The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 291 Prime Minister, drinking spring tea

A cold hum made Mulian tremble. Leng Xuanrong looked back with her, and the person who came was An Pingzhi.

Under the oil paper umbrella, An Pingzhi's face was gloomy. He looked at Mulian coldly and asked, "Which yard girl are you?" Why don't you understand any rules? Is the Prime Minister's mansion also a place for you to go around?

Mulian hurriedly knelt down and replied tremblingly, "I'm the dancer led by Master Cheng and her name is Mulian... I just met in the backyard..."

Before Mu Lian finished speaking, An Pingzhi snorted coldly and said, "I know. Go back."

Mulian looked up at An Ping's eyes, and her eyes were full of grievances and fear, but she did not dare to delay at all. She hurriedly stood up and lowered her head and hurriedly left.

Leng Xuanrong stood aside and looked at Mu Lian's experience and couldn't help feeling a little distressed. If Leng Xuanrong had not deliberately said something from Mulian's mouth, Mulian would not have come here with her. Naturally, she would not have been scolded by An Pingzhi. Leng Xuanrong was full of apology, but there was no other way.

At this time, An Pingzhi came forward and his face became a little better than just now. He smiled faintly and whispered to Leng Xuanrong, "Someone came to tell me that Miss Leng has entered the Prime Minister's Mansion. I guess you will definitely come here, so he hurried back. It seems that it's just the right time to come. I didn't let you wait for a long time."

Leng Xuanrong's heart trembled and hurriedly explained, "The doorkeeper asked me to come in by myself. The Prime Minister's mansion was so big that I got lost while walking... I met Miss An on the way..."

"Miss it a coincidence?" An Pingzhi frowned and made a request. He and Leng Xuanrong walked slowly towards the barren courtyard. As he walked, An Pingzhi asked softly, " Coincidentally, is she embarrassing the cold girl again?"

Leng Xuanrong nodded hesitantly and said with a wry smile, "I really can't figure out Miss An's temper. She seemed to sneak out, pulled me into a small garden, and then asked me if there was any way to excel at the Prime Minister's birthday banquet..."

"Oh?" An Pingzhi seemed to be very interested and asked with a smile, "So you still trust Miss Leng very much. How about it? Did Leng girl come up with any good ideas?"

Leng Xuanrong still smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know if it's a good way. I don't know if it can be done in Chengdu. However, Miss An seems to be quite satisfied. With her coming forward, she will probably be able to do it.

"What is it?" An Pingzhi asked casually.

Leng Xuanrong turned her head to look at An Pingzhi and said with a smile, "If I tell my eldest son here, I will probably be surprised. If Miss Ann knew, she would blame me for being tight-mouthed.

"Hahaha..." An Ping laughed loudly. He stepped into the wooden building, opened the door, and walked in as if he couldn't wait. When he went to the place where there was no sunlight inside, he put away the oil-paper umbrella in his hand and then took a breath.

Leng Xuanrong followed him into the wooden building, followed his guidance, and went up to the second floor together.

All the windows on the second floor are covered with thick window lattice paper, and the light here looks much softer. If it weren't for Leng Xuanrong's vigilance against An Pingzhi, this would have been a rare place to relax. Leng Xuanrong looked at the guqin neatly arranged on several wooden shelves in the room, and still inevitably sighed that things were wrong in the past and present life.

looks very interested. He specially took out a small charcoal stove in the room and lit the charcoal fire. When the charcoal turned red, he burned a pot of water with a white porcelain pot.

"There is good spring tea here, and my father is very particular about tea, so there are always many types of tea among the gifts sent from all over the world every year. My father chose the best one for me, but I couldn't drink any difference at all. An Pingzhi and Leng Xuanrong sat opposite a small table and waited for the water in the pot to boil.

Leng Xuanrong was a little surprised, because An Pingzhi never seemed to have shown such a plain side. He is sitting here now, as if he were a desireless fairy, having fun cooking tea and playing the piano, and living a leisurely life. An Pingzhi's appearance can always give people an illusion, as if all mortals in the past were done by another person, and the other was just a person who looked a little similar to him, not the man in front of him.

A little stunned, Leng Xuanrong came to his senses and saw An Pingzhi looking at himself with a playful smile.

Leng Xuanrong's face turned red. She lowered her head and panicked to find this embarrassing topic.

"The Prime Minister is so kind to the eldest son..."

"Uh-huh..." An Pingzhi's "um" is not agreeing with what Leng Xuanrong said, but more like not knowing how to sort out the thoughts in his mind.

"Your Excellency..." An Pingzhi whispered to Leng Xuanrong's words, "He only has three sons and one daughter, and they are all old children, so he does his best to take care of every child..."

Leng Xuanrong once heard in her previous life that the first assistant prime minister was heavily used by the former emperor when she was young and worked hard on state affairs, so that she had a child at nearly 40 years old. Leng Xuanrong has heard that the second son of the first assistant prime minister is young and young and is a tough general. Although he is young, he already has a large number of troops in his hands. Coupled with An Pingzhi and An Qiaoqiao, they should be two sons and a daughter. Leng Xuanrong has never heard of An Longyi and his third son.

The water in the porcelain pot made a sound. An Pingzhi took a small copper spoon from the tray, and then took out a palm-sized brass tea bucket from nowhere. He opened the lid of the porcelain bottle, put the copper spoon in, and scooped out a small spoonful of tea. This small spoonful of tea is crystal green, reflecting the small flames that rise from time to time in the small charcoal stove, as if they are about to shine.

Leng Xuanrong looked at the tea in surprise until An Pingzhi put it into the purple sand teapot. He put a soft cloth on the handle of the porcelain pot and poured the hot water into the purple sand teapot. The hot water filled the tea leaves, and suddenly a strong and intoxicating aroma rose. After a while, the whole room was filled with this strong tea fragrance. Leng Xuanrong closed her eyes and took a deep breath, only feeling comfortable and extremely comfortable.

Seeing Leng Xuanrong's enjoyment, An Pingzhi slightly raised the corners of his mouth, wiped his hands with a soft cloth, and then continued what he had just said, "Now it's only me and Qiaoqiao to stay with my father. Coincidentally, she is strange. What she does is always unexpected. Although his father is sometimes angry, most of them are still happy. Among them, no matter what tricks Qiaoqiao makes at the birthday banquet, his father will be happy.

Leng Xuanrong nodded. The fragrance of tea relaxed her tense nerves. When she enjoyed the rare relaxation, Leng Xuanrong seemed unwilling to think more. She casually asked, "I have only heard of the second son in the border, but I have never heard of where the third son is."

An Pingzhi poured a cup of tea for Leng Xuanrong and whispered, "My poor third brother didn't know where he was when he was young."

Leng Xuanrong stared at An Pingzhi with wide eyes and asked, "What do you say?"

An Pingzhi smiled bitterly, put the teacup in front of Leng Xuanrong and said, "At that time, the first assistant prime minister was not the prime minister, but he was already in charge of the grain household department, in charge of the grain and silver of the country, with high authority. One year, the scenery was not good, the river was blocked, and the canal transportation was blocked. The responsibility of the director of the grain households was to personally go to various places to dredge the river to control the canal transportation. That child was the first assistant prime minister's gain from an unknown woman at that time. I heard that after the birth of the child, the Prime Minister went to see it in person and learned that it was a boy.

The green tea steamed slowly in front of Leng Xuanrong, and the refreshing fragrance wrapped Leng Xuanrong tightly in it. In front of her, she seemed to see an ordinary woman and an important minister in the court holding a swarming boy in an ordinary private house. The woman's eyes were tearful, because the important minister in the court could not take him. The mother and son took them back to the imperial city.

"Later...what about the child?" Leng Xuanrong frowned and asked softly.

An Pingzhi looked at Leng Xuanrong, and his clear eyes seemed to flash with a soft light that had never been seen before.

"After I knew about this, I secretly sent people to look for the mother and son, but those people came back and told me that the local area had been flooded and many people had fled, and the mother and son seemed to have left their original place. As for where they went..." An Pingzhi said this, deliberately paused, shook his head slightly, then picked up the hot tea in front of him and took a sip.

The tea didn't seem to suit the taste of peace. He frowned slightly and looked at the tea in his hand, and then said with a wry smile, "My father said that this tea is the best of the best, but I can only drink the bitter taste... It's really terrible."

Leng Xuanrong also picked up the teacup when he heard the words. The teacup was a little hot. Leng Xuanrong blew gently and then took a sip of tea.

is completely different from the strong fragrance emitted. The tea does have a little bitter taste in the mouth, but the bitter taste is very light and fleeting. In the end, there is only a little astringent mellow fragrance left in the mouth. Leng Xuanrong's eyes lit up, and his face involuntarily showed a happy smile. Although she doesn't know how to taste tea, she likes the taste very much.

"What do you think of the cold girl?" An Pingzhi asked when he saw Leng Xuanrong's smile.

Leng Xuanrong whispered happily, "It's different from the tea I have drunk."

An Pingzhi shook his head with a smile and reached out to take the small tea bucket on the table and put it in front of Leng Xuanrong. "If you like the smell, take it back. Good things should be owned by those who can appreciate it, otherwise it will be too pitiful.

Leng Xuanrong hesitated not to touch the small tea bucket. An Pingzhi seemed to know what she was afraid of, so he simply took her hand and stuffed the tea bucket into her hand.

"It's just a little tea. Can I still use this thing to hurt you?"

Leng Xuanrong looked up at An Pingzhi and saw a childlike pure smile on his ice-carved snow-shaped face. Leng Xuanrong's hand slowly grasped the small tea bucket.