Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 105 Fake Wind

"My mother seems to have told me that my grandmother asked her to pay attention to the girl of the Jiang family. I don't know what grandma means?" Liu Ming suddenly withdrew his angry eyes, and Shi Shiran sat back opposite Liu Yao, picked up the warm teapot placed on the small stove, and poured himself a cup of hot tea. Then he didn't look at Liu Yao and drank tea by himself.

Liu Yao, who was pretending to be, looked at him and asked, "What do you mean by that? Why did the Empress Dowager want to pay attention to her?

Liu Ming's grandmother is today's empress dowager. Jiang Ting is just the daughter of a second-grade marquis, and she can't get the conditions that need the attention of the empress dowager. Even if Jiang Fang had grievances about things in those years, the Empress Dowager has always lived a simple and did not ask the government, and even gave a few decrees to marry. At present, among the princes, only the fiancee of the second prince was married by the empress dowager. Therefore, Liu Ming's words made Liu Yao uneasy.

Speaking of which, Liu Yao's mother was raised by the Empress Dowager. It is reasonable that he deserves a lot of care from the Empress Dowager. But in fact, except for the first and fifteenth of each month, the Empress Dowager is no different from him. She didn't even take the initiative to call Liu Yao.

Of course, Liu Yao actually understands that his mother is not the daughter of the Empress Dowager after all. Moreover, there are many tricks on the death of Princess Jing. And he has the blood of King Jing, and the Empress Dowager is likely to not like him because of this. But he always felt that the gray-haired and quiet empress dowager was not as useless as that handed down by outsiders.

Therefore, when he heard that the Empress Dowager had paid attention to Jiang Ting, Liu Yao couldn't help but feel confused and worried.

At this time, the roles of the two immediately changed. Liu Ming was not in a hurry. He held a covered bowl and sipped the tea in the cup. He looked at Liu Yao with a smile. It was not until he was about to get angry that he slowly said, "Who knows? What grandma can care about is our grandchildren. My grandmother had already said that she would not interfere in my marriage, but did as she wanted. But she has always been very concerned about the sons of the emperor's uncle. Well, the eldest prince is 22 years old this year. He has both concubines and two sons. I think it has nothing to do with him. Is it the second prince? Although the second prince's concubine has decided, the side concubine has not decided. Although the second prince is one year older than me, he is a little older than Miss Jiang. But if it is a side concubine, it seems appropriate to wait for her in a few years. Hey, let me tell you..."

"Shut up!" Liu Yao gritted his teeth and stared at Liu Ming, feeling uncomfortable as if someone was holding his heart and lungs. At the thought that Jiang Ting might marry the royal family as a side concubine, he was so uncomfortable that he wanted to go crazy.

"What's wrong?" Liu Ming turned his head and looked at Liu Yao innocently and said lightly, "Isn't it good for Miss Jiang to marry the second prince? The second prince has always been loved by the emperor's uncle. He has been well-known since he was a child and has his own strengths in literature and martial arts. I heard from my father that although the second prince had just entered the court, he was quite rules and was very patient and resilient. Well, I quietly told you that my father said that the second prince is much better than the eldest prince. Our territory in the Southern Tang Dynasty is now vast, so there is no need to fight around. In the next few decades, it will be a good time to recuperate... Well, if Miss Jiang really follows the second prince, she can't say that in the future..."

"I'll shut you up!" Liu Yao interrupted Liu Ming's words again, pointed to his fingers and trembled, took a deep breath and then took a deep breath, and then calmed down the anger in his heart a little. Liu Ming stared at him with a ferocious expression and asked, "To tell the truth, is that sentence just now true or false?"

"Which sentence?" Liu Ming looked at Liu Yao with a smile and asked, "I just said so much that I can't even remember..."

"Do you think the Empress Dowager asked the princess to pay attention to her? Is this true or false?" Liu Yao stared at Liu Ming and asked.

"Oh, that sentence..." Liu Ming looked at the annoyed Liu Yao carelessly, and then said slowly, "It's fake."

Liu Yao almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He sat back on the low couch, looked at Liu Ming helplessly, stroked his chest and gasped, pointing to him and speechless for a moment. This guy scared him so much... It's a little tricky!

"Hmm, although what I just said is false. However, if I go to see my grandmother next time and say a few good words about Miss Jiang in front of her... Well, my grandmother loves the second prince the most. It took me two years to settle down with the empress. This side concubine, I think she has to start observing early..." Liu Ming was looking at the pattern of the bowl in his hand, as if he was casually saying words that made people spit blood.

Liu Yao rushed over, grabbed Liu Ming's arm, looked at him with a ashamed look in his eyes, and said sincerely, "Cousin, I was wrong just now. What do you think is the way to explain the matter 'you are not romantic at all' to the Sun girl? No matter what your task is, the small one will definitely do it for you. I dare not have any objection, how about it?

Liu Ming smiled and turned his head to look at Liu Yao and nodded slowly, "Yes, this is my good cousin."


Since Wangmei Xiaozhu returned home, Jiang Ting has made up her mind that she can no longer live like before. Then, after thinking about it for a whole day, she found that she really couldn't help the Jiang family at all except pay more attention to the news outside. Unless she marries a powerful family one day, she may be able to help the Jiang family with this kind of marriage.

But will a married marriage be happy? Jiang Ting thought about this problem carefully and found that it seemed inexplicable. Because she has never been married, how do you know what kind of marriage is happy? Besides, who doesn't have many concubines now? As a modern soul educated by monogamy, Jiang Ting feels that she may not be able to get a happy marriage in this era.

Well, she has realized this for a long time, so she has set the great ideal of being a rice worm who eats and waits to die all his life. In this case, it seems good to marry a powerful person and be a rice worm who eats and waits to die.

Of course, the first thing that must be satisfied is that she is determined not to be a housewife. Rice worm is to give all the complicated affairs to others and enjoy the glorious and rich life. Anyway, she has endless private property in her hand, and she doesn't care whether the other half can inherit most of the inheritance and titles in the family. Even if she has a baby and has her dowry, she is not afraid that the child will have no money to spend in the future.

As for whether her husband will spoil her after marriage, Jiang Ting really doesn't care. She knows that men are the same. Modern people can't be polygamous, so they look for wild women outside behind their wives' backs. Ancient people could not only be polygamous, but also reasonably prostitutes, and more indulgent and rampant.

So, men can't love. As long as she is imprisoned as her wife, she doesn't care which concubine his man spoils. She now has Mother Wang and Mother Zheng, and she absolutely believes that they can help her live in the backyard.

After thinking about these, Jiang Ting felt that she had also found a goal.

First of all, she can't help the Jiang family now, but she can first pay attention to the current political news. In short, she can't be outdated. At least, she has to understand which of the current Southern Tang Dynasty is in power and which is not in power; which is close to the Jiang family and which has a bad relationship with the Jiang family. Then, in the past few years, she has seriously followed the two mistresses, learn from the intrigue between those women, and then read some "Thirty-Six Tactics" and Sun Tzu's Art of War. She can't really rely on the two mistresses at home.

Jiang Ting, who had made up her mind, took action with high morale. At this time, in addition to asking Jiang Yong about the news, he had to go to the outer study in the front yard to read the imperial residence newspaper. However, she can't enter the study casually. Although Jiang Yong never said that she could not enter the study, she knew that it was the place where her father worked. In accordance with the principle that modern people can't mess up office items, Jiang Ting thinks it's better to ask her father for instructions.

The second day is November 15th, the day to go to the main hospital to ask for peace. Jiang Ting got up before Mao, dressed up a little, and rushed to the main courtyard. Today is the day of the dynasty meeting. If she goes late, I'm afraid Jiang Yong will leave.

When I rushed to the main courtyard, I saw that Jiang Yong had been cleaned up and was about to go to court. Jiang Ting quickly greeted Jiang Yong and Wen, and hurriedly asked before he left, "Dad, can I go to the study to read on weekdays?"

Jiang Yong stopped and looked at Jiang Ting with a little surprise and asked, "Are you going to the study to read?" What, are you tired of those travel notes?"

Jiang Ting blushed and said embarrassedly, "My daughter feels that she should read some more useful books. I don't know if Dad can agree?"

"Okay, you are willing to make progress, I can only be happy. Go and ask General Zhang for a key. Jiang Yong smiled and left.

Jiang Ting was happy, saluted Wen and went back happily.

But after breakfast, before she had time to talk to General Zhang about the key, General Manager Zhang personally came to Yuejiyuan and sent a red bronzing post: "Try to the girl, this is a post from Princess Tai'an of Qingwangfu."