Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 245 Jiang Ting's fierceness

Jiang Ting pressed Liu Yao, who was about to be furious, and said to Mother Deng and Mother Wang, who had trembled with shock, "Lock her up first and don't let her die. Two Mothers, today's incident can't come out of this yard. Otherwise, I don't need to say what the consequences will be.

M Mother Wang and Mother Deng hurriedly knelt down and received the order: "Don't worry, the maidservants have issued a seal from the beginning. No one will dare to spread it.

Jiang Ting looked at the two coldly and said lightly, "There are other people's nails in this yard. How can they obey your sealing order? Go and tell those people that no matter what they see and hear today, as long as someone dares to spread a word, everyone will be punished collectively. In addition, for the person who leaked the information, not only will I kill her, but even her relatives and friends can't live anymore!"

Listening to the gloomy murderous intention in Jiang Ting's voice, the two Misters shivered in their hearts and fell to the ground together. Mother Wang usually doesn't want to use her brain, so she reacts slower now.

At this moment, Mother Deng's heart has turned eighteen corners. She guessed that Jiang Ting was afraid that even the two of them had suspected it at this time, and quickly expressed her loyalty: "Princess, why don't the slaves and maidservants go back and lock up all the insiders. The previous son asked everyone to be sentenced to death, so the people who served everywhere had already asked them to gather together. However, the execution started with the person working in the kitchen. At that time, the maidservant called them to the execution room alone. But later, as soon as she hit the red pomegranate, she confessed that she had committed the crime. Therefore, no one else has been sentenced yet and doesn't know what happened. Now, in addition to the kitchen, there are also a few maids served in the main room, which no one should know..."

"Except for you and Chuntao and Xia He, all the others are locked up." Jiang Ting said, rubbed her eyebrows tiredly and weakly, and slowly lay down with the support of Liu Yao. Then, she said to Liu Yao, "You don't have to stay here with me. I'm fine. The red pomegranate has to continue the examination. I can't believe everything she said. Alas, the people here are no longer credible, so you can bring someone to help me review. As long as you don't kill and maim people. I believe that most people are good, but... Alas, I'd rather blame a thousand and don't let one go. In my heart, I hate it..."

"Let the Mothers lock everyone up first. I'll stay here with you until you sleep. Liu Yao gently advised Jiang Ting.

He is equally hateful and angry about today's events. But at this moment, the most important thing in his heart is Ting'er. Everything else is heavier than Jiang Ting's hair. It's not a matter of urgency to inquire and revenge. He can wait. But Ting'er has been hurt too much today. If he can't see her at ease, he can't leave.

Jiang Ting smiled at him and closed her eyes. Liu Yao waved his hand to Mother Wang and Mother Deng, who were kneeling on the ground, and motioned them to drag out the red pomegranate again.

The red pomegranate was dragged out of the main room by the two grandmothers and handed over to two rough women. She did not regain her mind until she was dragged back to the dirty woodshed like a dead pig. She was scared by Jiang Ting's words.

If even the person who leaked the information can't live, then how can she live as a murderer? Moreover, the master said that the whole family can't live! Why did she plot to kill her master against her conscience? Isn't it for your family? The reason why she confessed is that she hopes that the kind master can help her save her family. She didn't regret her own death, but her family...

Leave a rough lady to look at the woodshed, and Mother Wang and Mother Deng acted separately. Mother Wang went to the execution room of the maids who were working in the kitchen. Mother Deng went to the council chamber, where all the servants served everywhere in the yard gathered.

There were several rude women with long sticks guarding the door in the execution room, and the girls in the kitchen gathered honestly and dared not move. These rude women are all old people who have been used by Liu Yao for many years. They know that if they want to live longer in this house, they have to seal their ears. So half an afternoon, although they beat people with sticks and dragged people in and out, they didn't say much, let alone eavesdrop. It's as if they are deaf and dumb.

Red pomegranate is the leader in the kitchen. She has committed an accident, and everyone in the kitchen is suspected. Therefore, at this moment, Mother Wang doesn't look good at these people. She was angry, so she said it bluntly.

However, Mother Wang also knew that she wanted to keep her reputation for Jiang Ting, so she put all the instructions on Liu Yao's head: "The prince said that no matter what you hear and see today, you must swallow it in your stomach, and half a word is not allowed to spread. If someone dares to talk nonsense, he will not only die, but also his family. Not only you, but also me. Now that the matter has not been clarified, don't think about going out. Let's stay here now. After a while, the prince will come to interrogate him in person. If anyone knows anything, he'd better explain honestly. Otherwise, don't blame the masters for being cruel.

It's another kind of saying on Mother Deng's side. Because these people don't know what's going on. They only knew that something had happened to the princess and invited a doctor. Then the red pomegranate in the kitchen was severely beaten. Other than that, they dare not inquire about it at all.

Therefore, Mother Deng did not directly intimidate everyone as soon as she came up like Mother Wang, but explained it first. She looked at the people in front of her with a sad face and said sadly, "Let me tell you what happened today. After lunch, the imperial concubine suddenly had abdominal pain. After asking the doctor to have a look, he knew that he had accidentally eaten the food that caused poisoning. This incident was caused by the red pomegranate on duty in the kitchen. The princess almost died because of this, so the red pomegranate was severely beaten by the prince's order.

As soon as Mother Deng finished speaking, the people in the council chamber immediately became confused. Everyone knows that red pomegranate is the person the master is used to. The master trusted her and asked her to take care of the kitchen. How could she harm her master's life for no reason? Is this an accident or intentional?

You can't guess such a question by yourself. After a while, everyone slowly stopped and watched Mother Deng wait for her to explain.

M Mother Deng's serious expression and continued to say, "Everyone knows in their hearts that if such a thing happens, the prince will not give up. So everyone will wait here first. When the prince comes to find out and return everyone's innocence, he will let everyone go back. I believe you all know that if you commit crimes in Lingnan, you will die. In the past, the imperial concubine was kind and generous to everyone. But now this generosity almost killed her. Not to mention what the masters will think, from my own perspective, I feel shameless. Therefore, no one can pass on half a word about today's events. If someone really dares to spread it, once it is found out, don't blame me for not reminding everyone. At that time, even if the princess is soft-hearted, she can't save your life!"