative of the battlefield will be transferred to Cao Cao, ha."

"King Yingming", Guo Jiachao hugged Li Zhong and said with a smile.

Li Zhong nodded helplessly and said, "So Fengxiao, according to your opinion, what do you think Cao Cao will do?"

Guo Jia said confidently, "Cao's goal is nothing more than General Zhang Jian, General Zhao Yun and the king, but it is irrational to choose the target on General Zhang Jian, because in this way we can quickly support both our journey and General Chen Dao, so according to Jia's speculation, Cao Cao It is likely to hit the idea on our way. As long as they can annihilate our army, or even..., then General Zilong will become a lonely army all the way. At that time, Cao Cao will definitely join hands with Tian Kai and Kong Rong to deal with General Zilong together, so please ask the king to prepare early.

When Li Zhong heard this, he couldn't help nodding and said, "Since Cao Cao has such courage, how can I not accompany him? The messenger Zilong acted according to the original plan and sent a secret envoy to see Liu Dai and asked him not to expose it for the time being. At that time, I will be of great use.

Guo Jia nodded with a smile.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and couldn't help but raise a sense of pride!

However, he said that after Lv Bu received the order, he went straight to Dingtao the next morning. Cao Ren, the guard, was Cao Cao's confidant general and a wise general, so I'm afraid it would be impossible to let Xiahou Shang's tragedy happen again on Cao Ren.

"Cao Ren, do you dare to go out of the city to fight with me?" Lv Bu shouted angrily at the tower for a few hours, but others ignored him, which made him very angry and indignant.

I wonder when Lv Bu has been so humiliated.

"General, this man is full of nonsense. It's better for the last general to kill the thief." Cao Ren's general Niu Jin looked at Lv Bu angrily and said to Cao Ren.

Cao Ren shook his head with a smile and said, "As long as we guard the city, even if Lv Bu has a bright tongue, he can't fly in with cavalry. Moreover, Lv Bu is a rare fierce general. We don't need to fight with him. I'm afraid it will outweigh the losses."

"But", Niu Jin shouted stubbornly, but Cao Ren's face was stiff and said, "Okay, send an order. If there is any more delusion, it will be punished as the crime of the enemy."

"Yes, general," everyone's hearts were stunned and quickly shouted.

"Yes, when will General Lu Qian arrive?" Cao Ren asked.

An officer said, "General, General Lu Qian should arrive tomorrow."

Cao Ren nodded and said, "In this short time, please pay attention not to let the enemy turn around. In addition, General Zhao, you take people to patrol the city and be careful to prevent enemy sergeants from entering the city."

"General, don't worry," General Zhao nodded and agreed.

"Wen Ping, give me a way to find a way to attract the enemy, so that it's really uncomfortable to wait," Lv Bu looked at Wen Ping with a distressed face and said in an unquestionable tone.

Wen Ping said with a wry smile: "General, Cao Ren is one of the best generals in the Wei army. Ordinary strategies can't deceive him at all, and the general is too worthy of him. For now, let's wait for the king to make a decision."

Lv Bu stared at the words and finally nodded helplessly.

Two days later, Li Zhong led more than 100,000 troops and joined Lv Bu under Dingtao City.


The two said goodbye.

Li Zhong smiled and said, "The two generals don't have to be polite. Please get up."

"Thank you"

After a burst of greetings, the army camped in the camp. In the king's tent, the literary ministers and generals stood on both sides. Li Zhong sat high in the main position, and Dian Wei and Xu Chu fiercely guarded them. Li Zhong looked at Lv Bu and Wen Ping said, "What's the enemy?"

Speaking of this, Lv Bu's eyes turned white and said to Li Zhong, "Lord, Cao Ren is a turtle grandson. No matter how the last general scolds, he is indifferent. The last general doubts whether this person is deaf."

Li Zhong shook his head with a smile and said, "Wenhe, Cao Ren is guarding the city. What do you think of our army?"

"Lord, I heard that Cao Cao sent a support army. Now there are 50,000 people in Dingtao City, and our army is tired, so Weichen suggested that the army take a day off for the time being and it's not too late to plan tomorrow."

Li Zhong nodded and said, "It is said that the army will take a day off."

General Huaxiong


"You lead a cavalry to ambush outside the fortress and must not be exposed," Li Zhong laughed.

"Yes, King"

"Is the king worried that the enemy will rob the camp at night?" Jia Xu asked with a smile.

Li Zhong nodded and said, "Cao Ren is quite resourceful. He may not come to rob the camp, and be careful not to make a big mistake. Don't regret it at that time, that's meaningless."

"Great King"

Dingtao City Office.

"General, Li Zhong has led more than 100,000 troops to join Lv Bu," an officer said worriedly.

Cao Ren glanced at him and said, "Zi Ke, do you have a plan?"

"General, our army is currently only 50,000, and the enemy is powerful, with nearly 200,000 troops, so the last general feels that we should focus on defense at present and should not go out of the city to compete with the enemy."

Cao Ren shook his head and said, "Although the enemy is powerful, there is no need for such a grown-up to destroy his prestige and send orders. No one can leave the city without my order."

"General, the enemy is far away and must be unprepared. Why don't we go to rob the camp tonight and frustrate the enemy's spirit?" An officer said in a low voice for a moment.

Cao Ren shook his head and said, "Li Zhong has always been as cunning as a fox, and he is bound to be defensive. Our army will definitely fall into his trap. General Zike is right. At present, our army can only focus on defense, and this kind of danger is not worth taking."


"Okay, I've decided"

Yes, the officer was helpless and only answered.

Xuzhou Weiwang Mansion.

"Why is Xiahou Shang so reckless? Oh, he gave his life in vain." Cao Cao looked at the news in his hand and said sadly, his eyes were full of rigid expressions.

"The king doesn't have to worry. General Cao Ren is a handsome general, and he will definitely be able to stop the enemy from Ding Tao," Cheng Yu comforted.

Cao Cao nodded and said with great relief, "Zixiao is indeed a thousand-mile of my Cao family. Well, let's not talk about this. Where can Yuan Chang get any news?"

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "Yes, king, according to the news from Yuan Chang, Tian Kai and Kong Rong are very likely to have been moved. I believe that good news will come soon."

"Haha, well, there has been good news for so many days," Cao Cao laughed.

Cheng Yu looked at Cao Cao and looked like he wanted to stop talking.

"Zhong De, why is there such a thing between you and me? If you have something to say, it's okay to say it." Cao Cao also saw it and said to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu nodded with some emotion and said, "Your Majesty, the Tang army is very powerful now. Although our army has undergone great changes in the past year, there are still some gaps compared with the Tang army. Therefore, I think whether the king can contact Liu Biao, Liu Yao, and which emperor of Yizhou."

"You mean to unite everyone and deal with Li Zhong together," Cao said.

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "Although I don't want to admit it, Tang Jun is indeed very powerful. Only when everyone unites can it be possible to defeat Li Zhong. It's not safe for our family alone." Cheng Yu originally wanted to say that there was little hope, but he temporarily changed his words.

Cao Cao frowned and said, "Have you discussed this matter with Zhong De and Wen Ruo?"

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "It has been discussed. Mr. Wen Ruo also believes that as long as everyone unites, the winning rate will be much higher. Please think twice."

"Well, let's leave this matter to Zhong De," Cao sighed and said.

"Don't worry, King," Cheng Yu nodded and retreated.

"Li Zhong, Li Zhong, you alone have turned the whole big man upside down. Are you born the nemesis of my Cao Mengde? No, I don't believe it. My fate is up to me. I will defeat you, and I will definitely defeat you," Cao Cao said to himself, his eyes full of tenacity and firmness.

"Ah cut"

"Is that beautiful woman who misses me again?" Li Zhong's camp outside Dingtao City, Li Zhong muttered alone.

"What time is it now?"

Li Zhong walked out of the tent and asked an iron guard soldier.

"Return to the king, it's almost time to be ugly," the Tiewei soldier said respectfully, looking at Li Zhong with extremely hot eyes. This is their faith, this is their belief in this life.

"Well, thank you for your hard work," Li Zhong smiled at the soldier and patted him on the shoulder.

The soldier was excited, just shaking his head.

The next morning, outside Dingtao City.

Looking at the banner rolling like clouds, the halberd standing like the sky, Cao Ren's solemn face, nearly 200,000 troops standing outside the city in an orderly manner, without a noisy sound, quiet as a forest, as stable as a mountain, like fire, as fast as the wind, the Tang army is nothing more than that.

"It is said that the army should go up to the tower immediately," Cao Ren said an officer.

"Yes, General"

"Your Majesty, the army is ready," General Huang Zhong said to Li Zhong in the position of the Tang army.

Li Zhong nodded, looked at Dingtao City in the distance, and said firmly, "The Thunderbolt car hit me hard. Gong Ming, you must lead the army to take down this city for me."

"Don't worry, the king, the last general will definitely not disappoint the king," Xu Huang said solemnly.




After a while, a Thunderbolt car began to roar, and boulders flew towards Dingtao. Suddenly, the whole tower trembled as if it were an earthquake.

"Quick, hurry, all retreat, fast," Cao Ren felt a little want to cry. In a moment, nearly 1,000 soldiers were killed in battle, which made him even more angry in addition to shock, and a little frightened.