Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord


Bang bang! ~~~~~~ The door was hit by zombies and made a violent noise. The aluminum alloy rolling gate moaned unbearably. Until a zombie's sharp claws tore open one side of the body and cut a penetrating hole.

Wo!! ~~~ The door of the fire door torn by the zombies drilled in through the hole and followed the smell of the crowd.

The tip of the zombie's nose sniffed, and a pair of dead fish-like blood eyes stared angrily in place. The smell of strangers penetrated into their noses without suspense, and they couldn't find the existence of everyone for a long time. They roared and roared in place.

I saw the zombie so embarrassed through the half-closed crack of the isolation door, and stared at the zombie's every move with cold eyes.

Ye Fei whispered in shock, afraid of attracting zombies: "Captain! Now that the zombies have entered the room on the second floor, what should we do next?

He laughed and said, "Ha ha! ~~~ Now that the visitors have arrived, let's greet them warmly!"

Xu Zheng looked at his crazy appearance and asked worriedly, "Now the zombies are trapped outside, how to attract them..."

"Just make a little sound! ~~hehe~~~" he answered easily.

I simply told the team members to prepare for things, took out the weapon in his hand and knocked on the railing iron frame beside him.

"Dang! ~~~~" The impact between the metals covered up the roar of the zombies and shocked everyone from spreading to the outside world.

Although zombies slowly degenerate when receiving external messages in their ears, they can be clearly heard by 70-eight-year-olds.

Wo! ~~ The zombies received the bursting sound and looked for the source of sound for a moment.

hiss! ~~~ The zombie's ears and nose are used together, and the body is looking for it with small steps.

When the first zombie's flexible nose sniffed, the heat of the bloody eyes was released, and immediately captured the position of the crowd. He roared in his voice and sent a message to his peers beside him.

Ye Fei said nervously, "The zombies found us!" There are some subtle fluctuations in the tone...

said with a faint smile, "Wait for this moment!" Come on, the blood soul sword in his hand turned a knife flower in his palm, narrowed his eyes into a line, and looked gloomyly at the cracks in the isolation door...

Seeing this, Ye Fei's expression shocked and said, "Everyone is ready to stand by..." Speaking of which, the team members waiting on the platform took out knives and held them in their hands.

A roar of the zombies set off the prelude to the whole battle, and the bodies of tigers and wolves rushed to the poor three-foot gap in the isolation gate.

Roar~~~~ The zombie loach rushed into the water and drilled into the cracks. The predecessor got into the corpse's claws and grabbed it crazily and randomly, looking at the delicious flesh and blood in front of him, and the blood teeth flowed in the mouth.

"Hmm?" Looking at the corpses rushing in front of him blocking outside the isolation door, the sword eyebrows locked, twisted together and thought angrily, "No! The gap left for the zombies is too small..."

Thinking of this, he quickly ordered: "Quickly, open the isolation door and listen to my order!"

Immediately, seven or eight strong men came forward, and more than a dozen strong arms clenched the handwheel of the isolation doorpost, and the spiral rod slowly retreated under the force. He looked up closely at the isolation door above.

"Bum!" One or two zombies finally got into the gap in the open door, and the bodies got inside. He fell heavily on the platform, hit the iron plate on the platform, and made a dull noise...

Five or six shadow tiger bodies came forward, and the tomahawks in their hands were split by knives, and the two corpses immediately crossed the bodies on the spot.

When he saw the zombies enter and knew that the time had come, he shouted harshly, "Listen!" The loud roar spread all over the room.

Wo!! ~~~The death of the two zombies did not repel each other's offensive. They were seduced by the delicious flesh and blood and surged more hard to drill into the interior.

He turned his eyes back to the team members around him, and secretly thought of a wonderful plan to defeat the enemy's platoon. He said, "Everyone circled the platform!"

Ye Fei, Xu Zheng and Wang Hu understood that their team members were divided into three exceptional defenses, and their tomahawks were ready to meet a fierce battle.

Bang bang! ~~~~ The half-closed gap of the isolation door widened a little, and more zombies were used one after another and fell on the iron plate of the platform.

Wo! ~~~~ The zombies fell at a height of seven or eight meters, fell on the iron plate and their thoughts were turbid, sorting out the chaos in their brains. As soon as they got up, they ushered in three or four bloody axes on their heads. The skull collapsed, the plasma flew across, and the blood-red spots scattered like a volcanic eruption.

Despite the blood stains on their bodies, the team members turned around and ran to the other side.

Zombies fell from the cracks in the semi-covered isolation door one after another, and the big and small jade beads fell like a jade plate, and the rainstorm suddenly fell. As soon as the body fell on the platform, it was rushed by the team members in a second. The tomahawk in their hands threw out a fierce blow and harvested the corpse and rolled aside.

The next process was carried out in its own tone, but in a short time, hundreds of zombies were left in the center of the platform.

Seeing more than a hundred zombies, the restless killing mood in the body rose, the eyes were red, and the fingers kept closing. He roared sharply and took up the blood soul sword in his hand and killed him.

"Drink!" With a gloomy roar, the blood soul sword in his hand cut out the zombies in front of him. A simple move to split Huashan Mountain fell from the sky and chopped down. The zombie's body fell straight down, and a blood line above the head crossed the whole body.

Draw a knife to defend, and his cold eyes despise the zombies in front of him. The next second, standing in the middle of the zombie in front of him, divided into two halves and fell in different directions. The body was scattered on the ground, and the internal organs were scattered on the ground.

I glanced at the corpse of the zombie under my feet with curiosity, and the sour water rolled in my stomach. Withbearance, he moved his eyes away and strode away. Behind him, he left a broken internal organs, neatly dividing them in half...

At present, more zombies are pouring in, and the team members are gradually having a little difficult to deal with. Their feet are weak, and their foreheads are sweating...

Xu Zheng's battle axe in his hand cut diagonally, Han Guang scratched the zombie's body, cut off half of the zombie's body, and ran over with an arrow.

Xu Zheng gasped and said, "Captain!! The corpse offensive is too fierce, and we can't stand it. The zombie offensive is too fierce...

Solve the threat in front of you, calmly look at each other's eyes, and look at other repercussions. The zombies fell quickly from above, and the team members rushed around to put out the fire.

"Okay! I understand!" He said coldly and turned around and ran to the control area of the isolation doorpost.