Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 234 Don't have to

Lin Huazhi guessed correctly. Lin Yuyang, the new champion, is the judge of this silk conference, and it is also recommended by Cui Yuan.

Sun Zhengming refused to catch up with Cui Ting three times. His attitude was not only tough, but even Sun Zhengming made a rumor that he would lose face to Cui Yuan at the silk conference. Yan Shaobai couldn't bring out a good cloth. Cui Yuan knew that he could not defeat Lin Huazhi. In addition, Lin Huazhi said harsh words to him that day. Cui Yuan held a fire in his heart and waited for an appropriate opportunity to set a fire.

Yesterday, after the court meeting was over, Your Majesty specially called Cui Yuan to the imperial study and asked Cui Yuan about some matters of the silk conference. Cui Yuan did not have a detailed note. Finally, Cui Yuan said, "Fortunately, your majesty loves Xu in a high position, and I dare not forget your majesty's favor at all times. Tomorrow's Silkmaking Conference gathered the most powerful cloth merchants in various places, and the subordinates and son-in-law were also among them. In order to listen, the subordinates implore His Majesty to allow the subordinates to resign from the position of judgment.

Your Majesty asked, "Your family should know that this silk system conference is not only a national event, but also a major event in my dynasty. Over the years, the border has been stable and the people are rich. Every time there are small foreign countries paying tribute, they praise our dynasty for its vast territory, brocade food, and the exchange of goods between countries is also more prosperous than the previous dynasty. The silk-making conference was attended by not only domestic cloth merchants, but also by several small countries in the west and Japanese andcan guo in the east, and even overseas countries sent special personnel to study. Your ship weaving department not only controls the annual tributes of this dynasty, but is also responsible for foreign trade exchanges. In the dynasty, only the Qing family knows the universe. For a while, Aiqing asked me to find someone to replace you? As the saying goes, I don't avoid relatives. I believe that the Qing family will definitely choose the most beautiful Lingluo for me.

Cui Yuan hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: "Your Majesty is so loving that the officials will live up to your majesty's holy kindness. However, in order to show fairness, the subordinates implore Your Majesty to appoint Lord Zuo Silang Zhonglin as the deputy judge and give the power of supervision to show your majesty's fairness and strictness.

"Chinese book Zuo Silangzhong? Aiqing refers to the champion Lang Lin Yuyang. Why did Aiqing specifically appoint him as the deputy judge? Your Majesty has a good impression of Lin Yuyang.

"Lord Lin is not only knowledgeable, but also most importantly, Lord Lin is familiar with cloth dyeing and weaving, and his vision is unique. With Lord Lin's guidance, he will live up to the reputation of the silk-making conference."

Cui Yuan did not say that Lin Huazhi would also participate in the silk-making conference. After all, Sun Zhengming stood in front of the stage. Lin Huazhi was at most a behind-the-scenes man. Even if your majesty asked about it in the future, Cui Yuan was not afraid. He also had a noble concubine on his head to help him.

Your Majesty listened to Cui Yuan's words, thought about it carefully for a while, and then approved Cui Yuan.

When he came out of the palace, Cui Yuan rarely showed a smile on his face. Lin Huazhi made him unhappy, and he would definitely not make her happy.

Therefore, in the Xiaguang Hall, when Cui Yuan saw the slightly frown on Lin Huazhi's face, he was in a good mood, just like being suddenly torn by a ray of sunlight in the gloomy sky, revealing a brilliant light.

Lin Huazhi turned her eyes and saw Cui Yuan's face from Lin Yuyang. Even though there was no expression on the iceberg's face, Cui Yuan's shining eyes told Lin Huazhi everything.

Lin Huazhi became more and more hateful, as if someone had punched hard in his heart. Why didn't you bite that bastard last time? Lin Huazhi also knew that no matter how many complaints it was, it would not help. Cui Yuan clearly did not make her feel better today.

Chunbai was also shocked to see Lin Yuyang. Looking at Lin Huazhi's heavy face, he couldn't help sinking and saying that it was not good. He turned his head and took a look at Qingling beside him. His face looked exactly the same as Lin Huazhi. Chun Bai sighed secretly, took a step forward and whispered, "I'll accompany Sun Zhengming to the inner hall later. You stay outside to deal with it."

Originally, it was agreed that Lin Huazhi and Sun Zhengming went into the inner hall to show the cloth to the judges. Chunbai and Qingling inquired about the reality of other cloth merchants, but now that they saw Lin Yuyang, Chunbai was afraid of entering the inner hall for a while. Cui Yuan embarrassed the Lin family.

Lin Huazhi's eyes have been falling on Cui Yuan's side. He looked at Lin Yuyang, and the boy also noticed Lin Huazhi and his party. At this time, Lin Yuyang's face was quite helpless. He blinked at Lin Huazhi when people were not paying attention.

After a while, Lin Huazhi turned around and whispered to Chunbai, "Let Qingling and Sun Zhengming go to the inner hall, and you and I will stay here." Chunbai hummed and turned around and whispered to Qingling.

Ah, this day is getting more and more interesting. Lin Huazhi suddenly sighed and looked at Cui Yuan from afar and smiled. Only when chess meets the opponent can this final victory be the sweetest. The smile on Lin Huazhi's face became deeper and deeper, and her eyes turned and she had an idea.

Seeing Lin Huazhi suddenly smile at him, Cui Yuan somehow missed a pat in his heart. The good mood of the sunshine just now was immediately covered by dark clouds. I don't know when Cui Yuan didn't like to see the smile hanging on the corner of his mouth. He always felt that as long as Lin Huazhi showed that smile, he would suffer.

When Cui Yuan saw Lin Huazhi suddenly coming towards him, he couldn't help but cheer up and stared at Lin Huazhi. He couldn't help guessing what the woman opposite wanted to do.

If Lin Huazhi knew what Cui Yuan was thinking at this time, she would laugh to death. Who said that she must talk to Cui Yuan when she walks there? Her goal is the person behind Cui Yuan.

"Ms. Yan."

Yan Shaobai came a little late today. He drank some wine last night, and his head still hurt a little at this time. As soon as I entered the Xiaguang Hall, I didn't wait to see who was in the hall, and then I heard someone say hello to him. Looking up, Yan Shaobai saw Lin Huazhi smile gently at him. The smile fell on the bottom of his eyes, and a trace of mood suddenly appeared in his heart, which was sour and sweet.

Before Yan Shaobai could reply, Lin Huazhi took another step forward: "Mr. Yan's face is not good, but you should be careful. When will your wife give birth?"

Yan Shaobai is a little confused. When will Lin Huazhi take the initiative to talk to him so enthusiastically? Isn't yesterday's wine still awake?

As soon as Cui Yuan saw Lin Huazhi greeting Yan Shaobai, he immediately shouted in his heart that he was not good. Before he could take action, Lin Yuyang behind him did not wait for anything. He also walked over to Yan Shaobai and shouted as he walked, "Ah, Mr. Yan, I didn't expect to meet you here today. I also wanted to visit you in Cui's house in a few days. I don't quite agree with what you said to Zhongjun last time.

Cui Yuan's face is cloudy, which is a good sister and brother of the Lin family. Not to mention revealing his relationship with Yan Shaobai, even if others are not suspicious and judge that they have a good relationship with cloth merchants, it is enough to arouse people's speculation and discussion.

Cui Yuan looked around in the Xiaguang Hall for a week. There were no well-known officials, but what should he say at this time? Cui Yuan couldn't help turning his head and looking at the three people talking behind him.

Sure enough, he hit Lin Huazhi's eyes straight. The eyes were very bright. Cui Yuan's heart stopped, and his eyes couldn't help sliding down and falling on Lin Huazhi's neck. There were no marks on the slender neck slightly exposed from the collar. I don't know whether it was cold or because of the side. The skin color was slightly pale, but Cui Yuan knew that not long ago, he left a deep tooth mark on the slender neck.

Raising his eyes again, Lin Huazhi blinked at him. Cui Yuan seemed to feel that the sight had just circled around his body and fell on his shoulder. Then Cui Yuan suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder, as if someone had taken a knife and stabbed it hard on the old wound.

couldn't help but swear in his heart that he should have strangled the witch.

With his eyes narrowed, Cui Yuanqiang was energetic and was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, his voice was not high or low and he said to Lin Yuyang, "Lord Lin, it's almost time, please."

Lin Yuyang nodded and did not look at Lin Huazhi, but if he took a deep look at Yan Shaobai, he walked to the inner hall with Cui Yuan.

Looking at Cui Yuan's slightly stiff back, Lin Huazhi was in a good mood.

At this time, Yan Shaobai seemed to understand something. Looking at Lin Huazhi's eyes sticking to Cui Yuan's back, Yan Shaobai felt that his head was getting more and more painful. Sure enough, he was still drunk.

"Huazhi, you don't have to do this."

Lin Huazhi turned his head to look at Yan Shaobai, and his face was no longer the previous smile. Yan Shaobai saw through her little trick just now. She was silent for a long time. I don't know how long it took. After taking a long breath, she said, "You don't have to do this. I just want to tell you one thing. I don't like people surnamed Cui, regardless of men or women. I don't like anyone surnamed Cui. Cui Ting is the same with Cui Yuan."

When Yan Shaobai heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned by Lin Huazhi, and didn't know whether his heart was bitter or sweet. These days, Yan Shaobai and Cui Ting were a little unhappy. Because of the nanny's birthday, Cui Ting knew that he went to the Lin family to give gifts. Although he was not deliberately hiding it, Yan Shaobai did not take the initiative to tell him. So when Cui Ting knew that Yan Shaobai had seen Lin Huazhi, she suddenly made trouble.

Yan Shaobai slowly smiled bitterly at the corners of his mouth and asked in an astringent voice, "Huazhi, you don't like me, do you?"

Lin Huazhi looked at him, and Yan Shaobai lost weight, not as he did in his memory. How long has it been since she saw this man? It seems that for a long time, the past began to blur and disappear.

Taking a slight step back, Lin Huazhi reluctantly squeezed a smile on her face and whispered, "Although I don't like Cui Ting, I heard that she will have a child after the Spring Festival. Congratulations in advance." The mood seems to be inexplicably lost with this sentence.

"You're welcome." Yan Shaobai answered, took a good look at Lin Huazhi, and then stopped talking and walked aside.

Chunbai came forward in time and whispered, "Wu Shanggong has arrived."

Lin Huazhi hurriedly looked up to hide her loss of her name.

"Wu Shanggong went straight into the apse from the inside. As soon as the eunuch came to send a message, he closed the door of the hall for another quarter of an hour and stopped people to enter and leave." Chunbai pulled Lin Huazhi to an eyeless corner.

Lin Huazhi nodded to show that she knew. Suddenly, she was stunned and hurriedly asked, "Yes, where is Qingling? Have you entered the inner hall? I forgot to tell him something. She forgot to tell Qingling something most important.

Chunbai smiled and said, "Don't worry, I know what you're going to say." Lin Huazhi looked at Chunbai strangely, and the latter raised his eyebrows proudly. "Don't you just want to tell Qingling that there is still a piece of cloth under the brocade cloth outside the brocade box? Qingling already knew it."

Lin Huazhi is puzzled. How did Chunbai know about this? Yes, in order to prevent Sun Zhengming from making mistakes at the last moment, Lin Huazhi deliberately rebuilt the special brocade box sent in the palace. Under the brocade cloth outside the brocade box is a dyed cloth as thin as silk yarn, which is no worse than the cloth woven by Sun Zhengming. It is Lin Huazhi's little secret.

In order to show justice, the silk conference adopted some methods of the scientific test. The cloth presented by each cloth merchant was uniformly packed in a special brocade box. Before entering the Xiaguang Hall, it was checked by a special person, which eliminated some bad cloth merchants who wanted to speculatively.

Chunbai whispered, "It was Qingling who found it. The man picked up the brocade box, frowned and told me that the box was wrong, and then touched it and said that there was something wrong under the brocade cloth. Lin Huazhi, I have to say that you are really calculating. I'm afraid that everyone in this Xiaguang Hall is not half as delicate as you.

Lin Huazhi didn't feel that Chunbai was praising her, but frowned: "You're wrong. There are people in this hall who are smarter than me. It's still a step worse than chess. Strangely, why didn't Lin Yuyang tell me that he would come to Xiaguang Hall last night?

Chunbai thought carefully for a while and said, "I'm afraid it's Cui Yuan's plot. Maybe the little brother of the Lin family didn't know about his unlucky job until this morning."

Indeed, if Lin Yuyang had known that he would participate in the silk production conference as a judge, there was no reason not to tell Lin Huazhi that now, I'm afraid it's just as Chunbai said.

Fortunately, the play of the Lin family sister and brother just now slightly disrupted Cui Yuan's wishes.

Although Lin Huazhi did not fully guess Cui Yuan's intention, she had made the worst plan. In a word, if something happens to her, Yan Shaobai will not take the lead.

Lin Huazhi looked left and right, with a trace of fatigue on his face: "I'm thirsty. There are so many people, why is there no maid of honor waiting around? I said..." But before she finished speaking, suddenly there was a noise in the inner hall.

"It's not good, it's not good, send it to the imperial doctor, send it to the doctor."

Several eunuchs and maids came out of the inner hall in a panic. Before Lin Huazhi could see it clearly, Chunbai had already ahed.

"Oh, my God, it's Lin Yuyang!"

When this sound came to his ears, Lin Huazhi's body suddenly collapsed as mud, as if he saw evil, and lost three souls and six souls.