Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Test the knife

The boy could no longer keep silent and raised the blunt kitchen knife in his hand and trembled in front of the trapped zombie. Er! What a horrible bloody face, his eyes swept over half of the zombie's bloody face, and he recognized the mother-in-law next door who often helped his brother and sister to buy rice. Xiang Tianqi's high-rave kitchen knife softened his heart. When the old man shows up in front of him, he is also a benefactor who often helps himself. Xiang Tianqi's blunt kitchen knife was unable to fall down and couldn't bear to do it. When Xiang Tianqi hesitated, the zombie also broke free from the shackles and stood up from the ground. Sister Xiang Xialian exclaimed, and Xiang Tianqi woke up from the fundraising. The blunt knife in his hand vented all his strength. He turned his head to try not to look at the face of the deceased and cut it down fiercely. Xiang Tianqi's blunt knife in his hand was not accurate, and he cut the head and ears of the zombie, and the knife wound was two or three fingers deep. The zombies who did not hurt their lives have broken free from their blood claws and knocked off the blunt knife in Xiang Tianqi's hand. The other arm then roared, and the evil dragon waved its tail and vigorously patted Xiang Tianqi far away.

Xiang Tianqi's body rotated in a semi-low air, heavily lowered to one side and fainted. Sister Xiang Xialian threw her fear and rushed to her brother and shook: "Brother, wake up quickly." Tears couldn't stop dripping from the corners of her eyes. The zombie re-locked Xiang Tianqi's position and rushed over 4 meters. 3 meters. 2 meters. 1 meter. Xiang Xialian has turned her head completely in despair and did not look at the ferocious face of the zombie. She held her brother Xiang Tianqi tightly in her arms, hoping that in the mouth of the zombie, she could use her thin body to delay her brother's life as much as possible, even for two or three seconds. After thinking about it, he closed his eyes and looked at the world for the last time in his life, holding Xiang Tianqi tightly and shrinking into a ball to meet his own disaster. The zombie's scarlet eyes became more and more crazy, all in the attraction of flesh and blood in front of him, and the zombie blood claws went straight to Xiang Xialian's back of the head. Brain plasma is the favorite food of zombies, and the attack position falls on the head as a matter of course. Xiang Xialian closed her eyes to fade away her fear. At this time, she could clearly feel the strong wind brought by the zombie blood claw attack. Her mind was blank, and she recalled the bits of the brother and sister like lightning.

Like the fixed lens of the zombie blood claws, it approached Xiang Xialian little by little, and the hair had been touched between the claws. Bump! With a dull sound of broken bones, the zombies swooped to the ground. Two or three convulsions were no more alive, and their brains were sprayed without restrictions. After a few seconds, Xiang Xialian saw that she was fine and felt a little cold in her neck. She gently wiped it close to the tip of her nose and slowly opened her eyes to look at everything around her. Ah! The sharp voice cut through the whole cabin. Xiang Xialian lay next to a zombie body, and her fingers were covered with the brains of zombies. Isn't this the zombie who attacked himself? Who has been killed now? Looking at the door, I saw a mountain-strong man with his clothes floating in his eyes. Xiang Xialian's brother also woke up and suddenly jumped up to protect his sister behind him. Brother, don't be surprised. A hero saved us just now. Look!" He pointed to the place where Wei Dong went far away. Thank you so much for that good man..." Xiang Tianqi was comforted for a while. At this time, Xiang Xialian could no longer listen to anything, and the plot of the girl Prince Charming lingered in her mind...

Wei Dong clenched the blood soul with a single knife in his right hand and shouted happily in his heart: "Good knife! As soon as the blood soul came out, the strength and blood did not decrease. The slaughter of zombies is like a quick knife through the water, clean and neat!" Wei Dong's opponent's blood soul was as much as the attraction of the saint. The blood soul in his hand shook a few knives and stepped up his feet and flew away.

"Captain! Everything is planned to run normally. The corpses have been divided into several small groups, and our team members and zombies launched an offensive!"

"Good! I understand!" Wei Dong replied.

Wei Dong ran quickly, and dozens of zombies in front of him blocked the way, and his teeth and claws came over. Wei Dong was overjoyed: "This is waiting for the role of not coming to test the knife for himself." Looking at the other party's situation, dozens of them usually won't sweat, which is too simple. Wei Dong picked up the blood soul in his hand and rushed over at his feet.

The zombies who have been wandering here for several days without eating saw Wei Dong rushing over with a delicious meal of flesh and blood floating in front of the zombies, and all of them were excited to wave their messy claws and rushed over. Roaring in my voice~~~~

Wei Dong rushed to meet him, and the blood soul in his hand was like harvesting straw and blood sickle. Wei Dong came to a corpse with the movement under his feet. The blood soul in his hand did not hesitate and walked completely by feeling. The curved blade, with gusts of knives in the air, split the top of the zombie's head. It was as fast as lightning. Wei Dong could only see a cold light in his sight, and the exquisite sound made a slight trembling sound. Wei Dong was secretly shocked. The sharp and awe-blow of the blood soul, and the blade of the blood soul easily scratched the zombie's half of the skull, but it was slightly hindered. Under the strength of Weidong's strong military period, there is no obstacle. However, Wei Dong carefully found that the high-strength fire axe he originally used required more than 120 catties of force in the same state, and now the blood soul of the ancient knife in his hand can exert the same effect with only 70 or 80 catties of force. The view of the blood soul in my heart is getting more and more love. After the electro-optic information fragment in the brain, the blood soul in his hand continues to do the action of splitting.

The blood soul easily splits the left half of the zombie's forehead. As a kind of machete, the blood soul can cut and can be chopped and hugged. If you add the momentum of the war horse, the machete can be said to be a big killer. The Buddha blocks the Buddha and the god blocks the god. No one can take the blood soul machete head-on. At one end of the blood soul blade in his hand, he easily chopped off half of the zombie's head. Wei Dong was surprised to find the originally cold blade of the blood soul and scratched the zombie's body for a moment. The blood-stained knife surface on it blocked the blood to stay like a layer of oil film. Wei Dong shook the blood on it with his backhand and fell down. On the ground!!! Weidong atheists never wanted to believe in the existence of gods, but their surprise at the blood soul in front of them was completely aware of the superb skills of ancient craftsmen.

Just as Wei Dong was thinking about the source of the blood soul in his hand, the corpses in the distance rushed to his side with lightning, forming a semi-fan-shaped encirclement, with a strong momentum to eat himself. He came back and looked around the corpses. His eyes were full of contempt for the zombies. He thought to him, "With a sharp weapon in his hand, I will still be afraid of you!" The body was protruding, and the pace under my feet fell like a rainstorm, and I was overwhelmed. In the blink of an eye, I came to the latest zombie in front of me!!! ~~~~~~

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