Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 246 Five

At midnight, Jiang Ting woke up again. She glanced around in a daze and found that only Chuntao was here in the bedroom. After hearing the noise, Chuntao, who was standing by the bed and thinking quietly, squatted down in front of the bed and said, "Princes, you are awake. The prince is still in the council hall. Do you want me to call?"

Jiang Ting shook her head and said in a dry and hoarse voice, "No, go and pour me a glass of water."

Chuntao hurriedly poured a glass of warm water, served Jiang Ting to drink it, and said, "Xia He is outside. I'll ask her to bring the food that is still warm. Would you like to eat some?"

What happened today made Jiang Ting very sad that she was not in the mood to eat at all. So at dinner, she woke up once and didn't eat anything. She only drank the boiled soup and fell asleep again. At this time, she woke up again because of a nightmare. In the dream, an invisible baby called her mother, but the next moment the baby was taken away by a hungry wolf. Waking up from the nightmare, Jiang Ting naturally had no intention of eating.

She shook her head and said to Chuntao, "I don't want to eat it. Go and call Xia He and help me take a shower in the clean room. After sleeping for so long, my whole body was sweaty and sticky and uncomfortable.

Chuntao nodded and said, "Wait a minute. Xia He and I will go to get hot water and wait for you to take a shower."

Jiang Ting was stunned, and then remembered that the girls in the yard, except for the two close to her, were locked up by her. She said with a wry smile, "If you shut them down, you two will be tired."

Chuntao smiled and answered, "The concubine is serious. It's the servant's job to serve you."

Jiang Ting knows that her body is damaged now, so she dares not show her strength. However, Chuntao and Xia He helped scrub it, so they put on a slightly thicker middle coat and lay back. However, such an activity made her stomach feel hungry. She still has resentment in her heart, but she understands that she can't get along with herself at this time. Therefore, he ate something under the persuasion of the two maids and then fell asleep again.

She didn't ask the two girl to call Liu Yao, let alone ask him how the trial was going. It's not that she is afraid that the truth will make her sadder. Instead, she believes that he will find out everything clearly. She just waits to hear the answer in the end.

Liu Yao did not ask his confidant to help, so he took the two Mothers Wang and Deng by his side and interrogated them in person all night. It was not until dawn the next day that Liu Yao finally left the execution room. That night, when the rude women who were ordered to stay at the door of the execution room saw him step out of the door, they couldn't help but feel their legs weak and knelt down directly to send the prince away.

In the execution room, the two Mothers watched Liu Yao's back disappear at the door with frightened eyes and could not recover for a long time. At their feet, two girls collapsed on the ground like dead dogs and lost their breath. Just now, after the prince asked what he wanted to know, he crushed their throats with his own hands.

Overnight, the prince broke the throats of five maids alone. And each of these five people has been with Jiang Ting for more than three years. Each of them is a good girl who watches the two Mama grow up. Those who can marry Jiang Ting are selected by Jiang Ting and the two mother-in-law except for the marquis. These five people, together with the red pomegranate that has been beaten but still lives, are all orphans selected by them after discussion with Jiang Ting.

At the beginning, they and Jiang Ting both felt that the orphans had no family ties and would be more loyal to their masters. That's why I chose them to follow. But they only picked six orphans to follow, but they didn't expect that they were all dark piles! Although most of them are second- and third-class girls, they can't get into Jiang Ting. But such a result is really sad and chilling.

Who on earth has been wiring around the imperial concubine since a few years ago?

Thinking about what they saw and heard this night, the two Mothers only felt that the dog days were colder than the cold winter. Although they never thought of betraying the master, it can be seen that after knowing the master's methods, they knew what kind of deep pit they had jumped into with the master. For the rest of his life, Liu Yao has left a shadow in their hearts.

When Liu Yao came to the inner room, Jiang Ting was waiting for breakfast by Chuntao and Xia He. He stopped five feet away from the bed and asked Jiang Ting, "Why don't you sleep more?"

Jiang Ting looked at him quietly for a while, smiled and said, "I woke up when I was hungry. Come here, I don't have the strength to go there."

Liu Yao clenched his hands behind him, and then smiled stiffly, "I'm dirty. I'll accompany you when I take a shower and change my clothes.

Jiang Ting looked at the anger between his eyebrows and nodded with a sigh, "I don't think you're dirty. Well, then hurry up, come back to eat with me, and then sleep with me. You must be tired after not sleeping all night. Don't go out this morning and rest at home.

"Oi, wait a minute, I'll be back soon." The smile on Liu Yao's face was more natural, but the cold and evil spirit on his body was still not dissipated. This smile was even more gloomy than not laughing, which scared Chun Tao and Xia He as chilled. After talking to Jiang Ting, he turned out of the inner room and went to the study in the front yard.

When Liu Yao left, Jiang Ting put down the bowls and chopsticks and asked Chuntao and Xia He to bring the food back to warm up. She has to wait for Liu Yao to come back and have dinner with her. Liu Yao is going to do something. Now she has no energy to take care of it. But she felt that she couldn't do nothing. So when Liu Yao came back, she said to him, "Tat counting the days, Zhao Xi should be here soon. I'm afraid this matter is not easy to investigate. If you don't have enough manpower later, go to him.

Liu Yao frowned, looked at Jiang Ting with a calm face and asked, "Who is Zhao Xi?"

Jiang Ting blinked and said, "You forgot the one who often follows me, the one who doesn't laugh."

Liu Yao said "Oh" and said with a slightly embarrassed face, "I have enough people here. Don't worry about this. The most important thing is to take care of yourself, you know?

Jiang Ting looked at his extremely awkward look from just now, sighed and grabbed his clenched hand on his knee and asked softly, "You have been interrogated all night and found out how many?"

Liu Yao's whole body stiffened, and then looked at her with a stiff face and said, "Five, they are all orphans. They are all the kind of girl who have been raised to be internal traitors since she was a baby."

Jiang Ting's eyelids jumped down and asked, "What about the red pomegranate?"

"She is not. She told the truth last night. Liu Yao answered softly.

"It's not good for her." Jiang Ting smiled bitterly and looked at Liu Yao and said, "Those five will die. Do you want to keep the life of red pomegranate first?"


"Red pomegranate is different from others. In the past, she accompanied me to learn cooking with Aunt Su. Later, after her craftsmanship grew, when I had any strange ideas, Aunt Su gave it to her to try. I ate the food she cooked herself for many years..." Speaking of this, Jiang Ting suddenly burst into tears.

"Tinger, don't think about this." Liu Yao sighed and had to lean forward to hug her and comfort her.

He killed the person overnight and was still angry. He was afraid of disturbing her mood, so he didn't want to get too close to her. However, Ting'er is like this now, how can he not be with her? Alas, they all blamed him for not holding back his anger and killing last night. Now it really disturbs Ting'er's mood. If she continues to be so sad, when will she recover?