Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 142 Wish to be single-minded, Bai Shou Mo Li

Everyone was surprised, but when they saw the blonde man raising his hand again, a bee waist woman handed over the already prepared square brocade box. The man opened the display, and the box was empty.

After the display, the man closed the brocade box again.

This time, in full view of the public, the man did not rotate and dance again. He only came forward steadily, tapped on one knee, raised his arms high, and presented the brocade box to the beautiful scenery.

"Jing girl, open it and have a look." The Empress Dowager smiled.

The beautiful scenery is half doubt and half expectation - will the white pigeon fly back to the brocade box again?

Qiu Yue almost held her breath, leaned slightly, and stared straight at the beautiful scenery to open the brocade box.

But in the box that should have been empty, something suddenly appeared. Even under the brilliant lights, it was not difficult to see that there was a bright light.

Bing took out a look - but it was a golden pigeon hairpin. Although it was small, it spread its wings like a fan. It was meticulous. The ruby decorated with pigeon's eyes was small and sprinkled with beans, but it was rich and clear, shining, making the golden pigeon like a living thing.

"This hairpin is still my dowry. Although it has been a few years, it is exquisite, and it looks suitable for girls to wear. Today, I have the right to make a birthday gift. Let's keep it." The Empress Dowager laughed.

Yijing hurriedly got up to thank him. This golden pigeon hairpin has been separated for decades, and its color is still bright. It can be seen that the empress dowager loved this thing and has only been carefully protected. The empress dowager has been collecting it for so many years. Not only the queen, but even the crown princess is reluctant to give it, but it is given to the beautiful scenery. It can be seen that the heart of love, and the value of the hairpin is really second.

Yingjing received such a valuable gift, and her aunt took the lead in launching a new round of "attack". She raised a cup of congratulations. The beautiful scenery couldn't help it. She drank red and fell into the arms of the empress dowager and shouted for help. It made the queen laugh and personally ordered a rescuer - His Royal Highness the third prince to drink.

In this way, Chunmu and others, who were still merciful at first, suddenly became active and went straight to the third prince.

The evil drinker is also serious, and those who come will not refuse, and it is not a problem.

The Empress Dowager said, "Haoxi, you have been exposed to the light of Jing's girl today, eating and drinking for a time, but you can't do without showing it."

The third prince put a cup, with a pair of flying single phoenix eyes, his eyes are gorgeous, but he can't see that both of them are dyed red. His true face does not change: "For good that I have been prepared for a long time." With a gentle high-five, I saw two women come out graceful, holding Yaoqin, wearing a white moon skirt, and the green silk fell straight down to the waist, like a weak willow supporting the wind. It was really magnificent.

The woman put the piano on the table and sat side by side, slightly raising her cheeks.

is a pair of twin pearls!

But when everyone took a closer look, they saw that they were blind and blind women.

I can't help but feel sorry.

"Grandma, these twin daughters are famous for their nobles in Kyoto. They have a Yaoqin and an oratorio. They are very wonderful and are not comparable to ordinary people." The third prince said.

The Empress Dowager looked at him an angry: "I know that you are all about this! That's all. It used to be very boring to listen to the teaching department in the court. Looking at this pair of sisters, they are still outstanding and behaved. They think that their piano and singing skills are also good, so they have made such a reputation. Jing'er is in the boudoir, and she has never seen it. Let's take it interesting.

Beautiful scenery has heard the name of Miaoyin Shuangshu, and even her parents often mention it. There is no lack of praise in her words. It seems that this pair of sisters are very lonely and blind to see things. Since birth, they have been abandoned in the temple.

After that, he was adopted by a person in Yilefang and was taught piano skills and singing skills, but he was an innocent person and never entrusted himself to the column.

Although there are also many nobles who see their beauty and want to be included in the house for storage, because the owner behind the music square seems to have something to protect the two women, and there are many noble children. The literati and elegant guests also highly respect the two sisters, which are clearly and secretly maintained, but have been innocent.

For the sisters, who were full of praise from their eldest brother, Yijing really looked forward to it. At this time, she sincerely thanked the third prince.

Naturally, the third prince smiled happily, poured a glass of wine, and glanced at Yu Yu proudly.

Unfortunately, the prince of Chu did not pay attention to the intention of the third prince, and seemed to be interested, waiting to listen to Miaoyin Shuangshu singing the piano.

The third prince suddenly felt bored and gave another high-five.

The sound of the piano comes out, or because the woman can't see it, she is trapped in the dark, but she can concentrate her mind. Although in the brightly lit hall, when the sound of the piano unfolds, the picture is on the bank of still water, the grass and vines make the prosperity empty, so that people have the illusion of their own quiet and empty valley.

It's really not vulgar, and I like it in my heart.

I heard two women speak together——

"The green dew is green, and the white dew is frost."

Although the melody is not novel, the song is as clear as the sound, separated from the ripples of the piano, which is fascinating. It seems that there is a beautiful woman in the haze of the frost fog, looking back with a smile, as if she is happy.

When the sound of the piano disappears, the singing is still winding. Everyone is fashionable and immersed in it, and even can't bear to high-five, which breaks the mood.

In the Qiluo bush, there was a moment of silence.

"It sounds good." Qiuyue couldn't help praising it again. Although the voice was not loud, it was particularly abrupt in the silence.

A palace man seemed to feel something and was immersed in it. He was shocked by this sound and fell off the wine cup, followed by a "oops" sound.

Everyone seemed to have returned to this situation from the secluded valley water. Seeing that the palace maids rose red, they didn't know what to do. The empress dowager first laughed, waved her hand first, signaled the two musicians to retreat, and immediately woke up that they didn't see them, and then said "there was a reward".

If the aunt immediately motioned the two maids of honor to serve, leading them to retreat.

"If the fifth sister thinks my gift is interesting, she has to drink this wine." The third prince raised his cup and headed for the scenery.

Yijing drank and put down the empty cup: "I can't drink any more tonight, Madam, you have to support me."

If your aunt said, "That won't work. We haven't had enough fun yet."

Seeing the sad face of beautiful scenery, the Empress Dowager was soft-hearted, so she pointed to the third prince: "You are a brother, so naturally you have to block the wine for your sister."

The third prince answered and glanced at the beautiful scenery, but saw that she was looking at herself happily. He suddenly understood that she had been fooled. However, the Empress Dowager spoke first and could not break her promise. Only to take this dark loss. His eyes turned around and saw the prince of Chu sitting on the wall and holding a hot tea. His heart was not angry, he said: " Although the son has just recovered and can't drink, today's fifth sister Fangchen, you can't show it all, can you? I have heard that the son of the world is talented, and I think it's better to come to the piano. Why don't you take today's opportunity to ask the son to play a piano song to make fun for the fifth sister and let me learn it?

This words aroused the echo of the people present - they have heard the name of the son of the world for a long time, but they have never witnessed the son of the world being displayed in public, and they are very curious.

Even the eyes of several maids in the spring and evening are bright.

The third prince really believed that his piano skills were outstanding and suddenly had a desire to compare, so he made this proposal - he didn't believe that Yu Yu could compare with himself.

After this reminder, the Empress Dowager also suddenly realized that she had never heard Yu Fuqin. Her eyes turned and saw the corners of her lips smiling, as if she had a good heart for the world. Can't help but wonder. Has the Jing girl seen it? Suddenly, I remembered my aunt's words that day, and my mind moved and proposed, "I don't know that at the Fanglin banquet this spring, Jing girl's Yaoqin was shocked and won the leader of the piano art. Today's opportunity is rare. It's better to perform a song with Yuan'er."

As soon as this was said, the third prince's heart immediately sank, and his fist on his knees tightened - the Empress Dowager's meaning was really optimistic about Yu Yu and this girl? This is very unfavorable! I was very sorry that I had nothing to do, but I had to force a smile. When I saw Yijing and Yu Yu looking at each other, they seemed to be stunned and became more and more confused.

The tacit understanding between the two is too dazzling!

He still doesn't know the mood of Yu Yu and Yingjing at this time——

When they once had knotted and did not have piano and ming, although both of them were good at piano and had heard each other's stroking the piano, they never played together because one person always avoided it.

The sour emotions are permeated in their hearts.

After a short period of stunned, beautiful scenery has shown his face: "I'm afraid that my brother will dislike my strange piano skills."

Yu Yu also woke up immediately and smiled: "The fifth sister is too modest."

In that life, he attracted her as a bosom friend, but it was just wishful thinking.

There has been a case of palace people setting up a piano for a long time, and they are still side by side.

Yu Yu took the lead in resigning, and looked at the clear black eyes of the girl who came from the style. Her fingertips twirled gently and scratched her heart. There was a strong bitterness, but it also washed away a trace of excitement, and gradually there was joy.

The scenery sat down, looked down between the seven strings, and was stunned for a moment.

What song should we play together?

Isn't it? Should we discuss it?

The idea has not been decided yet. The teenager around him has already pointed to the string. Between picking, it turned out to be a song "White Head Sing".

It was made by Wei Yuan, so he knew that she must be familiar with it.

Yu Yu lowered his eyes and remembered Wei Yuan's original intention of raising this song - the woman in the world, to the wise heart of Pei Wenjun, what kind of woman she was? When she knew her husband's empathy, she did not cry or resent, and gave her a white head chant - "I would like to get a person with one heart, and the white head will not be separated" The original wish was How beautiful and simple it is. When she met Changqing, Wenjun thought that her wish had come true - "I heard that you have two intentions, so she came to make a decision." Therefore, he received a letter from one to ten to ten million, only "no memory". When he learned that Changqing changed his heart, the desire to be inseparable finally became a mirror. The two of them In the past, no matter how much he cherished or missed it, Wenjun thought that he must be heartbroken, but he was unwilling to compromise. Therefore, he came to make a decision, firm and decisive, and really free-free - "Try to add meals and don't miss concubines, brocade soup, and the long secret with you". He did not cry, did not cry and stay. Instead, he advised Changqing to take care of yourself, and don't worry about it. , enough to make the seven-foot man who changed his mind hide his face.

Therefore, Wei Yuan composed music for Baitou, and there was no sad sound.

Just like Wenjun in those years, he never tried his best to save it.

At this time, Yu Yu came because of his mind-

Who said that the crack was born and was difficult to make up for it? At the beginning, when Changqing's love changed, Wenjun chanted with a white head and a paper of decisive book, which made Changqing feel ashamed. Like waking up from a dream, the two finally brought together and lived together until the impermanence of life and death, and separated it.

Yijing, I want to tell you that mistakes and regrets can be made up for. Just like me, I have already let go of you, so don't feel guilty. If you are not willing to make up for it and continue our relationship, we can also start all over again. I just can't accept the reluctance. In that way, we can't be happy, can we be happy? Do you want to continue to suffer after living a new life?

Can you understand my voice?

Although Wei Yuan did not intend to spread this song to the world, Yijing naturally knew the deep meaning of this song.

The mind is full of ups and downs——

The flawed past may not be happy in the end, or it is doomed, just like she never thought that she would share with him at such a hasty time, but he chose this song again.

It's too late to think about why it's this song.

Because his piano sound gradually slowed down, her fingertips finally stroked the strings. Although she had never communicated, she seemed to have a good heart.

The corners of Yu's lips gradually stretched, although she knew that she would not easily let go of her shame.

However, she should understand the meaning of the song. After making a break, she may start again, just like Wenjun and Changqing, just like you and me.

Bin scenery, there is still a long time, I will try again, at this time, make up my mind.

One day, if you don't want to let go, just like my obsession, then we will be together.