Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 235 Accident

"Huazhi, don't scare me?"

Chunbai's eyes were good, and he could see that the man supported by the palace man was the younger brother of the Lin family. However, when he turned around, Lin Huazhi fell down softly and panicked that Chunbai quickly opened his arms and hugged her. Looking again, Lin Huazhi's face had already lost blood, and he seemed to faint at any time.

"Huazhi, Huazhi, are you all right?" Chunbai was anxious and panicked. He looked up at Lin Yuyang and looked down at Lin Huazhi in his arms. For a moment, he didn't know who to look after first.

Lin Huazhi suddenly reached out and grasped Chunbai tightly, stood up stiffly, and squeezed a few words from his chest for a long time: "Go and see him."

Chunbai looked at her worriedly and asked, "What about you?"

"I can hold on. Go quickly." But two words seemed to exhaust all her strength.

Chunbai hurried to Lin Yuyang, and Lin Huazhi stood still. At this moment, she only knew that she could not fall down, especially at this time.

In a short time, two imperial doctors trotted in. Under his sleeves, Lin Huazhi's hands were tightly twisted, and his eyes stared in the direction of Lin Yuyang. The imperial doctor came forward and looked at Lin Yuyang's face carefully. After asking for his pulse, he turned around and ordered a few words to the maid of honor, and several palace people helped Lin Yuyang to go to the side hall.

When Chunbai turned back, Lin Huazhi looked at Chunbai's face without saying a word.

"It's not a big deal, but Lin Yuyang's face suddenly appeared red spots. Hearing the maid of honor in the inner hall, as soon as Lin entered, he kept throbbling and vomiting all over."

The more Lin Huazhi listened, the more frightened he became. How could a person who was still fine in the morning be so seriously ill in a blink of an eye? What's wrong with Lin Yuyang?

"What did the imperial doctor say?"

A trace of strange appeared on Chunbai's face. He looked left and right and whispered, "It seems to be allergic. Did Lin Yuyang eat anything in the morning?

Lin Huazhi was also confused. In the morning, she ate porridge and eggs, and the rice was freshly boiled. The eggs were taken out of the chicken nest. She didn't eat anything strange. Why did she have red spots?

It didn't matter to her life. Lin Huazhi was relieved and almost scared her to death.

Chunbai also looked scared. He looked at Lin Huazhi and said, "You don't even know how scary you just looked. People who don't know will think that something has happened to you just by looking at your face. Huazhi, are you all right? Do you want to take a break?"

Lin Huazhi shook her head and said that she was fine. She was in chaos if she was concerned. As soon as she heard that Lin Yuyang had something to do, she immediately thought of bad things, so she was in chaos.

Seeing Lin Huazhi frequently looking outside the Xiaguang Hall, Chunbai knew that she was worried about Lin Yuyang and comforted her: "With the care of the imperial doctor, Lin Xiaodi will be fine. Don't worry about it."

Yes, someone is looking after Lin Yuyang. What else does Lin Huazhi worry about?

With a long sigh of relief, Lin Huazhi looked into the hall. Many people gathered around and whispered. There was no need to deliberately guess, and they also knew that those people should be talking about Lin Yuyang. Lin Huazhi thought carefully and felt that Lin Yuyang's sudden illness was not a bad thing. At least he could avoid Cui Yuan borrowing Lin Yuyang's hand from being unfavorable to Lin Huazhi. Now that Lin Yuyang has withdrawn, Qingling and Sun Zhengming in the inner hall can let go without burden.

Lin Huazhi couldn't help laughing when thinking about it.

Chunbai stood beside her and saw her like a demon for a while. He couldn't help asking worriedly, "Lin Huazhi, are you sure you're really okay? How do I think you are the sick one?

Lin Huazhi just said meaningfully, "It's Cui Yuan who is going to get sick. I guess he must have a headache now."

Yes, Lin Huazhi was right. At this time, in the inner hall, Cui Yuanzhen felt that he had a headache.

The cloth merchants just came in with the brocade box in their arms. Before Cui Yuan could say a few pleasant words, Lin Yuyang suddenly made such a noise, which immediately made the already serious atmosphere a little embarrassing. However, Cui Yuan would not care about these. He was just annoyed by Lin Yuyang's sudden withdrawal and broke his plan.

A deputy judge unexpectedly withdrew, and Cui Yuan, who did the main thing, had to temporarily let the cloth merchants retreat to rest. On the other hand, he immediately returned the situation to His Majesty. After much effort, two eunuchs came in one after another. Lin Yuyang, the first eunuch, suddenly had a red spot on his body. The imperial doctor had not determined his condition and advocated that Lin Yuyang should rest. However, the eunuch who came in later brought a bad news to Cui Yuan. Because Lin Yuyang was not feeling well, His Majesty sent the prince to be the deputy judge and selected on behalf of the emperor.

Cui Yuan was so angry that the prince came to be the deputy judge, which meant that there was basically nothing wrong with him in this silk system. The prince has made good friends with Lin Yuyang and has always wanted to get close to Lin Yuyang. Naturally, he will not let go of this good opportunity that fell from the sky. As long as the prince says a word, the Lin family will immediately rise to the throne. No one will miss such an opportunity to show his goodwill.

Cui Yuan couldn't help sighing in his heart that there was no need to say more about the final ownership of this silk-making conference.

With a gloomy face, Cui Yuan sat aside with an unclear look in his eyes. A well-known official came forward and asked in a low voice, "Lord Cui, what's wrong?" Don't blame others for being too careful, and everyone is afraid that something will happen to the main thing.

Cui Yuanqiang cheered up and said, "Lord Lao Guo cares about me. I'm fine. The prince will arrive soon. Please ask Lord Guo to go down, change into new tea, and add a few red stoves in the hall.

Although he was unwilling, Cui Yuan also had to lift his mind to do the rest of the things well. He knew the advantages and disadvantages of cloth. At present, among the cloth merchants, the Sun family's cloth is better than other cloth merchants in terms of fabric raw materials or later textile dyeing. The most important thing is that Sun Zhengming presented the brocade box as soon as he opened it. Just looking at it, I felt that the cloth was bright and soft, like the most beautiful woman. Even if it was just a glance, it was fascinating.

Cui Yuan can't figure out that Yan Shaobai's cloth is not bad and the coloring is bright, but why is it not as luxurious as Sun's cloth? The Cui family has not been involved in cloth weaving for two years. The small workshops under the Cui family have been committed to developing new fabrics for ten years, but for some reasons, they have not been mass-produced in the end. Cui Yuan didn't expect that he would sit in the position of weaving one day, but when he decided to punch in the weaving of cloth, he encountered something unexpected.

Cui Yuan thought of a question for the first time at this time. If he hadn't found Lin Huazhi when he was in Jiangdong City, would all this be different today?

No one can answer his question, just like Cui Yuan always involuntarily thinks of Lin Huazhi's slender neck.


The final result of the silk conference will be specially announced by your majesty three days later. Zhaocai, which was jointly woven and dyed by Sun Lin and Zhang's three families, took the lead. Mu Chunluo presented by Yan Shaobai and Yu Jiaoluo of the Xijiang Wang family ranked second, and the cloth merchants of Ruomo and two Qingzhou Prefecture in the Western Regions ranked third. Although the fur presented by Wei Luguo did not have much skills in it, it became the favorite of the concubines in the palace.

In the Lin family, Chunbai smiled and said to Lin Huazhi, "In the past six months, after several twists and turns from Jiangdong City to Beijing, we finally won this name. It's not in vain to work hard."

Lin Huazhi sat aside. Zhang Ziqing was close to her and pushed the cold medicinal soup in front of Zhang Ziqing. Lin Huazhi said slowly, "I didn't expect Yan Shaobai's Mu Chunluo to get the second place. Cui Yuan really won't give up."

Chunbai looked at Zhang Ziqing frowning and drank the medicine, hurriedly took a dried plum and put it into his hand, and then smiled, "Although Mu Chunluo is not as good as our colored silk, it is also a good material. Cui Yuan has some skills. If he is not ranked, I'm afraid his weaving company will not be stable."

Having said that, Lin Huazhi still said a pity in his heart.

Chunbai knew her careful thinking and comforted her, "You should feel happy, because the only royal merchant is only us in the end, and we can also walk horizontally in Beijing in the future. No matter how calculating Cui Yuan is, it is impossible for Yan Shaobai to get the seal of the imperial merchant, so don't care about it.

That's the reason, but I still feel sorry. Lin Huazhi sighed. Is this looking for trouble?

Although Zhang Ziqing didn't understand Chunbai's words, he saw that there was no smile on Lin Huazhi's face and immediately said, "Huazhi, don't be angry. If it is yours, it will only be yours. If it is not yours, no matter how much effort you spend, it will not belong to you. Let's work hard. A second brother will take care of it outside. Just spin the cloth.

Although Zhang Ziqing's words are simple, there is a big reason in it. Lin Huazhi couldn't help laughing. Why did she struggle with what even Zhang Ziqing could understand? In the end, what was actually tired was that she was not someone else.

Seeing that Lin Huazhi's look slightly improved, Chunbai quickly changed the topic and asked, "Is Lin Yuyang all right?"

Lin Huazhi shook his head: "I've been using Jinhou's medicine these days, and the red spots on my face have disappeared."

Chunbai nodded and was puzzled: "Why do you have red spots on your face after eating a raw egg? It's too evil."

Not to mention spring white, even Lin Huazhi didn't understand it. On the day of the silk-making conference, Lin Yuyang was indeed allergic and had erythema because he ate eggs. Lin Huazhi is strange. Since the conditions at home are good, Lin Yuyang has been an egg every day. He used to be fine, but something went wrong that day.

Lin Huazhi was silent for a moment and could only sigh, "Who knows what's wrong? Maybe Lin Yuyang should not have eaten raw eggs that day. It's better to cook eggs than to eat raw eggs."

This statement is really not credible. Chunbai thought for a while but suddenly laughed: "However, as the saying goes, 'woe is blessed, blessed' If Lin Yuyang did not have an accident, the prince would not have come. If the prince did not come to be the deputy judge, we would not have won the first place so smoothly. In fact, Lin Yuyang is our amulet.

Lin Huazhi is in a good mood by Chunbai's exaggerated words. Everything in the world is really unclear. Whether there is a cause first and then a result or a result before a reason, it is not what the world can predict. Maybe nothing happened to Lin Yuyang, and in the end they may be another result.

"Yes, it will be the winter solstice in seven days. Xuanhuaguan will hold a meeting. Will you go?"

The forest flowers and branches did not make a sound, and the Dharma meeting of the winter solstice was a grand festival for Taoism. But she really doesn't want to go to the Xuanhua Dharma Association. Lin Yuyang has been resting at home for the past few days. Princess Ruolian has sent maids of honor to her home for three consecutive days to comfort her. No matter how stupid people are, they can see that Princess Ruolian is unusual to Lin Yuyang.

Lin Huazhi is worried now. How can Lin Yuyang get through the peach blossom disaster?

"Sister Huazhi." Xing'er suddenly rushed into Lin Huazhi's yard. Before Lin Huazhi asked, Xing'er was extremely angry and shouted, "Sister Huazhi, Cui Ting is here."