Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Mysterious Duo

While enjoying the comfort brought by tobacco, a burst of ** came from the kitchen!!!

"Yu Hao, there is no movement outside the door. Do you think the person who was besieged by the corpses just now has been buried now!" A young man asked.

"I don't know that no one in the end of the world can have direct contact with zombies, let alone fight. You heard that there is no sound outside now. Maybe the zombies left after eating the body. Let's go out quickly and seal the door, or we will suffer if the zombies come in!"

Although Wei Dong seemed to forget to think between the smoke, a moment when there was a sound in the house, the machete on the table fell into his right hand. Under the cover of the soot in his hand, everything seemed so casual. Wei Dong can't carelessly deal with what is going to happen. If there are zombies hidden in the house, you can't be as panicked. At worst, if you have a few more blood souls, everything will be as usual. If it is a survivor, it will be more variable. While being alarmed, a small space in his mind recalled the scene of his previous life. When a single or several corpse hunters enter the control of some survivors, if the other party sees money, they may be out of money and die tragically under the hands of the enemy. The survivors of these ambush corpse hunters are another gathering force away from the human gathering place, usually lurking not far from the human gathering area, when the weak hunters When the corpse team passes by, the corpse hunters will slaughter them and grab their valuable items such as money, goods, weapons and so on. A group that makes a living from this. Of course, the people in power also hate such scum and send a large number of mercenary troops from time to time to eliminate them. But there is little effect. Some people have analyzed that these robbers who ambushed the corpse hunters may be other corpse hunters in the gathering place, but they have different ways to make a living. On the surface, they are the identity of corpse hunters, but they secretly do such a thing! The rulers in the gathering place have no choice but to ignore it and no longer ask about it. However, in a base where Wei Dong was in his previous life, there was a defected strong man who revealed the inside story that everyone did not know. In fact, some of the robbers who ambushed the corpse hunters outside the base were foreign soldiers of the base in power. Their role was not entirely to hunt the corpse hunters and seize their property, but between the rulers of the two bases. The chess piece of the fight, you put such a corpse hunter robter here, and I will give you a blow. In this way, everyone talked about it, and in the end, no one mentioned it again. He took back the consciousness of thinking and stared intently at everything in the room. I thought to my mind: "If you are a survivor, you must have certain opportunities or unusual means to live to this time!! Otherwise, it won't appear here." Then a relieved heart was raised again, and the blood soul in his hand couldn't help but feel a little more strength. The sound behind him became clearer and clearer. Although his mental strength in the battle just now was once overdrawn, he still released the remaining mental power in his brain in order to save his life.

The situation behind him appeared vaguely, and the two young men holding * sneaked up from behind. Although they can't see their faces clearly, they can also perceive what they are going to do next. Wei Dongqiang endured the pain of mental overdraft. The jade beads on both sides of his forehead had covered his eyes, and his cheeks seemed to be resisting something. His physical breath was in a mess, breathing hurriedly. He thought to himself, "Is it true that the two people behind me are the robbers hated by the corpse hunters? The knives in their hands seem to be very professional!!!"

After thinking about it, the two had entered the knife in their hands, sharpened their fists and held their palms high above their heads, and never dared to fall down. Wei Dong glanced at the spirit and felt that the two were fighting fiercely in their hearts. Obviously, they were afraid of fighting with zombies. He sneered with his back to the two, withdrew his mental fatigue, and turned to look at them. While looking back and smiling, he gave the other two a sneer. The moment the two saw Wei Dong leave, they never dared to fall down. They didn't know whether it was their inner fear or something else was doing something wrong, but Wei Dong turned around and scared them, and their forehead was already wet. Looking at Wei Dong's eyes, the two sat aside with heavy support. Yunhao said, "Brother, you scared me to death. If you turn around later, I will solve you as a zombie outside the door! ~~" said boldly to himself.

Wei Dong looked around at the two people sitting paralyzed and smiled helplessly, "Ha ha!! You too, there is no sound from behind!" Two people perfunctory.

"Hey! Don't mention it, we are all about to be frightened birds. The fight outside just now is your masterpiece! What a man!" Daonan said enviously.

Wei Dong looked at the two childish young people in front of him and could completely conclude that they were not corpse hunters. But how to explain the professional knives in their hands. His eyes beat, and he was shocked to think of a trap for the two of them! There were a few more questions in his tone: "The catastrophe has been going on for so many days. What do you live on?" Seeing that there was nothing surprising about the two, they continued, "Is there any food? Give me some. I almost forgot when the last meal was!" When I said this, I didn't say this because I was hungry, but because of the lowness of the two people. If the two are clean and have nothing, ordinary food should be taken out, and they don't look hungry, looking healthy and strong like a calf. The suspicion in my heart inevitably came a little more, and my right hand naturally fell on the blood soul hidden under the back coat. If they live until now by eating the bodies of other survivors, they will not hesitate to take blood and slaughter the two people in front of them.

The two young men named Yunhao looked proud: "No problem, we have more inventory!" The "in stock" between the words has increased a little, and he is obviously very concerned about it. Looking at the proud expression of the two people in front of him and the weight of the inventory words in his words. My mind is tense. Are they going to do it now? Inventory is the code for both of them. I was so underestimated that the blood soul in my hand did not care about their counterattack, and directly covered the blood soul machete held in his right hand with his coat.

The young man Daonan turned around and walked towards the house. Yunhao was talking to himself. Of course, in order to stabilize them, he tried not to involve ** topics such as food and weapons, and the sunny boy in front of him seemed to be a refugee trapped on the isolated island for several years. He saw Wei Dong talking constantly! Wei Dong looked at Yunhao perfunctorily while closely watching the place far away from the south. Is there any secret in this that I don't know? Looking at the sunny boy in front of me, I can't think of the shadow of the corpse robber at all. Am I worried too much?

After a while, Daonan held an iron box in his chest and rushed over to put it on the table. He couldn't help but feel strange. The young man Daonan was as talkative as Yunhao and laughed, "This is our inventory. It's very rich!!!"

Wei Dong looked at the two with a wary look in his arms and could not see any abnormality at all. He approached his upper body and opened it with an iron spoon. A strong smell of biscuits spread along the cracks, and the whole room was filled with delicious food in an hour. There was a little stock in my stomach, but I was really a little hungry when I smelled the delicious food in the iron box.

After this idea appeared in Wei Dong's mind, he quickly suppressed his inner desire. The movement in his hand slowed down a little, and the corners of his eyes kept looking at Yunhao Daonan beside him and thought, "Ha ha!! If you try to confuse me in such a low way, I will take your lives as soon as possible. While thinking, my left hand is inserted in the pocket on one side of the body, which is the position where I am used to putting the walkie-talkie. His fingers moved slightly and successfully sent his position to Ye Fei and Xu Zheng, who had ended the battle, through the channel fast broadcast button on the walkie-talkie. Without being aware of Yunhao Daonan, a sneer flashed at the corners of his mouth. Yunhao Daonan's thoughts did not annotate their own abnormality at all, but paid attention to the movements of their hands with interest.

Wei Dong carefully opened the outer packaging of the iron box, and there was no mutation. Dozens of neatly placed compressed biscuits and so on appear in front of you. Wei Dong did not relax his vigilance. In the end of the world, everything should be based on preparing for a rainy day and must not be careless. In the end of the world, everyone cherishes their lives more than others.

Yunhao, a young man standing aside, smiled and said, "90 military compressed biscuits, there are still many in our room! If you have a single one-year inventory, just let go of your belly and eat!!" After saying that, the arrogance in the tone was even higher.

"Yes!" After saying that, he took a bottle of drinking water from the corner and handed it to Wei Dong as a swallow.

How could Wei Dong easily believe the two? He had a clever idea in his heart and asked, "I said, two brothers, you are too polite. Now the food outside is as precious as gold. I really can't stand so much. By the way, where did you get so much food?"

Before Yunhao could speak, the young man Daonan beside him couldn't wait to interrupt, which attracted Yunhao's dissatisfaction, but soon passed away. Ha ha!! It doesn't matter. No matter how noble it is, how long can we live alone without other survivors? After saying that, his expression darkened. Now even if it is a survivor, we will fight side by side and live!"

Yes! Live!" Wei Dong affirmed that he had a better impression on the two people in front of him, but he must not bring it before the mystery in his heart was solved!

Yunhao finally had a say when he saw that the two stopped and said, "Actually, these foods are in the early stage of our cataclystrophe. It has been stocked together, and there are also all kinds of air-dried foods that are conducive to long-term preservation, such as dried fish, beef, dehydrated vegetables, cans... It's not too annoying to introduce it, like a bookkeeper who introduces it to Wei Dong.

In the 2-minute introduction, Wei Dong listened carefully like a good student. Of course, I won't be so bored, but whether there is a dew point in Yunhao's commentary, you can see through the Tao.

In the end, he was very disappointed. Yunhao in front of him did not seem to be lying regardless of his expression. He interrupted and asked, "Did you know what was going to happen now before the catastrophe?" There is more doubt in the tone.

When the young man Daonan heard his question, he answered arrogantly like a swan who had been hit by the sky, "Actually, we didn't know that such a thing would happen. But you will ask, since you don't know how to prepare such living materials in advance! Even if you ask me, I will find the right person!" After saying that, he laughed happily.

Seeing that the young man Daonan was such a stinky fart, he turned around and asked Yunhao, "Brother, talk about it!"

Yunhao smiled and made a grimace to his secretly sad friend Daonan and said, "Actually, we are a survival maniac!"

Wei Dong's forehead was tight, and the two sword eyebrows and loach were intertwined. Obviously, he was troubled by this sudden new term and asked puzzledly. Humans are strange animals. While accepting new things and new nouns, they are always at a loss for fear of harming themselves. What a survival madness, such a strange noun, why haven't I heard of it!!" I can't say anything about my previous life. I had to ask the two people under the board.

Daonan came to his side, blocked his vision of Yunhao, cleared his throat and began to introduce in detail.

(Hehe~~~~ The thief completed 8000 two update today, without any suspicion of cutting corners, and every word has been carefully scruated by the thief! Readers and friends support it, and the tickets in hand feel like a good place for the thief to write, so they will reward them. It's okay if you don't have a show. The thief will be so excited that he can't sleep. Collect more and pay more attention. You can add my QQ2631494715, welcome to come and give advice~~~Thank you!! ~~)