Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Kill the four sides

The blood soul came out of the hungry tiger and dog's toothed blade, the cold light and fast knife flashed away, and the body turned to other directions, leaving only a dead body like a wooden chicken, which was surprisingly quiet. The next moment, the zombie's chest-length body slipped strangely diagonally under the action of gravity. The zombie died and stiff, standing firmly in place with his lower body, but his upper body fell to the ground. At this time, Wei Dong's murderous intention was strong. Seeing that the zombies had completely surrounded him, he was not panicked at all. His face was free, and the blood soul in his hand turned into a cutting machine to harvest life, and rushed into the side surrounded by the corpses. Drink~~ The blood soul attacked and cut down diagonally, so there was one more dead soul of the zombie under the knife. Although there are several levels of blood soul weapons in hand combat effectiveness, I can't help sighing after looking around for a week! At this time, the zombies have connected the two ends of the long street from north to south, forming a group of 40 to 50 blocked corpses, and each escape intersection was tightly blocked. Now you can accurately describe your situation, and it is not to be wrong on all sides. My strength is the clearest. Dozens of corpses want to explain here. They underestimate me too much. Without stopping, the blood soul machete in his hand split, and a half-moon cold light scratched the zombie's neck. When the naked eye was dazzling, the cold light continued to move forward along the moving track. The blade drives the strong wind in the air, the ears can easily hear it, and the manic blood in the heart is infinitely enlarged at this time. When the blood soul stagnated and recovered, a corpse knelt on the soles of his feet in front of him was obviously dead and could not die again. Ren Weidong, who was sharp of the blood soul, did not expect that where the blade touched, no zombie's flesh and blood could resist. Another corpse was killed, and the other corpse was also affected by the disaster of fish seedlings. The waist was exactly where the blood soul's power track, and the body cut off two half of the internal organs were scattered without skin. The smell of blood in the air is getting stronger and stronger! Seeing this, I was overjoyed and suddenly thought, "I'm really pedantic. Usually, I'm bound by weapons. It's different to have a blood soul machete in hand. As long as I use it properly, killing and counting corpses is not a dream!" Then, he opened all the spiritual power in his brain for free and spread among the corpses, and the actions of the surrounding corpses clearly appeared in his mind. The eyeball scans like a detection radar. Of course, I can't be idle. I walk around the corpses to fight back. The right hand alternated a big eight-character chopping, and the two corpses that came up were pressed against the cement one after another, and the body shook a few times without a sound. Through the scanning of spiritual power, a zombie rushed up quietly behind him. After Wei Dong solved the body in front of him, the thick legs of the iron pillar under his feet turned the whole upper body and twisted, and the muscles on half of his body evaporated to the best state at this moment. With the help of the dark strength of the body, the blood soul in his right hand cut back along the rotation of the body. In the scarlet eyes of the two corpses behind him, a blood light was seen passing by, and the sight of the two corpses was not self-controlled, and slowly changed with a strange angle of vision. First, he fell to the right, and then a stumble finally stopped shaking his sight and got control. The two familiar bodies in his scarlet eyes fell down with the momentum of Mount Tai. The two corpses used their poor IQ to understand that the two corpses had been separated, and the only seconds of information left in their brains witnessed their death.

At this time, after the blood soul in Wei Dong's hand ate the plasma of more than a dozen corpses, the dead air emitted by the knife body became stronger. Wei Dong waved the blood soul in his hand and secretly shouted joy in his heart. The desire to kill seems to have been ignited by a Mars in the sea of oil, bursting out a torrential flame. The movements of his hands were unconsciously a little faster, and his eyes were full of crazy look. He shouted loudly, and the rainstorm under his feet rushed to the front of a corpse. Before the zombie's blood claws attacked, the blood soul in his hand came out of the flute and took the opportunity to cut the zombie in half like a string of blood soul fire. The zombie body that lost its center of gravity did not dare to lead to both sides. Wei Dong snorted coldly and noticed the situation next to him. The blood of the zombie opened his throat and looked at the broken meat clearly, and the whale swallowed his mouth and bit here. Seeing that the situation was not good, Wei Dong let his knife be fierce. At this time, he could no longer draw a knife to counter the zombie attack and bite, so he had to lift it with his right hand and block the blood soul horizontally to defeat the zombie attack. When the zombies saw the stranger in front of them, the bite strength in their mouths suddenly increased a little. As Wei Dong expected, he continued the zombie offensive, but in the blood mouth of the zombie, he tightly trapped his blood soul knife and could not move at all. During the pause of Wei Dong's blood soul machete, that is, two or three seconds, the corpses beside him were close to one meter. A famous saying in the world of corpse hunters is that the distance from the loss of living space for battle is 1.2 meters away. If anyone breaks this boundary, either you will die or he will die. Obviously, at this time, the corpses had closed and surrounded themselves. With the cold wind in the air, the smell of the oncoming zombies was full of the nasal cavity and could already feel the smell of death. They were in a dead state. Even if they called the nearby team members, it was useless. Wei Dong was annoyed that he underestimated the enemy and was trapped here. He accumulated a breath on his chest and shouted a roar to disperse his heart. After shouting, Wei Dong's brain was a little sober, and the zombies around him would not retreat because of their own momentum. Instead, they were much closer. Wei Dong's thoughts and lightning flew away, and a wonderful trick to retreat from the enemy came to his mind. As soon as he abandoned his right hand, he clenched the blood soul machete, and the cow's palm under his feet burst into the amazing magic power. He jumped into the air and pulled out a refined steel leg in mid-air with thunder, shining on the back of the brain of the zombie. The zombie did not know that death was approaching, and still tightly imprisoned the blood soul machete. When Wei Dong's whip leg approached, a whining leg wind hit the zombie's back brain that was difficult to dry. The brain tissue of the zombies that others did not know were hit were smashed. The brain plasma and dirty blood were mixed together to form a pot of blood juice, slowly flowing out of the zombie's ears, nose, mouth and other holes, and the zombie scarlet eyes then disappeared, confirming that With the death of the zombie, the canine teeth in the bloody mouth did not have the control of the main body and loosened softly. The whip leg hit the brain stem behind the zombie, and his body fell under gravity. In the gap of the air, he pulled out his right hand and took out the blood soul machete from the zombie's mouth. Great joy! There is no obstruction! Stagback cushioning under both arms. The moment his palm touched the ground, he used a tactical dodge action and curled up to roll towards a place where zombies were rare in advance.

The spiritual power has long been released. While avoiding your physical and tactical movements, the mental feedback of the zombie location information is transmitted to your mind. Er! At the same time, a raised earth and stone edges and corners were hit hard. In three minutes, the body had touched the ground with its feet. As long as you stand upright, you can avoid this disaster. Withsturing the injury of the hard stone on his waist, the steel teeth bit a breath of energy on his body, which shocked his brain. He gave up the idea of stopping and continued to roll...

When the heel clearly felt the feeling of touching the ground, Mou Niu Li turned over a carp without any fancy movement. The ground was two or three times in the air, and his knees slightly curled up and his legs stood under his body. While shaking, he raised his upper body at the waist and raised his body. The body looks like a semi-squat and stays in place. When I was about to get up and prepare to fight back, I only felt a fishy wind coming from above my head, and the light above my head was covered. The blood claws of the two zombies crisscrossed around. I can clearly perceive the zombie offensive by scanning without mental strength. Don't waste a fourth of the time of losing your life with your eyes, and raise the blood soul machete high above your head to depress the attack of zombies.

Two dull sounds of broken skin and cutting meat, and the two corpses with four arms and blood claws scratched against Wei Dong's head, but they didn't want knives to resist. Wei Dong half squatted and raised the blood soul to resist, and only felt a fierce force like a sea wave, falling against the blood soul machete. Er! ~~~ With a soft chant, there was a sharp pain in the torn skin at the mouth of the tiger's knife in the right hand. The qi and blood on the top of the head were poured down from the top to bottom, and the pain almost fainted. The zombies without any pain, on the sharp blood soul blade, the two zombies and two arms wiped the blood soul blade together. If the hand bones had not slowed down some impact, it is estimated that the two corpses would have become one-armed zombies. The two corpses were hit, and at the same time, they took back their blood arms. They bent their five claws and attacked the door of Wei Dong fiercely. The method of killing with one blow is also deeply inherited in the zombies. Wei Dong just recovered from the pain of the last blow, and saw two corpses attacking again on his head. He secretly shouted in his heart, "What's the matter? I was worried by two small fish. Did he go out and didn't look at the almanac? Or is the ancient knife and sharp weapon an evil thing? Use it to suffer this reckless disaster! ~~~" With a bite of silver teeth, he saved all his strength and met the offensive of the two corpses. He held the knife in his right hand and increased his left hand, and put the blood soul machete in his hand shoulder to side by side, blocking~! ~~

Well! The blood claws of the two corpses fell at the same time, and the blood soul machete took it! The blood soul blade fell in the two corpses, and the half-squatted slightly curled figure was finally overwhelmed by gravity and half knelt on the ground. The anger in his chest was instantly ignited by the two corpses in front of him. With a sharp roar in his throat, he knelt down and half squatted down, burst out his unprecedented bull power. He knelt down and struggled to mobilize his muscles all over his body. Out of the cage and beast-like force, he stood up against the blood soul machete! The two corpses pulled back the blood arm of the blood soul machete, and the two corpses had rhinoceros-like teeth and blood mouths at the same time wanted to gnaw on their necks. Without waiting for the zombie's bloody teeth to approach, the two corpses retreated behind him and collided with each other in an uncontrollable direction. I shouted in my heart: Good opportunity! As soon as his wrist turned, he shook the blood soul horizontally, found the head of the two corpses, and the blood soul machete in his hand poured into his whole body and cut it fiercely. Poo poo! The blood soul machete in his hand attacked the track, and the two corpses only stayed a thousandth of a second, and crossed the two corpses with a shooting star flash! The knife light was quickly taken back, and the body above the blood mouth of the two corpses fell from above to the ground, and the lazy blood of the zombies fell heavily on their feet. Seeing the death and zombie, the sultry in my heart was swept away. Lifting the right blood soul machete, the blood dripped down the tip of the knife.

Oh~~~~ The corpses next to you are pasted again, and the nearest corpses opened their blood claws and came straight to the door! With the spiritual power released earlier, after a fierce battle, the brain has been a little tired, and the sleepiness around it is close to the left and right brains. Indignant and depressed, the output of spiritual power was increased again, ah! The slight pain in his throat was locked in the roar, and he never let it out. The brain field seems to be a double-edged sword. It is difficult to recover from the massive mental overdraft, but it is still the magic skill that everyone dreams of~~~ He said angrily that he can't take care of so much now, and getting out of trouble is the most important. The spirit in the brain dispersed, like a thick fog in the cup. First, it slowly faded, and then the mist shrank little by little at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye. Under the detection of spiritual power, the zombies from different angles around him are all in their minds. Zombies came from all directions with their teeth and tiger claws and ignored them. Lift the blood soul in your hand and kill it to the right side, where the strength of the corpse is the weakest. A plan was born...

At this time, Wei Dong has been besieged, and the blood soul in his hand has been cut diagonally in the corpse group to stir up a bloody storm. The knife is overwhelmed, and every knife will harvest a bloody body. Open and close, and the pace of walking is full of waves. After a few gasps, he rushed to a facade room on the right snack street with the help of the sharp and fierce blood soul.

In a gap where the blood soul in his hand struggled to cut by, his eyes swept to the front room behind him, and there was a way out in his heart. The blood soul in his hand solved the zombies in front of him, and the blood soul machete clenched in his right hand did not do the recycling action, but continued to cut towards the track of the blood soul blade. It is worthy of the ancient knife and sharp weapon, and the aluminum alloy behind him smashed the door and made a big opening. It seems that the ancients' boasted claim of cutting iron and breaking gold did not come out of thin air, but has conclusive evidence. Seeing the successful opening of the door behind him, the ups and downs of his heart was put down. While the blood soul opened the rolling gate, the surrounding corpses were a little closer. A zombie claw scratched along his back and waist, prepared in advance. Suddenly, I felt a cold air coming behind me. In spite of the wind, the crotch was sent forward. The zombie claws behind him carried a strong wind and roared half a centimeter away from the clothes, avoiding the risk of injury! The blood soul in his hand was ready to go while turning around. The blood soul turned behind him to cut the zombie skull in front of him. It was as easy and smooth as cutting melons and fruit, and the zombie's head was separated and rushed to the ground. While just solving the zombies in front of them, the remaining zombies went forward and frantically filled the position of the dead brothers again. Zombies seem to be endless and disgusting as endless maggots and flies, but these zombies are the spokespersons of death. If there is a carelessness, they will fall into the eternal land. I couldn't help looking at the zombies in front of me again. The danger just now almost told me here, and these sufferings will only make me more sober. The blood soul in his hand pulled out fiercely and slashed the recently attacked zombie on the left side of his body. Wow! ~~~ A few intelligent zombies? However, you don't understand that the blood soul is powerful again, and a cold light waved to the blood skull of the zombie with a strange trajectory. As expected, the zombie had knocked down the mallet when the blood soul blade flashed, and a soft fish collapsed aside without any movement! Seeing that a corpse was killed in a small gap, the blood soul in his hand once again tore open a 70 or 80 centimeter hole in the aluminum alloy rolling gate behind him. OK, you can successfully open an entrance again. As long as you enter the house, you can say it. After a few strokes, the blood soul fell with a few strong knives, and there were several zombies around. A large hole with a height of half a person was also opened behind him. The iron palm under his feet tried his best to push the zombies in front of him far away, racing against the precious time of a second or two. When the corpses rushed up again, half of the house had already entered the front room. The angry zombies saw that they were about to slip away from the palm of their hands and rushed torso to Wei Dong's position. The moment the blood claw slipped, a claw mark on the aluminum alloy rolling gate passed through a hole from top to bottom. It's really close to avoid the zombie blow! Slightly slowing down, the corpses outside the door turned in from the hole with an angry voice. The corners of his mouth rose slightly and smiled in his heart, "Ha ha! I just restrained my ability to use the sharp weapon in my hand, and now it's changed as usual. Haha's wild laughing look, crazy look! His eyes looked coldly at the zombie in front of him and turned in from a hole the size of a wheel. The blood in his hand suddenly burst out and fell from the sky and split fiercely on the zombie's head. The blood soul fell strongly and turned the zombie's head into two, and continued to go down with unabated strength. When it hit the cement floor, it stopped to move forward. He quickly collected the knife, shook his wrist and waved off the blood on it, observing the knife surface with heartache. The eagle's eye swept slightly, and the whole blood soul appeared in his mind. Fortunately, there is no blade damage. It's really heartbreaking!

When they deserted, the corpses outside pushed away the zombies that hindered them and turned in again. The corpses of maggot-like mortals in front of them were surging, and the hole that had been passed by one person was blocked in twos and threes in the orderless zombie competition. I had no choice but to walk over and solve it one by one. After solving the broken zombies, other zombies will join in, and several zombies outside the back door will die here! Seeing that there was no movement outside the door, he found a clean dining table to sit down and gasped to calm down the thrilling battle. He laughed and scolded, "Ha ha! It's still a fortune-telling, and it can retreat all over! What a lucky one!" After saying that, he exhaled the breath in his chest again.

At the same time, I unconsciously groped on my body. When a mobile game walked to the inner pocket of his coat, his face was bright and happy. Yes! The palm of the hand opened, and a pack of crushed cigarettes appeared in the hand. A skilled point was taken out. Between the nose and breath, you and I looked back and forth. The jade pen was surrounded by sparks. After a second or two, the end of the jade pen was slightly opened and cleverly delivered, and the sweet fog spread out in the air, and there was a big uncontrollable trend, along the nose. The tip floats up, slowly and quietly. At the end of the irregular sweet fog, thousands of strands of tentacles stretched out to touch their eyes. For a moment, the tip of the nose moved in shock, and the nostrils whale sucked up. The sweet fog was like a panicked elf, rushing into the nostrils. Well, a few wisps of naughty sweet fog stayed around the fog for a second or two and disappeared without a shadow.

While the sweet fog returned to the nasal cavity, it surged along the trachea like seawater to the lungs. Sweet fog seems to have found its own attachment, one by one attached to the alveoli. Er!! TNN's comfort was so comfortable that a broken word broke out unconsciously. The elves in the lungs fled again, and their noses were full of them. Slowly rise higher and higher, and finally completely disappear into the air! ~~~

(First, give 5000 to the first update, and there will be another update in the evening. 3000 chapters!! Wait carefully!!! Thank you!! The support of readers is the motivation of the thief, red ticket, come on!!! Don't forget to collect it!!)