The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 290 Dancer Mulian, Birthday Banquet Arrangement

Leng Xuanrong heard the woman's voice behind her and hurriedly stopped and looked back. As soon as she saw the woman's face, Leng Xuanrong was really surprised and happy. It was no one else who came towards her, but the dancer Mulian.

Leng Xuanrong felt extremely kind when she saw Mu Lian, but at this time, Mu Lian looked at her and her eyes were full of hostility. As soon as Leng Xuanrong turned her head, Mulian recognized Leng Xuanrong as the woman she had seen in the barren courtyard last time. She remembered clearly that the eldest son had a surprisingly good attitude towards this woman at that time. Therefore, after their group of dancers went back, they had a heated discussion. Later, well-informed people inquired about Leng Xuanrong's identity, so that Leng Xuanrong became the name most mentioned among the dancers during this period.

Mulian knew that Leng Xuanrong was at least a lady of the official family, and she was not only very predestined with her eldest son, but also had a good relationship with King Xiaoyan and the young master of the emperor's mansion. With this, Mulian did not dare to be too presumptuous in front of Leng Xuanrong. She glanced at Leng Xuanrong, and then hurriedly saluted her, "It turned out to be Miss Leng. Please forgive the little woman for offending Miss Leng."

Leng Xuanrong is really not used to looking at Mu Lian being so respectful to her. Although Mu Lian had a good relationship with Leng Xuanrong in her previous life, Leng Xuanrong's status in this prime minister's mansion was much lower than that of Mu Lian, so Leng Xuanrong generally spoke to Mu Lian in a low voice, and she rarely saw what Mu Lian looked like in front of the masters in this prime minister's mansion. Leng Xuanrong remembered that Mulian often recounted others, and she was an arrogant person. Now she is so respectful to herself. After that, I guess she will have to say something bad behind her back.

Thinking of these, Leng Xuanrong inexplicably felt very interesting.

"This girl is welcome. It's not my fault. I shouldn't have walked around in this house." After returning the gift, Leng Xuanrong also looked at Mulian, and then pretended to be surprised and asked, "Are you the girl who came to answer the door in the waste courtyard last time?"

Mulian didn't expect that Leng Xuanrong could still remember herself. She was a little happy and nodded, "Exactly."

"Ah, that's great." Leng Xuanrong breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "I came to the house to find the eldest son and accidentally got lost. The Prime Minister's mansion is so big that no one can take it with him. I really don't know where to go. This girl..." At this point, Leng Xuanrong looked at Mulian and asked, "I haven't asked the girl's name yet..."

Mulian saw that Leng Xuanrong was polite to her, and she naturally replied, "The little woman's name is Mulian, and she is the dancer in the Prime Minister's mansion."

"Miss Mulian..." Leng Xuanrong stepped forward and whispered, "I don't know if Miss Mulian can do me a small favor. I want to go to the eldest son in the yard last time. Can you please take me there?"

Leng Xuanrong knew that she made this request, and Mulian would never refuse it. Because dancers like her can't walk around the house, and there are only a few opportunities to see the eldest son. Mulian admires the eldest son very much. Once she has the opportunity to see An Pingzhi, even if the knife mountain oil pot is in front of her, I'm afraid she will never let go of this opportunity.

Sure enough, when Mu Lian heard Leng Xuanrong ask her to lead the way to find the eldest son, her eyes suddenly emitted light. She nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes! Cold girl, please come with me.

The two walked side by side, and Leng Xuanrong asked, "My request won't delay Miss Mulian, will it?"

Mulian shook her head with a smile and said, "It doesn't matter."

"Last time I saw you practicing playing, Fuqin is a slow effort. It's not good if it's delayed." Leng Xuanrong whispered, "But Miss Mulian just said that she was a dancer. She probably practiced singing and dancing more than Fuqin, right?"

Mu Lian saw that Leng Xuanrong was a talkative person and thought to herself that the importance of talking to Leng Xuanrong was really difficult to grasp. She was too respectful and faked, disrespectful and afraid of causing trouble. If only she could shut up and follow me obediently.

Leng Xuanrong saw that Mulian was just smiling and didn't mean to say anything, so she changed the topic and asked, "I heard that Prime Minister An's birthday is approaching. Miss Mulian should be very busy, right?"

Mulian hesitated and nodded, "The Prime Minister's birthday, we dancers should naturally work harder."

After Mulian said this, Leng Xuanrong suddenly felt that she could not ask any more questions.

In the previous life, Leng Xuanrong and Mulian were friends who talked about everything, so no matter what Mulian knew at that time, Leng Xuanrong could easily get out of her mouth, but in this life, the two were not only not friends. Looking at Mulian's appearance, they seemed to be still very wary of Leng Xuanrong. Leng Xuanrong's heart was mostly cold. She thought that she had miscalculated and thought that she could find out the same news according to the method of her previous life. In fact, it was not the case at all.

Suddenly, she was a little depressed, but Leng Xuanrong still did not give up. She recalled the arrangement of the Prime Minister's birthday banquet in her previous life and summoned up the courage to ask, "Miss Mulian..."

But before Leng Xuanrong could say her words, Mu Lian interrupted her and said, "Miss Leng is a distinguished guest of the eldest son. Presumably, Miss Leng will definitely be invited to attend the Prime Minister's birthday banquet, right?"

Leng Xuanrong was stunned and then nodded, but she thought to herself that An Pingzhi would probably only invite herself when she had a bad idea...

Unexpectedly, Mu Lian nodded when she saw Leng Xuanrong and immediately showed envy, and then continued to ask, "Is it true that Miss Leng was kidnapped by mountain thieves with her eldest son on Fengquan Ridge?"

Leng Xuanrong knew that Mulian must have accumulated money to talk with her sisters in the future, so she nodded with a wry smile, "It's true."

"I heard that the eldest son accompanied you up the mountain to save Miss Leng's sweetheart, didn't he?" Mu Lian saw that Leng Xuanrong had no intention of resisting and asked questions more and more boldly.

My swate...

Mulian's words reminded Leng Xuanrong of Brother Yan Liang, who is now life and death uncertain. At that time, she also had no news from Yan Liang, and then ventured to join hands with Qi Zongyan to deceive An Pingzhi. Unexpectedly, she was also cheated by Qi Zongyan and was finally locked in Chaoyang Village for more than half a month. However, later, Brother Yan Liang returned to Leng Xuanrong safely. Now that I think about it, Brother Yan Liang must be auspicious.

Leng Xuanrong comforted herself that Brother Yan Liang must also be auspicious this time, and nothing will happen.

Mulian saw a sad look on Leng Xuanrong's face and thought that she had said something wrong, and hurriedly apologized, "Mulian has more mouths, Mulian has more mouths, please don't blame Leng girl..."

Leng Xuanrong waved her hand with a wry smile, sighed, and said, "Miss Mulian's words remind me of my petty... Now he is nowhere to be found, and his life and death are uncertain. I'm really... worried about him..."

Mulian saw Leng Xuanrong's expression and suddenly found that the woman did not seem to be as scheming as everyone guessed when chatting after dinner. Looking at her now and recalling what she said, it seemed that the woman was much simpler than expected.

"It turns out that... the cold girl really has another pet..." Mulian whispered tentatively.

Leng Xuanrong looked up at Mulian and smiled, "I have an agreement with Brother Yan Liang. After everything is settled, we will get married."

When Leng Xuanrong said this, the smile on her face was extremely quiet and natural. Mulian couldn't help smiling when she saw it.

"Miss Leng is really blessed. Since there is such an agreement, your love will definitely return safely."

"Borrow the good words of Miss Mulian." After saying this, Leng Xuanrong suddenly found that Mu Lian's vigilance of herself seemed to have decreased a lot. She hurriedly followed this and said, "It's a pity that the court and the field are preparing to celebrate Prime Minister An's birthday, and I don't know if Brother Yan Liang also went out for this and didn't care about contacting the imperial city."

After saying this, Leng Xuanrong looked at Mu Lian. Sure enough, Mu Lian lost her vigilance and sighed along Leng Xuanrong's words, "If that's true, it's not surprising. I heard that the housekeepers are busy with this matter, and people who come to the door all day can kick down a few times."

"Oh?" Leng Xuanrong asked in surprise, "But I didn't see any visitors when I came to the house just now."

Mulian smiled when she heard the words, "How can those people enter the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion?" There is a special hospital to entertain them.

Leng Xuanrong suddenly nodded and asked, "Then the Prime Minister's birthday banquet should still be in the house, right?"

Mulian nodded and said, "It is reasonable that the Prime Minister's birthday should be held, but I heard that there is any place to rebel now. It's not easy to be extravagant, so everything is simple. I heard that the guests to be invited this year are the top priority of the court, and officials outside the imperial city seem to be not allowed to come. The banquet that was supposed to be held for three days finally decided to hold only one day..."

After Mulian opened the chat box, she slowly said everything she knew about the birthday banquet little by little along with Leng Xuanrong's questions. After all, Leng Xuanrong knew Mulian's character. She carefully asked questions and put out the words in a short time.

Although Mulian doesn't know much, at least it can give Leng Xuanrong a general understanding of the differences between the arrangement of this birthday banquet and the previous life. Leng Xuanrong's hanging heart fell down. As long as there is this news, Leng Xuanrong feels that it will probably satisfy Qi Zongyan.

While talking, the two finally came to the barren courtyard.

Mulian walked slowly to the door of the courtyard, stretched out her head to look in, hesitated, reached out and made a request to Leng Xuanrong, and said, "Miss Leng, please come in. The eldest son has probably been waiting for Leng for a long time."

Leng Xuanrong shook her head with a smile and said, "Actually, I came uninvited, and the people at the door also said that if the eldest son was not there, let me wait here alone. If it's convenient for Mulian, why don't you go in and have a look with me?

As soon as Mulian heard this, her eyes suddenly glowed. She nodded vigorously and was about to enter the yard with Leng Xuanrong. But as soon as she stepped up, she heard someone behind her snorting coldly.