Reborn Entertainment Giant

Chapter 201 Must be taken (two-in-one)

After a day and a night of publicity on, Adu became popular and became popular overnight!

This is the power of the Internet!

According to incomplete statistics, Adu has at least 100,000 fans so far!

In the thousand-degree star search index, Adu is firmly in the No.1 position, and the search index is as high as 350,000, directly squeezing down Yang Kun, who originally ranked first.

Enthusiastic fans began to take action one after another and established Adu's fan base in various fields. Qiandu Tieba alone has reached 50,000, and it is still rising, and the popularity is as hot as Yang Kun's Tieba.

Even many fans of Yang Kun Tieba have also switched to Adu Tieba, which has gradually reduced the number of members of Yang Kun Tieba, which has decreased from 300,000 to 250,000, and no one has continued to post, which is unprecedentedly deserted.

However, Adu Tieba is engaged in a heated discussion all the time. Every time it is refreshed, the number of posts will double, and the limelight far surpasses all the stars at present.

The next morning, Zhang Xiaohua decided to hit the iron while it was hot and asked people to put all the remaining songs of Adu on the Internet.

However, this time it is charged.

The price of each online listening is 10 yuan (unlimited loop playback), and 25 yuan per download (free download for platinum members of, which is relatively affordable.

Because Adu's previous five songs have laid a good foundation and effectively promoted other Adu's songs, other songs have adopted a charging method and attracted a large number of fans in an instant. The number of clicks and downloads have risen steadily, and they have repeatedly reached new highs and can't stop.

As of 7 p.m. on the same day, according to the statistics of, the number of hits of paid songs is better than that of free. The total number of online hits of ten songs has reached 35 million, and the number of downloads has accumulated to more than 20 million. At the same time, the number of platinum members of has also doubled. Then it brought great benefits to the egg net!

And songs such as "Tearing the Night", "Unstoppable" and "You Are Like a Child" have also become classics, which makes Adu's popularity and fame soar. In just two days, it completely overshadowed Yang Kun's momentum. Even Zhang Huimei is not comparable to it.

However, the only headache for Zhang Xiaohua is that due to the large traffic, the web pages of will be paralyzed from time to time. After that, they can only operate normally after being repaired and maintained by technicians. Not to mention wasted a lot of time, they also attracted complaints from many netizens, which really made a lot of money.

Speaking of which, there is still a certain gap between and

It's no wonder that has sufficient funds, and they have more than 5,000 high-power servers all over the country. Not only does the web page run fast, but with the strong support of the two major companies that can't connect and move, the video fluency and download speed are also guaranteed.

Due to the recent heavy losses of, some time ago, had to withdraw some servers in order to maintain its operation, making the website often stuck. Even if the video is fluent enough, if the web page is often stuck, what's the use of the video being smooth?

For a website specializing in video, the web page often gets stuck, which is a fatal injury.

For this reason, Zhang Xiaohua also personally called Cheng Wanli and asked to improve this phenomenon as soon as possible, otherwise many customers will be lost in the future and cause serious economic losses to both sides.

Unfortunately, Cheng Wanli also said that he was very helpless. With the current economic capacity of, they can only maintain servers at about 3,000, and they are all * rates, which are also provided by two major communication companies. Nevertheless, spends nearly 10 million a month on the two major communication companies. In addition, the two major companies have been monopolizing the industry, so has no other choice except these two major communication companies.

Zhang Xiaohua is very depressed, which is another troublesome thing.

But what makes Zhang Xiaohua more depressed is that Sun Qingdong has not replied to him so far.

At present, there is less than a month before the millennium. If it continues, even if the workers' gymnasium can be rented, there will be no time to hold a concert for Adu.

You should know that building a stage alone is a big project, and then there will be rehearsals, so the shortage of time is Zhang Xiaohua's biggest obstacle. However, there seems to be no other way but to wait.



At the same time.

The rise of Adu has shocked many music companies, including entertainment in the new century.

Now Adu's popularity is close to Yang Kun, and even the momentum has overwhelmed Yang Kun, so New Century Entertainment has to take measures.

"How could this happen? Who the hell is that Adu? How did he come out? Why is his voice so similar to Yang Kun?

At this time, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded in the conference room, instantly breaking the silence of the conference room, causing everyone to be excited.

And it's not someone else who is getting angry, it's Cao Feifei.

I have to say that the sudden rise of Adu has indeed brought a great impact to Yang Kun. Yang Kun is the trump card of entertainment in the new century and the hope of entertainment in the new century.

Now Yang Kun's millennium concert is approaching. If there is any mistake at this time, then New Century Entertainment is likely to lose its capital.

After all, in order to build momentum for Yang Kun, New Century Entertainment has made a lot of effort and involved dozens of companies, including several influential large enterprises such as Thirsty Music and Apple TV. New Century Entertainment has cooperated with them, and they are all based on Yang Kun's concerts.

To put it simply, if Yang Kun's concert is successful, everyone will be happy. On the contrary, New Century Entertainment will pay a heavy price, and liquidated damages alone can drag down the whole company.

Now it looks like it's going to be a great success, but unexpectedly, it's a journey to bite gold halfway.

In case Adu intends to compete with Yang Kun, then New Century Entertainment really can't guarantee that Yang Kun will win.

"Did the general manager forget that this Adu is Du Chengyi? In the past, he was a signed singer under our company, but he was poached by Huada Entertainment. Now this Adu is a newcomer launched by Huada Entertainment. As for the achievements, I won't talk about it. A senior official said in frustration. He just can't figure out why such a good talent as Adu can only be a third-rate singer who is not valued in New Century Entertainment. And in Huada Entertainment, can they become popular overnight and become the most popular star now?

"Moreover, Huada Entertainment has cooperated with The customer traffic of these two world egg network has far exceeded that of, which has not only caused serious economic losses to, but also brought a considerable impact to our company. Another person added that he also looked depressed. Obviously, the rise of Adu has dealt them a big blow.

In addition...

Since New Century Entertainment and are cooperative, the two sides are closely related.

If there is any loss on, the new century entertainment will naturally suffer.

However, as Adu's popularity continues to be popular, many advertisers have also seen business opportunities and have invested in the door of, including many customers of Although they are all retail investors, these retail investors should not be underestimated. At least in the past two days, has directly lost nearly 10 million.

In particular, the daily traffic of has fallen from more than 20 million times to more than 5 million times in the past two days, and all the popularity has been attracted by Adu.

For this reason, it is also acceptable for many advertisers to go to

Suddenly, when he heard that Adu was a newcomer launched by Huada Entertainment, Cao Feifei only felt that her heart was suddenly sudden, and at the same time, a very bad foreboding arisen. She always felt that Huada Entertainment, or Zhang Xiaohua, was deliberately retaliating against New Century Entertainment.

Although Cao Feifei does not want to admit Zhang Xiaohua's star-making ability, in fact, she has long admired Zhang Xiaohua, because everyone knows that any newcomer launched by Huada Entertainment will become a great weapon in the future, shine in the singing world and become a real singer.

Wang Jingwen is like this, Zhang Huimei is like this, and Yang Kun is the same. As for this Adu, it is obvious that he has begun to show his edge and become famous. If he continues to develop, will it be far from him to replace Yang Kun and become the king of the new generation of singing?

Cao Feifei regretted that if she had known that this Adu would pose a threat to the company and Yang Kun, then she should not have let go so easily at the beginning. Even if she had a lawsuit with Huada Entertainment, Cao Feifei would be happy.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now.

At the same time, the more Cao Feifei thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong and suddenly said, "It seems that we are going to help Yang Kun hold a concert before the Adu feather is rich. As you know, our company has invested everything for this concert. If there is any mistake, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Hearing this, the senior management and shareholders present immediately launched a whispered discussion.

After a while, only one person said, "Does the general manager mean to advance the date of Yang Kun's concert?"

Cao Feifei nodded firmly and said, "Now that Adu's popularity is close to Yang Kun, and Zhang Xiaohua's bastard is full of bad water. No one knows what he will do next. So we must preempt and finish Yang Kun's concert before Adu takes the next step.

"But we have made it public that Yang Kun's concert will be held in the millennium on January 1. Now if we change the date without permission, it is likely to attract media and public opinion.

"Yes, this matter can be big or small. If we suddenly advance Yang Kun's concert, maybe people outside will think that we are afraid of Huada Entertainment. In short, it is not good for us.

"I agree with everyone's opinion, please ask the general manager to think twice!"

The heads of various departments spoke actively, but without exception, all of them thought that Cao Feifei's method was not feasible.

"What should I do?" Cao Feifei frowned, and her cold and eager eyes swept over the people here one by one. Seeing that no one had spoken for a long time, she shouted harshly, "What are you doing next? Should we let that Adu replace Yang Kun? In case he affects Yang Kun's concert in the future and causes our company to lose money, who dares to come out and take responsibility?

Everyone started a discussion again, but still did not agree to advance Yang Kun's concert, because everyone in the outside world knew that Yang Kun's concert was called "Cross Century Concert" and was only meaningful if it was held on January 1, 2001.

If it is held in advance, even if it is only one day in advance, it will lose all its meaning. If not, it will attract jokes from the outside world and have a serious impact on the company's reputation.

Cao Feifei dares to take this risk, and the executives and shareholders present here will not easily take it.

After a short discussion, a senior member of the planning department proposed: "I think it's better to let Yang Kun participate in some activities, hold a few singing parties, or participate in a few more variety shows in the near future to increase the exposure as much as possible in order to absorb popularity."

"I think it's okay!" Another executive echoed, "Now that Adu is gaining momentum, and we can't let Yang Kun show weakness. In my opinion, the most important thing now is to let Yang Kunduo accumulate a little popularity and then let the public increase their goodwill towards him. With these conditions, are you afraid that no one will go to Yang Kun's concert?

"In addition, we can open a ticketing channel first, and we can reduce the ticket price by 100 yuan for a limited time." Another person followed his advice and said, "Now people like to be greedy for small things, even if it's just 100 yuan, they don't want to spend more. Therefore, as long as we announce that as long as we buy tickets for Yang Kun's concert within a limited time, we can save 100 yuan. I think we will definitely be robbed. And as long as we sell out the tickets for the concert in advance, are we afraid that those who spent money will not go to watch it live? In this case, no matter how popular Adu is, what can he do? It will not affect Yang Kun's concert at all.

"Well, that's good, this is indeed a good move!"

"Yes, I agree."

"I agree, too."

Suddenly, everyone here said that the above plan was completely feasible.

Cao Feifei thought about it carefully and felt that it was time for Yang Kun to participate in some activities. And only by increasing Yang Kun's exposure can he absorb more popularity. If he is closed all day, how can he get exposure? How can he attract popularity without exposure?

However, the best way to keep a star's popularity or increase its popularity is to keep a distance from the people. Only in this way can the people keep the star mysterious, and then make the people always want to contact their idols through various means, otherwise, it will be counterproductive.

Unfortunately, Cao Feifei and everyone present, including the whole circle, do not understand this truth.

The only thing that understands this truth is that only Zhang Xiaohua, and for this reason, Zhang Huimei's super popularity will be maintained until now. And anyone who violates this truth is doomed to perish, just like Wang Jingwen!

After making the decision, Cao Feifei couldn't help but look happy and finally had no worries. She said impatiently, "Okay, just do as you said. Recently, arrange some activities for Yang Kun to get in touch with those fans. Also, please inform as soon as possible that all ticketing channels will be opened to the public from tomorrow. This time, we are only allowed to succeed, not fail!"

Everyone's spirit doubled and took action one after another. Soon, the whole conference room was empty.

Only Cao Feifei is still sitting in the same place, with a smile on her pretty face, looking quite proud.

She would like to see how Zhang Xiaohua should fight with her?

And how can that Adu compare Yang Kun?



The next morning, Huada Entertainment.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaohua is constantly walking around the office and looking at his mobile phone from time to time. As a result, he is extremely disappointed every time.

So far, Adu has been very popular, all the equipment needed for the concert has been prepared, and even the tickets for the concert have been printed, so Zhang Xiaohua is only waiting for the good news from Sun Qingdong.

Unfortunately, Zhang Xiaohua has not received a phone call from Sun Qingdong so far.

In Zhang Xiaohua's opinion, if Sun Qingdong secretly made a fuss this time, so that Huada Entertainment can't get the lease of the workers' gymnasium, then everyone's efforts in the early stage will fail.

For this reason, Zhang Xiaohua is also restless and worried!

At this moment, Mi Jia suddenly rushed into Zhang Xiaohua's office and said anxiously, "Boss, I just received the news that New Century Entertainment has begun to sell tickets for Yang Kun's concert, which is a limited-limited discount. I heard that the sales are quite good. What should we do? Do we want to sell tickets for Adu's concert?

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaohua was even more impatient.

I have the intention to compete with New Century Entertainment, but there has been no news from Sun Qingdong, so Zhang Xiaohua really dares not take this risk.

In case the tickets for Adu's concert are sold in advance, but the result is not to take over the Workers' Stadium, the consequences are unimaginable. Maybe he will be charged with fraud. At that time, Zhang Xiaohua will be imprisoned. Who calls him the legal person of the company?

Just when Zhang Xiaohua was angry and helpless, his mobile phone suddenly rang at this time.

Seeing that it was Sun Qingdong's call, Zhang Xiaohua was immediately happy and hurriedly answered, "Hello, Chairman Sun, is there any good news?"

"Ha ha, Boss Zhang, don't be impatient. Listen to me first." Sun Qingdong's negative test sound came from the phone: "This matter is a little difficult to do. Of course, for my own face, those leaders of the General Administration of Sports will definitely sell me some favors. However, I want to buy this favor. The 2 million that Boss Zhang gave me before is not enough!"

Zhang Xiaohua finally understood that this old bastard wanted to sit on the ground and rise to the price and take this opportunity to knock himself hard again. Otherwise, it would not have been so long for him to call back.

The reason why this old bastard has dragged on for so long is that he wants to think that this matter is difficult to deal with, so that he can spend more money. But in the end, no matter how much money he spends, the money will go into Sun Qingdong's pocket alone.

As for what he said about the leaders of the General Administration of Sports, it was pure bullshit.

He is a chairman of the Sound Association, and even the people in the central government have to sell him some face. Now he just asks him for a small favor and rent a gymnasium, but he says it's difficult to lie to his mother?


Under the sky, it is true that no official is greedy, and it is difficult to fill the desire!

However, even if Zhang Xiaohua is angry, there is nothing he can do.

At present, we must take down the workers' gymnasium, otherwise all the efforts made by everyone in the early stage will instantly come to nothing, which Zhang Xiaohua will never allow!