The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Mr. Dou, Mr. Liang Sanzi

Chapter 33 Enchanted Ghosts, Sercer and Jinxian

Zhao Hanwu asked the story carefully again, and then he knew what was going on. Although this incident was amazing, what surprised Zhao Hanbu most was the other person involved in this matter, who was the girl named Leng Xuanrong that Zeng Yanliang liked!

On the way back, Zhao Hanwu was still a little afraid. Hearing what Liu Yuanwai and the mainland media said, a masked man suddenly appeared in the Leng family and beat out the men who went with Lu's matchmaker. That's why they couldn't get Leng Xuanrong back.

Zhao Hanwu thought to himself that if it hadn't been for the extraordinary man to save him, wouldn't the Leng Xuanrong have suffered for a lifetime? And what he cared most about was the identity of the man who saved Leng Xuanrong.

As far as Zhao Hanwu knows, Leng Xuanrong and one of her old fathers depend on each other. So who is this man who suddenly appeared? Why did he cover his face when he came out to save people?

Is it...

An idea rushed to Zhao Hanwu's mind, and he became a little nervous.

If my guess is true, does it mean that Zeng Yanliang is still alive? Has he been hiding in Leng Xuanrong's house for so long?

Zhao Hanwu and his party took the land matchmaker all the way back to Nayan County. When they arrived at the county government, the land matchmaker was about to be bumped. These yamen already knew what she had done, and several people hated it. Even if she howled all the way, no one paid attention to her. After running for two columns of incense, the mainland media woman couldn't make any sound.

After returning, they took the people directly into the prison of the county government, while Zhao Hanwu went to the county government's private house to find Mr. Liang San for his life.

At this time, it was already dark. When Mr. Liang heard that they had brought people back, and after listening to Zhao Hanbu tell him carefully about what had happened in the Liu family, he praised Zhao Hanwu for a few words, and then waved his hand and told him that there was nothing to do with him.

Zhao Hanwu came out of the county government's private house and hesitated for a long time. Finally, he changed into his casual clothes and quietly came to the old house where Leng Xuanrong and others lived.

Zhao Hanwu acted very cautiously. He deliberately observed the surroundings and made sure that no one was staring at him or followed him before knocking on the door of the Leng family.

In the room, Leng Xuanrong was sitting there chatting with Zeng Yanliang.

The fact that she went to find Mr. Dou made Zeng Yan's conscience a little depressed. He never thought that Leng Xuanrong would trust Mr. Dou so much. Although Leng Xuanrong said that this was also a helpless choice, Zeng Yanliang still felt a little uncomfortable no matter how much he comforted himself.

The two have discussed that if Mr. Dou can't help solve this matter, they will take Leng Chengqi and the other three to escape from Yan County together, and then make other plans.

However, if things really get to that point, the plans in Leng Xuanrong's mind will no longer be implemented, and she may no longer have a chance to revenge. If that's the case, I'm afraid that Zeng Yanliang's grievances can't be washed away, and his brothers who died unjustly will always bear those bad reputations.

Nei either of them wants things to go that way, so they have been studying whether there is any other way.

The oil lamp had just lit, and the two suddenly heard a slight knock on the door.

Leng Xuanrong was shocked. She suddenly turned her head and looked at Zeng Yanliang. Zeng Yanliang also frowned and stared at the door.

They really can't figure out who will come here at this time.

Zeng Yanliang winced Leng Xuanrong, and Leng Xuanrong asked loudly, "Who is it?"

Outside the door, Zhao Hanbu pressed his voice and replied, "Aha, Zhao Hanwu. Miss Leng, I'm here alone. I have something to ask you.

As soon as Zeng Yanliang heard this, his body moved. Seeing this, Leng Xuanrong quickly pressed him, pointed to the room next to him, and said in a low voice, "I'll ask what's going on first. Brother Yan Liang, you must be self-defense.

Zeng Yanliang frowned and thought for a moment, nodded to Leng Xuanrong, and dodged and hid in the inner room.

Leng Xuanrong heard that Brother Yan Liang mentioned the name Zhao Hanwu and knew that he was the person who had taken care of her, but she didn't understand why Zhao Hanwu came to her at this time.

With these questions, Leng Xuanrong walked to the door and looked out with a slight gap in the door. Seeing that Zhao Hanwu really came alone, Leng Xuanrong dodged and squeezed out of the crack of the door.

She stood in front of the door and saluted Zhao Hanwu, "There is a lot of inconvenience in the little woman's home. You can't invite Zhao Yan to go in. Please forgive me. Thanks to your care the other day, I haven't had time to thank you.

Zhao Hanwu shook his head and said, "What kind of care? It's a matter of hand. I should have come to see your father and daughter more, which is also a kind of heart for Yan Liang."

With that, Zhao Hanwu stared at Leng Xuanrong. When he talked about Zeng Yanliang, he found that Leng Xuanrong's face immediately showed a worried expression, as if he were very sad. Zhao Hanwu's heart suddenly sank. He sighed and said, "Today, the third son of the county government, Liang, asked us to go to Liuchengzhuang outside the city to catch a matchmaker surnamed Lu. I heard that they came to your house in the morning to grab marriage..."

When Leng Xuanrong heard this, he was secretly happy and thought that his calculation was indeed correct. After this matter fell into the hands of Mr. Dou, he really went to see Mr. Liang. And Mr. Liang has now caught the mainland media, and the matter is half solved.

Thinking of this, Leng Xuanrong frowned and asked Zhao Hanwu in a low voice, "Have you arrested the mainland media? So...does this matter have to go to the lobby? And the Liu family... Their family is a rich man... I... What should I do..." Leng Xuanrong pretended to be frightened and at a loss.

Zhao Hanwu saw Leng Xuanrong like this and hurriedly comforted him, "Don't be afraid, Miss Leng. The people of the Liu family have already told me everything. They won't come to trouble you anymore. Mr. Liang San was in charge of this matter, and probably won't make trouble in the lobby. It's just... What on earth will Mr. Liang Sanshi do... I don't know..." After saying this, Zhao Hanwu saw that Leng Xuanrong was still worried and quickly said, "No matter what, I will find a way to help you. Cold girl, don't worry. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to me. Yan Liang and I are the best brothers. If he is still alive, he will spare no effort to help with these things.

Leng Xuanrong looked at Zhao Hanwu gratefully and whispered, "Zhao...Brother Zhao, thank you."

Zhao Hanwu's nose was sore, and he hurriedly punched Leng Xuanrong, told him a few words, and left quickly after saying goodbye.

Leng Xuanrong turned around and returned to the room, with an unconcealed joyful face.

It's done!

Although this matter fell into the hands of Mr. Liang San, it is not known how it is, but at least this first step has been solved.

But after a burst of joy, Leng Xuanrong felt worried again.

Mr. Dou and Mr. Liang San don't know how to plan, and most importantly, why Zhao Hanwu came today. Did he come to inform himself of the news, or did he have other plans?

At this time, Zeng Yanliang came out of the room. Leng Xuanrong told Zeng Yanliang what they said, and his face immediately showed doubt.

"Xuanrong... Do you think it's Cambrian who saw the injuries on those people who were beaten by me, and then inferred that I was not dead and hid with you..."

Zeng Yanliang said that there was a chill behind Leng Xuanrong.

"Brother Yan Liang, do you mean that Brother Zhao came to test me today?"

Zeng Yanliang pondered for a long time before he said, "It's okay. Even if the Cambrian knows that I'm not dead, even if he knows I'm here, he won't tell my whereabouts. We have been brothers for more than ten years..."

But no matter what Zeng Yanliang said, Leng Xuanrong was still worried.

She knew that the third son of Liang was thousands of times more shrewd than Zhao Hanwu. Since Zhao Hanbu could infer that Zeng Yanliang was here, he was afraid that the third son of Liang could also infer this result as long as he thought about it a little.

What should I do?

Leng Xuanrong tried her best to calm herself down. She suddenly got up and ran to get the almanac, turned a few pages forward, turned back a few pages, and then closed her eyes as if she were recalling something carefully.

Zeng Yanliang looked at this strange scene but did not dare to disturb it. He really didn't know what Leng Xuanrong was doing.

After a long time, the corners of Leng Xuanrong's mouth suddenly raised slightly. She put down the almanac in her hand and said to Zeng Yanliang, "Brother Yanliang, how are the bamboo poles we made before?"

Zeng Yanliang was stunned when he heard the words.

"Why did you suddenly ask this?"

Those bamboo poles were made by Zeng Yanliang and Leng Chengqi. They have been dry for a long time, and there should be no problem. But now Leng Chengqi is sick in bed, and it doesn't seem to be the time to consider bamboo poles.

Zeng Yanliang looked at Leng Xuanrong with a puzzled face and saw Leng Xuanrong staring at the lunar calendar and laughing one day, "To make a brush requires not only a bamboo pole, but also a suitable pen. Now the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and the animals are also out to move. Brother Yan Liang, can you catch any wild animals?

Zeng Yanliang thought for a moment and nodded, "There is everything on Fengquanling, such as pheasants and hares, older ones, wolves, insects, tigers and leopards. As long as there are suitable tools, there should be no problem to catch these things."

Leng Xuanrong asked again, "Brother Yan Liang, can you spend a few nights on the mountain?"

This time, Zeng Yanliang was more confident. He stayed on the mountain when he was a child. At that time, he was still a wandering child. He could only catch small animals and pick mushrooms on the mountain all day long. It was more common to spend the night on the mountain.

"I can catch you whatever you want!" Zeng Yanliang's eyes glowed and became brilliant in an instant.

Leng Xuanrong smiled and said to Zeng Yanliang in a low voice, "Brother Yanliang, you just wait on the mountain road I said. The biggest prey will soon appear."