The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 32 Red Funeral, Who is guilty

Chapter 32 Red Funeral, Who is the guilty

Zhao Hanwu stared at the man who opened the door and roared, "Where did so much nonsense come from! We are the officials of the government office of Nayan County. Open the door!"

With that, several officials raised their feet and kicked the door. The man hiding behind the door could not resist this force, and even the door and people were kicked aside.

The two dark doors were wide open, and Zhao Hanwu and several others couldn't help but be surprised when they saw the scene in front of them.

I saw a circle of people standing in the yard, all facing the main house, as if they were wooden carved clay figurines.

The whole yard is decorated with festive things, big red window flowers, big red lanterns, and a big red wedding sedan chair parked in the courtyard. Looking closer, several people in big red wedding shirts hid behind the sedan chair. Some people wrapped rags in their hands and looked like sedan chair men, and some held gongs and drums in their hands, but they all showed a frightened look, and no one dared to look at Zhao Hanwu.

Zhao Hanwu faintly felt a chill, but after all, he was a veteran who had done his job in the county government for many years, and he saw a lot of strange scenes. He calmed his mind and took a step forward and shouted, "Where is the owner of this house?" Come out with a reply!"

For the people in this village, the Liu family may be an untouchable role, but for a government man like Zhao Hanwu, the rich man in this small place is nothing, and these people can only be abusy to them. Therefore, these people are twice as tough as they do things.

After waiting for a while, the door of the main room opened, and a young man picked up the red curtain and came out. He was dressed in a brand-new satin dress and a dazzling red cloth tied around his waist, but there was no joy on his face.

He looked at Zhao Hanwu and others and saw that Zhao Hanwu was the leader. He hurriedly trotted to Zhao Hanwu and arched his hand, "Several masters, whose next name is Liu Mingchu, are the second son of this family. I don't know what you are doing?"

Zhao Hanwu carefully looked at the man in front of him and saw that he was medium-sized, slightly thin, flat-headed and straight, and his words were polite.

For such a person, Zhao Hanbu has always been polite. He also bowed his hand to Liu Mingchu and said, "We have been ordered by the county government to come here to find someone..." At this point, Zhao Hanwu suddenly thought of something and asked, "Look at what's the happy thing in your family like this. What should I do? The happy event is not lively. Is your family's happy event cold enough?

When Liu Ming first heard the words, the flesh on his face jumped slightly. He squeezed out an awkward smile and arched his hand to Zhao Hanwu again, "Who do you want to find? I'll ask someone to bring you several people you are looking for. Master, you are right. There are some inconveniences at home. I hope you can forgive me. I will definitely go to the county government office to thank you..."

Zhao Hanwu waved his hand when he heard the words and stopped Liu Mingchu's words. This matter was explained by Mr. Liang San, and few of the things that Mr. Liang asked him to do were normal, so although Zhao Hanwu was a little curious, he was unwilling to explore anything more. He still wants to make a quick decision and bring back the person the third son wants.

"We are going to take away a matchmaker surnamed Lu. I don't know if it's convenient or inconvenient?"

As soon as Zhao Hanbu said this, Liu Mingchu was so scared that he took two steps back and almost fell to the ground.

"Master...who are you looking for?"

Liu Mingchu asked in a low voice as if he was afraid of something.

Zhao Hanwu frowned dissatisfiedly and said, "Land matchmaker!"

Liu Mingchu was shocked again, then nodded in a daze, didn't say anything, and turned around and walked back.

Zhao Hanwu and several government servants waited outside the door for a while, and saw that the door was opened again. The red curtain was taken off by a servant-like man, and a man and a woman came out of the door one after another.

The man who came out first looked 40 or 50 years old. He was wearing a short black satin jacket and a dark red robe underneath, and the middle-aged woman behind him wore a long dress with dark red patterns.

The middle-aged man walked to Zhao Hanwu, hugged his fist and said, "I am the owner of this yard. There are many things at home today. Please forgive me. Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't mind, please.

Zhao Hanwu looked at this man, and he must be outside Liu. This man doesn't look like a rich man, but he is a little angry.

But no matter what, they are here to do things. As long as they take people back, they can't care about anything else.

Thinking of this, Zhao Hanwu punched Mr. Liu, "Besides, we are looking for a matchmaker surnamed Lu. I heard that she is in your house and there is a happy event in your house. It is not convenient for us to ask for mercy. Please let the matchmaker come out and we can take her away."

When the woman standing next to her heard this, she turned around to cover her face and trembled. Liu looked back and whispered, "Go to the side room and have a rest."

The woman looked outside Mr. Liu, looked at Zhao Hanwu and several people, saluted them deeply, and then was helped by several women's wives. A group of women went to the side room.

At this time, Mr. Liu walked to Zhao Hanwu's side and said to Zhao Hanwu in a low voice, "Dare to ask the master what to call him?"

Zhao Hanwu reported his name, and Mr. Liu held his fist again and said, "Jianzhao, alas... Speaking of which, I still need to ask Zhao to help me figure it out. Several people, inside, please."

After saying that, Mr. Liu stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation. Zhao Hanwu and others looked at each other. They couldn't go in. They left a few people outside to look after the horses, and the three of them followed Zhao Hanwu and Mr. Liu into the house.

Several officials smelled a strong smell of blood as soon as they entered the room. They fixed their eyes and saw several people lying in the spacious main hall.

These people are full of blood stains, and several of the stout men seem to have broken their arms. And Zhao Hanwu's eyes finally fell on a person like a blood gourd in the corner. This man looked like a woman. She was wearing a skirt and lying on the ground with her hair. A man squatted beside her and pressed her head with a rag, looking afraid that she would shout.

Seeing this, Zhao Hanwu hurriedly asked Liu what was going on.

Foreign Minister Liu sighed and replied, "As several officials have seen, today was originally a happy day for my son to get married..." At this, Liu paused outside, and then gritted his teeth and continued, "But these people not only did not pick up the bride, but their legs were broken. The arm was broken... The one lying over there..." Liu pointed to the woman next to him and said angrily, "That's the mainland matchmaker you're looking for!" Everything is bad for her!"

At this time, the mainland matchmaker also seemed to hear the voice here. She struggled desperately to turn her head and look this way. She saw several people in county officials standing there. She seemed to see a savior, suddenly shook off the man beside her, rolled and crawled here, and grabbed Zhao Hanwu's clothes fiercely. He shouted, "Master! Master, help! Master, you can save me! They...they..." The mainland media woman stared at Mr. Liu and said, "They kill people without blinking an eye! They are not human! They want to kill me!"

Zhao Hanwu was really confused by the scene in front of him. What Mr. Liang explained is really not a simple thing!

A trace of boredom rose in his heart, raised his foot and kicked away the mainland media woman, and asked angrily, "What the hell is going on! What the hell is going on!"

The faces of the officials behind him also showed anger, and the Liu outside also frowned tightly and did not say anything.

On the contrary, it was the mainland matchmaker. She got up from the ground again and roared loudly, "This black-hearted man's son is obviously dead, and he has to find a marriage!" After all, I'm just greedy for a little money. It's really not people or them! The girl didn't want to, and she blamed me! Why don't you think about how other girls know this? Last night, I was dead, and the girl knew it today! Isn't it a bad thing for your family? Can you blame me?"

With that, she ran to Zhao Hanwu's side again. This time, she didn't dare to come to catch Zhao Hanwu's clothes, but stared at Zhao Hanwu and said loudly, "Master! You catch him quickly! Catch him to see the county magistrate! He insisted that I take someone to grab a big girl and come back to his dead son as his daughter-in-law. We didn't bring anyone back, and he asked us to beat us to death! Look, look at these people on the ground... they are all... they are all beaten by him!"


Liu Yuan's forehead burst into blue veins, staring at the land matchmaker angrily, "These people were already like this when they came back! If the girl knew about this, you must have leaked it! If you hadn't come and say that you can achieve this marriage, we wouldn't have planned to do this! You black-hearted old witch!"

Mr. Liu's eyes were like torches, and the staring mainland media woman was shocked, and his words were not wrong. After the mainland matchmaker came back, she was beaten again. Now she stands up reluctantly and really dares not confront Mr. Liu.

Zhao Hanwu listened to their words and finally came up with some clues. However, this clue is not as good as nothing. What's wrong with finding a daughter-in-law for your dead son?

Seeing that the mainland media woman was silent, Liu suppressed his anger and said to Zhao Hanwu, "Zhao, this matter is really unclear, but the only thing I can pat my chest and guarantee is that our people have never violated any laws. No matter where this happens, I'm not afraid of Liu.