Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 214 Does it matter?!

The autumn afternoon sun is just right, and it is warm on the body. The sun fell on the ground through the treetops, like a broken white jade. Occasionally, the wind blew, and the leaves rustled softly, and the light spots on the ground suddenly became bright and dark.

Cui Yuan stood motionless at the corner of the corridor, and his eyes fell on a corner under the stone steps. It was very clean and there were no weeds growing, but a shadowy back. Over time, a thin layer of moss grew between the stones. Although it was not obvious, after looking at it for a long time, Cui Yuan felt that the small piece of moss made people feel uncomfortable no matter how they looked at it. Comfortable.

He narrowed his eyes and raised his eyebrows slightly. He coughed gently, waited for Xiao Si behind him to take a step forward, bent down, and asked in a low voice, "What do you have any orders?"

Cui Yuan did not look back, but quietly ordered a few words. The little one nodded slightly, wrote it down one by one, then bowed and retreated quietly.

The surroundings are very quiet, and there seems to be no sound beside it except the wind. Cui Yuan withdrew his eyes and walked slowly to the gate.

Outside the door, the carriage has been ready for a long time.


At this time, Lin Huazhi wandered back and forth outside the Gongyuan for a long time. From time, he looked up. The door of the Gongyuan was locked, and the Qingjia bodyguard guarded the door. His face was solemn and his eyes were like knives. Lin Huazhi did not doubt that if someone dared to make trouble, the Qingjia bodyguards would not hesitate to pull out the sword around their waist and directly give it to the trouble. The heart is cold.

Lin Huazhi couldn't help smiling bitterly. She clearly said that she was not worried. She clearly said that she had confidence in Lin Yuyang, but she still couldn't let it go, so she couldn't help coming to Gongyuan from home alone, as if only in this way could she feel better.

In the afternoon, Zhang Ziqing was obviously angry and looked unhappy when she left, but Lin Huazhi didn't want to coax him, and she was a little uncomfortable. I can't say what it is for. Anyway, my heart is flustered. When Jinhou accompanied Zhang Ziqing back to Zhang's house in a carriage, she was alone in the room with a sigh.

This is indeed not a good omen. Not to mention what the wet nurse said to her in private, even I, Lin Huazhi sometimes can't grasp her own thoughts. There is often a feeling of going up and down, like the kite flying in the air. I don't know whether the next moment will go straight to the sky or fall to the bottom of the valley, or break the line and fly to an unknown place.

Is this the so-called concern? Or is she running away?

Lin Huazhi doesn't want to think deeply. In fact, she doesn't dare to think about it. She always feels that if she thinks deeply, everything will change differently.

Looking up again, the gate of Gongyuan was still locked. Lin Huazhi thought for a while and decided to go home. Although it is only a door away from Lin Yuyang at this time, he is still worried.

Barring to cheer up, Lin Huazhi remembered that there were still many things to do today. After seeing her go back for a long time, Lin's and his wet nurse were also anxious.

Just turned around, but suddenly I heard someone calling her behind her.

"Lin Huazhi!"

Looking back, I saw a carriage stop not far away, next to a small man put up the curtain and put down the footstool, and then one person came out.

Alas, Lin Huazhi couldn't help but feel upset when she saw that person. How could she meet Cui Yuan? Subconsciously looking left and right, Lin Huazhi was thinking, should she pretend not to see Cui Yuan?

"What are you doing here? Come to see Lin Yuyang?"

Before Lin Huazhi thought about it, Cui Yuan had strode to her, looking unhappy.

Lin Huazhi saw that the frost on Cui Yuan's face was faintly black, and she became annoyed for no reason. Defamation in my heart - what, are you not happy to see me? I'm even more unhappy to see your surname Cui. Seeing you like a plague.

Seeing that Lin Huazhi did not answer and his face was tense again, Cui Yuan couldn't help but be angry. He suddenly reached out and pulled her and walked to Gongyuan.

Lin Huazhi was stunned. What's going on? Is Cui Yuan crazy? Or are you still desperate for death?

consciously, Lin Huazhi raised his foot and kicked it fiercely.


Cui Yuan only felt a burst of heartache on his calf. As soon as his hand was loosened, Lin Huazhi immediately jumped three feet away.

"Lin Huazhi!" Cui Yuan couldn't help shouting, "This is the second time you kicked me."

Far away from Cui Yuan, Lin Huazhi hadn't recovered from the shock. She frowned and asked, "What second time? Have I ever kicked you?"

After listening to Lin Huazhi's words, Cui Yuan was even more angry and stared at Lin Huazhi, as if he had swallowed her alive.

Lin Huazhi couldn't help taking a step back and said alertly, "Lord Cui, what do you want to do?"

Someone has noticed them around, and some people have pointed out. Lin Huazhi didn't want to lose this person. He raised his hand to cover half of his face and didn't wait for Cui Yuan to speak. He was anxious to leave this place. It's better to stay away from Cui Yuan.

But this took a step. Cui Yuan suddenly pulled her from behind. Lin Huazhi was unstable, her footsteps went wrong, and her body fell into Cui Yuan's arms uncontrollably.

It's terrible!

At this time, there were only two words in Lin Huazhi's mind. She was panicked and shocked, and quickly raised her hand to cover her whole face tightly.

"Lin Huazhi, do you want to die? I will fulfill you." There was Cui Yuan's roar around her ears. Lin Huazhi knew that she was not the only one who felt ashamed in this situation.

Fortunately, Cui Yuan was angry, but he still didn't forget to straighten her. He stood firmly. Lin Huazhi lowered her head and whispered, "Your Excellency, will you let me go?"

Cui Yuan has never been an angry person. Years of officialdom experience has made him unable to see joy and anger on his face, but today I don't know what's wrong. From the moment he saw Lin Huazhi outside Gongyuan, Cui Yuan felt that there was a volcano hidden in his heart. As long as he flirted slightly, it immediately broke out.

Looking up and seeing several people running out of the Gongyuan, Cui Yuan swallowed the anger that was blocked in his throat, and vigorously pulled Lin Huazhi to jump into the carriage. Without waiting for the gang to speak, Cui Yuan began to run away: "Go!"

Lin Huazhi was thrown into the carriage by Cui Yuan. Without waiting to recover, she only heard Cui Yuan's angry "go quickly". There was no reason to feel a burst of chill on her back and the palms of her hands were full of sweat. Before sitting up straight, someone on the side had already squeezed up. Lin Huazhi's hands and feet were in a hurry and sat up straight, but her body was close to the carriage and looked at Cui Yuan opposite him with an uneasy face.

"Are you afraid?" I don't know how long it took, Cui Yuan looked at Lin Huazhi with a gloomy face and squeezed two words out of his mouth.

Lin Huazhi only felt that Cui Yuan was very scary at this time, his face was black and cold, and his eyes were like knives. He stared at her as if he couldn't scrape her fiercely. Lin Huazhi couldn't help trembling, curling up and looking at Cui Yuanjiu speechless.

"Didn't you just have sharp teeth? Why, the tongue was bitten by the cat?" Compared with Lin Huazhi, Cui Yuan gradually calmed down. Although his words were still unpleasant, he restrained his face and made people unable to see what he was thinking at this time.

Lin Huazhi still didn't open his mouth, but just looked at Cui Yuan, but many thoughts came out of his mind in an instant, but no matter which idea was not good.

After taking a deep breath, Lin Huazhi calmed down and reluctantly said, "Lord Cui, are you a forced robbery?"

"Do you think someone will come up to save you?" Cui Yuan followed her words and asked a rhetorical question.

Lin Huazhi doesn't know whether Cui Yuan is joking or serious. Maybe she shouldn't have asked such a question.

The two were silent again. Lin Huazhi put her hands around her chest and huddled in a corner of the carriage, looking at Cui Yuan with some uneasiness and horror. She is wondering why this situation is now? When the two met at the gate of Gongyuan, the situation was not as bad as now. Did something happen just now?

Cui Yuan didn't say anything. He looked at Lin Huazhi without a glance, half narrowing his eyes and didn't know what to think.

The carriage walked quickly, and Lin Huazhi sat unsteadily, but she was not in the mood to care about these small problems. Should she ask Cui Yuan where she was going to take her?

"Xiao Jing, slow down and go to the south of the city." Cui Yuan suddenly whispered to the outside. Lin Huazhi felt that the speed of the carriage was gradually slowing down, much more stable than before.

With a cough, Lin Huazhi said, "Lord Cui, please tell me directly if you have anything."

Cui Yuan didn't answer, just looked at her.

Lin Huazhi slowly calmed down when she saw that Cui Yuan ignored her. Cui Yuan looked at her, and she also looked at Cui Yuan. I don't know how long it took, but she asked again, "Lord Cui, do you like me?"

Cui Yuan's iceberg face finally had a different look. He frowned: "How is that possible? The beautiful concubine in my room, which one is not gentle and charming and obedient? I don't think I'm good enough to see you."

Lin Huazhi refuted Cui Yuan without thinking about it, and added a contempt. What Cui Yuan said should be the truth.

Okay, very good, just don't like her.

Lin Huazhi sat up straight: "Lord Cui, since I don't like you and you don't like me, there should be nothing to say between us. Please park in front of the car."

"Why?" Almost after Lin Huazhi finished his words, Cui Yuan immediately objected.

Is it possible to meet a scoundrel today?

Lin Huazhi raised his eyebrows slightly: "It seems that Lord Cui has something to say to me. Well, dare you ask Lord Cui what you want to tell the people's daughter?"

Cui Yuan closed his mouth and said nothing again.

Lin Huazhi is most afraid of this. You ask him but don't answer, but you can't guess what Cui Yuan is thinking. This situation makes Lin Huazhi feel very bad, powerless and helpless.

Lin Huazhi didn't say anything. Anyway, she and Cui Yuan could never talk to the other, so everyone should not talk.

"Have you heard anything recently?" Cui Yuan finally asked.

Feeling that Cui Yuan had something to say, Lin Huazhi was stunned and thought about it carefully. She said cautiously, "What did Lord Cui hear?"

Although asked by Lin Huazhi, Cui Yuan didn't seem to know what Lin Huazhi was just referring to. After a moment of meditation, Cui Yuan said again, "Who do you know in Beijing? That night outside Xuanhua..."

Cui Yuan didn't finish his words, but Lin Huazhi immediately understood and frowned. She was a little uneasy: "Doesn't anyone know what happened that night?"

Cui Yuan did not nod or shake her head. Seeing him look so, Lin Huazhi couldn't help but be nervous. After thinking about it again, she said, "Recordingly, few people know about that day. If there are any rumors in the world or what you hear, it should not be my problem. Lord Cui should pay attention to your side. That's right."

Cui Yuan laughed and said, "What should I pay attention to? Anyway, it seems to have nothing to do with me.

Is it still lifeless to cross the river and tear down the bridge?

looked at Cui Yuan for a while. Slowly, Lin Huazhi also smiled: "It's me who pretends to be Taoist aunt, and it really has nothing to do with Lord Cui. But..." As soon as the words turned, she smiled sweeter. "But I took Lord Cui's carriage back to the city. Even if it was late, someone still saw it. My lord, do you think it's okay?"

"Lin Huazhi."

Lin Huazhi looked at Cui Yuan with a smile on his face.

"Lin Huazhi, you like me!"


I know you like me.


You know.