Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 66 Dark Horse

That night, Zhang Duo's interview video was broadcast on Songjiang Satellite TV's "Anti-Three Customs" program, which immediately caused an uproar.

Since the ministries and commissions joined together on March 30, to April 2, in just four days, more than 100 newspapers have been suspended in China.

According to the statistics released by the General Administration of Press and Publication in December 2000, a total of 1943 newspapers were published nationwide, including 224 national newspapers, 826 provincial newspapers, 877 local and municipal newspapers, and 16 county-level newspapers. Among them, there are 806 comprehensive newspapers and 1137 professional newspapers.

Among the national newspapers, in addition to the strong political and professional newspapers such as Reference News and Huaxia Daily, as well as economic, military and other professional newspapers, there are 103 kinds of newspapers serializing novels. There are 386 kinds of novels serialized in provincial newspapers. Among the remaining municipal and county newspapers, there are 406 kinds of novels. That is to say, among the 1943 newspapers in the country, there are only 895 serialized novels.

How terrible it is that more than 100 newspapers have been suspended in just four days. And by the end of the "anti-three vulgar movement", how many newspapers will be suspended, 300 or 500? Or more.

As for the magazine, it is one of the hardest-hit areas in this campaign. In the investigation team jointly formed by various ministries and commissions, elite soldiers will be selected to review nearly 10,000 magazines across the country. Although there have been no punishment so far, the results must be shocking.

With the country's newspapers and media and popular novel writers all silent, Zhang Duo's words were deaf and loud, expressing the voices of most people. Songjiang Satellite TV's "Anti-Three Customs" became popular because of Zhang Duo's remarks and was replayed repeatedly in the following days.

When Feng Xuanqing heard Zhang Duo's remarks during the replay the next day, he blew his beard and stared angrily and scolded: "Little Huangkou, now, I don't want to reform myself, and I dare to be so rampant. It's really stubborn."

Qi Siyuan, who was beside him, has recovered. He followed the teacher and became a clerk in the "anti-vulgar" investigation team. At present, he said, "Yes, such arrogant people should be dealt with again. According to me, the Legend of the Condor Heroes of the Northeast Evening News should also be well investigated. I really don't know how the investigation team of Songjiang Province does things. It's so easy for them to pass the test.

Guan Wanli, who was beside him, said, "Well, if you want me to say, we don't have to be too responsible for it. I think the Legend of the Condor Heroes is very good. You have to forgive people and forgive them!"

Feng Xuanqing stared and said, "Brother Wanli, you didn't have this opinion before! You and I have been friends for many years. If there is any mystery, please give me some advice in person.

Guan Wanli twisted his beard with his hand and said meaningfully, "I also listened to the gossip. It is said that there is a big man in the center who likes Meng Nanxing's Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils very much. He also appreciates the Legend of the Condor Heroes currently being serialized. Brother Xuanqing, among the heads of the Central Committee, there are not many people who like to read martial arts novels. Ah!"

Feng Xuanqing turned his mind and immediately figured out which leader liked to read martial arts novels. Suddenly, he was so scared that he sweated coldly. He got up and bowed to Guan Wanli and said, "Brother Fei Wanli's advice. Xuanqing has made a big mistake today. Please accept my younger brother."

Guan Wanli sat calmly on the sofa and was worshipped by Feng Xuanqing and said, "Actually, the chiefs may not really care about a martial arts novel, but as the saying goes, when the emperor is angry, millions of corpses are buried and bleeding. Although these little things will not make him angry, even if they are not Happiness is not what I can bear!"

Feng Xuanqing nodded frequently and said that he looked like he was taught. As for Qi Siyuan, he had already turned pale with fear, which was worse than when he vomited blood.

And there is a figure in the capital who is extremely excited at this moment, that is, the wild and unruly Wang Cheng. The effect of the Complete Biography of the Ming Dynasty serialized in the Beijing Evening News is average, moderate and there is no surprise. However, after the "anti-vulgar movement" launched and more than 100 newspapers were suspended, the sales of newspapers began to continue to rise. Wang Cheng has been famous for many years. Although the novel is old-fashioned, the quality is beyond doubt. More than 100 newspapers are banned from serializing, which is equivalent to more than 100 novels being forced by eunuchs. When the number of novels that can be followed is reduced, readers naturally need to find other books to read. Wang Cheng's book, a god-level author, has become the first choice for reading. With the support of a large number of readers, the Beijing Evening News has reached 1.93 million copies in a few days, which is comparable to the sales of the Northeast Evening News.

When a reporter from Beijing Satellite TV interviewed Wang Cheng's views on the "anti-vulgar movement", Wang Cheng still said arrogantly: "I am very much in favor of this movement. It purifies our publication market and keeps the public from being poisoned by those "text garbage". For example, I think it's good to ban the serialization of some vulgar historical novels. But I think the implementation of the current investigation team is not enough, and it is undesirable to let some vulgar martial arts novels muddle through.

Although Wang Cheng did not clearly say the names of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" and "The Legend of the Legend of the Condor Heroes", the media knew about some festivals with Meng Nanxing. Naturally, he knew that he secretly pointed out that he went back to add fuel and vinegar to interpret it. It was broadcast on TV, which immediately aroused a strong response from the audience.

After "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" was suspended, they have been dissatisfied with the readers of the book. Under the organization of some radical readers, fans called the "anti-vulgar" reporting hotline day and night, demanding that the investigation team revoke the suspension decision and allow it to be re-serialized. Naturally, the investigation team will not easily compromise with the people and has never given a positive response.

Before the Internet era emerged, many book fans could only express their likes and dislikes by calling hotlines and writing letters. At this juncture, it is naturally too practical to write a letter. How can you make a phone call and scold it? It's just that they were either hung up or didn't respond after the fight, which made them even more depressed.

When the book fans were angry and had nowhere to go, they didn't expect Wang Cheng to jump out and pulled up the hate value in an instant. Hardcore fans of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" began to harass the hotline of the Beijing Evening News. A book friend with extensive travel did not know where to get Wang Cheng's mobile phone and the fixed phone number at home. Everyone directly dialed his mobile phone so that they dared not turn it on and unplugged the line.

In the context of the turmoil and chaos in the news media publication market, a dark horse came out against the market, that is, the Legend of the Condor Heroes is being serialized in the Northeast Evening News.

The Legend of the Condor Heroes began to be serialized in the Northeast Evening News on February 13, updated at a rate of 10,000 words a day, and 210,000 words had been serialized by April 2. I just finished serializing the seventh episode of the old version, and the martial arts competition is to recruit relatives. This time, Guo Jing met Huang Rong for the first time, Yang Kang, Mu Nianci, Yang Tiexin and others appeared one after another, which was a small **, which was the time for readers to enjoy watching it. However, when catching up with the "anti-vuls" movement, a large number of martial arts novels were banned from serialization, and fans of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" also turned to support "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", so that the sales of "Northeast Evening News" easily exceeded two million copies on April 5, and it was urgently printed three times on that day to meet the needs of the public.

Reference News and Huaxia Daily in domestic newspapers have a circulation of more than 3 million due to their special status. None of the other newspapers can reach two million, but the Northeast Evening News became famous in World War I and became the third national newspaper with more than two million circulations, and The Legend of the Condor Heroes has been widely praised by media book friends, making Zhang Duo's new martial arts master completely secure.

The Legend of the Condor Heroes is a representative work created by Jin Yong's martial arts novels and the work with the most readers. The publication of this book has established Jin Yong's status as the "Supreme Martial Arts".

In 1954, Jin Yong's "Book and Sword Enmity" was serialized in Hong Kong's Dagong Daily, which caused a great sensation. Before it was finished, there was a door-to-door invitation from the Hong Kong Business Daily, so there was Jin Yong's second novel "Blue Blood Sword". It was not until nine months after the publication of Blue Blood Sword that the Book Sword Ended.

In the past nine months, Jin Yong, a newly debut writer, serialized two novels at the same time. It is inevitable that he is a little powerless and favors the other. Ni Kuang said this very accurately: "When Jin Yong talked about the two lines of Jinshe Langjun and Yuan Chengzhi, although it was only excellent, there was still something impressive. After the end of the line of the golden snake Langjun, there are signs of collapse. Especially at the end, it is the worst part of Jin Yong's novel, which can be called a failure.

The Blue Blood Sword ended at the end of 1956, and on the first day of the following year, the Legend of the Condor Heroes was published in the newspaper. It is still the Hong Kong Business Daily and Jin Yong's novel, but the content and theme are very different. As soon as Condor Shooting came out, the ghosts and gods were shocked and almost overshadowed Liang Yusheng's Seven Swords Down the Heavenly Mountain.

Now the Legend of the Condor Heroes serialized in the Northeast Evening News. Although the pearls and jade of the Eight Dragons are in front of them, although they are not as fast as the previous lives, they are accumulated and thin. At the moment when other novels fall, they are even more extraordinary.

On April 6, the Northeast Evening News issued an announcement announcing that it had sold more than 2 million copies on April 5, becoming the third newspaper in China to sell more than 2 million copies. If the status is not transcended, with the Reference News and Huaxia Daily subscribed by the majority of government agencies, enterprises and institutions, it is a well-deserved first in China!

Feng Xuanqing and others read the news, but did not make any comments, and no one proposed to review the Legend of the Condor Heroes. As for Wang Cheng, he slapped the table angrily and almost broke his fingers.

He couldn't figure out how the Northeast Evening News soared to two million copies, but the Beijing Evening News fell to less than 1.1 million copies. The momentum of the rise was good before. Did the Beijing Evening News lose this opportunity to compete for the third largest newspaper in China just because of his insinuation?

Wang Cheng thought that since Meng Nanxing's debut, he had to suppress himself in all aspects. Unexpectedly, such a targeted "anti-su" movement could not defeat him. Unexpectedly, the Northeast Evening News became the third newspaper with more than two million sales. Suddenly, there was a kind of "He Shengliang" Feeling. As soon as this idea flashed in his mind, Wang Cheng was furious. How could he admit that he was not as good as Meng Nanxing? It was absolutely impossible.

"Meng...Nan...Xing, I don't believe I can't compare with you. The future is long. Let's wait and see!" After saying that, a pen in his hand was folded into two pieces.