Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Good strategy

A rapid report came from the walkie-talkie at his waist: "Captain! Please come to the reception hall on the first floor as soon as possible! We found a large number of zombies here!"

He tightened his expression, his sword eyebrows were locked, and he bounced and ran to the first floor.

"Hear me, you go to the left to support! On the right side..." I saw the offensive direction of Wang Hu's angry command team from afar. The eyes are red, and the anger goes straight to the brain.

"Captain!" Wang Hu came with an arrow.

He looked coldly at the line of defense of the corpses in front of him and asked, "Wang Hu, what's going on!" Looking at the fierce battle ahead, I asked myself.

Wang Hu said angrily: "After the team came here, they suddenly gathered a large number of corpses from the outside and rushed to us. Before they could react, the corpses broke through the door and poured in. The team members are now fighting back..."

"Okay!" He motioned to stop and said harshly, "Follow me!" After saying that, the ghost ran forward quickly.

"Drink~~~" On the way to the battlefield, his eyes fell on the corpse. The corpses at the end of the rolling horizontal line in front of them came. Seeing that there was a little chill in my heart here, my mind was shocked.

He picked up the blood-sweat sword in his hand and whipped it away, and the blood shadows were thrown away, and the front of the corpse fell down, and four or five corpses were broken under his feet. The blood in his hand was wildly cut, and a hundred and ten crosses were thrown out. All the zombies around him were killed, and the blood of the flesh splashed on the ground.

With his own bloody battle, the pressure of the team's line of defense has been reduced a lot.

Ye Fei turned around and ran over and said anxiously, "Captain! We can't keep it. There are too many zombies to deal with at all...

After solving more than a dozen zombies beside him, his cold eyes surged and glared at the zombies in front of him. He roared sharply, "Everyone retreats and guard the second floor!"

The team members have been fighting fiercely with zombies for several minutes, and their physical strength has been greatly reduced. In the face of the continuous invasion of zombies, their movements have been a little slow, and they are even more difficult to breathe. With Wei Dong's kind words, he retreated to the rear of the happy border war.

When the last person returned to the second floor, he decisively closed the passage between the two floors, and the fire shutters fell down, and the corpses from the distance resisted the outside.

The zombies rushed in and did not have the idea of slowing down. The force of the body rushed over, and the blood body hit a loud noise on the rolling gate, listening to everyone's ears.

"Bum! ~~~" One after another, more zombies felt the loud sound of tooth acid hitting the rolling gate. Although there is a fire door blocking between the two and can't see the situation on the opposite side, according to the loud noise of the zombies, everyone can think of the zombies' desire for flesh and blood on the opposite side.

After resisting the zombies, everyone had a short rest and looked at themselves for help.

Ye Fei came over and asked, "Captain, what should I do!"

The massive group of corpses in the outside world can be said to be far away from seeing the end. It is a terrible thing to put the scene of penetrating into people in anyone's eyes.

In the short battle with the corpses, the corners of my eyes kept scanning the general distribution of the corpses. He secretly thought, "Uh-huh! There are too many corpses here, and you can't use force to count them clearly!"

Looking back, the general control center of the flood discharge channel is here. If the zombies here are not clearly threatened, there will be many difficulties in the future.

A large number of corpses besieged here. If they are not cleaned up in time, it will not be long before the top will be destroyed. But the troops around us can't complete such a task.

The dilemma in front of him really gave him a headache for a while, and he got out of thinking after knowing Ye Fei's question.

"Ye Fei, what did you say? I didn't hear it clearly. Just say it again!" Say it yourself.

Ye Fei's face remained the same and repeated, "Captain! What should we do now?"

As the leader of the team, Ye Fei and others will put their hopes on Wei Dong in the face of emergencies, which is not only the majesty of the top decision maker, but also entrusts their survival to Wei Dong.

I looked around for a week and had a panoramic view of the geographical environment beside me, and the interior composition of the ordinary factory and office building.

The building is two floors, divided into two parts. The first and second floors are front of the office area, and the back is the computer room.

Brain* These messages are sorted out, and the supercomputer is running. The plan gradually surfaced, from chaos to clarity, and a good opportunity emerged in just a few seconds.

"Order the team to return to the flood control platform!" He asked himself to face Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was stunned and immediately understood his thoughts, and a smile appeared on his cheeks: "Everyone returns to the flood control platform!"

The order was issued, and the team members filed in and followed the iron ladder back to the flood control platform again.

When the preparation was completed, Ye Fei, Xu Zheng and Wang Hu left the team and came to their side.

Xu Zheng asked puzzledly, "Captain, why are we going back now!" Isn't it?"

Facing the huge number of corpses that could not be slaughtered, Xu Zheng thought to himself, "Is it because the captain realized that he could not complete such a task and ordered to withdraw!"

Wang Hu said impatiently, "Do you want to defend back?"

After a fierce battle day and night, most people have been a little tired and eager to return to the base as soon as possible. The desire to go home abounds abound.

When I heard Wang Hu's words, I smiled and said, "No, we will fight the zombies here!" After saying that, the coldness burst out from the body.

Xu Zheng received the chill from himself, sweating on his forehead, and asked tentatively, "Captain! How can we hit the zombies!" Thinking back to the large number of corpses, it was really chilling in the eyes of income. Wei Dong said so, and he was interested.

He smiled happily and pointed to the top of his head and said, "That's it!"

Xu Zheng's eyes widened and looked at the half-open and half-clined isolation door above his head, thinking that the big mouth of the abyss beast was placed there. At this time, it was more like the magic mouth of harvesting creatures. He turned his head and looked at himself and instantly understood the secret.

The team was prepared, and the morale of the team members rose to the critical point and looked at the isolation door overhead.

He ordered himself, "Ye Fei, send someone to narrow the gap in the isolation door!"

Seven or eight distant healthy strong men came forward, and the iron pliers turned the pole handwheel on the isolation door.

Squeak~~~~ There was a harsh sound on the handwheel pole, and the isolation door above the head was slowly closed...

"Stop!" He roared loudly and signaled several people to stop.

Ye Fei asked, "Captain! Is that all right?" The previous siege of a large number of corpses was somewhat retreating!

laughed and said, "Then wait and see!" He looked up confidently at the half-moon-shaped gap of a person.