Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 67 Celebration

On Saturday afternoon, April 7, in the office of the president of the Northeast Evening News newspaper, Zhou Mingde sat behind a luxurious solid wood desk, leaned on the chair, gently tapped the back of his chair with his fingers, and hummed the selection of "Take the Tiger Mountain with Wisdom": "Today, I drank a lot of celebration wine, and my ambition will not stop; in the coming days will show up. Hands, write spring and autumn with blood, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Zhou Mingde sat in the chair, shook his head and sang a little song, and was very proud. At this time, there was a knock on the door. Zhou Mingde called in and saw Wu Weizhong come in with a smile on his face.

Zhou Mingde asked with a smile, "What did Zhang Duo say?"

Wu Weizhong said, "He agreed to come. I have arranged someone to drive to pick him up. At first, he didn't want to come, saying that he didn't like so many people drinking together. When I said to celebrate the achievements, I couldn't do without you, a great meritorious minister, that he agreed.

Zhou Mingde said, "Well, if you want me to say, you are the most meritorious minister. If you hadn't explicitly rejected "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", we wouldn't have said that we would have held a celebration banquet today, but I'm afraid it would have been a party!"

Wu Weizhong said with a look of "sincere and fear": "President, you praise me too much. I'm just doing something, but I can't praise it so much."

Zhou Mingde stood up, walked to Wu Weizhong, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Well, you don't have to be too modest. I can see your achievements. Mr. Wei is old and lack of energy. Our deputy editor-in-chief Liu has always been in poor health, just by name. Chen Wenzheng is talented, but it's a pity that he is talented and arrogant. Xu Shenyan is shrewd, but he has no determination. So you are the only one to be the editor-in-chief, that is, you have to be prepared for this two weeks.

Wu Weizhong's shoulder was patted by Zhou Mingde. He put the Buddha's powerful palm, and his body suddenly became short, and he couldn't close his mouth with a smile: "President, I... I will definitely work hard and try to bring the circulation of our newspapers to another level, covering all cities and counties in the country."

Zhou Mingde said with a smile, "It's a good idea, but your most important job now is to have a good relationship with Zhang Duo. In addition, you don't want any books he writes. For example, you didn't want "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" this time."

Wu Wei said loyally, "At that time, I also felt that once this book was serialized, there would be a big conflict with the academic community. I didn't dare to ask for it. In fact, to be fair, it is a good popular historical book.

Zhou Mingde looked out of the window with deep eyes and said quietly, "The book is a good book, but it was born a little early. If it is serialized in a few years, the situation should be much better. By the way, how's the Songjiang Morning Post?

Wu Weizhong said sneakily, "I heard that Jiang Zhilan is going to be transferred!"

Zhou Mingde was shocked, but said quietly, "Ty the specific situation!"

Wu Weizhong told Zhou Mingde about the gossip she got: "Jiang Zhilan's girl just relied on family relations to become president. How can she have any ability? Under her business, the newspaper has gone from bad to worse, and now it has reached the point of suspension and rectification. There is still talk about whether it can resume publication. Now naturally, I want to slip away.

"Zhang Duo didn't promise to give them another martial arts serial?" Zhou Mingde asked, but his heart was very entangled. He hoped that Zhang Duo would not agree, so that Zhang Duo's martial arts novels would only be serialized in his own newspapers, without potential opponents; but he also hoped that Zhang Duo could compensate the Songjiang Morning News, proving that he was not a mercenary and ruthless person.

Wu Weizhong said, "I heard the news from Jiang Zhilan that Zhang Duo agreed, but I don't know what novel it is."

Zhou Mingde sighed, and he didn't know why he sighed and said, "I have a chance to ask!"

Wu Weizhong saw Zhou Mingde sighing and said with a bitter hatred, "Well, I'll find an opportunity to ask him!"

At 7 p.m., in the lobby on the second floor of the Junsheng Hotel, it was full of people, but the Northeast Evening News newspaper was holding a celebration party. After all, it is the third newspaper with a circulation of more than two million copies since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Such achievements are enough to proudly the whole country. Of course, it should be celebrated.

The president, editor-in-chief, finance, human resources and brand directors of the Northeast Evening News, Wu Weizhong, Chen Wenzheng, Xu Shenyan, managers of various departments, ministers, editors below, journalists, etc., gathered in the lobby on the second floor.

Zhou Mingde wore a Zhongshan suit, combed his big back neatly, and delivered a generous speech on the rostrum. After that, the editor-in-chief Wei Zongsheng and the editor-in-chief Wu Weizhong came to the stage to talk a few words respectively, but Chen Wenzheng gritted his teeth.

Zhou Mingde privately asked Zhang Duo to come to the stage to say a few words, but Zhang Duo refused with a smile. On the happy day of the Northeast Evening News, he did not want to dominate.

When the banquet began, everyone raised their glasses one after another. Zhang Duo sat at this table with Zhou Mingde, Wei Zongsheng, the three directors, the three editors, Zhang Duo, and a beautiful girl in her early 20s.

Wu Weizhong introduced Zhang Duo one by one, and the three directors shook hands with Zhang Duo very politely. By Chen Wenzheng, the old man snorted and nodded. Xu Shenyan was very enthusiastic and took out a business card from his pocket and gave it to Zhang Duo.

When it was the turn of the girl sitting next to Zhang Duo, Wu Weizhong smiled and said, "This is the little girl Wu Wenjing. Wenjing was originally a good word, but unfortunately my surname is Wu, so he has become quiet. She is vulgar and likes your novels very much. When she heard that you would come tonight, she pestered me to see you. If there is anything rude, Artou, don't laugh!"

Zhang Duo looked at Wu Wenjing's exquisite face and concave and convex figure, and then looked at Wu Weizhong's respectable face. Did he say that this was the father and daughter? There are too many differences!

Wu Wenjing was dissatisfied and said, "Dad, did you say that about me?"

Wu Weizhong said with a smile, "Okay, I was wrong!"

Zhang Duo said, "How come, Sister Wenjing is a bold girl at first glance. I appreciate it the most!"

Zhou Mingde said with a smile, "In this case, you young people should be closer."

After eating for a while, the hall began to stagger and sit and make noise. There is an endless stream of people coming to toast. As a promising genius writer, Zhang Duo had no choice but to have a toast. He drank for a while and saw that the momentum was not good, so he took a pee and went out.

Zhang Duo went out of the hotel gate and smoked in front of the green belt in front of the parking lot. As soon as he clicked it, he was robbed by one hand, but Wu Wenjing followed him.

"Hey, if you don't learn well at a young age, why do you smoke?"

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "There is some emotion in my heart. In fact, I usually don't smoke!"

Wu Wenjing said, "You are so successful now, what's the emotion!"

Zhang Duo smiled and refused to speak. Wu Wenjing smiled and said, "Why are you so shy like a little girl?" After saying that, he reached out and pinched Zhang Duo's face.

Zhang Duo knocked Wu Wenjing's hand and said, "I'm not a child!"

Wu Wenjing stretched out her hand again and said, "Oh, it's okay for me to pinch it. You are a child in front of me!"

Zhang Duo did not refuse again, but said, "Then can I take the liberty to ask your age, Sister Wenjing?"

Wu Wenjing said carelessly, "Oh, just ask me how old I am, and take the liberty to ask if you can not drag words. I hate talking like my father!"

Zhang Duo suddenly felt cold sweating. He felt that he could speak classical Chinese with cultural people and curse the street with the old man. But she didn't choose a good way to talk in front of Wu Wenjing. Could she be a demon?

"How old are you, Wen Jing?

"I'm 28 years old this year!"

"What? Are you 28? Zhang Duo said in surprise that Wu Wenjing in front of him looked more than 20 years old at most, but she turned out to be a "three" aunt.

"If you don't believe it, I'll show you my ID card!" Before Zhang Duo could say anything, Wu Wenjing took out her wallet from her pocket, took out her ID card and handed it to Zhang Duo.

Zhang Duo took a look. Sure enough, he was 28 years old. He was really evil. He thought he was a few years older than me without looking at his ID card!

Wu Wenjing put away her ID card, pinched Zhang Duo's face and said, "Well, kid, call me aunt!"

Zhang Duo still knocked Wu Wenjing's hand and said, "I call your father uncle, so I'd better call you Wenjing, and I reiterate again that I'm not a child!"

Wu Wenjing said indifferently, "You can call it whatever you want. Oh, my stomach hurts a little. Can you buy some medicine with me?"

Zhang Duo said that the two walked side by side on the road. Wu Wenjing asked Zhang Duo about writing and life, and Zhang Duo answered one by one.

walked a few hundred meters and found a pharmacy. Wu Wenjing bought medicine and borrowed some warm water, but his face was still very bad. Zhang Duo couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with you? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Wu Wenjing frowned and said, "Girls, there will be a few days every month, do you understand this?"

Zhang Duo said helplessly, "I'm not a child!"

Wu Wenjing smiled and said, "Well, then I won't be a child anymore!"

"So what do you do now?"

"Go back to the hotel, I can go home by myself!" Wu Wenjing said.

"Forget it, I'll take you home first!"

Wu Wenjing said with a smile, "Okay!" Then he naturally held Zhang Duo's arm. My house is right in front of me. It's less than one stop. Let's just walk back!"

Zhang Duo's arm felt Wu Wenjing's plump chest, and his heart suddenly swung. He remembered the words of Lao Wang in Thirty Days of Lovelorn: "The daughter of love is invincible to the chest." I feel so much through my clothes. How cool it would be if I was shirtless! If she pushes me back for a while, will I follow, or will I follow?

Wu Wenjing was really not quiet at all. She kept chattering all the way. After arriving at the door, she took out the key and opened the door and entered the room and said, "Mom, I'm back. After saying that, I let go of Zhang Duo and threw herself into the arms of the woman watching TV on the sofa."

Zhang Duo was ashamed in his heart. He was really dizzy. Wu Wenjing was doing something. How could he reverse himself!

Wu Wenjing put her arms around the woman's neck and said, "Mom, look, this is Meng Nanxing, who serialized novels in Dad's newspaper. Do you think he is handsome?"

Wu Wenjing's mother was an extremely beautiful person. She gently hit Wu Wenjing and said, "How old are you? You haven't been in shape yet. Don't get up yet. Don't let guests laugh!"

Zhang Duo came forward with a smile and said, "Auntie, my name is Zhang Duo." Before Wu Wenjing's mother could speak, his mobile phone rang. It was Wu Weizhong who called and asked Zhang Duo why he had not been back for so long. Zhang Duo said that he would send Wu Wenjing home. Wu Weizhong told him that if he didn't like drinking, he should stay at his house. More than 300 people at the scene were drunk, and he was also drunk a lot. When he came home, he had something to say to Zhang Duo.