Reborn Entertainment Giant

Chapter 200 Sensation Network

Three days later.

This morning, as soon as Zhang Xiaohua arrived at the company, he received two good news in a row.

One is brought by Zhou Yi, that is, Adu's MV has been fully filmed and can be put on the ground egg website at any time.

Second, Brilliant Economy Company has arranged ticketing channels, no more, no less. Twenty ticket outlets are all distributed in urban areas, providing a lot of convenience for fans. Moreover, the tickets for the concert have also been designed. Zhang Xiaohua is very satisfied with it and is currently being printed in batches.

At this point, Zhang Xiaohua has only waited for Sun Qingdong's good news.

If you can take over the workers' gymnasium, then Zhang Xiaohua can take people to build the stage, and then rehears for the concert while promoting Adu. There is no time.

But three days have passed, but Zhang Xiaohua still hasn't heard from Sun Qingdong.

Zhang Xiaohua is not a fool. Naturally, he knows what Sun Qingdong is paying attention to.

For Sun Qingdong, he can easily persuade the officials of the General Administration of Sports to rent the Workers' Gymnasium to Huada Entertainment.

But three days have passed, but there is no news from Sun Qingdong. Obviously, he is deliberately procrastinating in order to create the illusion that it is difficult to do.

By the way, if Sun Qingdong can pay for himself so easily, he will take the millions he gave him a little too easily, which is a little unreasonable and does not reflect his ability to do things.

When Zhang Xiaohua thought of this, he couldn't help but feel angry.

I obviously gave millions of benefits to Sun Qingdong and those officials of the General Administration of Sports, but in the end, I still had to look at their faces. For this reason, Zhang Xiaohua was really unhappy.

As the saying goes - it's better to call a dog than to go by yourself.

On holidays, you have to get an official to play and do everything yourself. In this way, you don't have to look at other people's faces.

Since there is no news from Sun Qingdong, Zhang Xiaohua did not want to waste time and decided to publicize for Adu first.

If you don't make Adu popular first, in fact, even if you take the workers' gymnasium, it will be useless.

This time, Zhang Xiaohua decided to repeat his old skills and put some of Adu's songs on the Internet for free. After he absorbed enough popularity, he would promote his concert.

After making a decision, Zhang Xiaohua personally called Cheng Wanli of After talking about his thoughts with Cheng Wanli, Cheng Wanli also agreed and agreed to put some of Adu's songs on the website in a free way, which is also the best way to attract popularity.

After the two sides reached a consensus, Zhang Xiaohua immediately asked someone to put the MV of the five songs "Dark", "Departing", "Andy", "Hold on" and "He must love you very much" to the music area of (Adu special section).

At the same time, the technicians of also quickly started their work and beautified all the MVs, which not only improved the clarity of the picture, but also adjusted the sound quality to the best state. In these two aspects, the technology of is no worse than that of, which made Zhang Xiaohua quite satisfied.

Immediately after that, began to carry out a wide range of publicity for Adu's songs. Whether it is on the home page, the special area, including classification, or even the dead corner of the web page, you can see Adu's MV. Netizens will enter Adu's music section in an instant with just a click.

And when they see these slogans [Honorarily produced by Huada Entertainment, new new works, not to be missed], netizens can't help but click on the MV, and then listen carefully with anticipation.

There is no doubt that any one of the five songs can easily hold people's hearts tightly, ensuring that fans will listen to the first song and want to listen to it again. They are reluctant to click on the second song, and the good things will always stay at the end.

After the vivooding publicity of and the running of netizens, it gradually formed a network effect, attracting thousands of fans to rush into crazily, and then desperately click Adu's MV, resulting in the server of to be paralyzed several times. As a cause, technicians have to carry out maintenance work all the time. The traffic is really too large, unprecedented!

At the same time, Adu is also famous. Of course, his songs have also detonated the whole network, even caused a sensation in the whole music world, and then attracted a large number of musicians to join in the fun. However, after listening to the five newly released songs one by one, they all feel that it is out of reach, just in case!

However, in the eyes of most musicians, Adu is a musical wizard, but the one who wrote these songs is a wizard among wizards!

Although there is no original author of the songs on these MVs, people all understand that since these songs are from Huada Entertainment, the original author is naturally Zhang Xiaohua!

It's just that no one expected that Huada Entertainment had just left a Yang Kun, and they didn't expect that they would offer another Adu in such a short time!

This is strength, which is really unconvinced!



As of 9:00 p.m. on the same day, according to the statistics of, the total number of hits of Adu's five songs has reached more than 30 million, and the number of hits of each song is 6 million respectively, breaking the click record of all videos of since the establishment of the website, resulting in the daily traffic of other video websites being strict. Heavy decline, of course, including

In order not to affect future earnings, all Adu's songs do not provide download channels.

Moreover, in order to have a publicity effect, also claimed that Adu's songs are only free for three days.

After three days, it will be put on the shelves for a fee.

As soon as this news came out, it attracted countless netizens to scramble to listen to Adu's songs, but no matter how many times they listen to it, they will never get tired of it.

With the continuous increase of clicks, the is also extremely popular, and the traffic has only increased. In an instant, it shook the eight streets of, which made the staff of cry, because this is the first time in history that the daily traffic of has surpassed The staff of can't control it, and they can't help but Cry with joy.

At the same time, no matter which song Adu's comments are applaud...

"These songs are very good. If I closed my eyes and listened to them, I thought they were sung by Yang Kun. It turned out to be Adu. Who the hell is this Adu? I feel that he is more powerful than Yang Kun in terms of singing skills!"

"I don't agree with what the upstairs said. I don't think it's a matter of strength, but Yang Kun and Adu are not at the same level at all, which is incomparable."

"I agree with the upstairs. In fact, Yang Kun only has one song "It Doesn't Matter" that is okay, and other songs really don't feel anything. On the contrary, this Adu, the song is very diverse, and the meaning expressed in the song is also very full, which makes me learn a lot. It's really classic!"

"If only I could download them, I will definitely collect these songs for the rest of my life!"

"I don't know if this Adu has any other songs? If so, whether he has a record or a concert, I will definitely go to support him!"

I heard that Yang Kun is going to have a concert soon. Is everyone going to the scene?

"Yang Kun only has one song "It Doesn't Matter", and he seems to sing this song all the time, just like Wang Jingwen before, which is really uninteresting!"

"Yes, I heard that the ticket price of Yang Kun's concert is still very expensive. The VIP supreme seats in the front row will cost 20,000 yuan a ticket. When I went to my sister's concert, the ticket price was only 5,000 yuan, but Yang Kun actually sold it for 20,000 yuan, and the idiot went there.

"Looking forward to Adu's concert, as long as the ticket price does not exceed 10,000, I will smash the pot and sell iron to support it!"

"top floor"

"top floor+1"

"Top Floor+2"

"Top Floor +100086"


PS: I sincerely thank you for the monthly vote for the Spring Festival. This new version has been changed so that I almost didn't see where the monthly ticket was, indicating that I was speechless about the new version!!!!!