Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 106 Post

Jiang Ting took over the bronzing post in surprise. After opening it and reading it carefully, she realized that Princess Antai invited her to the banquet five days later in the name of her and Princess Pingning. After watching it, Jiang Ting was even more confused. Although everyone had a good time in Wangmei Xiaozhu, it seemed a little eager to post so early.

And who is Princess Antai? Who is Princess Pingning? They are all nobles of the royal clan. Jiang Ting didn't think that they would really invite them to play as they said when they broke up. Besides, it should be her and Sun Yun who invited two nobles first.

Jiang Ting had already thought about it. After three or five days, she pulled Sun Yun and handed a post to the royal palace to meet her. The princess's status is so high that they dare not go to the palace to find others. But the princess of King Qing's Mansion can try to be abusy. By the way, if such a good opportunity to win over interpersonal relationships is not used, it will be struck by lightning.

But Jiang Ting never thought that before she began to act, the princess directly posted a banquet for them. It is clear in the post that Princess Antai and Princess Pingning invited her to have dinner with Sun Yun and play by the way.

No matter what Princess Antai thinks or how many doubts she has, Jiang Ting knows that this post cannot be rejected. If she refuses, her idea of making friends with the princess will fail. It is said that this princess is very popular with King Qing and Princess Qing. And looking at Liu Ming, the son of King Qing, also understands his doting attitude towards her. It is only good for Jiang Ting in the future to make friends with her.

Moreover, King Qing is the emperor's younger brother. Although he doesn't care much about the affairs of the government and doesn't have much real power, the prince is not a fake. Originally, his father made friends with King Qing's mansion because he personally went to the northwest to preach the decree. If Jiang Ting can get along well with Princess Antai, she will contribute to the stability of the Jiang family in the future.

With such a mind, Jiang Ting seriously discussed with Mother Wang and Mother Zheng to write a reply and asked General Manager Zhang to send someone to the royal palace. Of course, she didn't forget to ask Director Zhang for a key to the outer study.

As for why Princess Antai and Princess Pingning treated her so differently from Sun Yun, Jiang Ting and the two matan studied it carefully and did not come to any good conclusion.

Until the end, Mother Zheng looked at Jiang Ting with flashing eyes and said, "Girl, is it the Qingwang Mansion that has taken a fancy to you or the second girl of the Sun family? That's why Princess Antai came to explore your bottom.

M Mother Wang nodded and agreed, "This seems to make a point. Normally, one of them is a princess and the other is a princess. Even if I like you very much, I don't say that I'm in such a hurry to make friends with you. Unless the Qingwang Mansion has any thoughts on you, this post is really too abrupt.

Jiang Ting looked at the two Mothers in astonishment, and then suddenly smiled and said, "I remembered what Mother said. These times when I met the son of King Qing, he was indeed a little different from Sister Yun. After doing it for a long time, I'm just a partner, haha. However, Sister Yun is only 12 years old, and the son of King Qing is 16 years old... Forget it, I can't take care of this matter. Sister Yun's parents asked about the matter. It's just that I don't think the princess knows about this yet. Moreover, Sister Yun is still confused about these things and hasn't paid attention to the prince of Qing at all. Mother, do you want me to send a message to Aunt Sun?

The two mrs pondered for a moment and shook their heads together to oppose Jiang Ting's intervention.

M mother Wang said, "Girl, as you said, this matter of Miss Sun is up to her parents. What's more, according to what you said, the second son of the Sun family was also there at that time, and he must have noticed the strangeness of King Qing. There is no reason not to report to his parents. It's best for Miss Sun not to understand this matter, and she will not get along well with the princess and the princess at that time. After all, this post can't be rejected. Moreover, the old man feels that it's good for the girl to pretend to be ignorant.

Jiang Ting nodded convincingly: "I think so. I'd better pretend that I don't know anything. It's better to have you. I'm finally a negotiable person. Zhihua, go and tell Aunt Su that today's lunch is made according to the preferences of the two aunts. Lianxiu went to the big stew manager of the wine cellar and said that he would take the two good daughters Hong from the altar. At noon today, I will have two drinks with the M Mothers and have fun.

Zhihua and Lianxiu responded with a smile. One went to see Aunt Su and the other went to the wine cellar stewer.

When Mother Wang heard that there was wine, she immediately smiled. She is old-fashioned and serious, but she likes things in the cup. On weekdays, she is also afraid that she will make a mistake by drinking, so she usually won't be greedy. But Jiang Ting personally said that she wanted to buy them a drink, so she would naturally be happy.

M Mother Zheng looked helplessly at the happy Mother Wang and shook her head to Jiang Ting and said, "Girl, you are still young and your body is not yet neat. If you can drink less wine, drink less."

Jiang Ting laughed and took Mother Zheng's arm and shook it coquettishly. She said softly, "Mary, don't worry, I will only drink a few cups, and I won't drink too much. Two jars of wine, one jar for you, and one jar for Mother Wang, can't I just take up a little to taste?

Jiang Ting has got along well with the two M Mothers during this period, and she is much more comfortable. At present, it is the "honeymoon period" between her and the two mothers. Appropriate coquettishness and so on arousing their maternal love may make them treat themselves more sincerely.

However, when it comes to alcohol, Jiang Ting did not like to drink it in her previous life. Whether it's spicy white wine, strange beer, or even sour red wine... Well, except for sweet glutinous rice wine, which can be used to beat egg soup, she has no love for alcohol.

However, after coming to ancient times, she found that wine became delicious. Whether it is the glutinous white daughter red or the yellow Jinhua wine, they are all sweet. Except for the smell of wine that can make people know that this is wine, Jiang Ting thinks it is a drink! Well, to be honest, the daughter's red is really better than the rice wine she used to beat eggs in her previous life.

Mother Wang, who loves wine, gave Mother Zheng a white look, but pulled Jiang Ting and smiled at her, "Girl, don't listen to her. Wine is a good thing. Even if you are still young, you can drink less. It's okay. She won't give you a drink. I'll give it to you."

Mother Zheng looked at Mother Wang with tears and said, "You really... When did you finish your own and rob me again? Come on, when you teach the girl to be a little drunkard, let's see how the master blames you.

"The girl knows how she can become a little drunkard?" Mother Wang looked at Mother Zheng anxiously, but turned her look and taught Jiang Ting, "Girl, you, Mother Zheng is right. You can drink less of this wine, but you can't be addicted. If you are addicted, you will miss it if you drink too much.

Jiang Ting nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I know it in my heart. I won't become a drunkard in the future. Don't worry."


In the Sun family, Mrs. Sun Tian was stunned with the post in her hand. She couldn't figure out why her daughter's nature came into the eyes of King Qing's son.

Although someone can see her daughter's good, which makes her mother feel very happy. But the question is, why is that man the son of King Qing? Who in the capital doesn't know the romantic reputation of the king?

There are 30 or 40 tile hooks in the capital, and it is said that every family has a legend that the son of Qing has linger. He is only 16 years old, but many of the famous actors in the hook are his confidants. Moreover, it is said that not only the female actors like him, but also the male actors have a good relationship with him...

Mrs Sun rubbed her forehead with a headache. She doesn't believe those dirty words very much. Her sister-in-law is the wife of the prince of the Principality. The Duke of Xinguo is the ancestral home of the son of King Qing. Therefore, she also knows more or less about the situation of the Qingwang Mansion.

Prince Qing is a famous lover. Although there are several concubines in the house, they all have no children. It's not that the princess is not virtuous. Those concubines were given to King Qing when she gave birth to the son of King Qing. It is said that because she took the initiative to take a concubine for King Qing, King Qing annoyed her for half a year, and those concubines only had a reputation. King Qing didn't even touch it.

Of course, these secrets of the royal palace were heard by Mrs. Sun from her sister-in-law, and she was not sure how many of them had come true. However, Qingwang does have a good reputation in terms of women. There is no reason why his son is a bad embryo.

But most of the rumors outside are true, and the Sun family is very good now, and there is really no need to marry the clan. Alas, it's really hot to hold this post. Tian sighed and said to the girl beside him, "Go and call Yun'er."

This post can't be rejected, and you have to respond. In this case, let's first explore what her daughter is thinking about the prince of Qing.