Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 179 The truth is really shocking

Recalling that Su Ke was not dissatisfied and did not reject Li when he learned that he would marry a civilian.

Because I remember seeing her for the first time, those timid clear eyes can be seen thoroughly at a glance. There is no obscurity and care, only clean and pure, just like a mountain stream.

Unlike those noble girls, her whole body is shrouded in timid and humble light and shadow, which makes people feel pity.

He wants to protect her, have children with him, grow old together, and no longer live in timidity and humbleness.

But later, how did she gradually forget her original intention and never realized that the reason why she became so unruly and capricious was all out of inferiority.

In this rich country, she is an outsider. Perhaps any cold look and a mockery will remind her that everything she has not belonged to her.

Why did he never find that behind her domineering, she was afraid of losing.

Su Qi was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chen. This woman, who has been his concubine for several years, has not even looked at her. Her expression is slightly relaxed, but her vigilance still remains, so there is really no warmth in her tone: "What is the meaning of what you said today?"

Chen smiled faintly: "If the maid said that in the past few years, it is the most happy life of the maidservant's concubine in this life, and the second master is afraid not to believe it."

"But indeed, the maidservant was originally just a maidservant raised by a merchant. In the future, it can be seen that it is just a plaything that can be used to seek benefits and change hands at will. Fortunately, she entered the government. Although she has never been favored by the second master, because of the maintenance of her wife, she has no worries about food and clothing, and is not humiliated. Satisfied... The maidservant is self-aware and dare not ask for too much. I only hope that her life can be self-sufficient, free from insults and ridicule, and not be forced by hunger and cold... The maidservant begged the second master to send the maidservant to the farm. In the future, she can also be rich in food and clothing by relying on her own strength.

Chen's resolute desire to hover his heart for a long time and knelt on the ground.

She never asked for a man's favor, let alone Xiao thought that she would get unwavering love. These are too luxurious for her. What she asks for is nothing more than that. One day, she will be able to live on her own and live in this world. It's not just a plaything or an accessory. Maybe she may not be respected by others, at least she will not despise it. Myself.

One night, after Chen left, Su Ke finally returned to Canglangyuan.

The maid on duty at night heard the low voice of Leight's soft choking and comforting with the second master in the room.

The next day, Su Ke and Li went to Yuanying Hall to greet each other. Such a scene made the people in the inner house all tongues. Even the eldest princess was very puzzled. Seeing that the husband and wife made up as before, they felt comforted.

Su Ke mentioned Chen's request to go: "In her son's opinion, she should be really like this. She was born alone and was originally not easy. It was rare to have such a self-love, so she discussed with her wife. It's better to give her a farm house to help her set up a female family and get rid of her lowly citizenship. In the future, marriage can be smoother. ."

The eldest princess thought for a while and felt very inappropriate, but still rejected Su Ke's proposal: "You originally planned for Chen, but she is a lonely and weak woman. Even if she set up a female household, it is difficult to guarantee that she will not be bullied by malicious people. It's better to let her get rid of her cheap status and live in the village under us for the time being. When she finds a suitable and safe family in the future, she will be given a farm house when she has shelter.

So this matter came to a conclusion. Only some servants talked about it, which was a little surprised. There were many people who said that Li crossed the river and demolished the bridge. However, after the third wife Xu heard the words, she secretly nods and praised Aunt Chen as a rare understanding person. She also heard that before Chen's visit, He sent her some satin money. Although he didn't say anything, he told Qi Niang: "In the future, you should be closer to your fourth sister and fifth sister. Don't lead your third brother and fourth brother to make trouble all day long, like a wild girl."

In the evening, she mentioned the disturbance of the second room with the third master, and praised the fourth mother and the scenery: "It's still the four girls who are reasonable. If it hadn't been for her repeated persuading the second sister-in-law, maybe the second sister-in-law could really be deceived and do irreparable things. There are also five girls, who are so meticulous at such a young age. It's just two small things. If Being me, I'm afraid I won't be careful, but she can detect something strange. She first gave it to the elders and set up a trap waiting for the murderer to step in. With such a mental mind, it's a pity that she was born as a daughter.

As soon as he heard Xu mention the second room, Su Yi patted his forehead again and complained that he was dizzy. Unexpectedly, he forgot what the second brother had told him earlier: "It's the second mother's marriage, and the second brother took a fancy to the Zhou family."

"Is it the third sister's husband's house?" Xu asked.

The third sister of Xu's mother compatriots married the precious Zhou family of the previous dynasty. Although she is a family, it is not prominent in Dalong. At present, Xu's third brother-in-law is only the head of the ceremonial department and is already the highest official of the Zhou family. Nevertheless, the foundation of the Wang clan is still there, and he will not wrong the second mother.

Seeing Su's nodding, Xu was a little embarrassed: "Although Shu'er is good, I know the third sister's temperament. She is a little picky and too much. I'm afraid that the second mother will become her daughter-in-law and avoid disputes in the future. If it were the fourth mother, there would be no such worries at all."

Su Yi smiled and said, "The second brother also knows the temperament of the second mother. It's not the book, but the four sons of the brother-in-law's family."

Xu then understood that the Silang of Zhou's house was 19 years old, but his mother died of illness three years ago. Silang's temperament was very gentle, and there would be no mother-in-law above him. However, he was the most suitable for the second mother, so he agreed to find an opportunity to inform the third sister first and let her match it.

She also said that although the truth of the murder case in the secluded court has been revealed, she has always been a little uneasy. She doesn't know if Dr. Hu's diagnosis is strange and did not let Sanshun stop watching.

Yijing just had lunch, and Xia Ke hurriedly lifted the curtain in. Yijing saw that her face was full of self-reproach, and her heart was tight.

It turned out that earlier, Xia Ke's mother came to Luqingyuan and said that Sanshun had something important to report. At this time, he was on the horse farm. Xia Ke could not disturb the master's meal. He went to see his brother first before he learned such a thing.

"My brother even said that it was because of his negligence that he only stared at the housekeeper Song. He didn't expect that there would be anything wrong with the housekeeper Song and the depressed poor man. If he hadn't gone outside Dr. Hu's clinic today and saw the man coming to the door, he wouldn't have doubt that the housekeeper Song contacted Dr. Hu through him." Xia Ke is very depressed.

After a detailed question, he finally understood the beginning and end of the matter.

Since Sanshun got her instructions, he asked Lamei to pay attention to Mother Song. He only stared at Song's housekeeper and found that Song spoke often had dealings with some people in the market and played with money and drinking when he was idle. One of them called Sun depressed.

This man was probably in his first year and never married. It is said that Jinyang came from Lingnan. Because he thought he had some skills, he wanted to be a staff member of the government office, but he was repeatedly rejected - this sun's first choice was the Duke of Wei. After several posts, Duke Wei also saw him. Generally speaking, he thought that Sun Luobo had nothing to do. He only had a mouth full of bragging, so he only gave him 20 taels of money and sent him away.

The Sun was still unwilling to go sideways, so he met Song Yi.

But naturally there is no result. I only became a bad friend with Song.

Sun Luoqi had no way to go, but he did not want to leave Jinyang. Under the "funding" of Song Sha, he temporarily lived in a room in a city outside the city, and sometimes wrote letters and wrote letters for others to earn a few dollars.

Song spoke sometimes invites him to drink and eat meat, and his feelings are very reliable.

Sanshun inquired about these clearly and did not notice anything strange.

Today, when I went to ask him about the beggars he arranged around Dr. Hu's clinic, he happened to see Sun enter the clinic.

As soon as I asked, the beggars said that this person had been here two or three times, because they did not know it and regarded him as a doctor and asked for medical treatment, so there was no feedback.

"Wuniang, did you say that this Sun Luoluo was instructed by Housekeeper Song?" Xia Ke was very sorry. He thought that if she had found something strange earlier, maybe Chanjuan would not have died, and the fetus in Aunt Mei's womb would not have a child.

"I'm afraid it's difficult to prove it now." Yijing sighed: "Even if Mother Song really bribed Dr. Hu and let him make a mistake, Aunt Mei has had a misbirth and can no longer be verified."

Dr. Hu will not be so stupid, ruining his future and talking about his "misdiagnosis".

But Yijing suddenly remembered something and quickly told Xia Ke: "Tell Sanshun quickly and let him find a way to take the pawn shopkeeper to see Sun's downfall."

The result is——

On that day, the person who took the picture to the pawnshop to redeem the orchid hairpin of Yichen was this sun!

There is no doubt about the matter. It must have been Song Spoke who sent Sun to bribe Dr. Hu and let him make a diagnosis that Mei will eventually have a misculation. Therefore, Mother Song did not waste her efforts and did not provoke her face to face, which made Mei's mind confused. Finally, she took such a step to kill people!

Mother Song's move will not fall behind and almost achieved her goal.

Moreover, since the orchid hairpin finally fell into the hands of the third prince, it also shows that Mother Song should be connected with the third prince...

This recognition shocked the scenery.

M Mother Song's malice and ability have exceeded her understanding and made her regret.

still underestimated his opponent, knowing that Mami Song's malice was not only aimed at herself, so he could not put her to death, and wanted to find out Mami Song's strangeness, so he had been tolerant of it.

Bing Jing couldn't help hitting the case hard and gritted his teeth.

Grandmother once said that she had lived and died with Mother Song and never regarded her as a servant. It was because of this that beautiful scenery thought that she wanted to put Mother Song to death. It was not enough to prove that the death of Yinjiao was her behind her back.

Although Lamei has found that Ba Niang's wet nurse who followed Aunt Zhang to the farm has found Mother Song several times, and took the risk to hear that Mother Jiang's children are now at Song's house in Ninghai.

No wonder Mother Jiang will do this for the safety of her children.

Yi Jing initially planned or could design to get Mother Jiang's children out of danger. Although she did not have the ability, she could entrust Du Yuniang to act. She should first hold the hostage in her own hands, and then coerced Mother Jiang to be honest...

But in this way, although the grandmother can see through Mother Song's face and will no longer trust her, it is likely that she will forgive her life because of the old feelings. Once Mother Song leaves Jinyang and returns to Ninghai, with family protection, beautiful scenery can no longer take her life.

I'm afraid it's difficult to find out the strange things behind Mother Song because of what is malicious to the government.

Bingjing is unwilling, and it is also true that it is not necessarily a hidden danger to let Mother Song retreat.

After several hesitations, I decided to put up with it for the time being.

However, it was because of her bad idea that Chanjuan died innocently and gave birth to Aunt Mei.

After all, he still failed to keep his second uncle's children, which made Ying very guilty.

And what worries her more is that if her grandmother does not defend Mother Song, she is afraid that there will be more disasters.

But what should be done to let Mother Song get the rightful end and completely eliminate this scourge.

I didn't wait for the scenery to come up with a solution, but there was another "bad news"--

Huang's Wuniang in Jianning Houfu suffered from a disease. After being diagnosed by the imperial doctor, it turned out to be a pimple!