Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 388 Conspiracy!

The bombardment of nearly half an hour made the originally majestic Dingtao City devastated, and there were broken limbs and arms everywhere.

"How's the loss?" Cao Ren asked with a pale face.

Lv Qian smiled bitterly and said, "General, our army has suffered more than 3,000 casualties, and another part of the East City is crumbling and is about to collapse."

"What?" Cao Ren shouted in disbelief, and then his face changed. He said to Lv Qian, "Zi Ke, you immediately sent back the news to the king, saying that the Tang army's stone-throwing car was too powerful. I'm afraid our army can only persist for ten days at most and ask the king for instructions. In addition, let's see if our military craftsmen can imitate the Tang army's stone-throwing car, no It's too angry to be passively beaten like this, and there are too many casualties," Cao Ren said a lot in one breath.

"Yes, general," Lu Qian solemnly agreed.



Suddenly, there was a deafening shout of killing. Cao Ren came to his senses and panicked, "Come on, go to the tower. The enemy is going to attack the city. Zike, you can defend the East Gate. Remember to keep it."

"General, rest assured that as long as there is a general, the gate will be there," Lu Qian said solemnly.

"Okay, go"

With the attack of Xu Huang's Fourth Army, Cao Ren also led the defenders to the tower, hoping to stop the fierce offensive of the Tang army.

"Archers are ready, rolling stones are ready, rolling oil is ready", Cao Ren looked at the wave-like Tang army and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, but at least he was also a battlefield general. He quickly reacted and made the most stable decision in the shortest time.

"The knife and shield cover, and the archer fights back." Xu Huang held the huge axe and calmly issued the order.

With the counterattack of the Tang archers, many Wei archers will be shot in the head by the archers of the Fourth Army as soon as they emerge, and their heads are shrugged one by one, as if they were dead.

"Shield open, up"


The knife and shield retreated to both sides, and the siege troops behind immediately passed between the two seams. The ladders leaned against the wall one by one. The Tang soldiers had war knives in their mouths, with a bloodthirsty look in their eyes, and climbed to the next tower.

"Smash them and kill them." Cao Ren's face became a little ferocious. Less than two hours after the war began, the enemy began to climb the wall and frowned. It seems that this battle is not easy to fight.


Tang soldiers were constantly hit by boulders, and Tang soldiers kept climbing.

"The left army immediately reinforced the former army," Xu Huang shouted.


Another 10,000 Tang troops rushed to Dingtao City like a flood, bravering the enemy's arrows and moving forward bravely one by one.

"The general is not good, the enemy has climbed the tower," an officer ran to Cao Ren breathlessly and shouted in horror.

"What, where's Lv Qian?" Cao Ren asked angrily.

"General, General Lu Qian is taking his brothers against the enemy. General Lu Qian will come to ask for help. If there are no reinforcements, General Lu Qian said that the East Gate is likely to be captured by the enemy," the officer said eagerly.

"Waste", Cao Ren shouted and then shouted, "General Niu Jin, you immediately take 2,000 soldiers to support Lu Qian."

"Yes, general," Niu Jin, a reckless man, said excitedly. For him, cutting people with a knife is the most refreshing thing.

Without much hesitation, Niu Jin took 2,000 people to the East Gate.

And Cao Ren's side was also in full swing. Suddenly, a Tang soldier finally climbed up the wall.

But he was greeted by more than a dozen long guns with a murderous spirit.

Rolling on the ground, the soldier did not panic at all. With a wave of the sword, a Wei soldier died under his knife.

"Kill, kill me," a captain-level Wei military officer shouted.


After all, two fists are hard to beat, and he is just an ordinary soldier. Under the siege of more than ten or twenty times the enemy, he eventually died in battle, but there were two more bodies of Wei soldiers beside him.

In a short time, the soldier used his life to win time for his army. As time went by, more and more Tang soldiers climbed the wall and fought with the Wei soldiers to the death.

It's really an inch of wall and an inch of blood.

This kind of battle lasted from noon to sunset.

"Mingjin withdraws the army", Li Zhong shook the whip and said angrily.


Ding Ding!

With a crisp jingle, the fourth army soldiers fighting with the enemy at the head of the city began to retreat under the organization of their respective captains, without any confusion.

"General, the enemy has retreated"

"Oh, oh"

As an officer said happily, the remaining Wei soldiers on the wall began to cheer. Cao Ren was unorganized, but his eyebrows frowned more tightly.

"King, I"

Returning to the camp, Xu Huang blushed.

Li Zhong smiled and said, "Gongming doesn't need to do this. The Fourth Army performed very well today and did not humiliate the prestige of my Tang army. I believe that the Fourth Army will definitely be able to attack the city and make contributions to the Tang Dynasty."

"We are willing to be king and die on the battlefield for the lobby," Xu Huang and a group of officers of the Fourth Army shouted.

Li Zhong nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, everyone has been tired all day today. Now go down and have a rest."

With the departure of the generals, only Li Zhong and Jia Xu were left in the big account.

"Oh, I didn't expect Wei Jun to still have resilience. He is about to succeed. Hey, he still failed," Li Zhong said with some regret.

Jia Xu smiled and said, "The king doesn't need to do this. I think that our army forced Cao Ren, with 50,000 defenders, into a desperate situation on the first day, which is enough to be proud. Who else can there be in such a record besides our Tang army?"

"Ha ha, Mr. Wenhe's words are reasonable," Li Zhong laughed.

"Bearby, have you received any other news?" Li Zhong asked.

Xi Zhicai said, "Your Majesty, now all my armies have a good record. General Lejin has led his army to Yangping. General Chen Dao is also under the Linwan City with the help of General Zhang Liao. General Zhang Jian is now fighting with Yang Qu. In addition, General Zilong has also led his army to cross the Yellow River. It is estimated that we will be able to launch an attack on Pingyuan County tomorrow."

"Well, very good, Wen Qian and others must be careful, don't be complacent and go deep alone, so as not to fall into the enemy's treachery," Li Zhong still said with some uneassurance.

"Yes, king," Xi Zhi answered with a promise.

"Yes, according to the news from the Intelligence Agency, it seems that Liu Xie secretly sent an envoy to Jingzhou. The specific purpose is unknown. Ha ha, I think it should be to fight with Liu Biao," Xi suddenly said.

The Intelligence Agency is the new name after Li Zhong finally merged Trafeng and Jinyiwei, and the leader of the Intelligence Agency is Wang Yue.

After a moment of silence, Li Zhong said, "Immediately order Zheng Tai (leader of Jingzhou Intelligence Agency) to find out what Liu Biao and Liu Xie are doing in the shortest time."

"Yes, King"

"Yes, what happened to Cao Cao," Li Zhong asked.

Xi Zhicai shook his head and said, "There is no news back yet, and Weichen doesn't know it now."

Li Zhong turned his head and looked at Guo Jia, with obvious inquisitive eyes.

Guo Jia thought for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, Cao's actions are very suspicious now. Our army is under pressure. He has no other actions except blind defense. In Yijia's opinion, there must be fraud."

"I don't know if Feng Xiao can guess one or two?" Li Zhong asked.

Guo Jia nodded and said, "According to my speculation, Cao Cao must be or has completed the assembly of heavy troops in Langya County."

"Do you mean that Cao Cao wants to attack Zilong? That's unlikely. Zilong's hands are all the elites of our army." Li Zhong asked in surprise. Li Zhong's words are not wrong. Which of the First Army, the Tiger and Leopard Iron Riders, and the Modao Legion is not the elite of the Tang Army. Li Zhong thinks it is a little unlikely.

Guo Jia nodded and said, "Maybe Cao Cao has reached the agreement with Tian Kai, the local snake, and even Kong Rong has been involved. Moreover, Cao Cao now has more than 300,000 troops in his hand, which will rise up with Tian Kai and Kong to gather at least 500,000 troops, which can pose a great threat to Zilong. .

"This..." In Li Zhong's view, the most unlikely thing suddenly became the most likely, which made Li Zhong feel a little at a loss. You know, Cao Cao is desperate. If they can't defeat Zhao Yun before Li Zhong breaks the Tao, then Li Zhong is bound to lead the army ** Xu State.

"And as long as Cao Cao can defeat General Zilong, he can wave his troops north to Jizhou with the winning division, and our army will be in an absolutely unfavorable position." Guo Jia suddenly became solemn and broke a basin of cold water for Li Zhong.

Jia Xu, the two of them were also shocked to hear the words. With the wisdom of the two, they quickly figured out the joints and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, the words of filial piety are indeed the most likely."

"In this regard, there is a way to deal with filial piety," Li Zhong came to his senses and asked.

Guo Jia nodded and said, "Now there is only the secret son Liu Dai. The king can order Liu Dai to lead a large army to the white horse, and at the same time order the Jizhou garrison to leave Liyang to avoid the worst situation. At the same time, he ordered General Zilong to immediately send troops to Qingzhou, take Qingzhou Dongdaemun Licheng, and then lead the army straight to Dong'anping. Blocking the westward road of the Wei army, according to the turbid water to defend Dong'anping, our army left a part here to monitor Cao Ren, and then immediately waved our army west and went straight to Pingyang. Then our army can support the white horse to the north, to support General Zilong to the west, and south can go straight into Xuzhou to cut off Cao Cao's way back to the south.