Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 145 Marriage 2

Lin Huazhi was shocked, turned her head and couldn't help but say, "Du Yinglian, why are you here?"

The cousin, whom I haven't seen for a long time, flattened her mouth and looked at Yan Shaobai's position with a rather depressed look. After a long time, she said, "He's going to get married. He always wants to have a look." After a pause, he stared at Lin Huazhi again, "What are you doing here?"

When asked this question again, Lin Huazhi laughed and said, "Why, I can't come?" I don't know why my mood suddenly improved because I saw Du Yinglian?

"It's not that I can't come, it's just..." In the middle of the words, Du Yinglian closed her mouth as if she had found something interesting. She looked up and down for a long time, and suddenly pointed to her coat and exclaimed, "Your little coat is really beautiful. This cloth... This cloth is not from Chen, is it?"

I didn't expect Du Yinglian to have a good vision. Lin Huazhi nodded: "This is Ge Jin. I dyed the color myself."

"Really?" Du Yinglian's eyes were full of bright light. She suddenly grabbed Lin Huazhi and said, "Gain me a piece of cloth. I want to make a skirt."

Lin Huazhi was about to open her mouth when she heard the grandmother of the gate shrill her voice and shouted, "The bride is entering the brazier!"

Both of them looked up, and another red figure came into view. The big red cover, embroidered with branches and Tilian's wedding clothes, and the red mandarin duck under the skirt from the cloud shoes, red stung Lin Huazhi's eyes.

"One worship of heaven and earth."

"Second worship."


Before the third auspicious sentence was sung, an angry shout came from outside the door: "Don't worship."

Hearing this sound, Lin Huazhi turned her head and saw more than ten people strode in with an old man. Yo, isn't that Chen Suyue's second uncle?

What a coincidence.

Seeing the patriarch of the Chen clan, Du Yinglian was shocked: "Why did your uncle come here?" The tone was full of uneasiness and panic.

Lin Huazhi glanced at Du Yinglian. It seemed that the person who wanted to be uneasy and panicked should not be Du Yinglian. She looked up at the man in joy.

"Uncle, your old man..." No one was happy when he was stopped for the wedding. When he saw his second uncle, Yan Shaobai couldn't help frowning.

Uncle's face was pale. He looked around and was swept away by his eyes. His head shrank to the side. The room was quiet and terrible.

"Datong, why don't you invite your uncle to the first seat?" Yan Shaobai turned his head and ordered to the swig beside him.

"Uncle, please take a seat first. After I finish worshipping, I will kowtow to you." Yan Shaobai's words were polite, but he could still hear the unhappiness in his words.

Uncle waved his hand: "No, Yan Shaobai, do you want to talk here or shall we go to the back hall?"

Lin Huazhi noticed that the people in the dozen Chen clans who followed their uncle were not panicked or annoyed at all, let alone angry. Instead, they looked calculating. It seemed that there was a mystery in it.

Yan Shaobai didn't understand the meaning of his uncle's words, but...

Looking left and right, Yan Shaobai said with a calm face, "Then please invite your uncle to sit in the back hall for a moment." After saying that, he walked forward first and led his uncle into the other courtyard behind.

There was a whisper in the room, and everyone didn't know what had happened. Such an accident on such a day is enough to cause a lot of speculation.

Lin Huazhi turned her eyes and turned her head to Du Yinglian and said, "Go to the backyard to listen to what Yan Shaobai and uncle said."

"I'll go?" Du Yinglian raised her finger and shook her head, "I dare not go. If my uncle knows, I will peel off my skin if I don't die."

"Go ahead, didn't you hear your uncle's call just now? I'm afraid Cui Ting can't get married today. Lin Huazhi laughed softly, as if she had seen a scene.

As soon as she heard that she couldn't get married, Du Yinglian couldn't help staring. After thinking about it, she turned around and quietly went to the backyard.

Looking at the bride standing in the middle of the lobby and the confused maid mother beside her, Lin Huazhi swept her eyes and saw the bright moon standing close to Cui Ting. Mingyue's face was full of stiff smiles at this time. It was really not good to have a black face at this time. It can be seen that the appearance of uncle was obviously unexpected.

But what did your uncle do? He also specializes in coming to the door at this time.

To make trouble? In a sense, my uncle is indeed here to make trouble, and the reason must be...

Lin Huazhi's smile at the corners of her mouth became stronger, because she thought of it.

Ah, it's really sunny today.


There are more in the evening.

Ask for votes and caresses. You understand.
