Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 143 A promise, two generations of entanglement

Except for the two people who caressed this piano song, the rest of them have never heard of it. Naturally, they don't know what it means.

However, because Yu and Yijing's piano skills are superb, and each has their own emotions, the interpretation seems to have been carefully arranged, like mountains and flowing water, and bosom friend meets.

In addition to the joy, the Empress Dowager's eyes stayed in the pair of children, which was even more meaningful.

The third prince was anxious and couldn't calm down. He didn't realize that he drank several drinks by himself. His eyebrows floated slightly, and the haze was dark.

When the sound of the piano gradually stopped, the two people looked at each other and smiled again.

The third prince's palm tightened and almost broke the jade cup.

But he smiled and praised repeatedly: "The piano art of the son is really wonderful. I am willing to bow down."

The Empress Dowager also stroked her hands. When Yu Yu and Yijing returned to their seats, she held a person in one hand: "I haven't heard of this song, but you two are very familiar with it. I don't know why?"

Yu Yu smiled and said, "It's what Brother Wei wrote. I measured that the fifth sister is a senior student, and I must be familiar with it. Sure enough."

The Empress Dowager nod: "I also said that you were ready to rehearsed first."

The third prince was unwilling, raised his eyebrows and looked at the expression between Yu Yu and Meijing. Although they didn't have much communication, they only looked at each other by chance. Although their sight was only slightly touched, it was not difficult to see that the feelings were subtle. The third prince became more and more impatient and drank the mellow wine in his abdomen. He only felt dirty as if he had been ignited. It was burning in her throat, but at this time, the Empress Dowager proposed to sit and fight for wine. It's better to make an order. If the aunt invited herself to be an official, it was also an easy-to-understand dice order. The officer shook the dice and the whole seat was left to guess the points. If he didn't win, he would drink by himself, and the official would drink a huge cup.

Because it was two dice, in the extreme difficulty, the official naturally took advantage of it, and the third prince had to shoulder the wine of the scenery, drank the most, and then he was in a bad mood. No matter how much he was, he couldn't support it after a few rounds. Gradually, his tongue was dazzled and he fell down.

After all, the empress dowager was old. When she sat until the end of the beginning of the year, she also felt tired. Seeing that the third prince was difficult to support, she first got up and resigned and told the palace maidservants to accompany the scene to have fun, but they could not be drunk. Under the supervision of the son of the world and control the overall situation, she let the waiter come in and helped the third prince to leave first.

As soon as the Empress Dowager left, the palace people completely had no restraint and changed the order again. They still rolled the dice, but it was a general order. Everyone took turns to shake the point and got four as the commanders, until there were two commanders of A and B. The two commanders guessed their fists. The winner points one person as the general, the loser points one person to fight, and the two generals will guess the boxing again. The loser drinks until one side is defeated. No one can choose. The handsome man will fight in person. If he loses, he will drink a big cup, and another big cup will be placed, and the loser will drink it.

Because Yu Yu couldn't drink, and beautiful scenery also said that he couldn't drink anymore, the two became onlookers. They saw that the emotions of the beaucies on the table were high, and they straightened their sleeves and shouted, but they were not happy.

After another half an hour, Yu Wei put on his cloak and left the acacia hall first without acquiry.

It didn't take long for a man to enter and laugh and invite the scenery out.

If my aunt saw that Chunmu and others were in a good way, she didn't disturb them. She just went out by herself and told several palace people to turn on the wind lanterns to accompany them.

"Where is this?" As soon as the beautiful scenery came out of the Hehuan Hall, he saw Yu standing under a red leaf. The shadow of the lamp was in a trance on his warm jade-like face and shone with a bright smile. So he approached closely. Yu didn't say much. He just turned around and walked to the winding path. The two walked side by side for a while, and the beautiful scene couldn't help asking.

In front of him, several palace people held windlights and never turned around.

Behind him, Ruo's aunt and a palace man were ten steps behind and did not follow closely.

Yu looked back and suddenly stretched out his hand and clenched the girl's fingers: "It's dark and the road is dark, and the road under my sister is careful." Down the not steep stone steps, she felt that she was not surprised by his sudden behavior, but naturally responded. The two palms were close and the fingers were tightly wrapped together. He smiled gently, "I haven't given a gift yet. Did the fifth sister let go easily?"

"Didn't you say that I was already surprised by my brother's plan for tonight's dinner."

"You already guessed it, didn't you?" Yu Yu smiled and said, "They are really working hard today."

Yi Jing was ashamed: "I should have guessed it early, but I still realized it until after the meal that the Empress Dowager invited me to enjoy the moon..."

"Fifth sister, I will remember today." He suddenly said.

Yi Jing's heart sank and throbbed softly. He couldn't help looking at his eyes. Sure enough, he was looking sideways, and his eyes were the light and shadow of the palace lamp shaking on the red leaf Kezhi.

"May it be the same every year."

Year after year, this day will work hand in hand with you to spend your birthday.

Yi Jing raised her cheek slightly and kept looking into the bottom of his eyes - again, when she met again, he was still as gentle as before, but she really didn't know what was good about her and was worth it.

"Brother, why are you..." I couldn't help blurring out that I found out that I had lost my temper. Ijing quickly avoided my eyes and bit the corners of my lips.

"May the fifth sister's birthday be today, so happy and worry-free." Yu Yu said that there were some reasons. Before she was sure of her intention, it was also burdensome to tell her, and he would patiently wait until that day.

Through the flower garden and out of the south gate, until the Canjing Pavilion.

Still on, the top layer.

If my aunt had already ordered the palace man to wait for you, she followed, but she only waited under the eaves outside the cabinet and stood on her back.

Yu Yu pulled the scenery until under the window.

This room palace lamp is made of plain silk, with green bamboo on it, or straight, hanging on the beam, with a total of 13 postures repeated.

Looking at the beautiful scenery, the mood in my heart is even more complicated: "Is it painted by Brother Yuan himself?"

"That day, the fifth sister asked me why I didn't draw bamboo, because I was worried about the limited brush, but when I knew that the fifth sister loved bamboo and barely drew it, the fifth sister didn't despise my rough brush." The clouds were still light and the wind was clear, and Yu smiled warmly.

"That day, I was thinking that if Sha Tinke couldn't draw bamboo, no one would dare to draw it today." Yijing paced and watched one by one, full of regret: "It's a pity that these can't be brought back."

"Hang here is also as a souvenir. The fifth sister should remember that she spent her birthday in Tangquan Palace, or after a few years, she had the opportunity to visit the old place again. If there were these lamps at that time, the fifth sister would also remember today's celebration." Yu Yu stood by the window and watched her stop and look up. Under the light, her cheeks were like magnolia. He unconsciously put his palms behind him before he endured and was ready to move: "If the fifth sister wants the bamboo I drew, why is it difficult to just open her mouth in the future?"

"Then thank you first. Brother Yu, don't break your promise."

"The previous birthday gift of the fifth sister is very valuable. Even if I still have thousands of pieces, I'm afraid it's hard to resist."

That painting is really nothing, compared with what you gave.

But this sentence is hard to say.

"Why did Brother Yuan play that song "White Head" today?" Originally, it was a hasty topic, but it was also a doubt since then. However, when Yijing asked, her heart was getting faster and faster, but she couldn't tell whether it was worried or expecting it.

Yu's eyes sank and turned to look at the dark night.

"Brother said that throughout the ages, among thousands of women, the person he admires the most is Wenjun. I deeply believe that for her 'wish to win the purity of being a single-minded person and never leave each other', for her decisiveness to 'to hear that you have different intentions, so they come to make a decision', and for her tolerance and for her tolerance, I am thinking that Changqing is really lucky. How many people, Once missed, it can't be recovered, but Wenjun gave him a chance.

God has also given us a chance to seize the scenery, would you like to seize it with me?

"So, on a whim, I played this song. I don't know what the fifth sister thinks of these two people?" Although he has been depressed, he still can't stand it in such a situation and wants to give her a hint.

"It's a blessing for Changqing to meet Wenjun." She slowly stepped out of the shadow of the lamp and slowly returned to his side. Following his eyes behind his back, she looked at the dark night. There was still no moon, only a few vague stars: "I think that one day, when they have to be separated from life and death, with regret, because of the betrayal, they have always owed Changqing. I don't know if he will regret it. The wavering of that thought made the should be flawless and left a crack that cannot be ignored. If I am him, I should regret it. Although I have tried hard to make up for it, the damage has always been caused. Compared with Wen Jun, Changqing is the one who owes after all.

So at this time, Yijing thought that she would be luckier than Changqing. Maybe she could completely make up for the regret before the damage was caused.

"If Baitouyin is accusing Changqing, then Wenjun's farewell book is to gently express her feelings. This is also a point that I admire Wenjun deeply. When a good person changes her heart, she is not entangled, but she does not give up. She is honest with her feelings. She is willing to fight for it to maintain respect. In a strict way, she retained it with the final determination. In the end, Changqing changed her mind. She accepted it tolerantly and still did not give up. She did not accept sympathy, did not accept force, and did not punish each other by torturing each other. In such a smart and decisive way, she found happiness. Looking back, Yu Yu looked into Yijing's eyes: "She only accepts sincerity, but not reluctantly. Changqing's return is due to a change of heart, so Wen Jun can let go of his arms. Although their story has protection, there is no regrets." This is the only thing I can accept. If you want to come back, please don't just make atonement.

He looked at her knuckles held in the window lattice and gradually grasped her beautiful eyebrows, which seemed to tremble slightly by the wind. She did not respond to his gaze and seemed to be meditating.

Binting the scenery, put down your resentment and guilt, can you face your heart?

Gently put his hand on the window lattice, close to her. Yu Yu smiled and silently stood side by side with him.

A not sharp muffled sound sounded far away in the endless night outside the window. Under the dark clouds, a brilliant and red spark suddenly scattered, but it did not wait to die out. With the muffled sound, there were continuous golden flowers and silver flames in turn.

A large dark night sky is so bright and lively.

It's fireworks!

After a brief pause, Jingjing's eyes were a little confused, and the moment was full of brilliance.

She suddenly looked at his smiling eyes, full of disbelief.

A trace of memory suddenly became clear. Celebrating the ten-year Lantern Festival night, he said that at this time next year, he would like to swim with you and watch the fireworks.

"Stupid girl, don't tell me you've never seen fireworks." He reached out and rubbed the top of her hair, pretending not to understand her shock.

"That's the same. There are fireworks during the Lantern Festival, but today, this is for me alone." Her bright eyes are full of childishness, which hides her complex mood.

"Don't look at me with such grateful eyes. In fact, this is the arrangement of the Empress Dowager. I'm just an executor." He lied. In fact, the fireworks were his proposal, and the Empress Dowager only approved it.

It seems that she can't wait to see this brief splendor with her. She should also remember that he didn't fulfill the promise. Originally, she thought that she would not care, but her joy at this time, shining so brightly in her eyes, came from her heart.

No regret, because of the scenery, what I gave is finally what you want.

"These are not my birthday gifts for you." But reluctantly withdrew his palm and only his eyes still sank into her eyes: "Five sister, I promise you without any restrictions. No matter when, no matter what, as long as you propose, I will satisfy you."

This is a gift that I dare not give in the last life, because I'm afraid. Your wish just wants me to let you go.

But in this life, I seem to have the confidence to give you this gift.

"Five sister, please make good use of it." Yu Yu fell slightly and blew the words into her ears at a subtle distance.

Out of the window, the fire trees and silver flowers, and candle shadows between the beams shake red, and the glorious embroidery pavilion here. At this time, the night is quiet. Although they do not hold hands, they have concentric hearts - and the brilliant fireworks will always return to silence, but the fireworks of this night will bloom in our memory until the end of the world, and the green mountains are boundless.

——The end of Volume 1——