Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 180 Acne Disease, or Conspiracy

There is a folk proverb that "only half of the baby is born, and the flowers will be finished", and the word "pox" will not only make ordinary people be facing great enemies, even if they are noble families and even the heirs of the royal family, there are many lives that die of this disease. Its threat is no less than diseases such as "plague", "cholera" and leprosy.

Although there was a "acne clothing method" for children's immunity in Dongming, there are still few people who may successfully cause mild acne, the success rate is very low, and there are civilians who are unable to seek medical treatment who dare not blindly immunize according to "rumors", so this method can only be rich families or tried.

For example, all the men and women in the Duke of Wei have tried the "acne clothing method" vaccination, but the only successful ones are Su Yu and Yijing, the brothers and sisters.

The eldest princess once sighed - how about Jiang Yue and the scenery? The two children were originally predestined, and the age difference was no more than half a year. At the same time, they were vaccinated with "acne clothes" and all of them became successful.

It is reported that the more the "pox" comes out with age, the more threatening it is to life.

When she heard that Huang's Wu Niang was suffering from acne, Yijing's heart was fiercely distressed.

The two princesses of the former emperor Taizong died of acne at the age of fourteen or five, and the concubines who took care of the princess also died of the infection - this was still in the well-prepared court, which caused panic for a while, which was enough to show the danger of the disease.

However, if there are children suffering from "pox" in the world, they have to move to the suburban epidemic place for isolation and cannot hide their illness. Therefore, they can't hide the illness. However, because she is the imperial concubine, she has a precious status, so she does not need to send them to the "epidemic center", but they have to move out of the inner city and send them to the courtyard of Houfu for treatment.

Many people sighed when they heard the words - the Yunyou monk really said that Huang's Wuniang's fate was not expensive. Seeing that the wedding date was approaching, she went out behind closed doors but suffered a great disaster.

When I heard the bad news, my intuition was that this matter was by no means so simple - the fifth cousin had never had this evil disease in her previous life. Why did she suffer this tragic disaster when her marriage changed in this life?

She can't stand by, because if she hadn't changed her destiny, this wouldn't have happened.

At present, I went to Yuanying Hall and lifted the curtain to enter. I happened to hear half a sentence from Mother Song--

"Mrs. Houfu has fallen ill, and the lady is not in good health."

Yingjing hurried inside and was concerned about asking.

Only then did I know that the eldest princess first listened to the rumors and sent Mother Song to the waiting house to inquire, and then she knew the details.

Originally, a few days ago, the two maids around Huang Wuniang were a little depressed and suddenly warm and cold, as if they had suffered from the wind and cold. Mrs. Hou quickly isolated people. She was also worried that Huang Wuniang would be infected and invited the doctor to come and have a look. She also suspected that the maid was cold. Unexpectedly, after a day, Wu Niang was a little hot, so she invited too Medical treatment is just a wind chill.

Not wanting to see that last night, one of the maids began to have a high fever, and her heart was red, and her fingers were hot. Only the middle finger was cold, and the inner socket in the ear also gradually had "pox". The servant who took care of the maid didn't know it well. She quickly sent it in and asked the doctor to see it again, and said that she had "pox" and said that she had "pox".

Jianning was anxious and invited the imperial doctor to see her overnight, but the imperial doctor did not dare to confirm the diagnosis. It was not until he saw the situation of the maid that Wu Niang was infected.

"That is, overnight, Wu Niang has a high fever and has begun to have sores on her body. There is no doubt that it is a pimple." Mother Song sighed: "After Hou Ye's face this morning, the emperor asked the imperial doctor to diagnose and treat it with all his heart, but the acne was a malignant disease and did not dare to be careless. After all, he still moved the fifth lady to the other garden, referring to Dr. Wang, who is already the best at this disease. I only hope that God bless Wu Niang can get through this disaster safely."

"In this way, it was the two maids who got the pimples first, and then they passed the disease." The eldest princess frowned slightly: "But the maid of the boudoir also rarely steps out of the inner house, and where did she get infected with the disease?"

The beautiful scenery sat aside and listened, and there was also such doubts in her heart.

"Isn't it? The old slave also asked several wives of the Hou's house, and they all said that no one had expected that since the appearance of the Yunshui monk last year, the maid in Wu Niang's yard, not to mention the inner house, not even the courtyard door, where is the chance of getting sick? But the doctor also said that the poison of this acne was originally in the human body. Even if there is no external inducement, it will attack by itself. Fortunately, the sixth lady used to go to talk with her sister. After only Fanglin banquet, Mrs. Hou's mother took Liu Niang to Cangzhou because of her birthday. She was not at home so she was not infected. There was also a Qi Niang who received acne clothes when she was a child, but it was unimped. Fortunately, she did not spread the disease. Mother Song said again.

Hearing this, the eldest princess only said that it was really a disaster. She ordered Mother Song to pay attention to it day by day and saw the beautiful scenery. Then she persuaded her: "Doctor Wang once stayed in the epidemic workshop and cured the pimples. Since the emperor asked him to treat your fifth cousin, it is still a little successful."

Yi Jing suspected that Huang Wuniang's illness was caused by people's "calculation", but it was not easy to suspect for no reason, and whether it was her grandmother or her aunt, she had made a lot of precautions over the past few days. I don't know where the mistake was. If this matter was really related to the third prince, the imperial doctor was not safe. He was worried and only said his own eyes. His lower body was ready, but he never thanked the prince and Jiang Wei in person and asked to go to the king's mansion of Chu.

She was really worried. She just wanted to let the son of the world strive for Mr. Qinggu to treat his cousin, at least to determine whether it was a disease or some kind of "sinpoison".

Coincidentally, at this time, Jiang Wei also came to Guan Suiyuan to talk to rib, but the prince went to the front hall because of "discussions" with foreign guests. Guan Suiyuan's bodyguards and maids had been instructed to welcome her to the flower hall without neglect the beautiful scenery.

After the last "poisoning" incident, even Qiu Yue's attitude towards Jiang Wei has greatly changed. Therefore, although Yijing thanked Jiang Wei and thanked her for saving her life, Jiang Wei still had a lukewarm attitude. Qiu Yue was not as "indignant" as before, and even Jiang Wei said that she had something to talk to Yijing alone. When Qiu Yue and Xia Ke avoided, the two maids did not feel that it was rude. They just waited for Yijing to nod and signal, so they went out of the flower hall and followed the ribs to prepare tea.

"Wuniang, why do you have to be polite? Your elders have given a heavy gift." Jiang Wei did not say anything and said softly, "For ordinary people born in the mountains, we have never dared to expect wealth."

It turned out that in order to thank the Jiang family for their life-saving kindness to the scenery, even if she understood that the father and daughter of the Jiang family were not greedy for wealth, she would naturally not say anything. Considering that Mr. Qinggu had just entered the official position, even the house was hastily rented, which was very simple, so she bought another one for them. A house with three in and three exits was fully furnished, thinking that it was a "thank you". Jiang Qinggu saw that the government was full of sincerity, and it was not easy to refuse it again and again, so he had to accept it with a smile.

Yijing knew that Jiang Wei didn't care about these belongings, but she really didn't know how to repay it. She also expected that Miss Jiang would sneer at her gratitude.

"How can Awei's life-saving kindness be thanked with gold and silver? That house is just the heart of the elders... If there is anything difficult for Awei in the future, I need to do my best. Don't take care of it." The gratitude of the scenery was originally sincere.

But Jiang Wei raised her eyebrows slightly: "Really? No matter what, as long as I speak, you can do it?" When he said, "You must try your best", Jiang Wei hooked the corners of her lips: "If one day, if I let you stay away from the son of the world, can you do it?"

Outside the flower hall, Yu Yu, who had just walked around from the porch, heard this sentence through the door, and his footsteps suddenly stagnated. With one hand in front of his waist and the other behind his back, he gradually clenched with the moment of silence in the hall.

Jiang Wei was straightforward, and in the end, it was still a little unexpected. At this time, the woman's expression of "affecacy" was mostly implicit. She and Jiang Wei were not close friends, and she couldn't even talk about it well. She never thought that Jiang Wei would put forward this request unabashedly.

She didn't know that the silence at this moment made a separated teenager almost hold his breath.

Finally, I heard a sentence--

"I can't do it." Yu Yu's palm was relieved and undisguised.

In the flower hall, the scenery clearly saw the irony of Jiang Wei's eyes and sighed gently: "I'm too hypocritical. No wonder Awei disdained it."

"You can speak bluntly, but it's not hypocritical to the end." Jiang Wei's heart was slightly gloomy. In this way, it was not in vain about his feelings for you. After all, she said, "Wuniang doesn't need to feel that you owe me. The reason why I saved you is all because the five women ask for entrustment. Whether the fifth mother wants to repay kindness or thank you, she has to pay tribute to the son. As for me, I will naturally remember this kindness on the son. There is always a time to ask him for repayment.

The flower hall was quiet again. Jiang Wei was too lazy to speak, slightly sideways, and the beautiful scenery could not go down. Between her eyes, her eyebrows were very sad.

Yu Wei stood outside for a while and continued to step forward when he saw several maids coming this way with tea.

In fact, he had already expected the intention of Yijing today. When he saw that she wanted to stop talking, he smiled with relief and didn't ask much, just said, "I already know."

nodded slightly to avoid those polite words. When they saw the ribs presented with refreshments, they signaled her to leave the flower hall. This time, Qiu Yue and Xia Ke left with the ribbed without waiting for instructions. The three maids left and right to the bottom of the steps, and could no longer hear the words of the three people in the flower hall.

"After today's meeting, I happened to meet the third highness to enter the palace to seek medical treatment, and then I knew that the fifth wife of the house was suffering from a bad disease." Yu Yu first pensed tea and handed Jiang Wei a cup of tea. Seeing that Yijing seemed to be looking forward to it, he shook his head slightly: "I know what the fifth sister is worried about, but Mr. Qinggu is a judge of the hospital and is responsible for the health of the dragon's body. This time, there is nothing I can do."

The scenery is a little frustrating.

She should have thought that the imperial doctor in the palace has a great responsibility, and the disease suffered by her cousin is an extremely dangerous "evil epidemic". If it were an ordinary person, she could not even ask the imperial doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The prince said bluntly that Qinggu was responsible for the holy dragon body, so it was even more impossible to bear the risk of being infected by the "epidemic". However, as soon as she heard that the third prince entered the palace to "retreat a doctor "It is inevitable to become more uneasy: "Is that Dr. Wang invited by the Third Highness?"

"Doctor Wang was originally responsible for the daily safety of the concubine and had the experience of curing acne. The emperor should be based on this reason that he was ordered to treat the wife of the waiting house." Yu Yu pondered slightly: "As for whether he is reliable or not, I dare not guarantee it."

In Jiang Wei's eyes, she couldn't help but feel more and bitter about this tacit dialogue between the two. Although she was present, she also heard the words clearly, but she didn't understand the meaning at all.

Yi Jing noticed that Jiang Wei frowned and quickly explained carefully what she was worried about.

Jiang Wei suddenly realized: "Wu Niang is worried that your cousin is not suffering from illness, but because of poisoning?"

Yu Yu also asked, "As far as A Wei knows, can this kind of yin poison make people show acne?"

"I've never heard of it, but I can't guarantee it." Jiang Wei was originally very concerned about all kinds of poisonous herbs and medicinal properties. Hearing this, she was a little curious: "But if I can participate in the diagnosis and treatment, at least I can find out whether it is a disease or poison."

Yu's eyes lit up: "A Wei is willing to treat the wife of Houfu?"

Bizang is a little worried: "The acne is a vicious epidemic and extremely contagious. Although I don't know the medical science, I have also heard that the doctor was slightly negligent and became incurable..."

At this time, Jiang Wei could also see that Yijing was really worried about her and smiled: "I was vaccinated with the 'pox clothing method' when I was a child. There is no need to worry. As long as you have a way for me to treat your cousin, although I dare not guarantee that I can recover, at least I can judge whether she is poisoned."

At this point, it is about the safety of her cousin. It is rare that Jiang Wei can be willing to help. If you don't hesitate, you have to owe her this favor again.