Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 248 Rainstorm is obscure, left and right dilemma

The wind rolled up dark clouds like surging to cover the sky and the sun. A silver thunder sharply pierced the sky. Behind the Montenegro, the twists and turns spread out light and shadow like spider silk, instantly shattered the dark cloud, and it was just a hasty, and the muffled thunder rolled, approaching, and exploded on the green tiles.

The whole court was full of green bamboo and Kezhi, and the sky and the earth turned into a vast expanse.

The rainstorm is like a waterfall, penetrating July, the five-year celebration.

Although it was only afternoon, it was like a painted night. The bronze lamp stand on the side of the indoor case and the blurred light and shadow in the windshield fell on the man's sinking face.

He closed his eyes and leaned against the couch, as if sleeping peacefully in the wind and rain.

The pale cyan sleeves drooped, and were broken by the wind from the window, revealing the thin wrist hanging on the armrest.

And the other slightly raised hand, the index finger still taps the eyebrows with the noisy rhythm of the rain.

It turned out that he was not sleepy, just closed his eyes and meditated.

On this day, Yu Yu just learned that the flood in the two counties had "quietly" occurred.

From the beginning of the month, the first rainstorm raided. After learning that Meng Gao was in prison, it seemed to have developed in an unpredictable direction.

It is undeniable that at the beginning, Meng Gao was sent to Pi Nan as the main source.

Meng Gao is extremely arrogant, and his own ability is still uncertain, but he directly denounces the obscurity of the officialdom, and most of the officials and courtiers who drifted with the tide, but the key points. However, the reason why Yu Yu recommended him to serve is to investigate and sharpen, especially arrange people in Pinan, which was severely affected in those years. More importantly, It is to win over Meng Gao's practitioner Qiao Jizhong.

In the previous life, the flood in Bingzhou was stabbed before the Tianzi case with the outbreak of the epidemic. I don't know the details of when it actually happened, but some of them must have concealed the disaster.

According to the past, when the disaster arrives in Beijing, the county magistrates of the five counties will be convicted of concealing the disaster.

According to Yu, he thought that the county magistrates of the five counties had no motive to conceal and not report it. This matter is like a Tibetan cone in the brocade. It can't penetrate the time problem and can't be concealed. Once the disaster is announced, tens of thousands of innocent people have died, and the five county magistrates must be the first to bear the brunt. Don't they understand that the disaster is desperate?

What is the reason that makes the water conservancy officials of the Ministry of Industry obscure and the unpredictable people hide the disaster situation in the state?

How can the profite of this disaster be just a drug dealer in Bingzhou City?

Let Meng Gao go to Pinan. As expected, he will be involved in this incident. His straightforward temperament and inexperienced innocence will make him taste the setback of "unfailed success".

And only by detecting the truth that caused the flood can the innocent officials be returned.

Qiao Jizhong valued righteousness and extremely protected his shortcomings. When he learned that Meng Gao was in a dirty prison, he would never stand by. Yu Yu hoped that he was good at water conservancy knowledge, investigate the real cause of floods, eradicate hidden worries, and return a home for the people of the five counties to live and work in peace. Of course, another important point is to "catch" those in the morning and punish them according to national law.

Meng Gao was inexplicably involved in the murder case. According to the inspection, the charge turned out to be the rape and murder of a civilian woman...

This matter must be framed. Meng Gao, the nine masters of the region, has offended any powerful and suffered death in just two months? However, the local Tianchawei could not understand the hidden situation, but when he was detained in the state government, Pi Nan's water disaster had nothing to do with the disaster.

Apart from this point, Yu Yu learned that Shide and Jin Xiang's letters were frequent, especially after mid-June, he even sent his cronies and Jin Xiang's secret merchants, but Jin Xiang acted cautiously, and the eyeliner in the prime minister's mansion could not find out the truth.

In those years, Jin Xiang's party argued with reason, claiming that the merchants were also the people of Dalong and could not ignore the interests of the drug dealers. Obviously, this natural and man-made disaster had nothing to do with Jin Xiang, and tens of thousands of people lost their lives. It should be the tragic disaster caused by this traitor covering the sky and making heavy profits.

At the thought of this, Yu Yu's fingertips were slightly hanging.

He is not sure how much the local nobles are involved, but if he can find evidence of gold and crime, he can give him a heavy blow.

Whether Yu has the intention to make friends or the emperor pretends to be favored, it is to let Jin Xiang continue to be "arrogant". He does not realize that the nobles have collapsed. At the same time, it is also to hide people's ears and ears - Jin Xiang's cunning. Yu Wei does not hope to be deeply "trusted" by this person and deceives him to tell the truth, but North China Many nobles have been implicated by the old relationship with the King of Chu, or can be "blinded" by a series of illusions, relax their defense, and mistakenly think that Yu will help the prime minister " get out of trouble". At this time, there is an opportunity to peel off the cocoon and implement the truth. Originally, everything was going on in an orderly manner, but Meng Gao was in disaster and learned that the flood was originally At this time, it had already happened, and indeed, after there was someone who did not report the disaster, Yu's determination, at this time, he wavered.

By August, Meng Gao may have died in unjust prison.

After all, this man is in danger because of him. Even if sometimes it is inevitable to sacrifice his innocence for the sake of the overall situation, Yu Yu still can't stand by until he has to.

But if you intervene at this time and save Meng Gao from danger, it is very likely to scare the snake.

Yu Yu believes that Meng Gao should have found something strange. With his rigidity, he will definitely conflict with people and not eat soft and hard, which will cause trouble.

After all, it was with Chang Shanbo's face and Zheng Naining's assassination that caused such a big disturbance, and Meng Gao was not directly killed.

However, Meng Gao's matter had not been found, and when it was difficult for Yu to make a decision, he actually learned about the flood of the two counties.

This is quite different from the situation in the previous life. Only Pinan and Tang County were affected by the disaster. Although the countryside was destroyed and the people lost their lives, there were not many casualties. However, as in the previous life, some people secretly reported the disaster. If the county magistrates of the two places are innocent and hide the disaster from the disaster...

Yu's index finger moved gently and gently knocked on the center of his eyebrows.

To put, the chapters written by Dalong's ministers are divided into two categories: affairs and policy theory. Local officials' statements of disasters, disasters and disturbances are different from impeachment. Local governors such as Zhizhou and magistrates are qualified to impeach imperial officials and colleagues. This kind of memorials are sealed by fire and sealed by the general affairs department directly to the holy case, only outside the emperor. People have no right to read, and there is another kind of close relatives and officials of the Holy One, who have nothing to do with their grades and have the right to compromise.

However, the chapters reported by Pinan and Tang County do not belong to the category of "secret folds".

According to the law, when the county magistrates of the two counties should immediately report the disaster, and send subordinates to report the disaster to the higher state government.

When the local memorial seal arrives in Kyoto, it is first read by the officials of the General Administration Department and sent to the Provincial Political Hall of China. If it is not an important government affairs, it belongs to the executive within the authority of the two phases. After referring to the two phases, they can discuss and deal with it, and then submit the memorial to the holy case. However, if there is a report of the disaster situation, the two corresponding documents are immediately submitted to the emperor, which is the "critical first" One category.

At present, the emperor has not been played for two reasons.

Either the county magistrates of the two counties concealed the disaster, or the prime minister or the general secretary hid the memorial.

If the county magistrates of the two counties do not hide the law, the person who conceals the disaster is Bingzhou Zhizhou and the two phases and the chief political department.

Zhizhou Shide is a member of the Jinxiang Party, but the life of Jinxiang is a cluster.

However, Jin and Qin are in the same situation. They have their own trusted officials in the Tongzheng Department and pay great attention to the supervision of local affairs. In addition, according to the procedures, the local affairs regulations are sent to the Tongzheng Department, which can be classified and submitted by the two governors. Since the record, the number of them has been observed, and it also plays a role in mutual supervision, and is responsible for changing the context. The two governors are close friends of Jin and Qin. If Zhongshu Province wants to hide the memorial, there is only one possibility, that is, they will join hands with each other.

Yu Yu thought that the county magistrates of Pinan and Tang County did not have the courage and motivation to hide the disaster. They were born in a poor family. They were neither noble nor a family, nor did they make friends with powerful people. They had no support behind them, and they could not get any benefits from this incident. Why is there no doubt that they would die?

So, is it the two of Jin and Qin who joined hands?

This is even more incredible.

Finally, his fingertips pressed his eyebrows, and Yu Yu slowly opened his eyes.

The corners of the eyes are slender, and the eyes are secluded.

The key that makes him difficult to determine is not these insoluble doubts.

Malaria only broke out in August, but at present, water disasters have occurred. The most critical point is that only two counties were affected, and the losses were not heavy. It can be inferred that some people concealed the disaster in those years, and the subsequent series of torrential rains and floods affected the five counties, which eventually led to an outbreak of malaria and tens of thousands of people died of diseases!

He didn't expect that the flood was divided into light and heavy.

If you tell the disaster in the two counties at this time, seize the opportunity to find out the cause of the flood and prevent it, so that the disaster can be avoided. However, the truth of that year was no longer clear, and it was avoided by the destruction of the flood in the five counties, and the disaster of malaria will not happen again. Jin Xiang can't collude with Xun Gui to take advantage of the disaster. Li, even if the matter of "hiding the disaster" is pointed directly to Jin Rongzhong, it is not difficult for him to introduce a person who is guilty.

It is difficult to hit Jin Xiang hard, and these days of arrangement and planning have become a waste of time.

If you ignore it, let things follow the original trajectory...

This is related to the life and death of tens of thousands of innocent people! In case there is a gap, it can't be saved...

If this flood, as he originally thought, was fierce and unavoidable at first. Of course, he could only intervene when malaria first broke out according to the plan, but there was a clear warning, and as a person who learned of the danger, he only ignored the safety of the people and stood by and stood by...

What's the difference between

and Jin Rong?

Yu Yu gradually tightened his palms and clenched his fists on the case.

When the candlelight swayed slightly, the rain outside the window was still obscure.

The thunder sounded faintly and suddenly exploded on the green tile.

Yu Yu got up and frowned.

Even if all the plans will be chaotic, even if you can only temporarily let Jin Rongzhong be arrogant in the court...

He has made a decision!

When the emperor reported that he would strictly prevent floods in Bingzhou, he must investigate why the land that had not been flooded for a hundred years would be affected by this rain before the arrival of a greater natural disaster. As for the excuse to know the disaster - there is now, in order to differentiate the situation between the nobles and Jin Xiang in North China and other places, he arranged Tianchawei to secretly collect intelligence. I didn't want to know about the water infestation in the two counties.

Bingzhou and Jinyang are separated from Yannan Zhili Zhuzhou, but it only takes two days to pass the fast horse post, and it has been five days since the flood occurred. The imperial court has not received a report, but the secret report of Tianchawei arrived first!

is enough to make the emperor think about it.

"Prepare the car, I want to enter the palace immediately!" Yu Yu told him to lean against the porch outside the study, and he was stunned by the number of lightning strokes.

"The son of the world, there are thunderstorms..."

Seeing that Yu Yu had gone out along the corridor, Huidu took a deep breath, lifted his oil shawl, and rushed into the vastness.

But the car driver of the prince of Chu has just left Zhengfang...

"Turn back and go to the Duke of Wei first."

Yu's order once again made Huidu full of doubts.