Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 213 Rumors spread

Cui Yuan was a little upset today. He just sent Cheng Shilang from the Ministry of Ceremonies, and the housekeeper here hurried in and reported that something had happened again.

As soon as he heard the three words "Li Cunyuan", Cui Yuan felt as big as a cow. If the bastard was his brother, he would have been asked to break his legs and stay at home. With a sigh, Cui Yuan said tiredly, "Did he rob someone or smash someone's store this time?"

The housekeeper hurriedly replied, "Mr. Li climbed over the wall this time and was caught and sued to the government, saying that Mr. Li broke into the house without permission and intended to be rude."

Hearing this, Cui Yuan immediately put on a cold face, and the bastard made trouble for him.

"He went to Du's house again?"

"Yes, Second Master Li heard that Miss Du went home today, so he rushed there eagerly, but the Du family didn't let him enter the house, so he called a few small guys to turn in from the backyard and didn't know what he had done, which shocked Miss Du. I heard that when people rushed to Miss Du's room, Second Master Li... Second Master Li..." In the middle of the housekeeper's words, he seemed to be a little unable to say anything, and hesitated for a long time without saying everything.

Cui Yuan couldn't help but be shocked. Is there anything worse?

"What else, tell me carefully."

Seeing that Cui Yuan was going to be angry, the housekeeper hurriedly said, "The servants rushed into the house and said that most of Master Li had taken off his clothes and only wore medium trousers and lay on **."

The temples on both sides of Cui Yuan's eyebrows and feet suddenly jumped, and Li Cunyuan was scolded half to death in his heart. That prodigal thing deserved to be caught in the government.

I haven't seen Cui Yuan for a long time. The housekeeper peeked at the master's face, pecked his heart, and then came forward and said, "Sir, it was also self-inflicted for what happened to Second Master Li. It is also a long lesson for letting Second Master Li stay in prison for a few days. However, don't forget that today is the first day of the scientific examination. Lord Li entered the superintendent last night. Now that such a thing happened to Second Master Li, no matter what happens, it will also damage Lord Li's reputation. Your Majesty has always valued virtue, filial piety and courtesy. When the quiet resident of the Du family spoke in front of your majesty earlier, she also had to take it seriously. Now that such a thing has happened, not to mention others. If the eldest princess is in a dilemma, I'm afraid Lord Li will come out of the school supervisor, and the next examiner will fall to Lord Fu Meng's side. "

Cui Yuan also knows the difference. The eldest princess has always been friends with the prince. If the eldest princess really talks nonsense about Li Cunyuan today, it is not a matter of the examination officer.

sighed, and Cui Yuan ordered to go down: "You took my famous post to see the governor of Jiucheng Prefecture to bail out Li Cunyuan. After sending him back to Li's house, he carefully explained that these days, no matter what method is used, whether it can be closed or sent far away, no matter what, you can't let the bastard appear in the capital again. As for the Du family..."

Before he could finish speaking, Cui Yuan looked up and saw the maid helping Cui Ting come in.

"Big brother!"

Cui Ting came forward without looking at Cui Yuan's face. She smiled and said, "These two days of dry things. I specially stewed snow clam crystal pear paste, which is the most warm and reduces anger. I think my eldest brother has been busy getting in and out recently. It's really hard. Come and have a drink." After saying that, she ordered the maid to put the food box on the table, and Cui Ting personally put a bowl of snow clam paste and handed it to Cui Yuan.

Cui Yuan rarely smiled and handed a wink to the housekeeper beside him. The housekeeper nodded, greeted Cui Ting, and then retreated quietly.

Cui Ting waited for the housekeeper to go far away before asking with a smile, "Am I disturbing my eldest brother?" I just heard from people that the housekeeper seemed to have encountered something and was in a hurry to find the eldest brother.

Cui Yuan laughed and didn't answer Cui Ting's words. He slowly ate the snow clam cream in his hand, handed the empty bowl to the waiter behind him, cleaned his hands with warm water, and then asked, "How do you feel these days? I heard from Yan Shaobai that you were a little unwell the night before yesterday. Do you want to see a doctor?"

Cui Ting shook her head: "It's not a big deal. Maybe I didn't sleep well at night and my feet cramped when I turned over, but after my father-in-law massaged me, it was fine."

Cui Yuan waved his hand to let his subordinates retreat and asked, "Where is Yan Shaobai? Why didn't I accompany you today?"

"When I got up in the morning, I wanted to eat eight-treasure cake. He went to the west of the city early in the morning to help me buy eight-treasure cake. Brother, have you seen the cloth I brought you yesterday? The prime minister said that this is the best material at present. Although it is still a little worse than the upper grade Biyun silk, it is the best in the lower grade silk.

Cui Yuan said, "I have seen the material. It's light and soft, but it's not smooth enough. From this point on, it's far less than ordinary silk, let alone the top-grade Biyun Ling. Biyunling can only give birth to two animals a year. At present, only Your Majesty, Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager can use them in the palace. I asked Yan Shaobai to weave and dye better cloth. Although it is for the noble concubine, in the long run, both I and Yu Yan Shaobai have great benefits.

Cui Ting said hurriedly, "Big brother is dedicated to his father-in-law. How can I not know? However, I heard from my father-in-law that it takes a lot of effort to weave materials that are better than Biyun Ling. Now that this silk conference is about to be held, there are more or less problems with the materials we can weave. Brother, yesterday's material doesn't work either. I really don't know what to do next.

Cui Yuan frowned and looked at Cui Ting for a long time: "You came to see me today, didn't you come to make an affair with Yan Shaobai?" That's why I specially stewed snow clam cream for him?

Cui Ting was a little unhappy when she heard Cui Yuan's words: "Brother, what are these words? Is it wrong for me to care about you? Besides, my father-in-law didn't let me say anything. These days, my father-in-law sees you more than me. What can't he say in front of you? Do you still use me to say love? The eldest brother is really wrong with the little sister.

When Cui Yuan heard Cui Ting's complaint, he couldn't help laughing: "Yes, yes, I blame the little sister. Yan Shaobai is also busy getting in and out these days. It's really hard. I'm not blind and I understand it. However, as you know, Sun Zhengming is ready to give my Cui family a good look at the silk conference this time. Anyway, I can't lose to Sun.

When Cui Ting heard this, she smiled bitterly and said for a long time, "How many years have passed. Why is the eldest brother still so angry? Brother Sun is actually..."

Before Cui Ting finished speaking, Cui Yuan asked, "Did you hear anything when you went to see Sun Zhengming the other day?"

Cui Ting was stunned and was silent for a moment before saying, "Brother Sun saw that I was not lukewarm and wanted to make friends with him, and he didn't want to think about the past. All I know was that he joined hands with the Zhang family and was also weaving new fabrics, but he didn't know anything else."

Cui Yuan frowned and squeezed his lips. He knew what kind of person Sun Zhengming had and his strength. Now he has joined hands with the Zhang family. He really can't be underestimated.

Cui Ting looked at Cui Yuan carefully for a while before asking softly, "I heard that you know Lin Huazhi?"

Cui Yuan was stunned and couldn't help looking up at Cui Ting.

Cui Ting hesitated for a moment and continued, "Lin Huazhi has some ability and has something to do with the Zhang family. The one under her, named Qingling, has a real interest in color matching. The color dyeing cloth made by him is long-lasting and gorgeous. I think those ingredients in Jiangdong City can't compare with Qingling. If Lin Huazhi and the Zhang family join hands with Sun Zhengming again, they may pose a great threat to their father-in-law and eldest brother. I am also familiar with Lin Huazhi. That woman is not a good stubble. However, recently, I heard something that someone vaguely saw her outside Xuanhuaguan, saying that she pretended to be a Taoist nun and living with others. Brother, the Zhang family is also a good person in Beijing. If I hear such a thing, I'm afraid it will be very annoying.

Cui Yuan's face was calm, but he couldn't help but be shocked. He knew best about Lin Huazhi pretending to be a Taoist nun, but where did Cui Ting hear it?

Earlier, when Li Cunyuan made a scene at the poetry meeting, he mentioned that there was a Taoist nun meeting with a man in front of Xuanhuaguan. Even if he was vaguely involved, but at that time, everyone was talking nonsense when Li Cunyuan and no one would believe it. But how did Cui Ting say this today? Although Yan Shaobai also knew that Lin Huazhi had appeared in Xuanhuaguan that day, Yan Shaobai would not mention Lin Huazhi to Cui Ting. So, what did Cui Ting just say? Threatening the Zhang family by pretending to be a Taoist aunt with Lin Huazhi?

Cui Yuan suddenly laughed and said, "Little sister, where did you hear these things? In fact, didn't you want to ask me if I went to see the beautiful Taoist aunt that day? I thought there were no rumors these days, but I didn't want to be squeezed by my sister today.

"Brother, you..." Cui Ting frowned.

"Little sister, I know Lin Huazhi, but according to what you just said, Lin Huazhi really pretended to be a Taoist nun and had a private meeting with a man, so I'm afraid that man refers to me. But I didn't see Lin Huazhi that day. What should I say? It can be seen that the rumors in this market are not credible. Little sister, don't listen to the wind and rain. The eldest brother has a high vision. Cui Yuan finished speaking, but he couldn't help but feel stunned. Why did he seem to be exonerated by Lin Huazhi?

Cui Ting heard Cui Yuanya deny it. For a moment, she didn't know whether she believed it or not. Subconsciously, Cui Ting turned her head and looked at the maid behind her.

Cui Yuan naturally saw Cui Ting's little action.

After a slight pause, Cui Yuan smiled and said, "Okay, you go back to rest. I'm going out to meet a few old friends. You don't have to wait for me to come back for dinner in the evening. After a while, when Yan Shaobai comes back, you tell him what I just said, and let him think of a way to work harder on the material while there is still some time.

Cui Ting nodded with a slightly stiff smile, and Cui Yuan helped her take her out of the door.

Cui Ting said, "Brother, I'll go back first. I'll go out to do something later. Be more careful."

Cui Yuan nodded and saw the maid on the side reaching out to hold Cui Ting. Cui Yuan said, "You look younger than you. Do you want me to find a few experienced mothers to serve you?"

Cui Ting looked up and looked at her surprise, and then shook her head: "No, this girl was brought from Jiangdong City. She has served me for a long time. I'm used to it."

Cui Yuan said, and then turned his head and asked, "What's your name?"

"Lord, my maidservant is called Cui Shuang."