Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 144 Marriage 1

The day Yan Shaobai got married, the sky was still beautiful and gave a big sunny day. The auspicious time is set at noon. In fact, this time is the Lord's sun to kill the four directions. It's not a good time to get married, but...

Late yesterday, Mao Xiaomao came to his home to find Lin Yuyang. He deliberately mentioned that the Chen family had been a little unhappy in the past two days, as if they were arguing about something. Lin Huazhi listened and smiled secretly and didn't pay attention to it. However, hearing such a thing still made her a little happy.

Lin Huazhi went out late, mainly because Chen Tong and Zhang Ziqing pulled her with a black face and were not allowed to go.

Chen Tong talked to Lin Huazhi in private that Chen Suyue's death was a little strange. Chen Tong was the housekeeper of Chen's house at that time, and more or less heard some rumors, so Chen Suyue's death quarreled with Yan Shaobai several times, which also directly led to Yan Shaobai beating Chen Tong out of Chen's house. Therefore, when Chen Tong heard that Lin Huazhi was going to participate in Yan Shaobai's marriage, the old man said bluntly that Lin Huazhi was confused.

And Zhang Ziqing's reason is simpler. He doesn't like Yan Shaobai.

Hearing this reason, Lin Huazhi couldn't help smiling. The last time Zhang Ziqing saw Yan Shaobai was still during the Spring Festival. At that time, she was not very happy to meet him, but she also remembered that Zhang Yan didn't say anything. Zhang Ziqing's reason seemed more like a child being unreasonable.

Lin Huazhi asked the nurse to appease Uncle Chen Tong and casually talked about why Uncle Chen Tong ran around this year, and how he met Marquis Jin.

When Chen Tong knew Jinhou and knew about this matter, Lin Huazhi couldn't help but be shocked. What happened? She was very curious, but she was embarrassed to ask. After all, Jinhou was too polite to her. Lin Huazhi guessed that Jinhou didn't like her very much.

Zhang Ziqing gave it directly to Lin Yuyang. Although the two men did not agree with Lin Huazhi's going to Chen Mansion today, but the two men did not dare to really stop Lin Huazhi. They knew that Lin Huazhi was the kind of person who would do what she wanted to do the more you didn't let her do. It was not good to force her.

Naturally, Lin Huazhi did not know that her brother and Zhang Ziqing defined her in this way. Seeing that Lin Yuyang and Zhang Ziqing were very obedient at home, Lin Huazhi said in a good mood that she would bring delicious food back when she came home.

She really thinks of them as children.

When Lin Huazhi went to Chenfu, Yan Shaobai had just set out to pick up Cui Ting at Cui's house and greeted the guests with a smile that he would return in a short time.

For some reason, the Cui family temporarily arranged the main house in a separate courtyard near Chen's house. According to reason, this practice, on the one side despised the Chen house, and on the other, it didn't get anything good for themselves. In the eyes of outsiders, the Cui family did not like Cui Ting. It was supposed to be Chen Fu's reason, but Yan Shaobai didn't make a sound, which made the marriage look a little simple.

Lin Huazhi hung a gift money at the porter and was led to the place where the women's family were in the backyard. As soon as she entered the room, the originally lively room immediately calmed down, and everyone looked at her. To be precise, they were looking at her coat.

This is the effect that Lin Huazhi wants. Today, she also specially dressed up, wearing a light yellow narrow-sleeved cross-necked summer shirt, embroidered with silver thread at the neckline, and a short coat. Except for a knot at the front, there is nothing else. Under the same color gold skirt, six petals are embroidered with silver thread mixed with white thread in the fold. While walking, the skirt is fluttering, and the six petals of flowers are looming, with one more Elegant and plain.

Lin Huazhi simply combed a black bun and pinned a bead hairpin today, but it was dressed like this. According to Lin's saying when he went out, it was fresh, natural and elegant. Finally, a woman came forward and asked each other's names. After the woman named Fang Niang took Lin Huazhi's hand and couldn't help asking, "The girl's dress is a little special in color, but what's the allusion?"

Lin Huazhi politely answered, "Madam, I praised it. There is no good place. The cloth is just dyed by the master at home. I saw that the color was beautiful, so I cut it into a coat, and the rest wanted to change the day to make a skirt."

Fang's eyes lit up and said hurriedly, "Girl means that you have such a cloth at home?"

"Yes, but only one."

"So... can that girl give up her love? I really like this color, and I also want to make a thousand-water skirt, which is just right with the long clothes I made a few days ago. Fang Niang looked at Lin Huazhi with an expectant face.

When Fang Niang talked to Lin Huazhi, she gradually surrounded many women and young ladies, many of whom were familiar with Fang Niang. As soon as they heard Fang Niang ask for cloth, many people grabbed the front and said, "I also want it too. The girl allowed me to give me two taels of silver."

"I'll give you three taels."

"Four taels."

"Five taels."

After a while, it rose to ten taels, and Lin Huazhi was also shocked. When did the women in Jiangdong City become so popular? You should know that ten taels of silver is enough for an ordinary household in the west of the city to live for two months.

Lin Huazhi waved his hand and said, "Thank you ladies for your love, but I only have one piece of cloth, which is a favor to everyone. What should I do for this?"

Fang Niang's eyes turned and smiled, "I have a good idea, that is, not to embarrass the girl, but also to satisfy everyone."

Lin Huazhi hurriedly saluted: "I hope your wife can teach you."

"High-priced people get fair competition." Fang Niang opened her mouth without panic, then squeezed her lips and stole the fun. She raised her bare hands, pointed around, and laughed and scolded, "You women just can't see me well. It was the first thing I liked."

When everyone heard Fang Niang's last sentence, they all laughed and teased Fang Niang more well: "Can this 'look' be divided into before and after? Don't we stay in the same room and watch it at the same time? However, you, a woman, have a lot of ideas, but it is a good way for those who have a high price to gain. This is undoubtedly in agreement with Fang Niang's proposal.

Lin Huazhi saw the right time and hurriedly said, "That is, ladies like it and everyone looks up to it. Then it is scheduled to be three days later to publicly auction the cloth at the Linjia Dye Workshop in the south of the city. Those with high prices will get it."

While laughing, after a while, a maid came in outside and said that Yan Shaobai had turned back after the bride. The ladies in the room hurried to squeeze into the front yard. Lin Huazhi fell behind and whispered to Fang Niang while she was not paying attention: "Mrs. Mao, thank you."

Fangniang is actually the third aunt with a big mouth.


The main gate of Chenfu was lively at this time. Lin Huazhi stood far away and saw a man riding a tall horse first in sight. The man is red and green, and the groom is dressed as Yan Shaobai.

In a trance, Lin Huazhi not only thought that when Yan Shaobai married Chen Suyue, was he also dressed like this, and was his face so happy?

Looking up again, she noticed that the person on the horse seemed to look stunned. Looking this way, did you see her? Does Yan Shaobai know that she is coming? I don't think so. Cui Ting should not tell Yan Shaobai.

Suddenly, Lin Huazhi thought, maybe Chen and Uncle Chen were right. She came today and was a little confused.

She is in a bad mood.

Suddenly, someone slapped her from behind. Without waiting for her to turn back, a person asked strangely, "Lin Huazhi, why are you here?"