Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 181 is not comfort, in-depth analysis

Originally, even if there was a doctor's diagnosis and treatment, Huang Wuniang was the daughter after all. Regarding acupuncture or "consultation", the imperial doctor could only guide the medical women to carry out. The women of traditional Chinese medicine were originally from official slaves, and the medical officers chose those with talent to teach them simple medical skills. Compared with Jiang Wei, their medical skills were not as good.

Jiang Wei volunteered to diagnose and treat Huang Wuniang, which undoubtedly added a few points compared with before.

Therefore, both Jian Ninghou and Mrs. were grateful for Jiang Wei's arrival. They immediately prepared the car and sent them to the outskirts of the city. The old lady took the hand of the scenery and burst into tears: "Jing'er, good child, you think of Zhou Dao. Poor my fifth girl, do you really respond to the monk's words? It's good. The earth brought disaster from the sky, and only asked for the blessing of the Bodhisattva to let her get through this disaster.

Yijing saw that her grandmother looked tired and the questions in her heart were not easy to say. She comforted her a few words before she sat down with a cup of tea. She heard that her third aunt had heard the news and rushed to visit her.

Juanniang was also a little confused. She first asked carefully, and then comforted the old lady. Then she led Yijing and Jiang Yue to visit Mrs. Hou. She listened to it again and cried, but she didn't realize what the mistake was.

However, Jianninghou said that he was originally on guard against the second room of the concubine and ordered Mrs. Hou to warn her that no matter what anyone in the second room brought food or material use, she could not enter Wu Niang's yard. In order to prevent it, Mrs. Hou was thoroughly implemented. Her daughter's diet was arranged by her, and she was afraid that it would happen. Leak, when Juan Niang asked, Mrs. Hou herself said that there was nothing strange about it. She just said that her daughter's life was suffering and she was on guard. She could prevent people but could not prevent God's will. She was already very frustrated in her words.

Even Jiang Yue said that since the appearance of the Yunyou monk, including Liu Niang and her visiting Wu Niang, they could not bring food in. What's more, regardless of others, the sisters of the concubines could not even get close to Wu Niang's yard.

Yijing had never left Hou's house. He heard that one of the maids who had had fever earlier had died. Jianning listened to others' advice and even found him for an autopsy, and also said that he had died of acne.

On the way back, the scenery thought about everyone's words again, and there was no loophole.

But why did my cousin, who was disease-free in the last life suddenly suffer from a bad disease in this life? Will the change of a person's fate if the marriage is changed?

Over the night, nightmares continued. There were ferocious faces of Mother Song and unclear shadows. They surrounded themselves with their teeth and claws. The beautiful scene was panicking and dod, but she saw the fifth cousins covered with blood stains coming towards her. A short distance from her, she smiled on her side: "My life is folded in the hands of my sisters."

When I woke up, I was in a cold sweat all over my body. The scenery only felt dizzy and anxious. After a sound, my mind gradually became clear.

Yu Yu came to Luqingyuan in the afternoon. She looked at the beautiful scenery and realized that she hadn't seen her for a day. She was actually haggard a lot, and she was a little anxious. She quickly told Huidu about the morning: "Yesterday, Awei has diagnosed her pulse with the wife of Houfu and confirmed that she was suffering from acne, and no one was poisoned. Framed, fifth sister, there are things that can't be saved by manpower. You have done your best.

He knows why she can't feel at ease.

"Five sister, according to A Wei, the situation of Houfu's wife is very critical..." Although he couldn't bear it, Yu Yu still decided to tell the truth: "I also asked Mr. Qinggu, and he said that he was not sure about such a serious disease. Because the patients are different, the prescriptions will also change. Although it is important to take the right medicine, it also depends on the individual's fate.

When I learned that my cousin was not poisoned, the burden of the scenery was reduced a little, but I was still worried: "So, is there a possibility that people are infected with acne?"

"Sir said that it is not without this possibility. For example, the so-called 'acne clothing method' actually allows children to wear close-fitting clothes of patients with acne to promote acne. Because of the slow attack with this method, timely symptomatic treatment can not only have no life-thre fear, but can play an immune role. As soon as it causes acne, It's nine deaths." Yu Yu said again.

Yijing frowned slightly, so it can't be ruled out that her cousin was harmed.

If someone mixes the outer acne clothes into the inner house... After all, the acne clothes method is aimed at children to be immune. As they get older, once they get sick, they become more and more dangerous. In addition, this time, only the maids are infected first. The cousin seems to have been infected by them, which causes a malignant disease.

However, according to my aunt, my cousin has been taking extreme precautions over the past few days. Even the maids can't go out, and it is impossible for outsiders to bring in the stained clothes. Except for the sixth cousin and Jiang Yue, others can't even step into the yard.

Are you really too suspicious?

"Five sister, what else are you worried about besides this?" Yu Yu asked again.

Yijing was slightly stunned and didn't understand why Yu Yu could see through her mind.

"You seem to be guilty, or blaming yourself..." Yu Yu turned against the guest, emptied a cup of warm tea and handed it to Yijing: "What happened?"

Between the handover, the fingertips touched gently, and the very weak warmth made the uneasiness in Yijing's heart ripple slightly, cracking a slit, and the anxiety seemed to be uncontrollable.

Then he talked about Chanjuan's death and Aunt Mei's impurity, including Sun Luobu and Dr. Hu.

"It was my fault. I knew that Mother Song was malicious, but I didn't eradicate her because of a moment of hesitation." Yijing was very annoyed: "I always take it for granted that I try to change and obstruct some things, but these things still happen. I really don't overestimate myself."

Yu Yu shook his head slightly: "It's not your fault."

Seeing that the girl was still depressed, Yu Yu said thoughtfully, "I'm not comforting you. First, as you think, even if you can let Mother Jiang confess to Mother Song, won't Mother Jiang bite back and say that she framed? What the eighth sister witnessed was Mother Jiang's murder, not Mother Song. Her aunt and Mother Song have a life-and-death friendship. I'm afraid that they may not believe Mother Jiang's nonsense. In addition, on the surface, Mother Song has no motive to kill Yinpin at all, and you have no evidence to prove that Song Sha is the dead Tian Aniu. This matter is too sensational. If you don't find out the details, how can your aunt believe it?

"To take ten thousand steps back, even if Mother Song plead guilty, I think she will make up a foolproof excuse to ask for her aunt and grandmother's sympathy... Silver hairpin herself may not be wrong. Mother Song fell on any more charges on her. In the end, maybe she did this evil thing to protect the voice of the country's family. Maybe it will be done. "The meritorious minister."

"To take another 10,000 steps back, Mother Song is in chaos. She did not defend herself for a moment. She thought she would also ask for the old feelings and soften her aunt's heart. She is not a slave of the government, but the daughter of an official eunuch. Whether it is national law or human favor, will her aunt still want her to die? If she is fully retreated, even if her aunt is on guard, she can't prevent her from doing evil in the dark. Will Mother Song lose her shelter if she leaves the state mansion? As long as the Song family is still there and can support her, she is a huge hidden danger.

This is indeed a point of hesitation at the beginning. As long as Mother Song does not die, the disaster will still exist.

"But based on speculation alone, you can't put her to death. Besides, if you don't dig out the evil cause in the dark, not to mention that the fifth sister can't feel at ease, if it's me, I won't act rashly." Yu Yu added: "Besides, although Mother Song participated in the matter of Aunt Mei, fundamentally, it is still because of the swelling of greed in Aunt Mei's heart. If it hadn's not been for Dr. Hu's 'diagnosis, Aunt Mei would not have successfully given birth to a child, and she might not have designed the second aunt and fifth sister because of custody or other desires. Can it still stop her ambition?

Yu Yu smiled and said, "I'm afraid that in the future, Aunt Mei will definitely seek the position of wife for the benefit of her children. If the second aunt is murdered because of this, will the fifth sister blame herself?"

Binjing frowned and was obviously confused by Yu's words.

"But the matter of the orchid hairpin is also related to Mother Song. The fifth sister has to pay more attention to it. Therefore, I agree with your opinion. At present, Mother Song can no longer be allowed to be safe and sound. At least his adopted son can no longer control the heavy position of general manager."

"Unfortunately, the Sun Luopo was found, and Mother Song had already found this flaw. I heard Sanshun say that today that the man has taken a boat to Ninghai. He must have benefited Songfu and defected to the Song family." Yijing sighed: "Otherwise, if you convince this person to confess what Songfu has asked him to do, at least it will make Grandma doubt Mother Song and guard her."

"I don't think Song spoke will act so carelessly. Since he can bribe this person, this person must give up on him." Yu Yu shook his head and shook his head: "The fifth sister has to find other ways, and must pay attention to be measured. The right blow will not make Song's mother and son retreat. If they really say that they have no face and want to go back to Ninghai, they will be out of reach in the future. However, in my opinion, Song's plan will be great. If it hadn't been in a desperate situation, they would not have given up the state government. As long as the fifth sister is mastered properly, it is enough to play the role of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger. For the time being, Song's mother and son dare not do anything wrong, but they have wings of hope, endure humiliation, and plan for the future.

Yu Yu's words really enlightened the scenery.

Although I still can't figure out what Mother Song is trying to do, it must be related to Song'sfu, which is nothing more than the four words of glory and wealth.

She deliberately let Dongyu enter the Green Qingyuan and seek her own trust. The purpose is probably to figure out one or two - and it is precisely because she figured out this that Mother Song has no intention to kill her at least at present. At least she has to wait until she gets married, so that Dongyu will fly. The opportunity to make a phoenix on the branch.

Songfu, the general manager, is too powerful, coupled with a powerful Mother Song, which is really threatening.

Or it can temporarily leave such a "hope" like winter rain, but it must make Mother Song and Songfu lose power.

In this way, Dongyu is "reliable" and will no longer act rashly, leaving her with such a clue, so as to find out the "secret" of Mother Song and find a way to eradicate her.

If the winter rain is used properly, it will become a dagger and hit Mother Song's heart.

Only a hefty charge can be added to him, and with such a small murder case as the death of Yinhai, can lead to Mother Song in an eternal situation.

"Five sister, Song's malicious target is the State Mansion. You shouldn't take the burden alone. It's time for your aunt to take precautions." Yu Yu finally reminded.

Wing Jing sighed slightly: "Thank you for your suggestion."

"Why do you thank me?" Yu Yu suddenly smiled.

Bingjing was slightly stunned.

"My fifth sister owes me another favor." He couldn't help patting the girl's shoulder, and Yu Yu shook his head: "When the fifth sister's 'great success', you have to find an opportunity to take a seat and formally invite me, but this matter has to waste some mental energy. Don't be exhausted by the fifth sister. At that time, she will say that she will 'repose' and will work. If things are delayed later, interest will have to be included.

The son's serious plan finally made the beautiful scene laugh.

"I just know that Brother Yuan is so calculating. Brother, don't worry, I will definitely do it before your birthday in July. Please have a good meal."

Is it a feast? Yu Yu clenched his fist on his lips, coughed shallowly, and lowered his eyes to hide his sudden "don't have any intention".